581 research outputs found

    Convertisseurs à bobine variable pour applications de transport durables

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    Abstract: Power electronics converters are key components and enable efficient conversion and management of electrical energy in a wide range of applications. For vehicular use, there is an inevitable need to improve their performance and reducing their size. This is particularly important in case of powertrain DC-DC converters as they are required to have improved performance while respecting the specifications, characteristics and stringent space limitations. These objectives define research targets and a particular progress is essential in the field of passive components, semiconductor devices, converter topologies and control. At the current state of technologies, the passive components particularly the power inductors are dominant components which affect the overall volume, cost and performance of power electronic converters. Considering the aforementioned critical aspects, this thesis proposes a variable inductor (VI) concept in order to reduce the weight and size power inductors which are traditionally bulky and have fairly limited operating range. By modulating the permeability of the magnetic material, this concept enhances the current handling capability of power inductors, controls the current ripples, reduces the magnetic and switching losses, as well as the stresses applied to switching devices. Furthermore, it enables the use of smaller cores which leads to the reduction of mass and volume allowing improvements in the converter operation and its overall performance. However, to integrate it into powertrain DC-DC converters, it is fundamental, to question the design of the component itself, the selection of suitable magnetic core materials, and the control of current in the auxiliary winding and saturation management of magnetic cores. This thesis systematically addresses these different research challenges. A particular attention is paid to the experimental study of a VI prototype to demonstrate the concept on a small-scale in order to explore its viability. Subsequently a detailed characterization was developed using finite element analysis to determine the intrinsic functionality of the passive component. Furthermore, this thesis proposed an RMS current based VI design to reduce oversizing of power inductors for electric vehicles application. In this methodology, the selection of a suitable magnetic core material is a crucial step to assure smaller and efficient converters. Hence, this thesis proposes a simplified approach based on weighted property method (WPM) for an appropriate selection of magnetic core in accordance to the needs of the user. Furthermore, to validate the integration of this concept in DC-DC converter topology used in the powertrain of electrified vehicles, an affine parameterization method is used to design the control parameters and a simple management strategy is proposed to enable dynamic control of the VI. The converter control and the proposed strategy are evaluated through simulations of a complete powertrain of a three-wheel recreational vehicle. The small-scale experimental and simulations, and full-scale simulations have demonstrated an interesting capacity of the VI for improving the performance of DC-DC converters for electrified vehicles and manage the saturation of the magnetic core while reducing the size and weight of magnetic components.Les convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance sont des composants clés de la conversion et gestion efficace de l’énergie électrique dans une large gamme d’applications. Pour des utilisations véhiculaires, il est inévitablement nécessaire d’améliorer leurs performances et de réduire leur taille. Ceci est particulièrement important dans le cas des convertisseurs à courant continu (CC) de la chaine de traction où des performances améliorées en réponse à une large gamme de variations de charge sont recherchées tout en respectant les spécificités, caractéristiques et limitation d’espace nécessaires aux véhicules électrifiés. Ces objectifs définissent une cible de recherche et en particulier des progrès sont essentiels dans le domaine des composants passifs, des dispositifs semi-conducteurs, des topologies des convertisseurs et leurs commandes pour généraliser l’utilisation de véhicules électriques. Les composants passifs, en particulier les inductances de puissance, sont des composants dominants qui affectent le volume global, le coût et les performances de ces convertisseurs d’électroniques de puissance. Compte tenu de ces aspects, cette thèse propose un concept de bobine variable afin de réduire le poids et la taille des inductances de puissance qui sont traditionnellement encombrantes et ont une gamme de fonctionnement assez limitée. En modulant la perméabilité du matériau magnétique, ce concept améliore la capacité de gestion du courant des bobines de puissance, contrôle les ondulations du courant et réduit les pertes magnétiques et par commutation, bien comme les contraintes appliquées aux dispositifs de commutation. En outre, il permet l’utilisation de noyaux plus petits, ce qui entraîne une réduction de masse et de volume, en permettant une amélioration du fonctionnement du convertisseur et de ses performances globales. Cependant, pour l’intégrer aux convertisseurs CC-CC utilisés dans la chaine de traction, il est fondamental de se questionner sur la conception du composant lui-même, la sélection du matériau magnétique, la commande du courant de l’enroulement auxiliaire et la gestion de la saturation du noyau magnétique. Cette thèse aborde de manière systématique ces différents défis de recherche. Une attention particulière est accordée à l’étude expérimentale d’un prototype de bobine variable pour faire la preuve de concept à petite échelle afin d’explorer sa viabilité. Par la suite, une large caractérisation par éléments finis a été développée pour déterminer le fonctionnement intrinsèque de ce composant passif. De plus, cette thèse propose une méthode systématique de design de bobine variable basée sur le courant RMS pour réduire le surdimensionnement traditionnellement associer aux inductances de puissance pour des applications véhiculaires. Dans cette méthodologie, la sélection appropriée du matériau pour le noyau magnétique est une étape cruciale pour garantir des convertisseurs plus petits et efficaces, donc une démarche de sélection simplifiée basée sur la méthode des propriétés pondérées pour le choix de noyau magnétique approprié au besoin de l’application a été mis au point. De plus, pour valider l’intégration de ce concept dans une topologie de convertisseur CC-CC traditionnellement utilisée dans la chaine de traction des véhicules électrifiés, une méthode de synthèse affine a été utilisée pour définir les paramètres des contrôleurs de courant et une stratégie de gestion de la saturation du noyau a été proposée pour permettre le contrôle dynamique de la bobine variable. La commande du convertisseur et la stratégie ont été évaluées par simulation d’une chaine de traction complète d’un véhicule récréatif réel. Les résultats expérimentaux à petite échelle et simulations à pleine échelle ont démontrés des capacités intéressantes de cette bobine variable pour l’amélioration des performances des convertisseurs CC-CC, ayant la capacité de gestion de la saturation du noyau magnétique tout en réduisant la taille et le poids de ces composants passifs, dans le but de son utilisation dans la chaine de traction des véhicules électrifiés

