403 research outputs found

    Development of an oceanographic application in HPC

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) is used for running advanced application programs efficiently, reliably, and quickly. In earlier decades, performance analysis of HPC applications was evaluated based on speed, scalability of threads, memory hierarchy. Now, it is essential to consider the energy or the power consumed by the system while executing an application. In fact, the High Power Consumption (HPC) is one of biggest problems for the High Performance Computing (HPC) community and one of the major obstacles for exascale systems design. The new generations of HPC systems intend to achieve exaflop performances and will demand even more energy to processing and cooling. Nowadays, the growth of HPC systems is limited by energy issues Recently, many research centers have focused the attention on doing an automatic tuning of HPC applications which require a wide study of HPC applications in terms of power efficiency. In this context, this paper aims to propose the study of an oceanographic application, named OceanVar, that implements Domain Decomposition based 4D Variational model (DD-4DVar), one of the most commonly used HPC applications, going to evaluate not only the classic aspects of performance but also aspects related to power efficiency in different case of studies. These work were realized at Bsc (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Spain within the Mont-Blanc project, performing the test first on HCA server with Intel technology and then on a mini-cluster Thunder with ARM technology. In this work of thesis it was initially explained the concept of assimilation date, the context in which it is developed, and a brief description of the mathematical model 4DVAR. After this problem’s close examination, it was performed a porting from Matlab description of the problem of data-assimilation to its sequential version in C language. Secondly, after identifying the most onerous computational kernels in order of time, it has been developed a parallel version of the application with a parallel multiprocessor programming style, using the MPI (Message Passing Interface) protocol. The experiments results, in terms of performance, have shown that, in the case of running on HCA server, an Intel architecture, values of efficiency of the two most onerous functions obtained, growing the number of process, are approximately equal to 80%. In the case of running on ARM architecture, specifically on Thunder mini-cluster, instead, the trend obtained is labeled as "SuperLinear Speedup" and, in our case, it can be explained by a more efficient use of resources (cache memory access) compared with the sequential case. In the second part of this paper was presented an analysis of the some issues of this application that has impact in the energy efficiency. After a brief discussion about the energy consumption characteristics of the Thunder chip in technological landscape, through the use of a power consumption detector, the Yokogawa Power Meter, values of energy consumption of mini-cluster Thunder were evaluated in order to determine an overview on the power-to-solution of this application to use as the basic standard for successive analysis with other parallel styles. Finally, a comprehensive performance evaluation, targeted to estimate the goodness of MPI parallelization, is conducted using a suitable performance tool named Paraver, developed by BSC. Paraver is such a performance analysis and visualisation tool which can be used to analyse MPI, threaded or mixed mode programmes and represents the key to perform a parallel profiling and to optimise the code for High Performance Computing. A set of graphical representation of these statistics make it easy for a developer to identify performance problems. Some of the problems that can be easily identified are load imbalanced decompositions, excessive communication overheads and poor average floating operations per second achieved. Paraver can also report statistics based on hardware counters, which are provided by the underlying hardware. This project aimed to use Paraver configuration files to allow certain metrics to be analysed for this application. To explain in some way the performance trend obtained in the case of analysis on the mini-cluster Thunder, the tracks were extracted from various case of studies and the results achieved is what expected, that is a drastic drop of cache misses by the case ppn (process per node) = 1 to case ppn = 16. This in some way explains a more efficient use of cluster resources with an increase of the number of processes

    Metascheduling of HPC Jobs in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets

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    High performance grid computing is a key enabler of large scale collaborative computational science. With the promise of exascale computing, high performance grid systems are expected to incur electricity bills that grow super-linearly over time. In order to achieve cost effectiveness in these systems, it is essential for the scheduling algorithms to exploit electricity price variations, both in space and time, that are prevalent in the dynamic electricity price markets. In this paper, we present a metascheduling algorithm to optimize the placement of jobs in a compute grid which consumes electricity from the day-ahead wholesale market. We formulate the scheduling problem as a Minimum Cost Maximum Flow problem and leverage queue waiting time and electricity price predictions to accurately estimate the cost of job execution at a system. Using trace based simulation with real and synthetic workload traces, and real electricity price data sets, we demonstrate our approach on two currently operational grids, XSEDE and NorduGrid. Our experimental setup collectively constitute more than 433K processors spread across 58 compute systems in 17 geographically distributed locations. Experiments show that our approach simultaneously optimizes the total electricity cost and the average response time of the grid, without being unfair to users of the local batch systems.Comment: Appears in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System

    Yearly update : exascale projections for 2013.

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    The HPC architectures of today are significantly different for a decade ago, with high odds that further changes will occur on the road to Exascale. This paper discusses the %E2%80%9Cperfect storm%E2%80%9D in technology that produced this change, the classes of architectures we are dealing with, and probable trends in how they will evolve. These properties and trends are then evaluated in terms of what it likely means to future Exascale systems and applications.

