54 research outputs found

    The Effect of Prior Virtual Reality Experience on Locomotion and Navigation in Virtual Environments

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    VirtualReality(VR) is becoming more accessible and widely utilized in crucial disciplines like training, communication, healthcare, and education. One of the important parts of VR applications is walking through virtual environments. So, researchers have broadly studied various kinds of walking in VR as it can reduce sickness, improve the sense of presence, and enhance the general user experience. Due to the recent availability of consumer Head Mounted Displays (HMDs), people are using HMDs in all sorts of different locations. It underscores the need for locomotion methods that allow users to move through large Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) when occupying a small physical space or even seated. Although many aspects of locomotion in VR have received extensive research, very little work has considered how locomotive behaviors might change over time as users become more experienced in IVEs. As HMDs were rarely encountered outside of a lab before 2016, most locomotion research before this was likely conducted with VR novices who had no prior experience with the technology. However, as this is no longer the case, itis important to consider whether locomotive behaviors may evolve over time with user experience. This proposal specifically studies locomotive behaviors and effects that may adjust over time. For the first study, we conducted experiments measuring novice and experienced subjects’ gait parameters in VR and real environments. Prior research has established that users’ gait in virtual and real environments differs; however, little research has evaluated how users’ gait differs as users gain more experience with VR. We conducted experiments measuring novice and experienced subjects’ gait parameters in VR and real environments. Results showed that subjects’ performance in VR and Real World was more similar in the last trials than in the first trials; their walking dissimilarity in the start trials diminished by walking more trials. We found the trials a significant variable affecting the walking speed, step length, and trunk angle for both groups of users. While the main effect of expertise was not observed, an interaction effect between expertise and the trial number was shown. The trunk angle increased over time for novices but decreased for experts. These cond study reports the results of an experiment investigating how users’ behavior with two locomotion methods changed over four weeks: teleportation and joystick-based locomotion. Twenty novice VR users (no more than 1 hour prior experience with any form of walking in VR) were recruited. They loaned an Oculus Quest for four weeks on their own time, including an activity we provided them with. Results showed that the time required to complete the navigation task decreased faster for joystick-based locomotion. Spatial memory improved with time, particularly when using teleportation (which starts disadvantaged to joystick-based locomotion). Also, overall cyber sickness decreased slightly overtime; two dimensions of cyber sickness (nausea and disorientation) increased notably over time using joystick-based navigation. The next study presents the findings of a longitudinal research study investigating the effects of locomotion methods within virtual reality on participants’ spatial awareness during VR experiences and subsequent real-world gait parameters. The study encompasses two distinct environments: the real world and VR. In the real world setting, we analyze key gait parameters, including walking speed, distance traveled, and stepcount, both pre and post-VR exposure, to perceive the influence of VR locomotion on post-VR gait behavior. Additionally, we assess participants’ spatial awareness and the occurrence of simulator sickness, considering two locomotion methods: joy stick and teleportation. Our results reveal significant changes in gait parameters associated with increased VR locomotion experience. Furthermore, we observe a remarkable reduction in cyber sickness symptoms over successive VR sessions, particularly evident among participants utilizing joy stick locomotion. This study contributes to the understanding of gait behavior influenced by VR locomotion technology and the duration of VR immersion. Together, these studies inform how locomotion and navigation behavior may change in VR as users become more accustomed to walking in virtual reality settings. Also, comparative studies on locomotion methods help VR developers to implement the better-suited locomotion method. Thus, it provides knowledge to design and develop VR systems to perform better for different applications and groups of users

    Trends and perspectives in augmented reality training

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    Use of Augmented Reality in Human Wayfinding: A Systematic Review

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    Augmented reality technology has emerged as a promising solution to assist with wayfinding difficulties, bridging the gap between obtaining navigational assistance and maintaining an awareness of one's real-world surroundings. This article presents a systematic review of research literature related to AR navigation technologies. An in-depth analysis of 65 salient studies was conducted, addressing four main research topics: 1) current state-of-the-art of AR navigational assistance technologies, 2) user experiences with these technologies, 3) the effect of AR on human wayfinding performance, and 4) impacts of AR on human navigational cognition. Notably, studies demonstrate that AR can decrease cognitive load and improve cognitive map development, in contrast to traditional guidance modalities. However, findings regarding wayfinding performance and user experience were mixed. Some studies suggest little impact of AR on improving outdoor navigational performance, and certain information modalities may be distracting and ineffective. This article discusses these nuances in detail, supporting the conclusion that AR holds great potential in enhancing wayfinding by providing enriched navigational cues, interactive experiences, and improved situational awareness.Comment: 52 page

