204 research outputs found

    Context and culture in human computer interaction: usable does not mean senseful

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    Computers and their interfaces are part of the spaces from which social reality emerges. They are indicators of direct and indirect cultural negotiations between the networks of production and consumption of these technologies. Technology is thus conceived as not only a product, but also as part of a cultural process of encoding and decoding. This implies a new concept of the Human-Computer relationship that breaks the prevalent idea of symmetry between human and computers as abstract information processing entities, i.e. it re-humanizes users as persons and re-locates computers and its interfaces as tools in real sociocultural settings. The paper briefly discusses the main theoretical strands that study the shaping of computer systems design and use by context and culture. These are Situated Action, the Semiotic perspective, Scenario-based Design, Activity theory, and the Systems-Management approach. Further, the role of ethnography, qualitative methods and intercultural studies are discussed as important contributors to a better understanding of the significance of context and culture in computer use and design. The Hermeneutic approach of Gadamer and Winograd and the idea of technology as interpretatively flexible text shaped by specific genres and tastes, serve as the main cornerstone of this discussion. A starting theoretical framework composed of three cultural dimensions (workplace, tool-related, and personal background) is proposed for researching the role of culture in systems and interface use and design. The main reflection from this discussion is that the question “Does this technology make sense for them?” is rarely made in pursuit of successful systems design. Therefore, the direction for research presented here tries to answer the question of how people situated in concrete cultural configurations make sense of computer systems

    Designing for self-transcendent experiences in virtual reality

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    This thesis contributes to Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research with a focus on the design of immersive experiences that support self-transcendence. Self-transcendence is defined as a decrease in a sense of self and a increase in unity with the world. It can change what individuals know and value, their perspective on the world and life, evolving them as a grown person. Consequently, self-transcendence is gaining attention in Psychology, Philosophy, and Neuroscience. But, we are still far from understanding the complex phenomenological and neurocognitive aspects of self-transcendence, as well as its implications for individual growth and psychological well-being. In reviewing the methods for studying self-transcendence, we found differing conceptual models determine different ways for understanding and studying self-transcendence. Understanding self-transcendence is made especially challenging because of its ineffable qualities and extraordinary conditions in which it takes place. For that reason, researchers have began to look at technological solutions for both eliciting self-transcendence to better study it under controlled and replicable conditions as well as giving people greater access to the experience. We reviewed immersive, interactive technologies that aim to support positive experiences such as self-transcendence and extracted a set of design considerations that were prevalent across experiences. We then explored two different focuses of self-transcendence: awe and lucid dreaming. First, we took an existing VR experience designed specifically to support the self-transcendent experience of awe and looked at how the mindset and physical setting surrounding that VR experience might better support the experience of and accommodation of awe. Second, we delved deep into lucid dreaming to better understand the aspects that could help inform the design of an immersive experience that supports self-transcendence. We put those design ideas into practice by developing a neurofeedback system that aims to support lucid dreaming practices in an immersive experience. Through these review papers and design explorations, we contribute to the understanding of how one might design and evaluate immersive technological experiences that support varieties of self-transcendence. We hope to inspire more work in this area that holds promise in better understanding human nature and living our best lives

    A Smart Energy System for Sustainable Buildings:The Case of the Bernoulliborg

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    A framework for conceptualising hybrid system dynamics and agent-based simulation models

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    The growing complexity of systems and problems that stakeholders from the private and public sectors have sought advice on has led systems modellers to increasingly use multimethodology and to combine multiple OR/MS methods. This includes hybrid simulation that combines two or more of the following methods: system dynamics (SD), discrete-event simulation, and agent-based models (ABM). Although a significant number of studies describe the application of hybrid simulation across different domains, research on the theoretical and practical aspects of combining simulation modelling methods, particularly the combining of SD and ABM, is still limited. Existing frameworks for combining simulation methods are high-level and lack methodological clarity and practical guidance on modelling decisions and elements specific to hybrid simulation that modellers need to consider. This paper proposes a practical framework for developing a conceptual hybrid simulation model that is built on reviews and reflections of theoretical and application literature on combining methods. The framework is then used to inform and guide the process of conceptual model building for a case study in controlling the spread of COVID-19 in care homes. In addition, reflection on the use of the framework for the case study led to refining the framework itself. This case study is also used to demonstrate how the framework informs the structural design of a hybrid simulation model and relevant modelling decisions during the conceptualisation phase