    On the co-design of scientific applications and long vector architectures

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    The landscape of High Performance Computing (HPC) system architectures keeps expanding with new technologies and increased complexity. To improve the efficiency of next-generation compute devices, architects are looking for solutions beyond the commodity CPU approach. In 2021, the five most powerful supercomputers in the world use either GP-GPU (General-purpose computing on graphics processing units) accelerators or a customized CPU specially designed to target HPC applications. This trend is only expected to grow in the next years motivated by the compute demands of science and industry. As architectures evolve, the ecosystem of tools and applications must follow. The choices in the number of cores in a socket, the floating point-units per core and the bandwidth through the memory hierarchy among others, have a large impact in the power consumption and compute capabilities of the devices. To balance CPU and accelerators, designers require accurate tools for analyzing and predicting the impact of new architectural features on the performance of complex scientific applications at scale. In such a large design space, capturing and modeling with simulators the complex interactions between the system software and hardware components is a defying challenge. Moreover, applications must be able to exploit those designs with aggressive compute capabilities and memory bandwidth configurations. Algorithms and data structures will need to be redesigned accordingly to expose a high degree of data-level parallelism allowing them to scale in large systems. Therefore, next-generation computing devices will be the result of a co-design effort in hardware and applications supported by advanced simulation tools. In this thesis, we focus our work on the co-design of scientific applications and long vector architectures. We significantly extend a multi-scale simulation toolchain enabling accurate performance and power estimations of large-scale HPC systems. Through simulation, we explore the large design space in current HPC trends over a wide range of applications. We extract speedup and energy consumption figures analyzing the trade-offs and optimal configurations for each of the applications. We describe in detail the optimization process of two challenging applications on real vector accelerators, achieving outstanding operation performance and full memory bandwidth utilization. Overall, we provide evidence-based architectural and programming recommendations that will serve as hardware and software co-design guidelines for the next generation of specialized compute devices.El panorama de las arquitecturas de los sistemas para la Computación de Alto Rendimiento (HPC, de sus siglas en inglés) sigue expandiéndose con nuevas tecnologías y complejidad adicional. Para mejorar la eficiencia de la próxima generación de dispositivos de computación, los arquitectos están buscando soluciones más allá de las CPUs. En 2021, los cinco supercomputadores más potentes del mundo utilizan aceleradores gráficos aplicados a propósito general (GP-GPU, de sus siglas en inglés) o CPUs diseñadas especialmente para aplicaciones HPC. En los próximos años, se espera que esta tendencia siga creciendo motivada por las demandas de más potencia de computación de la ciencia y la industria. A medida que las arquitecturas evolucionan, el ecosistema de herramientas y aplicaciones les debe seguir. Las decisiones eligiendo el número de núcleos por zócalo, las unidades de coma flotante por núcleo y el ancho de banda a través de la jerarquía de memoría entre otros, tienen un gran impacto en el consumo de energía y las capacidades de cómputo de los dispositivos. Para equilibrar las CPUs y los aceleradores, los diseñadores deben utilizar herramientas precisas para analizar y predecir el impacto de nuevas características de la arquitectura en el rendimiento de complejas aplicaciones científicas a gran escala. Dado semejante espacio de diseño, capturar y modelar con simuladores las complejas interacciones entre el software de sistema y los componentes de hardware es un reto desafiante. Además, las aplicaciones deben ser capaces de explotar tales diseños con agresivas capacidades de cómputo y ancho de banda de memoria. Los algoritmos y estructuras de datos deberán ser rediseñadas para exponer un alto grado de paralelismo de datos permitiendo así escalarlos en grandes sistemas. Por lo tanto, la siguiente generación de dispósitivos de cálculo será el resultado de un esfuerzo de codiseño tanto en hardware como en aplicaciones y soportado por avanzadas herramientas de simulación. En esta tesis, centramos nuestro trabajo en el codiseño de aplicaciones científicas y arquitecturas vectoriales largas. Extendemos significativamente una serie de herramientas para la simulación multiescala permitiendo así obtener estimaciones de rendimiento y potencia de sistemas HPC de gran escala. A través de simulaciones, exploramos el gran espacio de diseño de las tendencias actuales en HPC sobre un amplio rango de aplicaciones. Extraemos datos sobre la mejora y el consumo energético analizando las contrapartidas y las configuraciones óptimas para cada una de las aplicaciones. Describimos en detalle el proceso de optimización de dos aplicaciones en aceleradores vectoriales, obteniendo un rendimiento extraordinario a nivel de operaciones y completa utilización del ancho de memoria disponible. Con todo, ofrecemos recomendaciones empíricas a nivel de arquitectura y programación que servirán como instrucciones para diseñar mejor hardware y software para la siguiente generación de dispositivos de cálculo especializados.Postprint (published version