    VR systems for memory assessment and depth perception

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    La evolución de la tecnología de Realidad Virtual (RV) ha contribuido en todos los campos, incluyendo la psicología. Esta evolución implica mejoras tanto en hardware como en software, que permiten experiencias más inmersivas. En un entorno de RV los usuarios pueden percibir la sensación de "presencia" y sentirse "inmersos". Estas sensaciones son posibles utilizando HMDs. Hoy en día, el desarrollo de los HMDs se ha centrado en mejorar sus características técnicas para ofrecer inmersión total. En psicología, los entornos de RV son una herramienta de investigación. Hay algunas aplicaciones para evaluar la memoria espacial que utilizan métodos básicos de interacción. Sin embargo, sistemas de RV que incorporen estereoscopía y movimiento físico todavía no se han explotado en psicología. En esta tesis, se ha desarrollado un nuevo sistema de RV que combina características inmersivas, interactivas y de movimiento. El sistema de RV (tarea en un laberinto virtual) se ha utilizado para evaluar la memoria espacial y la percepción de profundidad. Se han integrado dos tipos diferentes de interacción: una basada en locomoción que consistió en pedalear en una bicicleta fija (condición1) y otra estacionaria usando un gamepad (condición2). El sistema integró dos tipos de visualización: 1) Oculus Rift (OR); 2) Una gran pantalla estéreo. Se diseñaron dos estudios. El primer estudio (N=89) evaluó la memoria espacial a corto plazo usando el OR y los dos tipos de interacción. Los resultados indican que existían diferencias significativas entre ambas condiciones. Los participantes que utilizaron la condición2 obtuvieron mejor rendimiento que los que utilizaron la tarea en la condición1. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones de satisfacción e interacción entre ambas condiciones. El desempeño en la tarea correlacionó con el desempeño en las pruebas neuropsicológicas clásicas, revelando la verosimilitud entre ellas. El segundo estudio (N=59) incluyó participantes con y sin estereopsis. Este estudio evaluó la percepción de profundidad comparando los dos sistemas de visualización. Los participantes realizaron la tarea usando la condición2. Los resultados mostraron que las diferentes características del sistema de visualización no influyeron en el rendimiento en la tarea entre los participantes con y sin estereopsis. Se encontraron diferencias significativas a favor del HMD entre las dos condiciones y entre los dos grupos de participantes respecto a la percepción de profundidad. Los participantes que no tenían estereopsis y no podían percibir la profundidad cuando utilizaban otros sistemas de visualización, tuvieron la ilusión de percepción de profundidad cuando utilizaron el OR. El estudio sugiere que para las personas que no tienen estereopsis, el seguimiento de la cabeza influye en gran medida en la experiencia 3D. Los resultados estadísticos de ambos estudios han demostrado que el sistema de RV desarrollado es una herramienta apropiada para evaluar la memoria espacial a corto plazo y la percepción de profundidad. Por lo tanto, los sistemas de RV que combinan inmersión total, interacción y movimiento pueden ser una herramienta útil para la evaluación de procesos cognitivos humanos como la memoria. De estos estudios se han extraído las siguientes conclusiones generales: 1) La tecnología de RV y la inmersión proporcionada por los actuales HMDs son herramientas adecuadas para aplicaciones psicológicas, en particular, la evaluación de la memoria espacial a corto plazo; 2) Un sistema de RV como el presentado podría ser utilizado como herramienta para evaluar o entrenar adultos en habilidades relacionadas con la memoria espacial a corto plazo; 3) Los dos tipos de interacción utilizados para la navegación en el laberinto virtual podrían ser útiles para su uso con diferentes colectivos; 4) El OR permite que los usuarios sin estereopsis puedan percibir lThe evolution of Virtual Reality (VR) technology has contributed in all fields, including psychology. This evolution involves improvements in hardware and software allowing more immersive experiences. In a VR environment users can perceive the sensation of "presence" and feel "immersed". These sensations are possible using VR devices as HMDs. Nowadays, the development of the HMDs has focused on improving their technical features to offer full immersion. In psychology, VR environments are research tools because they allow the use of new paradigms that are not possible to employ in a real environment. There are some applications for assessing spatial memory that use basic methods of HCI. However, VR systems that incorporate stereoscopy and physical movement have not yet been exploited in psychology. In this thesis, a novel VR system combining immersive, interactive and motion features was developed. This system was used for the assessment of the spatial memory and the evaluation of depth perception. For this system, a virtual maze task was designed and implemented. In this system, two different types of interaction were integrated: a locomotion-based interaction pedaling a fixed bicycle (condition1), and a stationary interaction using a gamepad (condition2). This system integrated two types of display systems: 1) The Oculus Rift; 2) A large stereo screen. Two studies were designed to determine the efficacy of the VR system using physical movement and immersion. The first study (N=89) assessed the spatial short term memory using the Oculus Rift and the two types of interaction The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between both conditions. The participants who performed the condition2 got better performance than participants who performed the condition1. However, there were no statistically significant differences in satisfaction and interaction scores between both conditions. The performance on the task correlated with the performance on other classical neuropsychological