563 research outputs found

    The Business Models of Internet of Things Application Enablement Platforms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next phase in the evolution of the internet, where everyday objects are connected to the internet, and obtain the capacity to communicate with other devices and sense their environment. It is an important phenomenon, which not only has drastic ramifications for the business world, but for everyday life as well. However, there is a lack of literature covering IoT business models, i.e. how different applications of IoT can be transformed into ways of creating, delivering and capturing value. This thesis reviews previous research on IoT business models, and addresses the research gap by examining the business models of IoT application enablement platforms. IoT application enablement platforms have a crucial role within IoT as the middleware that connects the devices to applications and enterprise IT systems. The business models of IoT application enablement platforms are studied through qualitative interview research, which allowed the discovery of the most important elements of these business models. These elements were found through an inquiry into the most important business model building blocks and their respective types, which are the sub-elements inside each building block. Furthermore, the findings are juxtaposed with previous research about the business models of generic IoT applications. This comparison shows how the business models of IoT application enablement platforms differ from those that have been developed around generic IoT applications. The thesis also describes the theoretical implications, which pertain to previous research about IoT, and other auxiliary phenomena. The results of the study show the business model building blocks and types, which are the most important for the business models of IoT application enablement platforms. Furthermore, the differences between the business models of IoT application enablement platforms and generic IoT applications are reviewed. The study finds that value propositions and customer relationships are the most important building blocks for the business models of both IoT application enablement platforms and generic IoT applications. Furthermore, the business models of the two are mostly dissimilar as there are few types, which are important for the business models of both IoT application enablement platforms and generic IoT applications. While further research into IoT business models is needed, IoT practitioners can utilize the findings of this study as a reference for how an IoT business model can be configured

    The use of extended reality (XR), wearable, and haptic technologies for learning across engineering disciplines

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    According to the literature, the majority of engineering degrees are still taught using traditional 19th-century teaching and learning methods. Technology has recently been introduced to help improve the way these degrees are taught. Therefore, this chapter discusses the state-of-the-art and applications of extended reality (XR) technologies, including virtual and augmented realities (VR and AR), as well as wearable and haptic devices, in engineering education. These technologies have demonstrated great potential for application in engineering education and practice. Empirical research supports that pedagogical modalities provide additional channels for information presentation and delivery, facilitating the sensemaking process in learning and teaching. The integration of VR, AR, wearable, and haptic devices into the learning environments can enhance user engagement and create immersive user experiences. This chapter explores their potential for increasing learning-based applicability in teaching and learning engineering

    Parametric BIM-based Design Review

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    This research addressed the need for a new design review technology and method to express the tangible and intangible qualities of architectural experience of parametric BIM-based design projects. The research produced an innovative presentation tool by which parametric design is presented systematically. Focus groups provided assessments of the tool to reveal the usefulness of a parametric BIM-based design review method. The way in which we visualize architecture affects the way we design and perceive architectural form and performance. Contemporary architectural forms and systems are very complex, yet most architects who use Building Information Modeling (BIM) and generative design methods still embrace the two-dimensional 15th-century Albertian representational methods to express and review design projects. However, architecture cannot be fully perceived through a set of drawings that mediate our perception and evaluation of the built environment. The systematic and conventional approach of traditional architectural representation, in paper-based and slide-based design reviews, is not able to visualize phenomenal experience nor the inherent variation and versioning of parametric models. Pre-recorded walk-throughs with high quality rendering and imaging have been in use for decades, but high verisimilitude interactive walk-throughs are not commonly used in architectural presentations. The new generations of parametric and BIM systems allow for the quick production of variations in design by varying design parameters and their relationships. However, there is a lack of tools capable of conducting design reviews that engage the advantages of parametric and BIM design projects. Given the multitude of possibilities of in-game interface design, game-engines provide an opportunity for the creation of an interactive, parametric, and performance-oriented experience of architectural projects with multi-design options. This research has produced a concept for a dynamic presentation and review tool and method intended to meet the needs of parametric design, performance-based evaluation, and optimization of multi-objective design options. The concept is illustrated and tested using a prototype (Parametric Design Review, or PDR) based upon an interactive gaming environment equipped with a novel user interface that simultaneously engages the parametric framework, object parameters, multi-objective optimized design options and their performances with diagrammatic, perspectival, and orthographic representations. The prototype was presented to representative users in multiple focus group sessions. Focus group discussion data reveal that the proposed PDR interface was perceived to be useful if used for design reviews in both academic and professional practice settings

