15 research outputs found


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    Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk Video Pembelajaran Interaktif Mata pelajaran Geografi Kelas XI Materi Dinamika Kependudukan di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Bergman and Moore yang terdiri dari 6 tahapan, yaitu (1) Analisis, (2) Desain, (3) Pengembangan, (4) Produksi, (5) Penggabungan, dan (6) Validasi. Evaluasi pada penelitian ini menggunakan evaluasi formatif yang terdiri dari expert review (ahli materi, dan ahli media) serta uji coba pengguna yang terdiri dari uji coba one to one, dan uji coba kelompok kecil (small group). Hasil Evaluasi sebagai berikut: ahli materi 3, 64, ahli media 3, 65, dan uji coba pengguna uji coba one to one 3, 40, dan uji coba kelompok kecil 3, 59. Hasil tersebut menunjukan tujuan pembelajaran telah tercapai dengan baik dan video interaktif ini dinyatakan layak digunakan untuk memfasilitasi peserta didik kelas XI dalam mempelajari materi Dinamika Kependudukan. ***** This development research aims to produce Interactive Learning Video Products for Class XI Geography Subject Material on Population Dynamics in SMA. This study uses the Bergman and Moore model which consists of 6 stages, namely (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Production, (5) Merger, and (6) Validation. Evaluation in this study used formative evaluation consisting of expert reviews (material experts and media experts) as well as user trials consisting of one to one trials and small group trials. Evaluation results are as follows: material expert 3, 64, media expert 3, 65, and user trials one to one trials 3, 40, and small group trials 3, 59. These results show that the learning objectives have been achieved properly and this interactive video declared feasible to be used to facilitate class XI students in studying Population Dynamics material

    The Mapping of Indigenous Knowledge of People at 3T (Frontier, Outermost, and Least Developed) Regions as an Ethnoscience Study

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    This research intended to map indigenous knowledge of people in the frontier, outermost, and least developed regions or generally referred to as 3T (Terdepan/Frontier, Terluar/Outermost, Tertinggal/Least Developed) regions. This research employed a qualitative research approach through a descriptive method in which an experimental method was performed for mapping the indigenous knowledge. The target mapping area was Papua, Aceh, West Kalimantan, and East Nusa Tenggara. Geographical position, research funding, and time allocation became the main considerations in selecting these areas. The four 3T regions are said to be the most appropriate as the locals remain to believe and apply their indigenous knowledge. The mapping results found that several indigenous knowledge is potentially tested scientifically in labs, they are Bakar Batu, Tanam Sasi, and Honai in Papua; Rumoh Aceh and Batu Nisan in Aceh; Berjuluk Baatutuk and Betang Radang in West Kalimantan; and Ebang and Welang in East Nusa Tenggara. There are numerous traditions found in the research location, yet those that do not have met the criteria of scientific objects, such as myths and legends, were not included. The mapping results were followed by confirming the opinions of prospective science teachers obtained by 85 % of 54 students who were interested in this finding as a study of ethnocentric The research concluded that the indigenous knowledge of people in 3T regions are unique and required to be further examined scientifically and could be reviewed as a source for Ethnoscience course. This research recommendation is that in science learning, especially in the 3T region should pay attention to efforts to change traditional knowledge into scientific knowledge through integrating the mapping of indigenous knowledge as the content of ethnoscience

    Development of Animation Video on YouTube Channels as an Alternative Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Distance learning is held as an effort to continue to present the teaching and learning process for students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students admitted that they were not happy with the implementation of distance learning. This study aims to describe the development of Animaker application-based learning videos on the YouTube channel as an alternative to distance learning media during the covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a Design-Based Research (DBR) model. This study shows an overview of the stages of developing a learning video which includes needs analysis, material preparation and product design according to the learning objectives to be achieved, product implementation, and evaluation. Questionnaire technique is used as a method of collecting data at the stages of needs analysis and evaluation. At the needs analysis stage, the researcher gave questionnaires to 114 students who took part in learning Islamic Religious Education by distance learning or online, while at the evaluation stage, validation was carried out by two experts and the video learning trial was conducted by six students. The material expert validation in the two learning videos developed received very good and proper predicates (92% and 87%) from material experts. Meanwhile, the validation of media experts received very good and proper predicates (94% and 94%). Then, the results of student assessments in small groups showed good scores with an average score of 90% with very good and decent predicates. This indicates that the learning video developed is suitable for use as an alternative learning media during the covid-19 pandemic

    Using Network-Text Analysis to Characterise Learner Engagement in Active Video Watching

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    Video is becoming more and more popular as a learning medium in a variety of educational settings, ranging from flipped classrooms to MOOCs to informal learning. The prevailing educational usage of videos is based on watching prepared videos, which calls for accompanying video usage with activities to promote constructive learning. In the Active Video Watching (AVW) approach, learner engagement during video watching is induced via interactive notetaking, similar to video commenting in social video-sharing platforms. This coincides with the JuxtaLearn practice, in which student-created videos were shared on a social networking platform and commented by other students. Drawing on the experience of both AVW and JuxtaLearn, we combine and refine analysis techniques to characterise learner engagement. The approach draws on network-text analysis of learner-generated comments as a basis. This allows for capturing pedagogically relevant aspects of divergence, convergence and (dis-) continuity in textual commenting behaviour related to different learner types. The lexical-semantic analytics approach using learner-generated artefacts provides deep insights into learner engagement. This has broader application in video-based learning environments

    The Impact of Video-Based Learning to Cognitive Learning Outcome of Student in Elementary School