tests, revealing a verisimilitude between them. The second study (N=59) involved participants who had and who had not stereopsis. This study assessed the depth perception by comparing the two display systems. The participants performed the task using the condition2. The results showed that the different features of the display system did not influence the performance on the task between the participants with and without stereopsis. Statistically significant differences were found in favor of the HMD between the two conditions and between the two groups of participants regard to depth perception. The participants who did not have stereopsis and could not perceive the depth when they used other display systems (e.g. CAVE); however, they had the illusion of depth perception when they used the Oculus Rift. The study suggests that for the people who did not have stereopsis, the head tracking largely influences the 3D experience. The statistical results of both studies have proven that the VR system developed for this research is an appropriate tool to assess the spatial short-term memory and the depth perception. Therefore, the VR systems that combine full immersion, interaction and movement can be a helpful tool for the assessment of human cognitive processes as the memory. General conclusions from these studies are: 1) The VR technology and immersion provided by current HMDs are appropriate tools for psychological applications, in particular, the assessment of spatial short-term memory; 2) A VR system like the one presented in this thesis could be used as a tool to assess or train adults in skills related to spatial short-term memory; 3) The two types of interaction (condition1 and condition2) used for navigation within the virtual maze could be helpful to use with different collectives; 4) The Oculus Rift allows that the users without stereopsis can perceive the depth perception of 3D objects and have rich 3D experiences.L'evolució de la tecnologia de Realitat Virtual (RV) ha contribuït en tots els camps, incloent la psicologia. Aquesta evolució implica millores en el maquinari i el programari que permeten experiències més immersives. En un entorn de RV, els usuaris poden percebre la sensació de "presència" i sentir-se "immersos". Aquestes sensacions són possibles utilitzant HMDs. Avui dia, el desenvolupament dels HMDs s'ha centrat a millorar les seves característiques tècniques per oferir immersió plena. En la psicologia, els entorns de RV són eines de recerca. Hi ha algunes aplicacions per avaluar la memòria espacial que utilitzen mètodes bàsics d'interacció. Tanmateix, sistemes de RV que incorporen estereoscòpia i moviment físic no s'han explotat en psicologia. En aquesta tesi, s'ha desenvolupat un sistema de RV novell que combina immersió, interacció i moviment. El sistema (tasca en un laberint virtual) s'ha utilitzat per a l'avaluació de la memòria espacial i la percepció de profunditat. S'han integrat dos tipus d'interacció: una interacció basada en locomoció pedalejant una bicicleta fixa (condició1), i l'altra una interacció estacionària usant un gamepad (condició2). S'han integrat dos tipus de sistemes de pantalla: 1) L'Oculus Rift; 2) Una gran pantalla estereoscòpica. Dos estudis van ser dissenyats. El primer estudi (N=89) va avaluar la memòria a curt termini i espacial utilitzant l'Oculus Rift i els dos tipus d'interacció. Els resultats indiquen que hi havia diferències significatives entre les dues condicions. Els participants que van utilitzar la condició2 van obtenir millor rendiment que els participants que van utilitzar la condició1. Tanmateix, no hi havia diferències significatives dins satisfacció i puntuacions d'interacció entre les dues condicions. El rendiment de la tasca va correlacionar amb el rendiment en les proves neuropsicològiques clàssiques, revelant versemblança entre elles. El segon estudi (N=59) va implicar participants que van tenir i que van haver-hi no estereopsis. Aquest estudi va avaluar la percepció de profunditat comparant els dos sistemes de pantalla. Els participants realitzen la tasca utilitzant la condició2. Els resultats van mostrar que les diferents característiques del sistema de pantalla no va influir en el rendiment en la tasca entre els participants qui tenien i els qui no tenien estereopsis. Diferències significatives van ser trobades a favor del HMD entre les dues condicions i entre els dos grups de participants. Els participants que no van tenir estereopsis i no podien percebre la profunditat quan van utilitzar altres sistemes de pantalla (per exemple, CAVE), van tenir la il.lusió de percepció de profunditat quan van utilitzar l'Oculus Rift. L'estudi suggereix que per les persones que no van tenir estereopsis, el seguiment del cap influeix en gran mesura en l'experiència 3D. Els resultats estadístics dels dos estudis han provat que el sistema de RV desenvolupat per aquesta recerca és una eina apropiada per avaluar la memòria espacial a curt termini i la percepció de profunditat. Per això, els sistemes de RV que combinen immersió plena, interacció i moviment poden ser una eina útil per la avaluació de processos cognitius humans com la memòria Les conclusions generals que s'han extret d'aquests estudis, són les següents: 1) La tecnologia de RV i la immersió proporcionada pels HMDs són eines apropiades per aplicacions psicològiques, en particular, la avaluació de memòria espacial a curt termini; 2) Un sistema de RV com el presentat podria ser utilitzat com a eina per avaluar o entrenar adults en habilitats relacionades amb la memòria espacial a curt termini; 3) Els dos tipus d'interacció utilitzats per navegació dins del laberint virtual podrien ser útils per al seu ús amb diferent col.lectius; 3) L'Oculus Rift permet que els usuaris que no tenen estereopsis puguen percebre la percepció de profunditat dels objectes 3D i tenirCárdenas Delgado, SE. (2017). VR systems for memory assessment and depth perception [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94629TESI

