19,723 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKNama: AsviaProgram Studi: Pendidikan Dokter GigiFakultas:Kedokteran GigiJudul : Konsentrasi Hambat Minimum dan FitokimiaEkstrak Daging Buah Anggur Hijau (Vitis Vinifera L )terhadap PertumbuhanCandidaalbicansKandidiasis oral merupakan suatu infeksi jamur dirongga mulut yang paling sering disebabkan oleh Candida albicans.Ada beberapa obat antifungal yang dapat digunakan untuk perawatan kandidiasis oral, namun harganya tergolong mahal dan berisiko terjadinya efek samping seperti mual, nyeri dan terjadinya resistensi obat antifungal.Daging buah anggur hijau (Vitis Vinifera L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman herbal yang secara tradisional digunakan sebagai antifungal.Efek antifungal daging buah anggur hijau(Vitis Vinifera L) timbul akibat adanya kandungan flavonoid, tanin, dan resveratrol.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daging buah anggur hijau (Vitis vinifera L) terhadap pertumbuhan C. albicans.Candida albicansdikultur pada media Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)dan diinkubasi pada suhu 370C selama 48 jam dalam inkubator. Candida albicansselanjutnya dipaparkan dengan ekstrak etanol daging buah anggur hijau (Vitis Vinifera L)untuk uji antifungal menggunakan metode Standart Plate Count (SPC). Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji statistik one way ANOVA didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (

    Efecto renoprotector de los flavonoides del vino en la nefrotoxicidad del inmunosupresor Tacrolimus

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito renoprotetor do extrato de Vitis vinifera L na nefrotoxicidade induzida pelo Tacrolimus em estudos experimentais com ratos. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa quantitativa com modelo experimental, na qual foram utilizados ratos Wistar, machos, adultos, pesando entre 250g - 300g, tratados uma vez ao dia por cincodias, por gavagem, conforme segue: Salina (controle, cloreto de sódio 0,1ml); Vitis (Vitis vinifera L 3mg/kg), FK (0,5mg/kg) e FK+Vitis (0,5mg/kg + 3mg/kg, respectivamente) . A função renal foi avaliada por meio do clearance de creatinina (Clcr/ 100g, método Jaffé) e a peroxidação lipídica pela mensuração de peróxidos urinários (PU, FOX-2). RESULTADOS: A administração de FK elevou a excreção de peróxidos e reduziu o clearance de creatinina, e a administração simultânea com Vitis vinifera L protegeu a função renal nesses parâmetros. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados confirmaram a lesão nefrotóxica induzida pelo Tacrolimus e demonstraram o efeito renoprotetor do Vitis Vinifera L.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the renoprotective effects of the extract of Vitis vinifera L in the Tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity in experimental studies with rats. METHODS: Quantitative survey with an experimental model in which adult male, Wistar rats, weighing between 250g - 300g, were used. The rats were treated once a day for cincodias by gavage as follows: Saline (control, sodium chloride, 0.1 ml); Vitis (Vitis vinifera L 3mg/kg), FK (0.5 mg / kg); and, FK + Vitis (0.5 mg / kg + 3 mg / kg, respectively). Renal function was assessed by creatinine clearance (CrCL / 100g, Jaffe method) and lipid peroxidation by measurement of urinary peroxides (PU, FOX-2). RESULTS: The administration of FK increased the excretion of peroxides and reduced creatinine clearance, and simultaneous administration with Vitis vinifera L protected the renal function in these parameters. CONCLUSION: These data confirm the injury induced by nephrotoxic Tacrolimus and demonstrated the renoprotective effect of Vitis vinifera L.OBJETIVO: Verificar el efecto renoprotector del extracto de Vitis vinifera L en la nefrotoxicidad inducida por el Tacrolimus en estudios experimentales con ratas. MÉTODOS: Investigación cuantitativa con modelo experimental, en la cual fueron utilizadas ratas Wistar, machos, adultos, que pesaban entre 250g - 300g, tratados una vez al dia por cinco días, por alimentación forzada, conforme sigue: Salina (control, cloreto de sodio 0,1ml); Vitis (Vitis vinifera L 3mg/kg), FK (0,5mg/kg) e FK+Vitis (0,5mg/kg + 3mg/kg, respectivamente) . La función renal fue evaluada por medio del clearance de creatinina (Clcr/ 100g, método Jaffé) y la peroxidación lipídica por la mensuración de peróxidos urinarios (PU, FOX-2). RESULTADOS: La administración de FK elevó la excreción de peróxidos y redujo el clearance de creatinina, y la administración simultánea con Vitis vinifera L protegió la función renal en esos parámetros. CONCLUSIÓN: Los datos confirmaron la lesión nefrotóxica inducida por el Tacrolimus y demostraron el efecto renoprotector del Vitis Vinifera L