    Data-Driven Constraint Handling in Multi-Objective Inductor Design

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    This paper analyses the multi-objective design of an inductor for a DC-DC buck converter. The core volume and total losses are the two competing objectives, which should be minimised while satisfying the design constraints on the required differential inductance profile and the maximum overheating. The multi-objective optimisation problem is solved by means of a population-based metaheuristic algorithm based on Artificial Immune Systems (AIS). Despite its effectiveness in finding the Pareto front, the algorithm requires the evaluation of many candidate solutions before converging. In the case of the inductor design problem, the evaluation of a configuration is time-consuming. In fact, a non-linear iterative technique (fixed point) is needed to obtain the differential inductance profile of the configuration, as it may operate in conditions of partial saturation. However, many configurations evaluated during an optimisation do not comply with the design constraint, resulting in expensive and unnecessary calculations. Therefore, this paper proposes the adoption of a data-driven surrogate model in a pre-selection phase of the optimisation. The adopted model should classify newly generated configurations as compliant or not with the design constraint. Configurations classified as unfeasible are disregarded, thus avoiding the computational burden of their complete evaluation. Interesting results have been obtained, both in terms of avoided configuration evaluations and the quality of the Pareto front found by the optimisation procedure

    Identification of DC thermal steady-state differential inductance of ferrite power inductors

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    In this paper, we propose a method for the identification of the differential inductance of saturable ferrite inductors adopted in DC–DC converters, considering the influence of the operating temperature. The inductor temperature rise is caused mainly by its losses, neglecting the heating contribution by the other components forming the converter layout. When the ohmic losses caused by the average current represent the principal portion of the inductor power losses, the steady-state temperature of the component can be related to the average current value. Under this assumption, usual for saturable inductors in DC–DC converters, the presented experimental setup and characterization method allow identifying a DC thermal steady-state differential inductance profile of a ferrite inductor. The curve is obtained from experimental measurements of the inductor voltage and current waveforms, at different average current values, that lead the component to operate from the linear region of the magnetization curve up to the saturation. The obtained inductance profile can be adopted to simulate the current waveform of a saturable inductor in a DC–DC converter, providing accurate results under a wide range of switching frequency, input voltage, duty cycle, and out-put current values