    LandMarkAR: An application to study virtual route instructions and the design of 3D landmarks for indoor pedestrian navigation with a mixed reality head-mounted display

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    Mixed Reality (MR) interfaces on head-mounted displays (HMDs) have the potential to replace screen-based interfaces as the primary interface to the digital world. They potentially offer a more immersive and less distracting experience compared to mobile phones, allowing users to stay focused on their environment and main goals while accessing digital information. Due to their ability to gracefully embed virtual information in the environment, MR HMDs could potentially alleviate some of the issues plaguing users of mobile pedestrian navigation systems, such as distraction, diminished route recall, and reduced spatial knowledge acquisition. However, the complexity of MR technology presents significant challenges, particularly for researchers with limited programming knowledge. This thesis presents “LandMarkAR” to address those challenges. “LandMarkAR” is a HoloLens application that allows researchers to create augmented territories to study human navigation with MR interfaces, even if they have little programming knowledge. “LandMarkAR” was designed using different methods from human-centered design (HCD), such as design thinking and think-aloud testing, and was developed with Unity and the Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK). With “LandMarkAR”, researchers can place and manipulate 3D objects as holograms in real-time, facilitating indoor navigation experiments using 3D objects that serve as turn-by-turn instructions, highlights of physical landmarks, or other information researchers may come up with. Researchers with varying technical expertise will be able to use “LandMarkAR” for MR navigation studies. They can opt to utilize the easy-to-use User Interface (UI) on the HoloLens or add custom functionality to the application directly in Unity. “LandMarkAR” empowers researchers to explore the full potential of MR interfaces in human navigation and create meaningful insights for their studies

    "Enriching 360-degree technologies through human-computer interaction: psychometric validation of two memory tasks"

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    This doctoral dissertation explores the domain of neuropsychological assessment, with the objective of gaining a comprehensive understanding of an individual's cognitive functioning and detecting possible impairments. Traditional assessment tools, while possessing inherent value, frequently exhibit a deficiency in ecological validity when evaluating memory, as they predominantly concentrate on short-term, regulated tasks. To overcome this constraint, immersive technologies, specifically virtual reality and 360° videos, have surfaced as promising instruments for augmenting the ecological validity of cognitive assessments. This work examines the potential advantages of immersive technologies, particularly 360° videos, in enhancing memory evaluation. First, a comprehensive overview of contemporary virtual reality tools employed in the assessment of memory, as well as their convergence with conventional assessment measures has been provided. Then, the present study utilizes cluster and network analysis techniques to categorize 360° videos according to their content and applications, thereby offering significant insights into the potential of this nascent medium. The study introduces then a novel platform, Mindscape, that aims to address the existing technological disparity, thereby enhancing the accessibility of clinicians and researchers in developing cognitive tasks within immersive environments. The conclusion of the thesis encompasses the psychometric validation of two memory tasks, which have been specifically developed with Mindscape to assess episodic and spatial memory. The findings demonstrate disparities in cognitive performance between individuals diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment and those without cognitive impairments, underscoring the interrelated nature of cognitive processes and the promising prospects of virtual reality technology in improving the authenticity of real-world experiences. Overall, this dissertation aims to respond to the demand for practical and ecologically valid neuropsychological assessments within the dynamic field of neuropsychology. It achieves this by integrating user-friendly platforms and immersive cognitive tasks into its methodology. By highlighting a shift in the field of neuropsychology towards prioritizing functional and practical assessments over theoretical frameworks, this work indicates a changing perspective within the discipline. This study highlights the potential of comprehensive and purpose-oriented assessment methods in cognitive evaluations, emphasizing the ongoing significance of research in fully comprehending the capabilities of immersive technologies

