231,672 research outputs found

    The Alternating Stock Size Problem and the Gasoline Puzzle

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    Given a set S of integers whose sum is zero, consider the problem of finding a permutation of these integers such that: (i) all prefix sums of the ordering are nonnegative, and (ii) the maximum value of a prefix sum is minimized. Kellerer et al. referred to this problem as the "Stock Size Problem" and showed that it can be approximated to within 3/2. They also showed that an approximation ratio of 2 can be achieved via several simple algorithms. We consider a related problem, which we call the "Alternating Stock Size Problem", where the number of positive and negative integers in the input set S are equal. The problem is the same as above, but we are additionally required to alternate the positive and negative numbers in the output ordering. This problem also has several simple 2-approximations. We show that it can be approximated to within 1.79. Then we show that this problem is closely related to an optimization version of the gasoline puzzle due to Lov\'asz, in which we want to minimize the size of the gas tank necessary to go around the track. We present a 2-approximation for this problem, using a natural linear programming relaxation whose feasible solutions are doubly stochastic matrices. Our novel rounding algorithm is based on a transformation that yields another doubly stochastic matrix with special properties, from which we can extract a suitable permutation

    Improving Optimization Bounds using Machine Learning: Decision Diagrams meet Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Finding tight bounds on the optimal solution is a critical element of practical solution methods for discrete optimization problems. In the last decade, decision diagrams (DDs) have brought a new perspective on obtaining upper and lower bounds that can be significantly better than classical bounding mechanisms, such as linear relaxations. It is well known that the quality of the bounds achieved through this flexible bounding method is highly reliant on the ordering of variables chosen for building the diagram, and finding an ordering that optimizes standard metrics is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we propose an innovative and generic approach based on deep reinforcement learning for obtaining an ordering for tightening the bounds obtained with relaxed and restricted DDs. We apply the approach to both the Maximum Independent Set Problem and the Maximum Cut Problem. Experimental results on synthetic instances show that the deep reinforcement learning approach, by achieving tighter objective function bounds, generally outperforms ordering methods commonly used in the literature when the distribution of instances is known. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first paper to apply machine learning to directly improve relaxation bounds obtained by general-purpose bounding mechanisms for combinatorial optimization problems.Comment: Accepted and presented at AAAI'1

    Hydrogen atom in phase space. The Kirkwood-Rihaczek representation

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    We present a phase-space representation of the hydrogen atom using the Kirkwood-Rikaczek distribution function. This distribution allows us to obtain analytical results, which is quite unique because an exact analytical form of the Wigner functions corresponding to the atom states is not known. We show how the Kirkwood-Rihaczek distribution reflects properties of the hydrogen atom wave functions in position and momentum representations.Comment: 5 pages (and 5 figures

    Dynamical interpretation of the wavefunction of the universe

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    In this paper, we study the physical meaning of the wavefunction of the universe. With the continuity equation derived from the Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation in the minisuperspace model, we show that the quantity ρ(a)=ψ(a)2\rho(a)=|\psi(a)|^2 for the universe is inversely proportional to the Hubble parameter of the universe. Thus, ρ(a)\rho(a) represents the probability density of the universe staying in the state aa during its evolution, which we call the dynamical interpretation of the wavefunction of the universe. We demonstrate that the dynamical interpretation can predict the evolution laws of the universe in the classical limit as those given by the Friedmann equation. Furthermore, we show that the value of the operator ordering factor pp in the WDW equation can be determined to be p=2p=-2

    Iterative solutions to the steady state density matrix for optomechanical systems

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    We present a sparse matrix permutation from graph theory that gives stable incomplete Lower-Upper (LU) preconditioners necessary for iterative solutions to the steady state density matrix for quantum optomechanical systems. This reordering is efficient, adding little overhead to the computation, and results in a marked reduction in both memory and runtime requirements compared to other solution methods, with performance gains increasing with system size. Either of these benchmarks can be tuned via the preconditioner accuracy and solution tolerance. This reordering optimizes the condition number of the approximate inverse, and is the only method found to be stable at large Hilbert space dimensions. This allows for steady state solutions to otherwise intractable quantum optomechanical systems.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Symmetry Breaking Constraints: Recent Results

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    Symmetry is an important problem in many combinatorial problems. One way of dealing with symmetry is to add constraints that eliminate symmetric solutions. We survey recent results in this area, focusing especially on two common and useful cases: symmetry breaking constraints for row and column symmetry, and symmetry breaking constraints for eliminating value symmetryComment: To appear in Proceedings of Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12

    Learning optimization models in the presence of unknown relations

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    In a sequential auction with multiple bidding agents, it is highly challenging to determine the ordering of the items to sell in order to maximize the revenue due to the fact that the autonomy and private information of the agents heavily influence the outcome of the auction. The main contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we demonstrate how to apply machine learning techniques to solve the optimal ordering problem in sequential auctions. We learn regression models from historical auctions, which are subsequently used to predict the expected value of orderings for new auctions. Given the learned models, we propose two types of optimization methods: a black-box best-first search approach, and a novel white-box approach that maps learned models to integer linear programs (ILP) which can then be solved by any ILP-solver. Although the studied auction design problem is hard, our proposed optimization methods obtain good orderings with high revenues. Our second main contribution is the insight that the internal structure of regression models can be efficiently evaluated inside an ILP solver for optimization purposes. To this end, we provide efficient encodings of regression trees and linear regression models as ILP constraints. This new way of using learned models for optimization is promising. As the experimental results show, it significantly outperforms the black-box best-first search in nearly all settings.Comment: 37 pages. Working pape