    Human-Centred Design for Improving VR Training of Clinical Skills

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    With the advent of modern VR technology in 2016, its potential for medical simulation and training has been recognized. However, challenges like low user acceptance due to poor usability are frequently found, hampering wide-spread adoption. This research aims to address the usability of VR clinical skills simulations, particularly focusing on interaction design, and proposes improvements for higher learning outcomes and user retention. A literature review and a usability case study of an off-the-shelf clinical VR training application was conducted, revealing usability concerns and areas requiring improvement. The prevalent issues include difficulties with controls, hardware and the 'gulf of execution' in broader 'possibility space' - issues that extend beyond direct interaction designs. A market analysis further reinforced these findings, showing gaps in interaction affordances, pointing to design patterns and trends that could be improved for better usability and interaction. The synthesis of these findings indicate that the limitations of novel interaction schemes and understanding of the VR simulation's 'possibility space' affect the knowledge transferability. Given these issues and limitations in current VR clinical training simulations, this study outlines several Human-Centred Design recommendations for improvement, incorporating findings from wider VR design research. This research's findings seek to facilitate the development of more user-centric VR training applications, ultimately leading to enhanced training of healthcare professionals and improved patient outcomes. The study sets a foundation for future interaction design work, addressing the primary usability issues and limitations in current VR clinical simulations

    SPACE HABITABILITY. Integration von Human Factors in den Entwicklungsprozess zur Verbesserung der Bewohnbarkeit für langandauernde Weltraummissionen

