16 research outputs found

    Using Norms To Control Open Multi-Agent Systems

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    Internet es, tal vez, el avance científico más relevante de nuestros días. Entre otras cosas, Internet ha permitido la evolución de los paradigmas de computación tradicionales hacia el paradigma de computaciónn distribuida, que se caracteriza por utilizar una red abierta de ordenadores. Los sistemas multiagente (SMA) son una tecnolog a adecuada para abordar los retos motivados por estos sistemas abiertos distribuidos. Los SMA son aplicaciones formadas por agentes heterog eneos y aut onomos que pueden haber sido dise~nados de forma independiente de acuerdo con objetivos y motivaciones diferentes. Por lo tanto, no es posible realizar ninguna hip otesis a priori sobre el comportamiento de los agentes. Por este motivo, los SMA necesitan de mecanismos de coordinaci on y cooperaci on, como las normas, para garantizar el orden social y evitar la aparici on de conictos. El t ermino norma cubre dos dimensiones diferentes: i) las normas como un instrumento que gu a a los ciudadanos a la hora de realizar acciones y actividades, por lo que las normas de nen los procedimientos y/o los protocolos que se deben seguir en una situaci on concreta, y ii) las normas como ordenes o prohibiciones respaldadas por un sistema de sanciones, por lo que las normas son medios para prevenir o castigar ciertas acciones. En el area de los SMA, las normas se vienen utilizando como una especi caci on formal de lo que est a permitido, obligado y prohibido dentro de una sociedad. De este modo, las normas permiten regular la vida de los agentes software y las interacciones entre ellos. La motivaci on principal de esta tesis es permitir a los dise~nadores de los SMA utilizar normas como un mecanismo para controlar y coordinar SMA abiertos. Nuestro objetivo es elaborar mecanismos normativos a dos niveles: a nivel de agente y a nivel de infraestructura. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se aborda primero el problema de la de nici on de agentes normativos aut onomos que sean capaces de deliberar acercaCriado Pacheco, N. (2012). Using Norms To Control Open Multi-Agent Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17800Palanci


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    AbstractThis paper presents the development of mobile robots that have the abilities of search and retrieval of obstacles in a maze-like environment. The algorithm embedded in the robots was designed based upon principles of coordination and self-organization, i.e., a group of autonomous agents coordinate their actions in order to search and retrieve obstacles from the environment through cooperation. To do this, two types of agents were designed, organizers and operators. Organizers try to coordinate the actions of the operators, and these last, try to retrieve all obstacles in the environment. Five four-wheeled robots were built from scratch using Arduino Uno for the operators, and Arduino Nano plus NXP i.MX53 Quick Start Boards for the organizers. Also, an aerial camera (attached to the ceiling) was used to provide visual perception to the robots. The communication was made through a gateway between 8bit channel RF and WiFi, for the operators and organizers respectively.Keywords: Computer vision, mobile robots, self-organization.ROBOTS MÓVILES AUTOORGANIZADORES BASADOS EN TÉCNICAS DE COORDINACIÓN MULTIAGENTE IMPLEMENTADAS CON VISIÓN AÉREA Y PUERTA DE ENLACE DE COMUNICACIONES ENTRE WIFI Y RFResumenEste artículo presenta el desarrollo de robots móviles que poseen la capacidad de búsqueda y recuperación de obstáculos en un entorno de laberinto. El algoritmo incorporado en los robots fue diseñado con base en principios de coordinación y autoorganización, es decir, un grupo de agentes autónomos coordinan sus acciones para buscar y recuperar obstáculos del entorno a través de la cooperación. Para ello, se diseñaron dos tipos de agentes, organizadores y operadores. Los organizadores tratan de coordinar las acciones de los operadores, y estos últimos, tratan de recuperar todos los obstáculos en el medio ambiente. Cinco robots de cuatro ruedas fueron construidos desde cero utilizando Arduino Uno para los operadores, y Arduino Nano y NXP i.MX53 Quick Start Boards para los organizadores. Además, se utilizó una cámara aérea (fijada al techo) para proporcionar percepción visual a los robots. La comunicación se realizó a través de una pasarela entre el canal de 8bit RF y WiFi, para los operadores y los organizadores, respectivamente.Palabras Claves: Autoorganización, robots móviles, visión computacional

    Reflective Artificial Intelligence

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    As Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology advances, we increasingly delegate mental tasks to machines. However, today's AI systems usually do these tasks with an unusual imbalance of insight and understanding: new, deeper insights are present, yet many important qualities that a human mind would have previously brought to the activity are utterly absent. Therefore, it is crucial to ask which features of minds have we replicated, which are missing, and if that matters. One core feature that humans bring to tasks, when dealing with the ambiguity, emergent knowledge, and social context presented by the world, is reflection. Yet this capability is completely missing from current mainstream AI. In this paper we ask what reflective AI might look like. Then, drawing on notions of reflection in complex systems, cognitive science, and agents, we sketch an architecture for reflective AI agents, and highlight ways forward

