18 research outputs found

    Netflix nations: the geography of digital distribution

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    How streaming services and internet distribution have transformed global television culture. Television, once a broadcast medium, now also travels through our telephone lines, fiber optic cables, and wireless networks. It is delivered to viewers via apps, screens large and small, and media players of all kinds. In this unfamiliar environment, new global giants of television distribution are emerging-including Netflix, the world's largest subscription video-on-demand service. Combining media industry analysis with cultural theory, Ramon Lobato explores the political and policy tensions at the heart of the digital distribution revolution, tracing their longer history through our evolving understanding of media globalization. Netflix Nations considers the ways that subscription video-on-demand services, but most of all Netflix, have irrevocably changed the circulation of media content. It tells the story of how a global video portal interacts with national audiences, markets, and institutions, and what this means for how we understand global media in the internet age. Netflix Nations addresses a fundamental tension in the digital media landscape - the clash between the internet's capacity for global distribution and the territorial nature of media trade, taste, and regulation. The book also explores the failures and frictions of video-on-demand as experienced by audiences. The actual experience of using video platforms is full of subtle reminders of market boundaries and exclusions: platforms are geo-blocked for out-of-region users ("this video is not available in your region"); catalogs shrink and expand from country to country; prices appear in different currencies; and subtitles and captions are not available in local languages. These conditions offer rich insight for understanding the actual geographies of digital media distribution. Contrary to popular belief, the story of Netflix is not just an American one. From Argentina to Australia, Netflix's ascension from a Silicon Valley start-up to an international television service has transformed media consumption on a global scale. Netflix Nations will help readers make sense of a complex, ever-shifting streaming media environment

    Approaching algorithmic power

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    Contemporary power manifests in the algorithmic. Emerging quite recently as an object of study within media and communications, cultural research, gender and race studies, and urban geography, the algorithm often seems ungraspable. Framed as code, it becomes proprietary property, black-boxed and inaccessible. Framed as a totality, its becomes overwhelmingly complex, incomprehensible in its operations. Framed as a procedure, it becomes a technique to be optimised, bracketing out the political. In struggling to adequately grasp the algorithmic as an object of study, to unravel its mechanisms and materialities, these framings offer limited insight into how algorithmic power is initiated and maintained. This thesis instead argues for an alternative approach: firstly, that the algorithmic is coordinated by a coherent internal logic, a knowledge-structure that understands the world in particular ways; second, that the algorithmic is enacted through control, a material and therefore observable performance which purposively influences people and things towards a predetermined outcome; and third, that this complex totality of architectures and operations can be productively analysed as strategic sociotechnical clusters of machines. This method of inquiry is developed with and tested against four contemporary examples: Uber, Airbnb, Amazon Alexa, and Palantir Gotham. Highly profitable, widely adopted and globally operational, they exemplify the algorithmic shift from whiteboard to world. But if the world is productive, it is also precarious, consisting of frictional spaces and antagonistic subjects. Force cannot be assumed as unilinear, but is incessantly negotiated—operations of parsing data and processing tasks forming broader operations that strive to establish subjectivities and shape relations. These negotiations can fail, destabilised by inadequate logics and weak control. A more generic understanding of logic and control enables a historiography of the algorithmic. The ability to index information, to structure the flow of labor, to exert force over subjects and spaces— these did not emerge with the microchip and the mainframe, but are part of a longer lineage of calculation. Two moments from this lineage are examined: house-numbering in the Habsburg Empire and punch-card machines in the Third Reich. Rather than revolutionary, this genealogy suggests an evolutionary process, albeit uneven, linking the computation of past and present. The thesis makes a methodological contribution to the nascent field of algorithmic studies. But more importantly, it renders algorithmic power more intelligible as a material force. Structured and implemented in particular ways, the design of logic and control construct different versions, or modalities, of algorithmic power. This power is political, it calibrates subjectivities towards certain ends, it prioritises space in specific ways, and it privileges particular practices whilst suppressing others. In apprehending operational logics, the practice of method thus foregrounds the sociopolitical dimensions of algorithmic power. As the algorithmic increasingly infiltrates into and governs the everyday, the ability to understand, critique, and intervene in this new field of power becomes more urgent

    Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Address the Gaps, Exclusions and Oversights in Active Citizenship Education

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    There is great concern that active citizenship policies, curriculum and/or pedagogy are not working effectively, and many researchers are seeking ways to engage students more in public affairs and political realities. In this dissertation, I explore the captivating universe of active citizenship education and the discourses that propel it, using critical theory, documentary method and critical discourse analysis. I analyze over 400 documents that directly or indirectly relate to citizenship education to determine where we have been, where we currently are, and where we ought to go with active citizenship education. As a result of my research, I discovered that the discourses that originally constructed notions of the citizen, citizenship and the rights of the citizen (e.g., Socrates, Michavelli, Rousseau, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King, Jr.) differed, but they often shared themes of self-reflection, critique, and emancipation. Unfortunately, these fundamental pillars fell increasingly by the wayside when, for example, globalization spun its web (e.g., mass migration, the Internet, access to faster systems of travel and free trade). Correspondingly, neoliberal discourse penetrated local, state and global systems, and citizenship education like many other aspects of society was altered. A newly designed ‘global’, ‘unregulated’, ‘knowledge society’ claimed a new vision for civil society and thus citizenship and citizenship education. Such discourses became imbedded not only in the corporate world but also in public institutions – education was not immune to this. I discovered that although universal discourses such as sustainability, cooperation, and human rights are promoted in secondary citizenship education via social studies curriculum, little of this discourse is instituted in policy, curriculum and pedagogy. Students are not being given many classroom opportunities to become reflective, engaged and empowered citizens with the capacity to shape society and challenge institutionalized oppressions such as racism, poverty, sexism, ageism, and classism. Based on moral, ethical and democratic imperatives, I present recommendations on how to move forward to create the citizenship education programs youth deserve. I provide guiding principles, a navigational illustration, and an exemplar of what a revised citizenship education curriculum might look like

