548 research outputs found

    Operation Shark: Addressing the Negative Portrayal of Sharks in Media

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    Sharks are some of the most well adapted and effective animals in the animal kingdom. Unfortunately, they are also some of the most feared. For many people the word shark evokes images of vicious attacks like those seen in movies such as Jaws. Sharks have also been negatively portrayed in the media. This negative portrayal of sharks has led to misconceptions about sharks that have damaged their populations. Efforts have been made to raise awareness and fight common misconceptions of sharks. However, many people still hold on to the incorrect ideas they have about sharks. This thesis will examine the negative impact that the media has had on shark populations. It will also examine the role that sharks play in marine ecosystems to raise awareness about these animals. After researching this issue, a literature review was conducted in addition to case studies and visual analyses. This research will inform my final visual solution for this thesis project. I will be creating an educational comic book that addresses the issue of shark conservation and raise awareness of the issues that sharks face. In this comic book I will use illustration, typography, and color theory to create a cohesive visual narrative. In addition, I will be creating a web banner ad as well as three social media ads for this project

    Report of the town offices Mont Vernon, New Hampshire for the year ending December 31, 2020 and of the school district offices for the year ending June 30, 2020.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Report of the town offices Mont Vernon, New Hampshire for the year ending December 31, 2021 and of the school district offices for the year ending June 30, 2021.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Middle Parks: Development of State and Provincial Parks in the United States and Canada, 1890-1990

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    This dissertation is a comparative study of the development of state parks in the United States and provincial parks in Canada from 1890 to 1990. The study focuses on four park system cases studies: Pennsylvania and Idaho in the United States and Ontario and Alberta in Canada. This study relies on three main levels of comparison. Firstly, it compares the development of parks at the national level. Secondly, it compares the development of parks in the East and West. Thirdly, it compares the development of rural and urban/near-urban state and provincial parks. These comparative levels of analysis are aided by two primary methodological techniques. The first method is a timeline visualization of park development through time that relies on a colour-coded categorization system. Under this system, each park in each park system is mapped on the timelines based on the primary reason each piece of land was chosen. The eight categories are as follows: Education (Environment), Historical, Post-Agriculture, Post-Industry, Post-Timber, Preservation, Recreational, and Resource Extraction. This methodology is paired with an individual park case-study approach that illustrates how the patterns identified by the timelines affected individual parks, both socially and materially. In the first half of the century, all four park systems prioritized the acquisition of affordable land in rural regions. By the second half of the century, all four park systems had altered their park development priorities to accommodate geographic accessibility over economic viability. In both cases, preservation was not the primary objective of park development. The timelines demonstrate that preservation did not become a priority of any of the park systems until the 1980s. This study asserts that park history should look beyond park borders to the peripheries and greater regions in which each park lies in order to fully understand each park in its entirety and how each park relates to broader historical forces. This study shows that parks were not simply tools of preservation or recreation. Rather, forces that supported use of these parks and protection of these parks coexisted and were often one and the same


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    This introduction to the issue introduces the political dimensions of researches done in the framework of the ontological turns that stretch between Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies. Drawing on the concept of political ontology, practical ontology, and the papers assembled in this issue, we embrace the political to be practically sitting transversally in different political fields that foster the constitution of new forms of life as alternative ontologies. In this sense, politics is a critical endeavor to unravel power asymmetries and the attempt to not only illuminate alter-ontologies but to realize and co-constitute these. In order not to get trapped in a mere description of alteritarian worlds and their political power structures, we propose to focus more specifically on the largely invisible moments of ontological uncertainties. These eery moment in common but non-contemporaneity environments that appear in between of something and -time can be a learning endeavor to understand grown inheritances as responsibility. Through their appearance they jumble, further, time and ontological order, allowing us insights to automatically modes of action that stay normally unseen. In this sense, we sketch a policy of making oddkins throughout the worlds including its specters.Dieser Beitrag führt in die politischen Dimensionen von Forschungen der Anthropologie und Science and Technology Studies im Bereich der ontologischen Wenden ein. Ausgehend vom Konzept der politischen Ontologie, der praktischen Ontologie und den in diesem Band versammelten Beiträgen, begreifen wir das Politische als praktisch situiert und transversal in verschiedenen politischen Feldern, die die Konstitution neuer Lebensformen als alternative Ontologien fördern. In diesem Sinne ist Politik ein kritisches Bestreben, Machtasymmetrien zu entwirren, der Versuch, alternative Ontologien nicht nur zu beleuchten, sondern diese zu realisieren und zu ko-konstituieren. Um dabei nicht in einer reinen Beschreibung alteritärer Welten und deren politischer Machstrukturen zu verharren, schlagen wir vor, gezielter die weitgehend unsichtbaren Momente ontologischer Ungewissheiten zu fokussieren. Diese unheimlichen Momente in gemeinsamen, aber nicht-gleichzeitigen Umgebungen, die im Dazwischen von Etwas und Irgendwann auftauchen, können einen Hinweis darauf bieten gewachsene Erbschaften als Verantwortung zu verstehen. Durch ihr Erscheinen bringen sie weiterhin Zeit und ontologische Ordnung durcheinander und erlauben uns Einblicke in automatisierte Handlungsweisen, die normalerweise unsichtbar bleiben. In diesem Sinne skizzieren wir ein Politikprogramm, das die Welten mitsamt ihren Gespenstern zu Verbündeten macht.Peer Reviewe