    가상현실 내 정보 불일치를 활용한 인지기능 평가: 탐색적 고찰

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 인문대학 협동과정 인지과학전공, 2022.2. 이경민.본 박사논문의 목적은 가상현실 내에서 발생하는 정보불일치에 대해서 알아보고, 정보 불일치로 인한 인지적 반응을 인지기능 평가에 활용할 수 있는 방안을 고찰하고자 함이다. 가상현실 주방과제를 구현하여 과제 수행 중 나타나는 움직임과 인지작용의 특성을 알아보고자 하였다. 또한 VR에서 과제수행 시 나타나는 인지 부하의 요인을 탐색하였다. 특히, 감각운동 조절 측면에서 가상현실 내 발생하는 정보불일치로 인한 인지 과부하를 살펴보았다. 첫째, 가상현실과 실제환경에서 작동하는 인지과정이 어떻게 다른지 알아보기 위해 두 환경 간의 과제 수행 차이를 비교하였다. 젊은 성인 그룹에서는 어려운 주방과제 수행 시 가상현실과 실제환경 간의 수행시간에 유의한 차이가 있었지만 쉬운 주방 과제에서는 차이가 없었다. 반면 노인 집단에서는 과제의 난이도와 관계없이 두 환경 간의 수행 시간에 상당한 차이가 있었다. 노인의 경우 가상현실에서 감각운동 조절의 어려움을 보였다. 즉 노인의 경우 젊은 성인에 비해 가상현실 내에서의 감각운동 조절이 더 어렵기 때문에 이로 인한 인지적 부하가 과제 수행 자체의 인지적 부하에 가중되어 과제 난이도가 어려워지면 인지용량의 한계를 초과하게 된다. 둘째, 가상 주방과제 수행 시 인지기능이 저하됨에 따라 갑자기 휙 움직이는(jerky) 패턴을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 인지기능이 저하된 노인의 경우 환경에 대한 예측력이 저하되어 최소 저크운동 조절(minimal jerk movement control)에 어려움이 있음을 시사한다. 또한 인지기능이 높은 그룹보다 인지기능이 낮은 노인 그룹의 경우 과제가 완료될 때까지의 일련의 움직임 단계가 더 많았다. 인지기능이 저하됨에 따라 비효율적이고 분주한 움직임을 보인다고 할 수 있다. 또한 다중회귀분석 결과, 노인이 가상현실 주방과제를 효율적으로 수행함에 있어 연령 및 학력 보다는 인지기능이 가장 영향을 미치는 요인으로 나타났다. 즉 가상현실 기반 과제수행은 순수 인지기능만을 평가하는 새로운 대안으로 제시할 수 있다. 마지막으로 감각운동 피드백의 예측불가능성(unpredictability)이 가상현실에서 인지부하를 유발하는 방식을 알아보고자 하였다. 섭동의 예측 가능성에 따른 반응 시간과 이동 속도를 암묵적 5°와 명시적 15° 섭동 조건에서 각각 측정하였다. 그 결과 암묵적 운동 제어 시 섭동의 변화를 예측할 수 없을 때 움직임의 정확도를 높이기 위해 움직임이 느려지는 전략(accuracy and speed trade-off)을 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 감각운동조절 과정 상에서 정보 불일치로 인한 예측 불가능성에 대해 우리의 뇌는 다른 인지전략을 취한다고 설명할 수 있다. 결론적으로 가상현실은 기술적 충실도(fidelity) 문제로 인해 감각 피드백이 예측 불가능하고 가변적이기 때문에 실제 환경보다 더 많은 인지 부하를 유발한다. 특히 가상현실에서의 감각운동 조절은 실제환경에서 인간의 운동 시스템이 적응된 방식과는 다르다고 볼 수 있다. 즉 가상현실 내에서는 감각운동 시스템이 예측할 수 없는 환경에 적응하기 위해 다른 인지 전략을 취하게 된다. 환경에 따른 효율적인 인지전략의 전환은 중앙 집행기능(central executive)과 관련 있으며, 이러한 특징을 활용한 가상현실기반 과제는 새로운 인지기능 평가의 대안으로 제시할 수 있다.The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate information mismatch in virtual reality (VR) and explore the possibility of using the cognitive reaction arising from information mismatch for cognitive evaluation. The virtual kitchen task was used to observe the subjects’ behaviors while performing the task, and to investigate the characteristics of movement and cognitive processes appearing during the performance of the virtual task. In addition, an attempt was made to explore the factors of cognitive overload in VR that determine the difference compared to a performance in the real environment. In particular, this study aimed to investigate how information mismatch occurring in VR causes cognitive overload in terms of sensorimotor control. First, it questioned how the cognitive process in VR differs from the real environment and also investigated the factors affecting the performance of tasks in VR. In the young adult group, while there was a significant difference between the execution time in VR and in the real environment in the difficult kitchen task, there was no such difference in the easy kitchen task. Meanwhile, among the elderly, there was a significant difference between the execution time in VR and in the real environment regardless of whether the task was difficult or easy. It was thought that cognitive load was caused due to difficulties in sensorimotor control in VR. It was found that the cognitive capacity is challenged when the task is difficult because the load of task performance itself and the load of sensorimotor control are doubling. Second, it was found that as the cognitive function decreased, an abrupt and jerky movement pattern was exhibited during the virtual kitchen task. The number of sequences in movement until the task was completed was also busier in the elderly group with lower cognitive