344 research outputs found


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    Itching, or pruritus, is a frequent problem in the elderly that has a big impact on their everyday lives. The frequency, trends, and effects of pruritic illnesses on the quality of life in older people are examined in this study, highlighting the many difficulties this population faces. Materials and Methods: 200 individuals 60 years of age and older who complained of pruritus participated in the study, which was conducted between February 2021 and July 2022 at Krishna Hospital in Karad. Clinical evaluations that were in-depth were carried out, including histories, skin checks, and medical histories. The effect of pruritus on quality of life was assessed using the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) questionnaire. Results: 10.10% of the 1980 senior citizens who visited the outpatient department had pruritus. 55% of individuals reported having chronic pruritus. The quality of life was considerably damaged by dermatological problems (IFSI category 1), with 57% reporting a moderate impact. In 13 individuals, chronic pruritus was associated with significant impairment, highlighting the serious consequences. Conclusion: The study shows that elderly people had a 10.10% prevalence of pruritic dermatoses. The most prevalent conditions, which adversely impacted patients in IFSI category 1, were fungus infections and scabies. Chronic itch significantly reduced quality of life. The importance of treating pruritic illnesses for improving elderly people's quality of life highlights the demand for specialized geriatric clinics and gerontodermatology as a specialty

    The Mexican Non-toxic Jatropha curcas L., Food Resource or Biofuel?

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    Jatropha curcas L. is a promising natural resource which has been promoted globally for biodiesel production by policy makers and researchers in tropical and subtropical countries. However, both J. curcas seeds and oil have been found to be toxic to humans and domestic animals when consumed. A non-toxic genotype of J. curcas has been reported from some rural communities in southern Mexico, and is suitable for human consumption. This non-toxic germplasm has been used in traditional Totonacan cuisine in Mexico. However, increasing demand for J. curcas to be used in biofuel production is exerting pressure on the non-toxic genotype. In this work we analyze the possible origins and dispersal of non-toxic Jatropha by the Totonaca culture; the traditional uses of J. curcas seeds as a food; its status with respect to the Mexican commercial forestry regulations; and the risks associated with the demands of biofuels on this Mexican germplasm

    Will the World Survive: Latino/a Pop Music in the Cultural Mainstream

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    Will the Wolf Survive?: Latino/a Pop Music in the Cultural Mainstream

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    For years, White artists have dominated American pop music. With the notable exception of Black vocalists, non-White artists have rarely experienced sustained and substantial success in this market. Although Latino/a artists have made modest inroads into the pop music mainstream in the past, the current success of Latino/a singers is unprecedented for its sales figures, its domination of pop radio, the diversity of backgrounds of the Latino/a artists riding the same wave, and the degree of American media attention focused on this phenomenon. In addition to the financial rewards enjoyed by artists (and their record companies) who succeed in the pop music market, the music industry, with its linkages to mass media and its public visibility, launches these artists into the mainstream of American culture and consciousness. For most Americans today, unlike just a few years ago, the dominant image of Latino/as is delivered and shaped by the pop music industry. For this reason, it is important to examine the current re/presentation of the Latino/ a pop music (what I call LatPop) ambassadors. In what language do they speak to the American public? What images of Latino/a culture do they convey? What stereotypes do they further? Which do they dispel? In what ways are Latino/as, as a people, the beneficiaries of this unprecedented mainstream exposure? In what ways has Latino/a culture paid a price for this commercial success

    Will the Wolf Survive?: Latino/a Pop Music in the Cultural Mainstream

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    For years, White artists have dominated American pop music. With the notable exception of Black vocalists, non-White artists have rarely experienced sustained and substantial success in this market. Although Latino/a artists have made modest inroads into the pop music mainstream in the past, the current success of Latino/a singers is unprecedented for its sales figures, its domination of pop radio, the diversity of backgrounds of the Latino/a artists riding the same wave, and the degree of American media attention focused on this phenomenon. In addition to the financial rewards enjoyed by artists (and their record companies) who succeed in the pop music market, the music industry, with its linkages to mass media and its public visibility, launches these artists into the mainstream of American culture and consciousness. For most Americans today, unlike just a few years ago, the dominant image of Latino/as is delivered and shaped by the pop music industry. For this reason, it is important to examine the current re/presentation of the Latino/ a pop music (what I call LatPop) ambassadors. In what language do they speak to the American public? What images of Latino/a culture do they convey? What stereotypes do they further? Which do they dispel? In what ways are Latino/as, as a people, the beneficiaries of this unprecedented mainstream exposure? In what ways has Latino/a culture paid a price for this commercial success