    Use of Emerging Technology as Part of the Experiential Learning Process in Ultradistance Cycling: A Phenomenological Study

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    Technology is well entrenched as part of our everyday lives and formal learning settings. The role technology plays as part of informal learning of sports and physical activities has not been explored as thoroughly. This study examined the use of technology by ultradistance cyclists as part of their experiential learning process. Data collection was through semi-structured interviews of 10 cyclists who routinely utilized technology in preparing for and participating in ultradistance events. Emerging themes were organized utilizing NVIVO software. While identified themes were similar to the phases of the Kolb (2014) experiential learning model, there was also a strong temporal component. Technology usage themes prior to an event included Abstract Conceptualization, Route Planning, and Training. Technology usage themes during an event included Active Experimentation, Concrete Experience, and Coping with Equipment, Mental, or Physical Challenges. A technology usage theme after an event included Reflective Observations. Participants also expressed preferences in technology characteristics; themes included Record and Display information, Easy to Use, Syncing Between Devices, and Reliability. Kolb and Kolb (2005) identified a number of features that enhanced informal experiential learning spaces in higher education. Technology could replicate these features to enhance the experiential learning process in ultradistance cycling

    ICS Materials. Towards a re-Interpretation of material qualities through interactive, connected, and smart materials.

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    The domain of materials for design is changing under the influence of an increased technological advancement, miniaturization and democratization. Materials are becoming connected, augmented, computational, interactive, active, responsive, and dynamic. These are ICS Materials, an acronym that stands for Interactive, Connected and Smart. While labs around the world are experimenting with these new materials, there is the need to reflect on their potentials and impact on design. This paper is a first step in this direction: to interpret and describe the qualities of ICS materials, considering their experiential pattern, their expressive sensorial dimension, and their aesthetic of interaction. Through case studies, we analyse and classify these emerging ICS Materials and identified common characteristics, and challenges, e.g. the ability to change over time or their programmability by the designers and users. On that basis, we argue there is the need to reframe and redesign existing models to describe ICS materials, making their qualities emerge

    Counselor Educators\u27 Acceptance of Immersive and Interactive Virtual Reality as a Pedagogical Tool

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    This study explores the acceptance of immersive and interactive virtual reality (IIVR) among counselor educators in higher education. It aims to identify the factors influencing their intentions to use IIVR as a teaching tool by examining relationships between various predictors and behavioral intention. This representative survey reveals significant positive correlations between behavioral intention and performance expectancy (r =.56), effort expectancy (r = .40), and social influence (r = .55), confirming that these predictive factors play a vital role in IIVR acceptance. Additional analyses indicate that age and gender do not significantly moderate these relationships, suggesting a universal inclination toward adopting IIVR technology across different demographics of counselor educators. The results emphasize the need for enhanced teaching efficiency, ease of use, and organizational support to foster IIVR integration. Developing user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive training are essential for reducing hesitancy and increasing IIVR adoption. Additionally, these tailored IIVR programs must be designed to support counselor educators’ needs by enhancing their teaching performance and reducing workload. Addressing these factors can pave the way for effective IIVR integration in counselor education, potentially transforming pedagogical approaches and improving educational outcomes. These insights contribute valuable knowledge to technology adoption in education and highlight critical areas for future research and development

    CuriosityXR: Contextualizing Learning through Immersive Mixed Reality Experiences Beyond the Classroom

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    The focus of education is shifting towards a learner-centered approach that highlights the importance of engagement, interaction, and personalization in learning. This thesis explores new technologies to facilitate immersive, self-directed, curiosity-driven learning experiences aimed at addressing these key factors. I explore the use of Mixed Reality (MR) to build a context-aware system that can support learners’ curiosity and improve knowledge recall. I design and build “Curiosity XR,” an application for MR headsets using a research-through-design methodology. Curiosity XR is also a platform that enables educators to create contextual multi-modal interactive mini-lessons, and learners can engage with these lessons and other AI-assisted learning content. To evaluate my design, I conduct a user participant study followed by interviews. The participants’ responses show higher levels of engagement, curiosity to learn more, and better visual retention of the learning content. I hope this work will inspire others in the MR community and advance the use of MR and AI hybrid designs for the future of curiosity-driven education
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