function in contrast with those with higher cognitive function. In the case of the elderly with deteriorated cognitive function, it is suggested that there is difficulty in minimal jerk movement control because the predictive ability responding to environment is decreased. In addition, according to the results of multiple regression, cognitive function of the elderly is the most influential factor in performing VR tasks, other than age and educational background, which means that purely evaluating cognitive function may be suggested. Third, an attempt was made to verify how the unpredictability of sensorimotor feedback causes cognitive load in VR. The reaction time and speed of movement depending on the predictability of perturbation were measured in implicit 5 degrees and explicit 15 degrees perturbation. When the subject was unable to predict the variation of perturbation only in implicit motor control, reaching became slower and it took more time due to the accuracy and speed trade-off. In other words, unpredictability due to information mismatch leads to the use of different cognitive strategies in brain mechanisms. In conclusion, VR induces more cognitive load than the real environment because the sensory feedback is unpredictable and variable due to technical fidelity problems. The sensorimotor control in VR is challenged by the way the human motor system is adapted. Further, it was found that an unpredictable environment requires different cognitive strategies for the sensorimotor system to adapt to it. The manner in which effective cognitive strategies are taken represents an efficient central executive function. From this perspective, VR-based cognitive evaluation, using such attributes, is thought to be an alternative method for early screening of cognitive decline.Chapter 1. Introduction 7 1.1 Research motivation and introductory overview 7 1.2 Research goal and questions 7 1.2.1 Overall research goal 7 1.2.2 Research questions 8 1.2.3 Research contributions 8 1.3 Thesis structure 8 Chapter 2. Literature Review 10 2.1 Virtual Reality (VR) as ecological method for cognitive evaluation 10 2.2 Sub-types of VR based tasks according to target cognitive function 12 2.2.1. VR task for spatial navigation 13 2.2.2. VR task for memory 14 2.2.3. VR task for executive function 16 2.3 Factors affecting on VR performance 19 2.3.1. General 19 2.3.2. Age effects on VR performance 20 2.3.3. Cognitive challenges in VR 21 2.3.4. Feasibility of VR task for dementia 22 2.4 Cognitive load in VR 23 2.4.1. Immersive versus non-immersive VR 23 2.4.2. Sense of presence and situated cognition 26 2.4.3. Sensorimotor adaptation in VR 28 2.5 Sensorimotor control in VR 29 2.5.1 Predictive brain and internal model for motor control 29 2.5.2 Explicit and implicit process in motor control 31 2.5.3 Accuracy & speed tradeoff in cognitive control 31 2.6 Executive control for information mismatch in information processing 32 Chapter 3. Differences in Cognitive Load Between Real and VR Environment 34 3.1 Introduction 34 3.2 Method 37 3.3 Results 40 3.4 Discussion 45 Chapter 4. The Efficiency of Movement Trajectory and Sequence in VR According to Cognitive Function in the Elderly 50 4.1 Introduction 50 4.2 Method 52 4.3 Results 53 4.4 Discussion 56 Chapter 5. Factors that Affect the Performance of Immersive Virtual Kitchen Tasks in the Elderly 59 5.1 Introduction 59 5.2 Method 62 5.3 Results 64 5.4 Discussion 70 Chapter 6. Effect of Predictability of Sensorimotor Feedback on Cognitive Load in VR 74 6.1 Introduction 74 6.2 Method 77 6.3 Results 79 6.4 Discussion 84 Chapter 7. Conclusion 88 7.1 Summary of findings 88 7.2 Future direction of research 90 References 92박

