23 research outputs found

    Adoption of Digital Allergy Card: A Mixed-Methods Approach

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    Due to the recent growth in the number of Personal Health Records (PHR) as well as the necessity for the development of digital solutions for reliable and accurate documentation of drug allergies, there is a need to explore digital solution as a Digital Allergy Card (DAC). Despite the advantage of using DAC, there are obstacles to taking this solution. While several studies raised privacy concerns as the key barrier to DAC adoption, there is no clear understanding of the variability of these concerns in relation to other factors which may overcome them. Therefore, drawing on situational privacy calculus theory, we propose a mixed-methods approach to assess the trade-off between perceived benefits and privacy concerns in different situations regarding DAC use. This study will provide insights to both academics and practitioners on PHR adoption by the identification of contextual determinants which can influence the adoption of a DAC

    Application of Expanded Technology Acceptance Model for Enhancing the HRIS Usage in SMEs

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    Rapid developments and change have culminated new applications of information technologies. This trend is reflected in the plethora of innovative studies. Literature indicates that small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) perceive human resources information systems (HRIS) as complicated and time consuming, resulting in resistance from both users and employees. The purpose of this article is to identify necessary acceptance conditions for a successful implementation of the HRIS software within SMEs in Turkey. SMEs compose 99% of all companies in Turkey. Fierce rivalry within sectors gives rise to increased technology use to gain a competitive advantage. This study contributes to an efficient implementation of widely used HRIS in SMEs and offers solutions for implementation failures, including user resistance and idle system problems. This study attempts to apply the technology acceptance model to 112 SMEs that implement HRIS exclusively with all the submodules. This research analyzes success factors for an effective HRIS implementation by testing the latest integrated model of expanded technology acceptance. It concludes that there is a positive and robust correlation between acceptance and use of technology variables and user satisfaction. The results of this study are useful not only for the managers but also for the manufacturers, technical support, online support, and aftersales services as they are advised to develop strategies for user satisfaction

    Digital Government: ICT and Public Sector Management in Africa

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    This study examines the effect of information and communication technologies (ICT) on public sector management in Africa for the period 1995–2015 using panel GMM model and Toda-Yamamoto causality tests. The empirical evidence shows that ICT has a positive and statistically significant effect on public sector management, meaning that an increase in ICT is associated with improved public sector management. There is also a bi-directional causality between ICT and public sector management, suggesting that ICT spurs public sector management which, in turn, spurs ICT even further. The public sector, civil society and international actors therefore have the responsibility to collaborate at developing policies and applications that will maximize the potentials of digital government to every level of public sector in Africa

    Understanding and Predicting the Determinants of Consumers’ Acceptance and Usage of M-commerce Application: Hybrid SEM and Neural Network Approach

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    In m-commerce, privacy and security are major concerns. Existing research has examined the privacy and relationship, security, and intention to use. However, the determinants of privacy and security in mobile commerce remain largely unexplored. A study based on UTAUT2 and trust examines the factors that influence mobile commerce privacy and security. By using the approach of hybrid SEM/ANN analysis, it is possible to detect non-linear and non-compensatory relationships. According to linear and compensatory models, the absence of one determinant can be compensated for by another. The decision-making process of consumers is actually quite complex, and non-compensatory or linear models tend to simplify it. The sample is collected by using a mobile commerce application in order to gather 890 datasets on mobile commerce consumers. Findings: (1) Two determinants of M-commerce acceptance and use had an explicit and significant positive effect. Security and individual are two of these factors. (2) Privacy concerns have a severe negative impact on M-commerce acceptance and use. (3) Trust is found to partially mediate the effect on behavioral intentions of Security Factors (SCF), Privacy Factors (PRF), and Individual Factors (INF) on m-commerce in Jordan (INTENTION). According to the integrated model, m-commerce offers 71% privacy, security, and trust. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-018 Full Text: PD

    Digitalisation of community pharmacy services as part of the digitalisation of healthcare: the willingness of the adult population to use digital community pharmacy services

