3 research outputs found

    An ontology-driven unifying metamodel of UML Class Diagrams, EER, and ORM2

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    Software interoperability and application integration can be realized \linebreak through using their respective conceptual data models, which may be represented in different conceptual data modeling languages. Such modeling languages seem similar, yet are known to be distinct. Several translations between subsets of the languages' features exist, but there is no unifying framework that respects most language features of the static structural components and constraints. We aim to fill this gap. To this end, we designed a common and unified ontology-driven metamodel of the static, structural components and constraints in such a way that it unifies ER, EER, UML Class Diagrams v2.4.1, and ORM and ORM2 such that each one is a proper fragment of the consistent metamodel. The paper also presents some notable insights into the relatively few common entities and constraints, an analysis on roles, relationships, and attributes, and other modeling motivations are discussed. We describe two practical use cases of the metamodel, being a quantitative assessment of the entities of 30 models in ER/EER, UML, and ORM/ORM2, and a qualitative evaluation of inter-model assertions

    An object-oriented approach to the translation between MOF Metaschemas

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    Since the 1960s, many formal languages have been developed in order to allow software engineers to specify conceptual models and to design software artifacts. A few of these languages, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML), have become widely used standards. They employ notations and concepts that are not readily understood by "domain experts," who understand the actual problem domain and are responsible for finding solutions to problems.The Object Management Group (OMG) developed the Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR) specification as a first step towards providing a language to support the specification of "business vocabularies and rules." The function of SBVR is to capture business concepts and business rules in languages that are close enough to ordinary language, so that business experts can read and write them, and formal enough to capture the intended semantics and present them in a form that is suitable for engineering the automation of the rules.The ultimate goal of business rules approaches is to build software systems directly from vocabularies and rules. One way of reaching this goal, within the context of model-driven architecture (MDA), is to transform SBVR models into UML models. OMG also notes the need for a reverse engineering transformation between UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules in order to validate UML schemas. This thesis proposes an automatic approach to translation between UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules, and vice versa. It consists of the application of a new generic schema translation approach to the particular case of UML and SBVR.The main contribution of the generic approach is the extensive use of object-oriented concepts in the definition of translation mappings, particularly the use of operations (and their refinements) and invariants, both formalized in the Object Constraint Language (OCL). Translation mappings can be used to check that two schemas are translations of each other, and to translate one into the other, in either direction. Translation mappings are declaratively defined by means of preconditions, postconditions and invariants, and they can be implemented in any suitable language. The approach leverages the object-oriented constructs embedded in Meta Object Facility (MOF) metaschemas to achieve the goals of object-oriented software development in the schema translation problem.The generic schema translation approach and its application to UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules is fully implemented in the UML-based Specification Environment (USE) tool and validated by a case study based on the conceptual schema of the Digital Bibliography & Library Project (DBLP) system