    Influence of Field Dependence / Independence, Gender, and Experience on Navigational Behavior and Configurational Knowledge Acquisition in a Desktop Virtual Reality Environment

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    Little is known about the influence of individual learner differences on navigational behaviors and learning within a desktop virtual reality environment (VE). This mixed-methods exploratory study used orienting, navigating, and wayfinding theory, digital performance-recording technology, and expert judges to examine the influences of the individual characteristics of field dependent/field independent cognitive style, gender, and prior domain knowledge or experience on navigation behaviors and survey knowledge acquisition of 30 police officers in a virtual crime scene created for the study. Detailed analyses were made of navigational moves and post-VE-treatment drawings of the virtual crime scene. Based on descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, analysis of variance, qualitative data, inter-judge reliability coefficients, and rating scores on post-treatment drawings, several conclusions were drawn: 1. Navigational behaviors in a desktop VE is individualistic rather than occupational. 2. IdentificaSchool of Teaching and Curriculum Leadershi

    길찾기(Wayfinding)를 중심으로

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 건축학과, 2023. 2. 조항만.research due to difficulties in controlling various variables and implementing an appropriate environment. Recently, VR technology, which is rapidly developing, is easy to design space freely and control various variables. This provides a new foothold for wayfinding research by enabling various experiments at low cost and in a small amount of time. However, the situation in which technologies that implement VR environments are not systematically classified and mixed hinders an accurate understanding of VR environment. This study classified VR implementation technologies in detail, analyzed the usability of each technology. Therefore, VR implementation technology was largely divided into video output device, space construction technology, and behavior support technology. In addition, the utilization of each technology was evaluated and analyzed through five evaluation criteria established based on previous studies: visual similarity, behavioral similarity, environmental adjustability, quantitative data collection possibility, and economic feasibility. Through this, clear criteria for understanding VR were prepared, and a VR environment suitable for Wayfinding research was presented. In addition, research on wayfinding using VR was collected and analyzed to identify research trends and the utilization trend of VR implementation technologies. As a result, it was emphasized that the Eye-Tracking technology and Behavioral Similarity should be fully considered in future studies. Finally, a wayfinding experiment using VR was designed and conducted to explore ways to use VR technology from an empirical point of view. As a result, it was confirmed that VR is an excellent research method that can replace experiments, a research methodology that has many difficulties in environmental-behavior research. On the other hand, some parts of VR technology, such as visual similarity and behavioral similarity, were identified, but based on the trends of VR technology that is currently rapidly developing, it is predicted that the same experimental results as reality can be derived soon.