19 research outputs found

    Using a Probabilistic Class-Based Lexicon for Lexical Ambiguity Resolution

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    This paper presents the use of probabilistic class-based lexica for disambiguation in target-word selection. Our method employs minimal but precise contextual information for disambiguation. That is, only information provided by the target-verb, enriched by the condensed information of a probabilistic class-based lexicon, is used. Induction of classes and fine-tuning to verbal arguments is done in an unsupervised manner by EM-based clustering techniques. The method shows promising results in an evaluation on real-world translations.Comment: 7 pages, uses colacl.st

    Inducing a Semantically Annotated Lexicon via EM-Based Clustering

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    We present a technique for automatic induction of slot annotations for subcategorization frames, based on induction of hidden classes in the EM framework of statistical estimation. The models are empirically evalutated by a general decision test. Induction of slot labeling for subcategorization frames is accomplished by a further application of EM, and applied experimentally on frame observations derived from parsing large corpora. We outline an interpretation of the learned representations as theoretical-linguistic decompositional lexical entries.Comment: 8 pages, uses colacl.sty. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ACL, 199

    Re-estimation of Lexical Parameters for Treebank PCFGs

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    We present procedures which pool lexical information estimated from unlabeled data via the Inside-Outside algorithm, with lexical information from a treebank PCFG. The procedures produce substantial improvements (up to 31.6 % error reduction) on the task of determining subcategorization frames of novel verbs, relative to a smoothed Penn Treebank-trained PCFG. Even with relatively small quantities of unlabeled training data, the re-estimated models show promising improvements in labeled bracketing f-scores on Wall Street Journal parsing, and substantial benefit in acquiring the subcategorization preferences of low-frequency verbs.

    Tabulation for multi-purpose partial parsing

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    Efficient partial parsing systems (chunkers) are urgently required by various natural language application areas as these parsers always produce partially parsed text even when the text does not fully fit existing lexica and grammars. Availability of partially parsed corpora is absolutely necessary for extracting various kinds of information that may then be fed into those systems, increasing their processing power. In this paper, we propose an efficient partial parsing scheme based on chart parsing that is flexible enough to support both normal parsing tasks and diagnosis in previously obtained partial parses of possible causes (kinds of faults) that led to those partial parses instead of complete parses. Through the use of the built-in tabulation capabilites of the DyALog system, we implemented a partial parser that runs as fast as the best non-deterministic parsers. In this paper we ellaborate on the implementation of two different grammar formalisms: Definite Clause Grammars (DCG) extended with head declarations and Bound Movement Grammars (BMG)

    Using Subcategorization to Resolve Verb Class Ambiguity

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    Levin's (1993) taxonomy of verbs and their classes is a widely used resource for lexical semantics. In her framework, some verbs, such as give exhibit no class ambiguity. But other verbs, such as write, can inhabit more than one class. In some of these am- biguous cases the appropriate class for a particular token of a verb is immediately obvious from inspection of the surrounding context, In others it is not, and an application which wants to recover this infor- mation will be forced to rely on some more or less elaborate process of inference. We present a simple statistical model of verb class ambiguity and show how it can be used to carry out such inference

    Parameter Learning of Logic Programs for Symbolic-Statistical Modeling

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    We propose a logical/mathematical framework for statistical parameter learning of parameterized logic programs, i.e. definite clause programs containing probabilistic facts with a parameterized distribution. It extends the traditional least Herbrand model semantics in logic programming to distribution semantics, possible world semantics with a probability distribution which is unconditionally applicable to arbitrary logic programs including ones for HMMs, PCFGs and Bayesian networks. We also propose a new EM algorithm, the graphical EM algorithm, that runs for a class of parameterized logic programs representing sequential decision processes where each decision is exclusive and independent. It runs on a new data structure called support graphs describing the logical relationship between observations and their explanations, and learns parameters by computing inside and outside probability generalized for logic programs. The complexity analysis shows that when combined with OLDT search for all explanations for observations, the graphical EM algorithm, despite its generality, has the same time complexity as existing EM algorithms, i.e. the Baum-Welch algorithm for HMMs, the Inside-Outside algorithm for PCFGs, and the one for singly connected Bayesian networks that have been developed independently in each research field. Learning experiments with PCFGs using two corpora of moderate size indicate that the graphical EM algorithm can significantly outperform the Inside-Outside algorithm

    D6.1: Technologies and Tools for Lexical Acquisition

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    This report describes the technologies and tools to be used for Lexical Acquisition in PANACEA. It includes descriptions of existing technologies and tools which can be built on and improved within PANACEA, as well as of new technologies and tools to be developed and integrated in PANACEA platform. The report also specifies the Lexical Resources to be produced. Four main areas of lexical acquisition are included: Subcategorization frames (SCFs), Selectional Preferences (SPs), Lexical-semantic Classes (LCs), for both nouns and verbs, and Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs)

    A clustering approach to automatic verb classification incorporating selectional preferences: model, implementation, and user manual

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    This report presents two variations of an innovative, complex approach to semantic verb classes that relies on selectional preferences as verb properties. The underlying linguistic assumption for this verb class model is that verbs which agree on their selectional preferences belong to a common semantic class. The model is implemented as a soft-clustering approach, in order to capture the polysemy of the verbs. The training procedure uses the Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm (Baum, 1972) to iteratively improve the probabilistic parameters of the model, and applies the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle (Rissanen, 1978) to induce WordNet-based selectional preferences for arguments within subcategorisation frames. One variation of the MDL principle replicates a standard MDL approach by Li and Abe (1998), the other variation presents an improved pruning strategy that outperforms the standard implementation considerably. Our model is potentially useful for lexical induction (e.g., verb senses, subcategorisation and selectional preferences, collocations, and verb alternations), and for NLP applications in sparse data situations. We demonstrate the usefulness of the model by a standard evaluation (pseudo-word disambiguation), and three applications (selectional preference induction, verb sense disambiguation, and semi-supervised sense labelling)