333 research outputs found

    Utilizing microblogs for improving automatic news high-lights extraction

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    TGSum: Build Tweet Guided Multi-Document Summarization Dataset

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    The development of summarization research has been significantly hampered by the costly acquisition of reference summaries. This paper proposes an effective way to automatically collect large scales of news-related multi-document summaries with reference to social media's reactions. We utilize two types of social labels in tweets, i.e., hashtags and hyper-links. Hashtags are used to cluster documents into different topic sets. Also, a tweet with a hyper-link often highlights certain key points of the corresponding document. We synthesize a linked document cluster to form a reference summary which can cover most key points. To this aim, we adopt the ROUGE metrics to measure the coverage ratio, and develop an Integer Linear Programming solution to discover the sentence set reaching the upper bound of ROUGE. Since we allow summary sentences to be selected from both documents and high-quality tweets, the generated reference summaries could be abstractive. Both informativeness and readability of the collected summaries are verified by manual judgment. In addition, we train a Support Vector Regression summarizer on DUC generic multi-document summarization benchmarks. With the collected data as extra training resource, the performance of the summarizer improves a lot on all the test sets. We release this dataset for further research.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure in AAAI 201

    Sentiment Analysis on Financial News and Microblogs

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    Sentiment analysis is useful for multiple tasks including customer satisfaction metrics, identifying market trends for any industry or products, analyzing reviews from social media comments. This thesis highlights the importance of sentiment analysis, provides a summary of seminal works and different approaches towards sentiment analysis. It aims to address sentiment analysis on financial news and microblogs by classifying textual data from financial news and microblogs as positive or negative. Sentiment analysis is performed by making use of paragraph vectors and logistic regression in this thesis and it aims to compare it with previously performed approaches to performing analysis and help researchers in this field. This approach achieves state of the art results for the dataset used in this research. It also presents an insightful analysis of the results of this approach


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    The acceptance and popularity of social media platforms for the dispersion and proliferation of news articles have led to the spread of questionable and untrusted information (in part) due to the ease by which misleading content can be created and shared among the communities. While prior research has attempted to automatically classify news articles and tweets as credible and non-credible. This work complements such research by proposing an approach that utilizes the amalgamation of Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Deep Learning techniques such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Moreover, in Information System’s paradigm, design science research methodology (DSRM) has become the major stream that focuses on building and evaluating an artifact to solve emerging problems. Hence, DSRM can accommodate deep learning-based models with the availability of adequate datasets. Two publicly available datasets that contain labeled news articles and tweets have been used to validate the proposed model’s effectiveness. This work presents two distinct experiments, and the results demonstrate that the proposed model works well for both long sequence news articles and short-sequence texts such as tweets. Finally, the findings suggest that the sentiments, tagging, linguistics, syntactic, and text embeddings are the features that have the potential to foster fake news detection through training the proposed model on various dimensionality to learn the contextual meaning of the news content

    Using tweets to help sentence compression for news highlights generation

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    We explore using relevant tweets of a given news article to help sentence com-pression for generating compressive news highlights. We extend an unsupervised dependency-tree based sentence compres-sion approach by incorporating tweet in-formation to weight the tree edge in terms of informativeness and syntactic impor-tance. The experimental results on a pub-lic corpus that contains both news arti-cles and relevant tweets show that our pro-posed tweets guided sentence compres-sion method can improve the summariza-tion performance significantly compared to the baseline generic sentence compres-sion method.

    A Survey on Various Methods to Detect Rumors on Social Media

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    Internet-based life stages have been utilized for data and newsgathering, and they are entirely significant in numerous applications. In any case, they likewise lead to the spreading of gossipy tidbits, Rumors, and phony news. Numerous endeavors have been taken to recognize and expose rumors via social networking media through dissecting their substance and social setting utilizing ML (Machine Learning) strategies. This paper gives an outline of the ongoing investigations in the rumor detection. The errand for rumor detection means to distinguish and characterize gossip either as obvious (genuine), bogus (nonfactual), or uncertain. This can hugely profit society by forestalling the spreading of such mistaken and off base data proactively. This paper is an introduction to rumor recognition via social networking media which presents the essential wording and kinds of bits of rumor and the nonexclusive procedure of rumor detection. A cutting edge portraying the utilization of directed ML algorithms for rumor detection via Social networking media is introduced. Keywords: Rumor Detection, Rumor Classification, Misinformation, News Events, Social Media, Machine Learning DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-4-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Early-stage pregnancy recognition on microblogs: Machine learning and lexicon-based approaches

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    Pregnancy carries high medical and psychosocial risks that could lead pregnant women to experience serious health consequences. Providing protective measures for pregnant women is one of the critical tasks during the pregnancy period. This study proposes an emotion-based mechanism to detect the early stage of pregnancy using real-time data from Twitter. Pregnancy-related emotions (e.g., anger, fear, sadness, joy, and surprise) and polarity (positive and negative) were extracted from users' tweets using NRC Affect Intensity Lexicon and SentiStrength techniques. Then, pregnancy-related terms were extracted and mapped with pregnancy-related sentiments using part-of-speech tagging and association rules mining techniques. The results showed that pregnancy tweets contained high positivity, as well as significant amounts of joy, sadness, and fear. The classification results demonstrated the possibility of using users’ sentiments for early-stage pregnancy recognition on microblogs. The proposed mechanism offers valuable insights to healthcare decision-makers, allowing them to develop a comprehensive understanding of users' health status based on social media posts