본 연구는 환경-행태 연구, 그중에서도 길찾기 연구에 집중하여 가상현실(Virtual Reality, VR) 기술의 활용성을 파악하고자 하였다. 환경-행태 연구와 VR 기술의 개념과 동향을 살펴본 결과, VR 기술이 환경-행태 연구에서 기존의 전통적인 연구방법론이 가졌던 한계를 극복하고 새로운 접근의 연구를 가능하게 할 가능성을 파악하였다. VR 기술의 활용성을 분석하기에 앞서 VR 구현기술을 세부적으로 분류하여, 혼재된 VR 기술 환경을 명확히 구분하고 연구의 목적에 따라 취사선택할 수 있도록 하고자 하였다. 그리하여 VR 구현기술을 크게 영상 출력 장치, 공간 구축 기술, 행동 지원 기술로 구분하였다. 또한, 공간 구축 기술은 구성 자원, 구축 차원으로, 행동 지원 기술은 신체 복제 기술, 의사 반영 장치, 특정 행동 반영 기술로 세분화하여 구분하였다. 이에 따라, 각각의 기술군을 정의하고 그에 속하는 기술들을 명시하여 그 구분을 명확히 하였다. 이후 길찾기 연구의 관점에서 각 기술의 활용성을 평가하기 위하여 선행연구를 기반으로 시각적 유사성, 행태적 유사성, 환경 조절 가능성, 정량적 데이터 수집 가능성, 경제성의 5가지 평가 기준을 마련하였다. 이를 통해 각 기술의 특징에 따라 활용성을 평가, 분석하고 기술의 병행 사용에 따른 효과를 예측하였다. 그 결과, 특수한 경우를 제외하고 모델링 또는 촬영물과 모델링이 혼합된 자원으로 구성된 3D 기반 가상환경을 HMD로 경험하고, 현실보행과 컨트롤러를 혼합 사용하여 보행하며, 시선추적 기술을 사용하는 가상현실 환경이 길찾기 연구에서 가장 활용성이 높다는 결과를 도출하였다. 한 편, 2013년 이후에 발표된 VR을 활용한 길찾기 연구를 수집, 분석하여 기술의 활용 동향 및 연구 동향을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 길찾기 연구에 VR 기술이 점점 더 활발하게 활용되고 있으며, 행태 데이터를 객관적이고 정량적인 방식으로 수집하는 기술들도 점차 많이 도입되고 있음을 확인하였다. 나아가, 아직은 활발하게 사용되지 않고 있는 시선추적 기술이 다양한 건축 환경을 분석하는 데에 적합한 도구라는 것을 밝히고, 향후 더욱 적극적인 활용을 권장하였다. 또한, VR 환경의 행태적 유사성이 실험 결과에 주요한 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 발견하고, 향후 연구에서 실험을 설계할 때 시각적 유사성뿐 아니라 행태적 유사성 측면에서 고려하여 VR 구현 기술을 선택할 필요가 있음을 밝혔다. 앞에서 도출된 결과를 실증적으로 파악하고 검증하기 위하여 VR을 활용한 길찾기 실험을 설계 및 수행하였다. 그 결과, VR 기술이 한경 조절 가능성, 정량적 데이터 수집 용이성, 경제성 측면에서 매우 큰 이점을 가지고 있다는 것을 확인하였으며, 환경-행태 연구에서 매우 중요하지만 많은 어려움을 갖고 있는 연구방법론인 실험을 대체할 수 있는 뛰어난 연구 방법임을 확인하였다. 한 편, 시각적 유사성 및 행태적 유사성 등 VR 기술이 미진한 부분을 일부 파악하였으나, 현재 빠르게 발전하고 있는 VR 기술의 동향을 바탕으로 빠른 시일 내에 현실과 동일한 실험 결과를 도출할 수 있을 것으로 전망하였다.제 1 장 서론 1 제 1 절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1. 연구의 배경 1 2. 연구의 목적 2 제 2 절 연구의 방법 및 절차 4 제 2 장 이론적 배경 6 제 1 절 환경-행태 연구와 길찾기 6 1. 환경-행태 연구(Environment-Behavior Research) 6 2. 길찾기(Wayfinding) 연구 7 3. 건축환경-길찾기행태 연구에서전통적 연구방법론 적용의 한계 8 제 2 절 가상현실(Virtual Reailty, VR) 10 1. VR의 개념과 발전 동향 10 2. 환경-행태 연구에서 VR의 활용성 11 제 3 장 VR 구현기술 분류 및 활용성 분석 13 제 1 절 VR 구현기술의 분류 13 1. 영상 출력 장치 14 2. 공간 구축 기술 15 3. 행동 지원 기술 18 제 2 절 길찾기 연구에서 VR 구현기술의 활용성 분석 21 1. 평가 항목 21 2. 분석 기준 22 3. VR 구현기술의 활용성 분석 22 4. 기술의 병행 사용에 따른 활용성 분석 24 제 4 장 VR을 활용한 길찾기 연구 동향 분석 26 제 1 절 연구 수집 기준 26 제 2 절 연구 동향 분석 27 1. 개요 27 2. 환경요인에 따른 길찾기 행태 변화 연구 28 3. 길찾기 연구에서 VR의 유효성 검증 연구 32 4. 길찾기 연구에서 VR 구현기술의 비교연구 34 제 3 절 분석 결과 36 제 5 장 VR을 활용한 길찾기 실험 37 제 1 절 실험 목표 37 제 2 절 실험 설계 38 1. 연구 문제 설정 38 2. 실험 대상지 40 3. 실험 진행 방법 43 4. 길찾기 과제 설정 44 5. 실험 진행 절차 45 제 3 절 VR 환경 설계 47 1. VR 구현기술 47 2. 가상 공간 구축 48 3. VR 플랫폼 개발 50 제 4 절 결과 분석 : 실험 1 54 1. 개요 54 2. 길찾기 소요시간 및 이동거리 분석 55 3. 이동 동선 분석 57 4. 주시 대상 분석 61 5. 주요 교차로 주시점 분석 63 6. 소결 64 제 5 절 결과 분석 : 실험 2 66 1. 개요 66 2. 길찾기 소요시간 및 이동거리 분석 66 3. 이동 동선 분석 68 4. 주시 대상 분석 71 5. 주요 교차로 주시점 분석 73 6. 소결 74 제 6 절 설문조사 결과 분석 76 1. 길찾기에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 개인별 특성 76 2. 길찾기 과정 및 난이도에 관한 평가 80 3. VR 경험에 관한 평가 83 4. 소결 86 제 7 절 VR 환경의 활용성 평가 88 1. 시각적 유사성 88 2. 행태적 유사성 89 3. 환경 조절 가능성 89 4. 정량적 데이터 수집 용이성 90 5. 경제성 90 제 8 절 소결 92 제 6 장 결론 93 제 1 절 연구의 요약과 결론 93 제 2 절 연구의 의의 95 제 3 절 연구의 한계 및 추후 연구방향 96 참고문헌 97 부록 103 Abstract 107석