    Methods and algorithms for behavioral modeling of ferrite power inductors

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    2017 - 2018Information technology allows solving numerous problems regarding all the aspects of everyday life, including technical activities related to the design of devices and systems. In the electronic eld, di erent types of softwares are widely used to support designers in solving the problems of electronic cir- cuit design, at device level and system level. Power electronics is one of the most important modern technologies, since power supply systems are used to feed any electric and electronic device and system in manifold applications (e.g. computers, automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, etc). Switch- ing power supply design is mostly driven by high e ciency and high reliability requirements. The strong non linearity of switching power supplies and the di culty of application of advanced design methodologies often push design- ers to adopt a conservative approach, based on simpli ed robust and reliable methods. This mostly result in sub-optimal design solutions characterized by components oversizing. This dissertation discusses innovative applications of enhanced numerical techniques and intelligent algorithms to power supplies optimization and design. The impact of innovative modeling and computing techniques in the discovery of novel advanced solutions outperforming the traditional conservative designs is emphasized. Power electronics is ever moving towards higher e ciency and higher power density. Magnetic components | inductors and transformers | oc- cupy a signi cant amount of space in today's Switch-Mode Power Supplies (SMPSs), and furthermore, considerable losses occur in these components. In order to achieve a higher level of miniaturization, reduction in the size of these components is crucial. Ferrite Power Inductors (FPIs) are usually the rst choice for high-e ciency designs of SMPS, thanks to their resulting low losses. However, FPIs su er of a pretty sharp inductance drop when their current exceeds a certain threshold, occurring due to the saturation of their magnetic 2 core. In SMPS design, it is commonly considered a good practice to select FPIs operating in the region of weak saturation (within about 20% inductance drop). This limitation is due to the lack of methods for quick prediction of real impact of FPIs saturation in SPMS applications. The consequence of the adoption of such conventional design approach is that inductors are often oversized. … [edited by author]XVII n.s. (XXXI ciclo

    Design Approaches to Enhance Power Density in Power Converters for Traction Applications

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    This dissertation presents a design strategy to increase the power density for automotive Power Conversion Units (PCUs) consisting of DC-DC and DC-AC stages. The strategy significantly improves the volumetric power density, as evident by a proposed PCU constructed and tested having 55.6 kW/L, representing an 11.2 % improvement on the Department of Energy’s 2025 goal of 50 kW/L for the same power electronics architecture. The dissertation begins with a custom magnetic design procedure, based on optimization of a predetermined C-core geometrical relationship and custom Litz wire. It accounts for electrical and thermal tradeoffs to produce a magnetic structure to best accomplish volume and thermal constraints. This work is coupled with a control strategy for the DC-DC converter whereby a variable-frequency Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) control is used to further reduce the required values of the passive components, to provide an increase in power density and a large improvement of low-power-level efficiency, experimentally demonstrated at full power through an 80 kW Interleaved Boost Converter. Integration of this enhanced DC-DC stage to the DC-AC stage requires a DC-Link capacitor, which hinders achieving power density targets. Increasing the switching frequency is an established method of reducing the size of passives. However, it is the RMS current sizing requirements that diminishes any gains achieved by raising the switching frequency. A synchronous carrier phase shift-based control algorithm, that aligns the output current of the boost stage with the input current of an inverter, is proposed to reduce the RMS current in the DC-Link capacitor by up to 25% and an average 20% smaller capacitor volume. Lastly, a new electrothermal platform based on paralleled discrete devices is presented for a 50 kW traction inverter. Embedded capacitors within the vacant volume of the hybrid material thermal management structure enables higher power density (155 kW/L) and significantly reduces cost

    Design Approaches to Enhance Power Density in Power Converters for Traction Applications