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    Lääkeasioiden uudistuksen yhtenä osa-alueena on kehittää digitaalisia työvälineitä ja palveluita sekä ammattihenkilöiden että lääkkeiden käyttäjien tarpeisiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia väestön näkemyksiä apteekkien uusista tulevaisuuden digipalveluista, joilla edistetään rationaalista lääkehoitoa ja yhteistyötä lääkehoidon toteutusprosessiin osallistuvien välillä. Lisäksi tutkittiin digipalveluiden käyttöhalukkuuteen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin VN TEAS -selvitystä ”Lääkevalmisteiden hintakilpailun aktivointi ja väestön odotukset apteekkitoiminnalle” varten vuonna 2020 tehtyä valtakunnallista väestökyselyä 18–79-vuotiaille (verkkokysely, n=1650). Väestökyselyn aineiston edustavuus oli muutoin hyvä, paitsi korkeakoulutetut olivat yliedustettuina. Aineistosta keskityttiin apteekkien digitaalisia palveluita käsitteleviin kysymyksiin, jotka jaettiin seuraaviin aihealueisiin summamuuttujien muodostamiseksi: lääkkeiden hankkiminen (4 muuttujaa), asiakkaan yhteydenpito apteekkiin ja terveydenhuoltoon (2 muuttujaa), apteekin ja terveydenhuollon yhteydenpito asiakkaaseen (4 muuttujaa) ja omahoidon tuen palvelut (12 muuttujaa). Summamuuttujien yhteyttä taustamuuttujiin tutkittiin ristiintaulukoinnin ja Khiin neliötestin avulla. Yksittäisiä väittämiä tarkasteltiin suhteellisen frekvenssijakauman avulla. Enemmistö (85–90 %) vastaajista suhtautui myönteisesti mahdollisuuteen lähettää sähköisesti viestejä asiakkaan, apteekin ja muun terveydenhuollon yhteisen yhteydenpitokanavan, kuten Omakannan kautta sekä asiakkaan ja apteekin aktiiviseen mahdollisuuteen päivittää lääkehoitoon liittyviä tietoja sähköiseen palveluun. Useat pitkäaikaissairaudet, lääkkeiden käyttö ja suuremmat lääkekulut lisäsivät vastaajien myönteistä suhtautumista sähköiseen viestintäkanavaan. Kolme neljäsosaa (76 %) vastaajista oli halukkaita käyttämään sähköisiä lääkkeiden hankintapalveluita. Nuoremmat (18–34-vuotiaat) olivat kiinnostuneempia kuin iäkkäämmät. Sähköinen omahoidon tuen palvelu jakoi vastaajien mielipiteitä. Reilu puolet vastaajista oli halukas käyttämään ensisijaisesti ainakin yhtä omahoidon tuen etäpalvelua tutkituista vaihtoehdoista. Myönteisemmin suhtautuvia olivat 18–34-vuotiaat (69 %), korkeakoulutetut (62 %), Etelä-Suomen läänin alueella (60 %) ja pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvat (67 %). Apteekin verkkopalvelun kautta etäpalvelun ensisijaisesti valinneista vastaajista 55 % oli halukas hakemaan neuvoa ajantasaisen lääkityslistan laatimiseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella väestöllä on halukkuutta apteekkien uusien sähköisten palvelujen käyttöön. Erityisesti halukkuutta on käyttää asiakkaan, apteekin ja muun terveydenhuollon yhteistä sähköisistä viestintäkanavaa sekä apteekin ja asiakkaan aktiivista mahdollisuutta päivittää lääkehoitoihin liittyviä tietoja esimerkiksi Omakantaan. Halukkuus hakea ensisijaisesti apteekin verkkopalvelusta omahoidon tukea oli vähäisempää kuin muista etäpalveluista ja keskittyi lääkelistan laatimiseen. Jatkossa olisi hyvä tutkia, miten sähköisen omahoidon tuen käyttöä saataisiin lisättyä ja mitä palveluita voitaisiin tarjota apteekin verkkopalvelun kautta. Sähköisiä palveluita kehitettäessä tulee ottaa huomioon palvelun käyttäjän tarpeet, jotta palvelut voidaan kohdentaa oikealle käyttäjäryhmälle.Operations of pharmaceutical supply chain and medication management practices will be evaluated as part of the ongoing social and health services reform in Finland. One of the goals is to develop digital medication management tools and services to meet the needs of both healthcare professionals and medicine users. The aim of this study was to examine population's willingness to use on new digital services by community pharmacies to promote rational pharmacotherapy and to support cooperation between those involved in the medication use process. The material for this study consisted of the national population survey conducted in 2020 for the VN TEAS report “Activation of price competition for pharmaceutical products and the population's expectations for pharmacy operations” (online survey for 18–79-year-old adults, n = 1650). The survey respondents represented well the target population expect those with higher educational level were over-represented. The current study focused on questions related to digital medication management services provided by community pharmacies, which were divided into the following 4 topics to form sum variables: 1) purchasing and dispensing process of medicines (4 items), 2) customer`s communication with pharmacy and health care personnel (2 items), 3) pharmacy and healthcare personnel`s communication with the customer (4 items) and 4) support services for medication self-management (12 items). The associations of the background variables to the sum variables were calculated using cross-tabulation and the Chi-Square test. Frequencies and percentages were used to present. The majority (85–90%) of the respondents were in favor of the possibility of sending messages electronically between the customer, the community pharmacy and other healthcare personnel by using a shared communication channel, such as My Kanta to update medication information online. Multimorbidity, medication use, and higher medication costs increased the respondent’s positive attitude towards the electronic communication channel. Three-quarters (76%) of respondents were willing to use electronic medicine purchasing and dispensing services. Younger respondents (18–34 years) were more interested in these services than older ones. The electronic medication self-management support services had more discrete opinions among respondents. More than half of the respondents indicated their strong willingness to use at least one of the medication self-management support online services listed in the survey instrument. Those aged 18–34 years (69%), those with higher education (62%), those living in the Province of Southern Finland (60%) and those living in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (67%) were more positive than others. Of the respondents who opted for pharmacy's remote online services, 55% were willing to seek advice for reconciling their medication list. According to the survey, Finnish adults are willing to use new electronic services by community pharmacies. In particular, they were willing to use a shared electronic communication channel between the customer, the pharmacy and other healthcare personnel, such as MyKanta to update information related to their medication. The willingness to have support self-care support for medication self-management primarily from the pharmacy's online services was lower than the willingness to use online purchasing and dispensing services. Of the remote medication self-management services medication reconciliation had the highest demand. Future research should focus on enhancing use of electronic medication self-management services provided by community pharmacies. Further research should also be targeted to understand medicine user needs for support as it may vary between patient groups, requiring segmentation of services