    Reasoning about constitutive norms in BDI agents

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Logic Journal of the IGPL following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version: Criado Pacheco, N.; Argente Villaplana, E.; Noriega, P.; Botti Navarro, VJ. (2014). Reasoning about constitutive norms in BDI agents. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 22(1):66-93 is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/1093/jigpal/jzt035Software agents can be members of different institutions along their life; they might even belong to different institutions simultaneously. For these reasons, agents need capabilities that allow them to determine the repercussion that their actions would have within the different institutions. This association between the physical word, in which agents interactions and actions take place, and the institutional world is defined by means of constitutive norms. Currently, the problem of how agents reason about constitutive norms has been tackled from a theoretical perspective only. Thus, there is a lack of more practical proposals that allow the development of software agents capable of reasoning about constitutive norms. In this article we propose an information model, knowledge representation and an inference mechanism to enable Belief-Desire-Intention agents to reason about the consequences of their actions on the institutions and making decisions accordingly. Specifically, the information model, knowledge representation and inference mechanism proposed in this article allows agents to keep track of the institutional state given that they have a physical presence in some real-world environment. Agents have a limited and not fully believable knowledge of the physical world (i.e. they are placed in an uncertain environment). Therefore, our proposal also deals with the uncertainty of the environment.Criado Pacheco, N.; Argente Villaplana, E.; Noriega, P.; Botti Navarro, VJ. (2014). Reasoning about constitutive norms in BDI agents. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 22(1):66-93. doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzt035S6693221Baldi, P., Brunak, S., Chauvin, Y., Andersen, C. A. F., & Nielsen, H. (2000). Assessing the accuracy of prediction algorithms for classification: an overview. Bioinformatics, 16(5), 412-424. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/16.5.412Bloch, I. (1996). Information combination operators for data fusion: a comparative review with classification. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 26(1), 52-67. doi:10.1109/3468.477860Casali, A., Godo, L., & Sierra, C. (2011). A graded BDI agent model to represent and reason about preferences. Artificial Intelligence, 175(7-8), 1468-1478. doi:10.1016/j.artint.2010.12.006Criado, N., Julián, V., Botti, V., & Argente, E. (2010). A Norm-Based Organization Management System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 19-35. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14962-7_2Governatori, G., & Rotolo, A. (2008). BIO logical agents: Norms, beliefs, intentions in defeasible logic. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 17(1), 36-69. doi:10.1007/s10458-008-9030-4Grossi, D., Aldewereld, H., Vázquez-Salceda, J., & Dignum, F. (2006). Ontological aspects of the implementation of norms in agent-based electronic institutions. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 12(2-3), 251-275. doi:10.1007/s10588-006-9546-6Hübner, J. F., Boissier, O., Kitio, R., & Ricci, A. (2009). Instrumenting multi-agent organisations with organisational artifacts and agents. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 20(3), 369-400. doi:10.1007/s10458-009-9084-yJONES, A. J. I., & SERGOT, M. (1996). A Formal Characterisation of Institutionalised Power. Logic Journal of IGPL, 4(3), 427-443. doi:10.1093/jigpal/4.3.427Rawls, J. (1955). Two Concepts of Rules. The Philosophical Review, 64(1), 3. doi:10.2307/2182230Da Silva, V. T. (2008). From the specification to the implementation of norms: an automatic approach to generate rules from norms to govern the behavior of agents. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 17(1), 113-155. doi:10.1007/s10458-008-9039-

    Argumentation-based Reasoning about Plans, Maintenance Goals and Norms

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    Reasoning about constitutive norms in BDI agents

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    Software agents can be members of different institutions along their life; they might even belong to different institutions simultaneously. For these reasons, agents need capabilities that allow them to determine the repercussion that their actions would have within the different institutions. This association between the physical word, in which agents' interactions and actions take place, and the institutional world is defined by means of constitutive norms. Currently, the problem of how agents reason about constitutive norms has been tackled from a theoretical perspective only. Thus, there is a lack of more practical proposals that allow the development of software agents capable of reasoning about constitutive norms. In this article we propose an information model, knowledge representation and an inference mechanism to enable Belief-Desire-Intention agents to reason about the consequences of their actions on the institutions and making decisions accordingly. Specifically, the information model, knowledge representation and inference mechanism proposed in this article allows agents to keep track of the institutional state given that they have a physical presence in some real-world environment. Agents have a limited and not fully believable knowledge of the physical world (i.e. they are placed in an uncertain environment). Therefore, our proposal also deals with the uncertainty of the environment. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    BDI reasoning with normative considerations