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    Astronauten arbeiten in den extremsten Umgebungen und unter lebensgefährlichen Bedingungen, um das Wissen der Menschheit über den Weltraum zu erweitern. Radioaktive Strahlung, Anpassung an die Schwerelosigkeit, Isolation und Mensch-Technik-Interaktion sind nur einige der vielen Herausforderungen, welche sich gravierend auf die Bewohnbarkeit des Weltalls auswirken und damit auch auf die Leistungsfähigkeit, die Sicherheit und das Wohlbefinden eines Menschen. Kenntnisse über den Einfluss dieser Faktoren auf den Menschen sind von größter Bedeutung wenn es darum geht, Leistungsfähigkeit, Sicherheit und den Erfolg der Mission zu gewährleisten. Human Factors, eine Fachrichtung welche die Interaktion zwischen Menschen und anderen Elementen des Systems behandelt, wurde bis heute nicht angemessen berücksichtigt, welches Berichten zufolge die Ursache für das geringe Niveau der Bewohnbarkeit von Raumstationen, von der Mir bis hin zur derzeitigen Internationalen Raumstation, ist. Wie die European Cooperation for Space Standardization betonte ist die Integration von fundiertem Human Factors-Wissen in allen Projektphasen von Anfang an eine primäre Notwendigkeit, insbesondere in Anbetracht des immer warscheinlicher werdenden Szenarios einer Langzeitmission. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues konzeptionelles Modell als Lösungsweg für den Umgang mit diesen Bedürfnissen vorgeschlagen, welches den Schwerpunkt auf die Einbeziehung von Human-Factors-Prinzipien in alle Aspekte einer bemannten Langzeitmission setzt, um die Bewohnbarkeit im All zu verbessern. Das neue konzeptionelle Modell, nachstehend als "Integrated Design Process (IDP)" bezeichnet, umfasst drei wichtige Designprinzipien: Faktoren der Bewohnbarkeit, einen benutzerzentrierten Ansatz und eine ganzheitliche Methodik. Das konzeptionelle Modell wurde in vier Studien im Vergleich zu existierenden Modellen untersucht. An der ersten Studie waren Studenten aus verschiedenen Fachrichtungen beteiligt, welche das Modell einsetzten, um die Gestaltung einer Mondbasis zu unterstützen. An der zweiten Studie war der Arbeitskreis Extreme-Design beteiligt, welcher das Modell einsetzte, um Verfahren zum Bewohnbarkeits-Debriefing sowie Sensorenreize während einer simulierten Mission auf der Mars Desert Research Station zu untersuchen. An der dritten Studie waren Studenten des Lehrstuhls Mensch-Maschine-Systeme der TU Berlin beteiligt, welche Raumausrüstung für Systemabläufe in einer Mensch-Maschine-Umgebung entwarfen. An der vierten Studie war ein interdisziplinäres Team im Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) beteiligt, welches das Modell beim Entwurf eines closed-loop Habitat-Systems für Langstreckenmissionen anwendete. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien zeigten, dass im Vergleich zu den aktuellen Methoden die Verwendung des IDP-Modells während der Entwurfsphase die Bewohnbarkeit verbessert. Die Vermutung liegt daher nahe, dass die Verwendung eines solchen Modells in der Planungsphase einer Weltraummission die Bewohnbarkeit und als Folge die Leistungsfähigkeit des Menschen und dessen Sicherheit verbessern und letztendlich zum Erfolg der Mission beitragen kann. Die Auswirkungen eines solchen Modells gehen über die Anwendung im Weltraum hinaus und schließen auch andere Umgebungen mit ein, in welchen Menschen in geschlossenen Räumen für längere Zeit leben und arbeiten müssen, wie beispielsweise in Forschungslaboren in der Antarktis, aber auch in Megastädten und Altenheimen.Astronauts work in the most extreme environments and under life-threatening conditions in order to expand human knowledge in outer space. Radiation, adaptation to microgravity, isolation, and user-system interaction are some of the many challenges that strongly affect the level of habitability in space and, as a consequence, human performance, safety, and well-being. Knowing how these elements impact on humans is of paramount importance when it comes to ensuring user performance, safety, and mission success. Until now, human factors – the discipline that is concerned with the interactions between humans and other elements of a system – have not been taken into account appropriately, which is why the level of habitability on space stations, from the Mir to the current International Space Station, is reportedly low. As underlined by the European Cooperation for Space Standardization, the integration of sound human factors into all project phases, starting from the very beginning, has become a primary necessity, in particular considering the approaching scenario of long duration/range missions. As a means for dealing with this need, this thesis proposes a new conceptual model, which focuses on incorporating human factors principles right from the preliminary design phase into all aspects of long-duration/range human mission projects in order to improve habitability. The new conceptual model, referred to herein as the ‘Integrated Design Process (IDP)’, incorporates three key design principles: habitability factors, a user-centered approach, and a holistic methodology. The conceptual model was tested against existing models in four separate studies. Specifically, study one involved students from various disciplines employing the model to assist in the design of a Moon Base. Study two involved the Extreme-Design research group employing the model to investigate habitability debriefing procedures and sensor stimuli during a simulation mission at the Mars Desert Research Station. Study three involved students from the Human-Machine System Chair at TU-Berlin designing space equipment for human-machine-environment system operations. The fourth study involved a multidisciplinary team at the German Space Agency (DLR) employing the model to design a closed-loop habitat facility for long duration space missions. The results of these studies revealed that employing the IDP model during the design phase improved self-rated habitability when compared to the current methods. These results suggest that employing such a model during the design phase of a space mis-sion will improve habitability of the item under development, thus improving user performance, safety, and ultimately mission success. The implications of such a model extend beyond application in space and include other environments where individuals are expected to live and work in confined areas for extended periods of time, such as in research laboratories in Antartica. It can also be applied in megacities as well as in retirement homes