    Iso-geraniol (3,7-dimethyl-3,6-octadien-1-ol): A novel monoterpene in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Muscat Roy

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    Isogeraniol (3,7-Dimethyl-3,6-octadien-1-ol): Ein neues Monoterpen bei der Sorte Muscat Roy (Vitis vinifera L.)Der Monoterpengehalt im Most der Neuzüchtung Vitis vinifera L. cv. Muscat Roy und ihrer Elternsorten Muscat Frontignan und Dabuki wurde untersucht. Das Monoterpenprofil von Muscat Roy ist dem von Muscat Frontignan sehr ähnlich. Trotzdem enthält es wesentlich höhere Konzentrationen an Geraniol und α-Terpineol. Im Most von Muscat Roy wurde ein neuer Monoterpenalkohol, 3,7-Dimethyl-3,6-octadien-1-ol (Isogeraniol) identifiziert; im Most der Elternsorten ist jedoch kein Isogeraniol nachweisbar

    Life History and Description of the Immature Stages of \u3ci\u3eMacrotheca Unipuncta\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    During the summer of 1975, an unknown larval pyralid was found living under the loose outer back of domestic grape (Vitis vinifera L.) in southwestern Michigan. Subsequent rearing enabled it to be identified as Macrotheca unipuncta Dyar. Following is a description of the larval and pupal stages of the insect, and a discussion of its bionomics

    Inflorescence bud induction in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Thompson Seedless: Cytohistological events and starch accumulation in the shoot apex

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    Induktion von Infloreszenzen in Knospen der Sorte Sultanina (Vitis vinifera L.):Cytologisch-histologische Veränderungen und Stärkeeinlagerung im VegetationskegelAn Knospen der Sorte Sultanina (Vitis vinifera L.) wurden Schnittuntersuchungen durchgeführt, um die cytologisch-histologischen Veränderungen während des Übergangs zur Blütenbildung aufzuzeigen. Messungen erbrachten eine GröBenzunahme der Zellen, Zellkerne und Nukleolen sowie eine Zunahme der Zellwanddicke im Vegetationskegel und den Anlagen ruhender Knospen verglichen mit den entsprechenden Strukturen vegetativer Endknospen. Diese Veränderungen wurden ab der Knospe in Position 2 am Trieb (Zählung von apikal her) festgestellt. Sowohl Vegetationskegel als auch Anlagen ruhender Knospen zeigen Stärkeeinlagerung


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    Pollination of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir as influenced by Botrytis fungicidesVitis 44 (3), 111-115 (2005


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    Genetic characterization of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) germplasm from Southeast Anatolia by SSR markersVitis 50 (3), 99-106 (2011


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    Evaluation of genetic diversity: Which of the varieties can be named ,Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.)?Vitis 49 (4), 129-136 (2010

    Trocas gasosas em videira Syrah sobre dois sistemas de condução.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as trocas gasosas em videira Syrah (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivada em dois sistemas de condução no Submédio do São Francisco

    Effects of cluster reduction, herbagreen and humic acid applications on grape yield and quality of Horoz Karasi and Gök üzüm grape cultivars

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    This study was carried out in 5 BB rootstock grafted on Horoz Karasi and Gök üzüm grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) during the 2010 growth season. Effects of 1/3 cluster reduction (CR), 1/3 CR + herbagreen (HG) and 1/3 CR + humic acid (HA) applications on grape yield and quality of cultivars were examined. The results showed that 1/3 CR + HA application increased grape yield, berry weight, berry red and blue color intensity values of Horoz Karasi grape variety and 1/3 CR application increased grape yield and maturity index values of Gök üzüm grape variety.Key words: Vitis vinifera L., grape yield, quality, cluster reduction, humic acid, herbagreen