    Determinants of behavioral intention to use big data analytics (BDA) on the information and communication technologies (ICT) SMEs in Jordan

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    Big Data Analytics (BDA) provides an important resource for businesses seeking to enhance their performance and gain a competitive advantage, although not all organizations are adopting BDA techniques, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Jordan have been slow in this regard, despite being key players in any healthy economy, and the fact that BDA adoption can be facilitated by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The purpose of this study is to investigate the drivers of behavioral intention among managerial-level employees in Jordanian ICT SMEs to adopt BDA through a quantitative correlational research approach. The TAM questionnaire was used to gather data from 271 online survey participants in Jordan using Google Forms. The target group included management level staff working in small and medium-sized ICT firms (SMEs). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to evaluate the research instrument's reliability and validity, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was utilized to test the study's hypotheses. The findings revealed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived “privacy and security” significantly influenced managerial-level employees' behavioral intention to use BDA in their organizations. The research findings also supported the application of TAM, and the results of the investigation indicated that managerial-level employees would be willing to use BDA techniques providing they were perceived to be useful, user-effortless, and posed little concern about privacy and security. Overall, the current study's results demonstrate that the suggested model had good predictive power, 51% of the variance in behavioral intention, and was therefore capable of predicting managers' intentions to use BDA

    The Role of Parents’ Mores on Their Intentions to Enroll Their Children in a School-based Telemedicine Program

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    Hospitals providing nurse-run school telemedicine programs can improve children’s access to healthcare services by delivering such services on school premises. Despite this potential, the enrollment in such programs by parents falls short of expectations because of parents’ hesitation to allow their children to receive such telemedicine healthcare services. This study investigates some aspects of the role of parents’ perception of contributing to a good cause (i.e., personal mores), on their intentions to enroll their children in such a telemedicine program. Surveying parents about such a new telemedicine service that is being deployed in their school district shows that parents’ personal mores are associated with increased intentions over and above its expected time-flexibility advantages. Surprisingly, trust-increased intentions were fully mediated by those mores. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed, especially the idea that doing good to others may be another reason why people adopt telemedicine, suggesting another reason beyond the utilitarian, rational, and social processes that are portrayed in previous research

    Purchase intention in an electronic commerce environment: A trade-off between controlling measures and operational performance