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    F. Meneguzzi thanks Fundaç ao de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS, Brazil) for the financial support through the ACI program (Grant ref. 3541-2551/12-0) and the ARD program (Grant ref. 12/0808-5), as well as Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) through the Universal Call (Grant ref. 482156/2013-9) and PQ fellowship (Grant ref. 306864/2013-4). N. Oren and W.W. Vasconcelos acknowledge the support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK) within the research project “Scrutable Autonomous Systems” (SAsSY11, Grant ref. EP/J012084/1).Peer reviewedPostprin


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    COIN@AAMAS2015 is the nineteenth edition of the series and the fourteen papers included in these proceedings demonstrate the vitality of the community and will provide the grounds for a solid workshop program and what we expect will be a most enjoyable and enriching debate.Peer reviewe

    Extensión de Jason para implementar agentes normativos emocionales

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    [ES] La mayoría de las decisiones que toman las personas, incluidas las económicas, se basan en gran medida en consideraciones normativo-afectivas, no solo en lo que respecta a la selección de objetivos, sino también de los medios. Sin embargo, aunque las emociones son inherentes al comportamiento humano y también son relevantes cuando se trata de los procesos de toma de decisiones, la relación entre normas y emociones apenas se ha considerado en el campo (o bien área) de los sistemas multiagente, y la mayoría de los sistemas multiagentes normativos no las toman en cuenta como una variable para su cálculo. Así, muchos sistemas normativos modelan agentes que realizan el razonamiento práctico sin tener en cuenta las emociones del agente. Dentro de este marco, este trabajo de fin de grado propone una extensión del lenguaje de programación de sistemas multiagente Jason, que permita implementar un agente normativo emocional (NEA) capaz de manejar tanto normas como emociones. Para ello, se analizan las ventajas de incluir emociones dentro de un sistema normativo y cómo las emociones y las normas se afectan entre sí. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión del trabajo realizado en este campo hasta ahora y se presenta una propuesta de un modelo normativo y emocional propios, que se implementa como una extensión en Jason y por último se presenta un caso de estudio sencillo para mostrar las aportaciones de los agentes NEA.[CA] La majoria de les decisions que prenen les persones incloses les econòmiques, es basen en gran mesura en consideracions normatiu-afectives, no només pel que respecta a la selecció d’objectius, sinó també dels mitjans. No obstant això, encara que les emocions són inherents al comportament humà i també són rellevants quan es tracta dels processos de presa de decisions, la relació entre normes i emocions gairebé no s’ha considerat en el camp (o bé àrea) dels sistemes multiagent, i la majoria dels sistemes multiagents normatius no les tenen en compte com una variable per al seu càlcul. Així, molts sistemes normatius modelen agents que realitzen el raonament pràctic sense tenir en compte les emocions de l’agent. Dins d’aquest marc, aquest treball de fi de grau proposa una extensió del llenguatge de programació de sistemes multiagent Jason, que permeti implementar un agent normatiu emocional (NEA) capaç de manejar tant normes com emocions. Per a això, s’analitzen els avantatges d’incloure emocions dins d’un sistema normatiu i com les emocions i les normes s’afecten entre si. En aquest treball es realitza una revisió de la teball fet en aquest camp fins ara i es presenta una proposta d’un model normatiu i emocional propis, que s’implementa com una extensió en Jason i finalment es presenta un cas d’estudi senzill per mostrar les aportacions dels agents NEA.[EN] Most people’s choices, including economic ones, are largely based on normative-affective considerations, not only with regard to the selection of goals but also of means. However, although emotions are inherent in human behavior, and they are also relevant when dealing with the decision-making processes, the relationship between norms and emotions has hardly been considered in the multiagent field, and most normative multi-agent systems do not take emotions into account, as a variable for their computation. Thus, many normative systems model agents that perform practical reasoning without taking into account the emotions of the agent. Within this framework, this end-of-degree project proposes an extension for the multiagent system programming language Jason, that will allow the implementation of an emotional normative agent (NEA) capable of dealing with both norms and emotions. To do this, we analyze the advantages of including emotions within a normative system and how emotions and norms affect each other. In this work, a review of the work done so far in this field is carried out, and we present a proposal for a normative model as well as an emotional model, which is implemented as an extension in Jason and finally a simple case study is presented to show the contributions of NEA agents.Lliguin León, KY. (2019). Extensión de Jason para implementar agentes normativos emocionales. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/128197TFG