    Volume 12, No. 3

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    Bosch, Eulalia and Irene dePuig. “Philosophy and Narration.” 38­-39. Daniel, Lafortune, Pallasio and Sykes. “Mathematical Knowledge and Moral Education.” 40-­47. Fisher, Robert. “Socratic Education.” 23­-29. Fox, Richard. “In Defense of Quiet Thought.” 20-­22. Green, Lena. “The Community of Inquiry at Mendham: A Mini­Case Study.” 33­-34. Hoebing, Philip. “Pixie the Tree­Hugger.” 6­-12. Matthews, Gareth. “Thinking in Stories: Fiona’s Bee by Beverly Keller.” 1. Rickman, H.P. “Profiting from Plato.” 30­-32. Sprod, Tim. “Nothing New Under the Sun?” 35­-37. Van Gils, Jan. “Children Playing and Children Doing Philosophy: Why are They Both So Interesting?” 2-­5

    DDoS Capability and Readiness - Evidence from Australian Organisations

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    A common perception of cyber defence is that it should protect systems and data from malicious attacks, ideally keeping attackers outside of secure perimeters and preventing entry. Much of the effort in traditional cyber security defence is focused on removing gaps in security design and preventing those with legitimate permissions from becoming a gateway or resource for those seeking illegitimate access. By contrast, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks do not use application backdoors or software vulnerabilities to create their impact. They instead utilise legitimate entry points and knowledge of system processes for illegitimate purposes. DDoS seeks to overwhelm system and infrastructure resources so that legitimate requests are prevented from reaching their intended destination. For this thesis, a literature review was performed using sources from two perspectives. Reviews of both industry literature and academic literature were combined to build a balanced view of knowledge of this area. Industry and academic literature revealed that DDoS is outpacing internet growth, with vandalism, criminal and ideological motivations rising to prominence. From a defence perspective, the human factor remains a weak link in cyber security due to proneness for mistakes, oversights and the variance in approach and methods expressed by differing cultures. How cyber security is perceived, approached, and applied can have a critical effect on the overall outcome achieved, even when similar technologies are implemented. In addition, variance in the technical capabilities of those responsible for the implementation may create further gaps and vulnerabilities. While discussing technical challenges and theoretical concepts, existing literature failed to cover the experiences held by the victim organisations, or the thoughts and feelings of their personnel. This thesis addresses these identified gaps through exploratory research, which used a mix of descriptive and qualitative analysis to develop results and conclusions. The websites of 60 Australian organisations were analysed to uncover the level and quality of cyber security information they were willing to share and the methods and processes they used to engage with their audience. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 employees from around half of those websites analysed. These were analysed using NVivo12 qualitative analysis software. The difficulty experienced with attracting willing participants reflected the comfort that organisations showed with sharing cyber security information and experiences. However, themes found within the results show that, while DDoS is considered a valid threat, without encouragement to collaborate and standardise minimum security levels, firms may be missing out on valuable strategies to improve their cyber security postures. Further, this reluctance to share leads organisations to rely on their own internal skill and expertise, thus failing to realise the benefits of established frameworks and increased diversity in the workforce. Along with the size of the participant pool, other limitations included the diversity of participants and the impact of COVID-19 which may have influenced participants' thoughts and reflections. These limitations however, present opportunity for future studies using greater participant numbers or a narrower target focus. Either option would be beneficial to the recommendations of this study which were made from a practical, social, theoretical and policy perspective. On a practical and social level, organisational capabilities suffer due to the lack of information sharing and this extends to the community when similar restrictions prevent collaboration. Sharing of knowledge and experiences while protecting sensitive information is a worthy goal and this is something that can lead to improved defence. However, while improved understanding is one way to reduce the impact of cyber-attacks, the introduction of minimum cyber security standards for products, could reduce the ease at which devices can be used to facilitate attacks, but only if policy and effective governance ensures product compliance with legislation. One positive side to COVID-19's push to remote working, was an increase in digital literacy. As more roles were temporarily removed from their traditional physical workplace, many employees needed to rapidly accelerate their digital competency to continue their employment. To assist this transition, organisations acted to implement technology solutions that eased the ability for these roles to be undertaken remotely and as a consequence, they opened up these roles to a greater pool of available candidates. Many of these roles are no longer limited to the geographical location of potential employees or traditional hours of availability. Many of these roles could be accessed from almost anywhere, at any time, which had a positive effect on organisational capability and digital sustainability