    Parallel programming systems for scalable scientific computing

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    High-performance computing (HPC) systems are more powerful than ever before. However, this rise in performance brings with it greater complexity, presenting significant challenges for researchers who wish to use these systems for their scientific work. This dissertation explores the development of scalable programming solutions for scientific computing. These solutions aim to be effective across a diverse range of computing platforms, from personal desktops to advanced supercomputers.To better understand HPC systems, this dissertation begins with a literature review on exascale supercomputers, massive systems capable of performing 10¹⁸ floating-point operations per second. This review combines both manual and data-driven analyses, revealing that while traditional challenges of exascale computing have largely been addressed, issues like software complexity and data volume remain. Additionally, the dissertation introduces the open-source software tool (called LitStudy) developed for this research.Next, this dissertation introduces two novel programming systems. The first system (called Rocket) is designed to scale all-versus-all algorithms to massive datasets. It features a multi-level software-based cache, a divide-and-conquer approach, hierarchical work-stealing, and asynchronous processing to maximize data reuse, exploit data locality, dynamically balance workloads, and optimize resource utilization. The second system (called Lightning) aims to scale existing single-GPU kernel functions across multiple GPUs, even on different nodes, with minimal code adjustments. Results across eight benchmarks on up to 32 GPUs show excellent scalability.The dissertation concludes by proposing a set of design principles for developing parallel programming systems for scalable scientific computing. These principles, based on lessons from this PhD research, represent significant steps forward in enabling researchers to efficiently utilize HPC systems

    At the Locus of Performance: A Case Study in Enhancing CPUs with Copious 3D-Stacked Cache

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    Over the last three decades, innovations in the memory subsystem were primarily targeted at overcoming the data movement bottleneck. In this paper, we focus on a specific market trend in memory technology: 3D-stacked memory and caches. We investigate the impact of extending the on-chip memory capabilities in future HPC-focused processors, particularly by 3D-stacked SRAM. First, we propose a method oblivious to the memory subsystem to gauge the upper-bound in performance improvements when data movement costs are eliminated. Then, using the gem5 simulator, we model two variants of LARC, a processor fabricated in 1.5 nm and enriched with high-capacity 3D-stacked cache. With a volume of experiments involving a board set of proxy-applications and benchmarks, we aim to reveal where HPC CPU performance could be circa 2028, and conclude an average boost of 9.77x for cache-sensitive HPC applications, on a per-chip basis. Additionally, we exhaustively document our methodological exploration to motivate HPC centers to drive their own technological agenda through enhanced co-design

    Memory systems for high-performance computing: the capacity and reliability implications

