26,046 research outputs found

    A tool for subjective and interactive visual data exploration

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    We present SIDE, a tool for Subjective and Interactive Visual Data Exploration, which lets users explore high dimensional data via subjectively informative 2D data visualizations. Many existing visual analytics tools are either restricted to specific problems and domains or they aim to find visualizations that align with user’s belief about the data. In contrast, our generic tool computes data visualizations that are surprising given a user’s current understanding of the data. The user’s belief state is represented as a set of projection tiles. Hence, this user-awareness offers users an efficient way to interactively explore yet-unknown features of complex high dimensional datasets

    Dynamical projections for the visualization of PDFSense data

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    A recent paper on visualizing the sensitivity of hadronic experiments to nucleon structure [1] introduces the tool PDFSense which defines measures to allow the user to judge the sensitivity of PDF fits to a given experiment. The sensitivity is characterized by high-dimensional data residuals that are visualized in a 3-d subspace of the 10 first principal components or using t-SNE [2]. We show how a tour, a dynamic visualisation of high dimensional data, can extend this tool beyond 3-d relationships. This approach enables resolving structure orthogonal to the 2-d viewing plane used so far, and hence finer tuned assessment of the sensitivity.Comment: Format of the animations changed for easier viewin

    SSA of biomedical signals: A linear invariant systems approach

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    Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is considered from a linear invariant systems perspective. In this terminology, the extracted components are considered as outputs of a linear invariant system which corresponds to finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The number of filters is determined by the embedding dimension.We propose to explicitly define the frequency response of each filter responsible for the selection of informative components. We also introduce a subspace distance measure for clustering subspace models. We illustrate the methodology by analyzing lectroencephalograms (EEG).FCT - PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/28404/2006)FCT - PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/48775/2008

    Conditional t-SNE: Complementary t-SNE embeddings through factoring out prior information

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    Dimensionality reduction and manifold learning methods such as t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) are routinely used to map high-dimensional data into a 2-dimensional space to visualize and explore the data. However, two dimensions are typically insufficient to capture all structure in the data, the salient structure is often already known, and it is not obvious how to extract the remaining information in a similarly effective manner. To fill this gap, we introduce \emph{conditional t-SNE} (ct-SNE), a generalization of t-SNE that discounts prior information from the embedding in the form of labels. To achieve this, we propose a conditioned version of the t-SNE objective, obtaining a single, integrated, and elegant method. ct-SNE has one extra parameter over t-SNE; we investigate its effects and show how to efficiently optimize the objective. Factoring out prior knowledge allows complementary structure to be captured in the embedding, providing new insights. Qualitative and quantitative empirical results on synthetic and (large) real data show ct-SNE is effective and achieves its goal