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    The results of observations and interviews at elementary school showed that Indonesian history material was considered material that was difficult for students to accept and understand. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of video based learning on cognitive learning outcomes of Indonesian history material in elementary schools. This research method is an experiment. The form of the experimental design used in this study was a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group type. Data analysis was carried out through tests for normality, homogeneity, paired sample t-test, and independent sample t-test. The first hypothesis test, namely the paired sample t-test, shows that there is an influence seen from Lower and Upper which is negative, namely Upper is -18.270 and Lower is -27.312. Sig. Value (2-tailed) shows the number 0.000 which means <0.05. The second hypothesis test, namely the independent sample t-test, shows that there is a difference seen from Lower and Upper which is negative, namely Lower is -13.651 and Upper is -3.109. Sig. Value (2-tailed) shows the number 0.002 which means <0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It was concluded that the video based learning had an effect on the cognitive learning outcomes of Indonesian historical material at SDN 02 Temulus. Videos based learning can be used as an alternate learning resource in elementary schools to help students comprehend Indonesian history

    Supporting Constructive Video-based Learning: Requirements Elicitation from Exploratory Studies

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    Although videos are a highly popular digital medium for learning, video watching can be a passive activity and results in limited learning. This calls for interactive means to support engagement and active video watching. However, there is limited insight into what engagement challenges have to be overcome and what intelligent features are needed. This paper presents an empirical way to elicit requirements for innovative functionality to support constructive video-based learning. We present two user studies with an active video watching system instantiated for soft skill learning (pitch presenta-tions). Based on the studies, we identify whether learning is happening and what kind of interaction contributes to learning, what difficulties participants face and how these can be overcome with additional intelligent support. Our findings show that participants who engaged in constructive learning have improved their conceptual understanding of presentation skills, while those who exhibited more passive ways of learning have not improved as much as constructive learners. Analysis of participants’ profiles and experiences led to requirements for intelligent support with active video watching. Based on this, we propose intelligent nudging in the form of signposting and prompts to further promote constructive learning

    The impact of video-based presentations on BPED students' learning performance

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    The main objective of this study was to determine and evaluate the effectiveness of video-based presentations in providing physical education instructions. This quantitative research used a quasi-experimental which was participated by 46 students taking Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED) in one of the tertiary schools in the Philippines which were assigned into two intact groups: experimental and control groups. The study used ANOVA to find a significant difference at 0.05 level in time variables within the group with a p-value of <0.001. It means that there are changes in the pre-test and post-test scores. As a result, it makes a substantial effort to support in the deepening and continual attainment of the learning competencies expected of future Physical educators through video-based presentations. Based on the findings of the study, as the driving factor for attaining the aforementioned goals, teachers must have an interest in learning and grow through professional growth, and self-improvement, as well as the academic performance of the students through the development and improved learning, it means that there are changes in the pre and post scores. This study will be the baseline of information for future researchers who will do comprehensive research on video-based presentations and the integration of technology in the delivery of Physical Education teachings

    Using Learning Analytics to Devise Interactive Personalised Nudges for Active Video Watching

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    Videos can be a powerful medium for acquiring soft skills, where learning requires contextualisation in personal experience and ability to see different perspectives. However, to learn effectively while watching videos, students need to actively engage with video content. We implemented interactive notetaking during video watching in an active video watching system (AVW) as a means to encourage engagement. This paper proposes a systematic approach to utilise learning analytics for the introduction of adaptive intervention - a choice architecture for personalised nudges in the AVW to extend learning. A user study was conducted and used as an illustration. By characterising clusters derived from user profiles, we identify different styles of engagement, such as parochial learning, habitual video watching, and self-regulated learning (which is the target ideal behaviour). To find opportunities for interventions, interaction traces in the AVW were used to identify video intervals with high user interest and relevant behaviour patterns that indicate when nudges may be triggered. A prediction model was developed to identify comments that are likely to have high social value, and can be used as examples in nudges. A framework for interactive personalised nudges was then conceptualised for the case study

    Improving Learning Performance in Physical Education through Video-Based Presentations (VBP) Approach

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    Background: Technology plays a pivotal role in the learning and teaching process. Technology has become a powerful tool for enhancing students' performance in Physical Education. The study aims to assess the effect of video-based presentations on students' physical education learning performance. Objectives: The study aims to assess the effects of video-based presentations as an intervention tool in enhancing students' performance. Specifically, this is to answer the following objectives: (1) mean scores in the pre-test and post-test, (2) significant difference between before and after intervention, and (3) student's experiences in using video-based presentations in the learning performance in physical education. Methods: The researcher used a sequential mixed-method research design with a one-group pre-test and post-test design, which was participated by 52 students in one of the secondary schools in the Philippines and five students in the focus group discussion. Purposive sampling was used to choose the participants to assess the effect of the video-based presentations. JASP Software was used to analyze the data. Results: Based on the result, the study shows that before the intervention, students needed more knowledge and more participation in the discussion. However, utilizing the intervention indicates that the video-based presentation significantly affects students' learning performance, which shows that the video-based presentation has a positive impact on the students' learning performance. Moreover, two themes emerged in the focus group discussion: independent learning and flexible instruction. Conclusion: As education becomes man's equalizer, students must adopt 21st-century skills, and through the intervention used, this will pave the way for developing their capabilities and skills in the education trends. This implies that with the progressive world facing the ever-changing education landscape, teachers must have the desire to build their technological capabilities by upskilling and retooling their innovativeness and creativity in delivering instructions