    MiRNAs as Potential Prognostic Biomarkers for Metastasis in Thin and Thick Primary Cutaneous Melanomas.

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    Background/Aim: The identification of novel prognostic biomarkers for melanoma metastasis is essential to improve patient outcomes. To this aim, we characterized miRNA expression profiles in relation to metastasis in melanoma and correlated miRNAs expression with clinicalpathological factors. Materials and Methods: MiR-145-5p, miR-150-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-203-3p, miR-205-5p and miR211-5p expression levels were analyzed in primary cutaneous melanomas, including thin and thick melanomas, and in melanoma metastases by quantitative Real-Time PCR. Results: A significantly lower miR-205-5p expression was found in metastases compared to primary melanomas. Furthermore, a progressive down-regulation of miR-205-5p expression was observed from loco-regional to distant metastasis. Significantly lower miR-145-5p and miR-203-3p expression levels were found in cases with Breslow thickness >1 mm, high Clark level, ulceration and mitotic rate ≥1/mm2. Conclusion: Our findings point to miR-205-5p as potential biomarker of distant metastases and to miR-145-5p and miR-203-3p as markers of aggressiveness in melanoma

    Melhoria da Atenção ao Idoso na ESF Novo Horizonte, Macapá/AP

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    Rodriguez, Ernesto Adrian Valdes. Melhoria da atenção ao Idoso na UBS/ESF Novo Horizonte, Macapá/AP, ano 2015, com 94 folhas. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. Ao realizar um projeto de intervenção, que surgiu como proposta do curso de especialização, através de estudos e levantamento de dados, desenvolveu- se uma ação programática prioritária na atenção básica, intervindo na assistência, promoção e prevenção à saúde dos idosos da área de abrangência da UBS/ESF Novo Horizonte, situado área urbana na zona norte no município de Macapá – Amapá, durante 16 semanas, compreendido entre outubro a fevereiro 2015. Nosso objetivo foi melhorar a atenção ao idoso. Para realização da intervenção, utilizou- se o banco de dados do SIAB, prontuários e registros específicos, relatos dos agentes comunitários de saúde, planilha de coletas de dados e ficha-espelho, fornecidos pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Alcançou- se 29,2% dos usuários com cadastramento adequado no Programa de atenção ao idoso, 69,3% com realização de exames clínicos adequados incluindo exame físico dos pés, com palpação dos pulsos tibial posterior e pedioso e medida da sensibilidade a cada três meses para diabéticos. A realização da avaliação multidimensional rápida em 63,1% dos idosos, 84,4% com solicitação de exames complementares periódicos, priorizado a prescrição de medicamentos da farmácia popular em 57,3%, realizado o cadastro e priorizamos as visitas domiciliares em 100% dos idosos acamados e com dificuldades de locomoção. Realizamos ações nos quatro eixos pedagógicos (monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica) como: rastreamento para hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus, realizamos visitas domiciliares dos idosos faltosos às consultas programadas, realizou- se avaliação de necessidade de atendimento odontológico e distribuição da caderneta de saúde do idoso. Foram avaliados os idosos para risco de morbimortalidade, fragilidade na velhice e a rede social. Promovemos a saúde realizando orientações sobre hábitos alimentares saudáveis, a prática regular de atividade física e sobre higiene bucal. Em correspondência ao início na intervenção se resultou na melhoria qualitativamente e quantitativamente do programa de atenção saúde do idoso em nossa UBS o qual ficou como parte da rotina de trabalho