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    YesPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand the integrated impact of the application of protection measures against identity theft on consumers’ synergistic perception of trust, the cost of products/services and operational performance (OP) – all of which in turn is postulated to contribute to purchase intention (PI) when shopping online. Design/methodology/approach: In order to accomplish the specified aim, this study first conducted an experiment by involving the students from a university in Bangladesh. Then a survey was conducted to capture their opinion based on the previous experiment. Findings: The study identified that in e-commerce, OP and trust have potential impact on pursuing consumers’ PI. Traditionally, price is always an issue in marketing; however, for e-commerce, this issue does not have direct impact on PI. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of this study is that a less established e-commerce example was utilized to conduct the experiment and survey for validating the model. Also, the study was conducted only in the context of Bangladesh and a student sample was utilized. Future studies can test the model in different contexts (particularly to verify the impact of privacy) by utilizing data from consumers. Practical implications: This study has resolved a controversial issue by generating clear guidelines that the overall conjoint effect of OP, trust, and price on PI is neither negative nor neutral. Synergistically, the application of these controlling tools of identity theft can substantially enhance consumers’ trust, which is the single most predictor to pursue consumer PI. Originality/value: This study has provided in-depth insight into the impact of different controlling measures in e-commerce PI. Practitioners have potential learning from this study that if consumers find the application of different controlling mechanisms against cybercrimes, particularly identity theft, enhancing the reliability, authenticity and security of transactions in this virtual medium, they do not mind paying a higher price. Such insights have not been provided by existing studies on this topic. Developing trust on e-commerce purchase is the driving force, not the price

    Factors that affect the use of electronic personal health records among patients: A systematic review

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    Background: Electronic personal health records (ePHRs) are web-based tools that enable patients to access parts of their medical records and other services. In spite of the potential benefits of using ePHRs, their adoption rates remain very low. The lack of use of ePHRs among patients leads to implementation failures of these systems. Many studies have been conducted to examine the factors that influence patients’ use of ePHRs, and they need to be synthesised in a meaningful way.ObjectiveThe current study aimed to systematically review the evidence regarding factors that influence patients’ use of ePHRs. Methods: The search included: 42 bibliographic databases (e.g. Medline, Embase, CINHAL, and PsycINFO), hand searching, checking reference lists of the included studies and relevant reviews, contacting experts, and searching two general web engines. Study selection, data extraction, and study quality assessment were carried out by two reviewers independently. The quality of studies was appraised using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. The extracted data were synthesised narratively according to the outcome: intention to use, subjective measures of use, and objective measures of use. The identified factors were categorised into groups based on Or and Karsh’s conceptual framework. Results: Of 5225 citations retrieved, 97 studies were relevant to this review. These studies examined more than 150 different factors: 59 related to intention to use, 52 regarding subjectively-measured use, and 105 related to objectively-measured use. The current review was able to draw definitive conclusions regarding the effect of only 18 factors. Of these, only three factors have been investigated in connection with every outcome, which are: perceived usefulness, privacy and security concerns, and internet access. Conclusion: Of the numerous factors examined by the included studies, this review concluded the effect of 18 factors: 13 personal factors (e.g. gender, ethnicity, and income), four human-technology factors (e.g. perceived usefulness and ease of use), and one organisational factor (facilitating conditions). These factors should be taken into account by stakeholders for the successful implementation of these systems. For example, patients should be assured that the system is secure and no one can access their records without their permission in order to decrease their concerns about the privacy and security. Further, advertising campaigns should be carried out to increase patients’ awareness of the system. More studies are needed to conclude the effect of other factors. In addition, researchers should conduct more theory-based longitudinal studies for assessing factors affecting initial use and continuing use of ePHRs among patients

    Electronic Health Record Implementation Strategies for Decreasing Healthcare Costs

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    Some managers of primary care provider (PCP) facilities lack the strategies to implement electronic health records (EHRs), which could decrease healthcare costs and enhance the efficiency and quality of healthcare that patients receive. The purpose of this single-case study was to explore the strategies PCP managers used to implement EHRs to decrease healthcare costs. The population consisted of 5 primary care managers with responsibility for the administration, oversight, and direct working knowledge of EHRs in Central Florida. The conceptual framework was the technology acceptance model. Data were collected from semistructured face-to-face interviews and the review of company documents, including training logs, activity records, and cost information. Methodological triangulation was used to validate the creditability and interpretation of the data in transcribing themes. Three themes emerged from the analysis of study data: implementation of EHRs, costs of implementing EHRs, and perceived usefulness of EHRs. Participants indicated that the implementation of EHRs depended on motivation, financial cost, and the usefulness of EHRs relating to training that reflected user-friendliness. The implications of this study for social change include the potential to lower the cost and improve the efficiency of healthcare for patients. The use of EHR systems could enhance the quality of care delivered to patients through improved accessibility, elimination of duplicative tests, and retrieval of accurate patient information. The use of EHRs can lead to a comprehensive preventative healthcare system resulting in a healthier environment