    Automates: the future of autonomous cars

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    El futur dels cotxes autònoms sembla brillant, tot i així, personatges com el mateix Elon Musk, entre d'altres, ens porten prometent que serien part de les nostres vides des de fa gairebé deu anys. Tot i això aquí seguim, amb els nostres vehicles que sí, que són genials, però de moment encara no es condueixen sols. Aquestes falses promeses i el concepte de que una màquina condueixi el cotxe per nosaltres encara genera rebuig a la majoria de la població, quan de fet més d'un 90% dels accidents de trànsit avui dia són a causa de l'error humà, i aquestes màquines seran moltes coses, però precisament humanes de moment no són. En aquest projecte s’indaga sobre l’estat actual d’aquests vehicles, que de fet certs serveis de cotxes autònoms ja ronden els carrers d’algunes de les ciutats més grans del món, com ara San Francisco. La clau és descobrir si els vehicles autònoms tenen el potencial real de convertir-se en el servei del futur. Per això, es recorre a les metodologies de Disseny de Futurs, analitzant les tendències del sector i així presentant una sèrie d'Escenaris Futurs. Aquestes metodologies ens permetran entreveure cap on ens porten els desenvolupaments actuals, per així descobrir els passos que hauríem de seguir i els que no per a una correcta i eficient implementació d'aquestes tecnologies en un futur més aviat proper que llunyà.El futuro de los coches autónomos parece brillante, aún así, personajes como el mismísimo Elon Musk, entre otros, nos llevan prometiendo que iban a ser parte de nuestras vidas desde hace ya casi diez años. Sin embargo aquí seguimos, con nuestros vehículos que sí, que son geniales, pero de momento aún no se conducen solos. Estas falsas promesas y el concepto de que una máquina conduzca el coche por nosotros aún genera rechazo en la mayoría de la población, cuando lo cierto es que más de un 90% de los accidentes de tráfico hoy en día son a causa del error humano, y estas máquinas serán muchas cosas pero precisamente humanas no son. En este proyecto se indaga sobre el estado actual de estos vehículos, que de hecho ciertos servicios de coches autónomos ya rondan las calles de algunas de las ciudades más grandes del mundo, como por ejemplo San Francisco. La clave es descubrir si los vehículos autónomos tienen el potencial real de convertirse en el servicio del futuro. Para ello, se recurre a las metodologías de Diseño de Futuros, analizando las tendencias del sector y así presentando una serie de Escenarios Futuros. Estas metodologías nos permitirán vislumbrar hacia dónde nos llevan los desarrollos actuales, para así descubrir los pasos que deberíamos seguir y los que no para una correcta y eficiente implementación de estas tecnologías en un futuro más próximo que lejano.The future of autonomous cars seems bright, even though, famous people like Elon Musk himself, among others, have been making promises around the fact that those cars would be part of our lives for almost ten years, but here we are, with our vehicles that are great, but for now they still don't drive for themselves. These false promises and the concept of a machine driving a car for us still generates rejection in the majority of the population, when the fact is that more than 90% of traffic accidents nowadays are due to human error, and these machines will be sort of things but not humans at all. This project investigates the current state of these vehicles, that in fact these autonomous car services already transit the streets of some of the largest cities in the world, cities like San Francisco. The key is to find out if autonomous vehicles have the real potential to become the service of the future. Therefore, Futures Design methodologies are used, analysing the trends of the sector and thus presenting a series of Future Scenarios. These methodologies will allow us to understand where current developments are leading us, so then we can understand the steps that we should follow as a society and those that we should not for a correct and efficient implementation of these technologies in the near future