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    Memory systems are signicant contributors to the overall power requirements, energy consumption, and the operational cost of large high-performance computing systems (HPC). Limitations of main memory systems in terms of latency, bandwidth and capacity, can signicantly affect the performance of HPC applications, and can have strong negative impact on system scalability. In addition, errors in the main memory system can have a strong impact on the reliability, accessibility and serviceability of large-scale clusters. This thesis studies capacity and reliability issues in modern memory systems for high-performance computing. The choice of main memory capacity is an important aspect of high-performance computing memory system design. This choice becomes in- creasingly important now that 3D-stacked memories are entering the market. Compared with conventional DIMMs, 3D memory chiplets provide better performance and energy efficiency but lower memory capacities. Therefore the adoption of 3D-stacked memories in the HPC domain depends on whether we can find use cases that require much less memory than is available now. We analyze memory capacity requirements of important HPC benchmarks and applications. The study identifies the HPC applications and use cases with memory footprints that could be provided by 3D-stacked memory chiplets, making a first step towards the adoption of this novel technology in the HPC domain. For HPC domains where large memory capacities are required, we propose scaling-in of HPC applications to reduce energy consumption and the running time of a batch of jobs. We also propose upgrading the per-node memory capacity, which enables greater degree of scaling-in and additional energy savings. Memory system is one of the main causes of hardware failures. In each generation, the DRAM chip density and the amount of the memory in systems increase, while the DRAM technology process is constantly shrinking. Therefore, we could expect that the DRAM failures could have a serious impact on the future-systems reliability. This thesis studies DRAM errors observed on a production HPC system during a period of two years. We clearly distinguish between two different approaches for the DRAM error analysis: categorical analysis and the analysis of error rates. The first approach compares the errors at the DIMM level and partitions the DIMMs into various categories, e.g. based on whether they did or did not experience an error. The second approach is to analyze the error rates, i.e., to present the total number of errors relative to other statistics, typically the number of MB-hours or the duration of the observation period. We show that although DRAM error analysis may be performed with both approaches, they are not interchangeable and can lead to completely different conclusions. We further demonstrate the importance of providing statistical significance and presenting results that have practical value and real-life use. We show that various widely-accepted approaches for DRAM error analysis may provide data that appear to support an interesting conclusion, but are not statistically signifcant, meaning that they could merely be the result of chance. We hope the study of methods for DRAM error analysis presented in this thesis will become a standard for any future analysis of DRAM errors in the field.Los sistemas de memoria son contribuyentes significativos al consumo de energía y al coste de operación de los sistemas de computación de altas prestaciones (HPC). Limitaciones de los sistemas de memoria en términos de latencia, ancho de banda y capacidad, pueden afectar significativamente el rendimiento de aplicaciones HPC, y pueden tener un fuerte impacto negativo en la escalabilidad del sistema. Además, los errores en el sistema de memoria principal pueden tener un fuerte impacto sobre la confiabilidad, disponibilidad y capacidad de servicio de los clusters a gran escala. Esta tesis estudia problemas de capacidad y confiabilidad de los sistemas modernos de computación de altas prestaciones. La elección de capacidad de la memoria principal es un aspecto importante del diseño de sistemas de computación de altas prestaciones. Esta elección empieza ser cada vez más importante con memorias 3D apareciendo en el mercado. Comparados con los DIMMs convencionales, los chips de memoria 3D proporcionan mejor rendimiento y eficiencia energética, pero menores capacidades de memoria. Por lo tanto, la adopción de memorias 3D en el dominio HPC depende de si es posible encontrar casos de uso que requieren mucha menos memoria de la que está disponible ahora. Analizamos los requisitos de capacidad de memoria de importantes benchmarks y aplicaciones de HPC. El estudio identifica las aplicaciones de HPC y los casos de uso con huellas de memoria que podrían ser proporcionadas por los chips de memoria 3D dando un primer paso hacia la adopción de esta nueva tecnología en el dominio HPC. Para dominios HPC donde se requieren grandes capacidades de memoria, proponemos scaling-in de las aplicaciones de HPC para reducir el consumo de energía y el tiempo de ejecución de un lote de tareas. También proponemos ampliar la capacidad de memoria que permite un mayor grado de scaling-in y ahorros de energía adicionales. El sistema de memoria es una de las principales causas de fallas de hardware. En cada generación, la densidad del chip DRAM y la cantidad de memoria en el sistema aumentan, mientras el proceso de tecnología DRAM se reduce constantemente. Por lo tanto, podríamos esperar que los fallos DRAM podrían tener un serio impacto en la confiabilidad de los sistemas en el futuro. Esta tesis estudia los errores de DRAM observados en un sistema de producción HPC durante un período de dos años. Nosotros distinguimos claramente dos enfoques diferentes de análisis de error DRAM: análisis categórico y análisis de tasas de error. El primer enfoque compara los errores en el nivel DIMM y divide los DIMMs en varias categorías, por ejemplo, dependiendo si tuvieron o no un error. El segundo enfoque es analizar las tasas de error, es decir, presentar el número total de errores relativos a otras estadísticas, generalmente el número de MB-horas o la duración del período de observación. Mostramos que aunque el análisis de error DRAM se puede realizar con ambos enfoques, estos no son intercambiables y pueden llevar a conclusiones completamente diferentes. Demostramos la importancia de proporcionar significación estadística y presentar resultados que tienen un valor práctico y uso en la vida real. Mostramos que varios enfoques de análisis de errores de DRAM pueden proporcionar datos que apoyan una conclusión interesante, pero no son estadísticamente significativos, lo que significa que simplemente podrían ser el resultado de casualidad. Esperamos que el estudio de los métodos para el análisis de errores DRAM presentados en esta tesis se convertirá en un estándar para cualquier análisis futuro de errores de DRAM en el campo.Postprint (published version

    Energy Concerns with HPC Systems and Applications

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    For various reasons including those related to climate changes, {\em energy} has become a critical concern in all relevant activities and technical designs. For the specific case of computer activities, the problem is exacerbated with the emergence and pervasiveness of the so called {\em intelligent devices}. From the application side, we point out the special topic of {\em Artificial Intelligence}, who clearly needs an efficient computing support in order to succeed in its purpose of being a {\em ubiquitous assistant}. There are mainly two contexts where {\em energy} is one of the top priority concerns: {\em embedded computing} and {\em supercomputing}. For the former, power consumption is critical because the amount of energy that is available for the devices is limited. For the latter, the heat dissipated is a serious source of failure and the financial cost related to energy is likely to be a significant part of the maintenance budget. On a single computer, the problem is commonly considered through the electrical power consumption. This paper, written in the form of a survey, we depict the landscape of energy concerns in computer activities, both from the hardware and the software standpoints.Comment: 20 page