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    This dissertation presents a design strategy to increase the power density for automotive Power Conversion Units (PCUs) consisting of DC-DC and DC-AC stages. The strategy significantly improves the volumetric power density, as evident by a proposed PCU constructed and tested having 55.6 kW/L, representing an 11.2 % improvement on the Department of Energy’s 2025 goal of 50 kW/L for the same power electronics architecture. The dissertation begins with a custom magnetic design procedure, based on optimization of a predetermined C-core geometrical relationship and custom Litz wire. It accounts for electrical and thermal tradeoffs to produce a magnetic structure to best accomplish volume and thermal constraints. This work is coupled with a control strategy for the DC-DC converter whereby a variable-frequency Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) control is used to further reduce the required values of the passive components, to provide an increase in power density and a large improvement of low-power-level efficiency, experimentally demonstrated at full power through an 80 kW Interleaved Boost Converter. Integration of this enhanced DC-DC stage to the DC-AC stage requires a DC-Link capacitor, which hinders achieving power density targets. Increasing the switching frequency is an established method of reducing the size of passives. However, it is the RMS current sizing requirements that diminishes any gains achieved by raising the switching frequency. A synchronous carrier phase shift-based control algorithm, that aligns the output current of the boost stage with the input current of an inverter, is proposed to reduce the RMS current in the DC-Link capacitor by up to 25% and an average 20% smaller capacitor volume. Lastly, a new electrothermal platform based on paralleled discrete devices is presented for a 50 kW traction inverter. Embedded capacitors within the vacant volume of the hybrid material thermal management structure enables higher power density (155 kW/L) and significantly reduces cost

    Emerging Power Electronics Technologies for Sustainable Energy Conversion

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    This Special Issue summarizes, in a single reference, timely emerging topics related to power electronics for sustainable energy conversion. Furthermore, at the same time, it provides the reader with valuable information related to open research opportunity niches

    Emerging Power Electronics Technologies for Sustainable Energy Conversion

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    This Special Issue summarizes, in a single reference, timely emerging topics related to power electronics for sustainable energy conversion. Furthermore, at the same time, it provides the reader with valuable information related to open research opportunity niches

    Power Electronic Converter Configuration and Control for DC Microgrid Systems

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    Design of a high voltage input – output ratio dc-dc converter dedicated to small power fuel cell systems

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    International audienceConsuming chemical energy, fuel cells produce simultaneously heat, water and useful electrical power [J.M. Andújar, F. Segura, Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. , 2309 (2009)], [J. Larminie, A. Dicks, , 2nd edn. (John Wiley & Sons, 2003)]. As a matter of fact, the voltage generated by a fuel cell strongly depends on both the load power demand and the operating conditions. Besides, as a result of many design aspects, fuel cells are low voltage and high current electric generators. On the contrary, electric loads are commonly designed for small voltage swing and a high V/I ratio in order to minimize Joule losses. Therefore, electric loads supplied by fuel cells are typically fed by means of an intermediate power voltage regulator. The specifications of such a power converter are to be able to step up the input voltage with a high ratio (a ratio of 10 is a classic situation) and also to work with an excellent efficiency (in order to minimize its size, its weight and its losses) [A. Shahin, B. Huang, J.P. Martin, S. Pierfederici, B. Davat, Energy Conv. Manag. , 56 (2010)]. This paper deals with the design of this essential ancillary device. It intends to bring out the best structure for fulfilling this function. Several dc-dc converters with large voltage step-up ratios are introduced. A topology based on a coupled inductor or tapped inductor is closely studied. A detailed modelling is performed with the purpose of providing designing rules. This model is validated with both simulation and implementation. The experimental prototype is based on the following specifications: the fuel cell output voltage ranges from a 50 V open-voltage to a 25 V rated voltage while the load requires a constant 250 V voltage. The studied coupled inductor converter is compared with a classic boost converter commonly used in this voltage elevating application. Even though the voltage regulator faces severe FC specifications, the measured efficiency reaches 96% at the rated power whereas conventional boost efficiency barely achieves 91.5% in the same operating conditions
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