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    The management of sustainability in water resources has underscored the critical importance of determining appropriate decision-making processes and establishing effective governance structures. Gaining comprehensive insights into the decision-making mechanisms and actors involved is pivotal for tackling present as well as prospective issues related to water efficiently. This research evaluates the interplay among water scarcity, responsible technologies for water use, and systems of governance for sustainability amid swift technological progress. Furthermore, it delves into the congruity of said endeavors with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), other sustainability water frameworks and the social and political ecosystem. In this context, the active engagement and participation of societal actors, and not only stakeholders, assume a pivotal role as it significantly impacts the decision-making processes and molds the results of sustainability initiatives. An innovative approach to the concepts of responsibility and sustainability is predicated on the quality of the relationship between the network of societal actors as a key point. This work underscores the importance of establishing strong and comprehensive relationships to address the challenges concerning water management and promote the adoption of sustainable approaches, in co-creation, not only of knowledge but the epistemic subject in the process. This work sheds light on the interrelated domains of water management, sustainability, and regulation. A novel proposal is presented via a simulation exercise and use the socio-technical framework for the purpose of fostering responsible water use. The comprehension and use of responsible technology and innovation in the realm of water u management will be enhanced through the technique of operationalizing open anticipatory governance and executing a simulated experiment. By using a digital deliberation space and establishing a systematic approach towards technology assessment and sustainability, using the relational quality of the network of actors as the key element for co-production of knowledge, science and technology, the present study has produced and materialized an innovative framework.Na sustentabilidade da gestão da água reveste-se de especial importância determinar processos de tomada de decisão adequados e estabelecer estruturas de governação eficazes. Obter uma visão abrangente sobre os mecanismos de tomada de decisão e os atores envolvidos é fundamental para abordar questões presentes e futuras relacionadas ao uso eficiente da água. Este trabalho procura conhecer a interação entre gestão de água, tecnologias responsáveis pelo uso da água e sistemas de governança para a sustentabilidade. Adicionalmente, pretende conhecer a relação com os Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), outros programas de sustentabilidade, bem como com o ecossistema social e político. Neste contexto, o envolvimento e a participação ativa dos atores sociais, e não apenas de stakeholders, assume um papel fundamental, uma vez que, não só, impactam significativamente os processos de tomada de decisão, mas, também, moldam os resultados das iniciativas de sustentabilidade. Nesta nova aproximação ao conceito de responsabilidade e sustentabilidade encontra-se a qualidade da relação entre a rede de atores sociais como ponto-chave. Sublinha-se a importância de estabelecer uma qualidade relacional enriquecida e abrangente para enfrentar de forma mais estruturada os desafios relativos à gestão da água de forma eficiente e promover a adoção de abordagens sustentáveis. Com este trabalho, procura-se aprofundar os domínios inter-relacionados da gestão da água, sustentabilidade e regulamentação. É elaborada uma proposta de simulação, utilizando uma perspetiva sociotécnica com o objetivo de capacitar a co-constituição como sujeitos e a compreensão e utilização de tecnologia responsável e inovação no âmbito da gestão do uso da água utilizando operacionalização da governação antecipatória aberta. O presente estudo materializa seu carácter de inovação ao utilizar um espaço de deliberação digital e ao estabelecer uma abordagem sistemática para a avaliação da tecnologia e sustentabilidade, usando a qualidade relacional da rede de atores como elemento-chave para a coprodução de conhecimento, ciência e tecnologia e co-constituição do próprio sujeito no processo de deliberação

    Wireless triple play system

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e ComputadoresTriple play is a service that combines three types of services: voice, data and multimedia over a single communication channel for a price that is less than the total price of the individual services. However there is no standard for provisioning the Triple play services, rather they are provisioned individually, since the requirements are quite different for each service. The digital revolution helped to create and deliver a high quality media solutions. One of the most demanding services is the Video on Demand (VoD). This implicates a dedicated streaming channel for each user in order to provide normal media player commands (as pause, fast forward). Most of the multimedia companies that develops personalized products does not always fulfil the users needs and are far from being cheap solutions. The goal of the project was to create a reliable and scalable triple play solution that works via Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), fully capable of dealing with the existing state of the art multimedia technologies only resorting to open-source tools. This project was design to be a transparent web environment using only web technologies to maximize the potential of the services. HyperText Markup Language (HTML),Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript were the used technologies for the development of the applications. Both a administration and user interfaces were developed to fully manage all video contents and properly view it in a rich and appealing application, providing the proof of concept. The developed prototype was tested in a WLAN with up to four clients and the Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) was measured for several combinations of active services. In the end it is possible to acknowledge that the developed prototype was capable of dealing with all the problems of WLAN technologies and successfully delivery all the proposed services with high QoE

    Semantic and Virtual Reality-Enhanced Configuration of Domestic Environments: The Smart Home Simulator

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    This paper introduces the Smart Home Simulator, one of the main outcomes of the D4All project. This application takes into account the variety of issues involved in the development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions, such as the peculiarity of each end-users, appliances, and technologies with their deployment and data-sharing issues. The Smart Home Simulator - a mixed reality application able to support the configuration and customization of domestic environments in AAL systems - leverages on integration capabilities of Semantic Web technologies and the possibility to model relevant knowledge (about both the dwellers and the domestic environment) into formal models. It also exploits Virtual Reality technologies as an efficient means to simplify the configuration of customized AAL environments. The application and the underlying framework will be validated through two different use cases, each one foreseeing the customized configuration of a domestic environment for specific segments of users