91,161 research outputs found

    Multimedia Technologies and Virtual Organizing of Learning

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    This paper addresses the issue of what are the efficient uses of multimedia technologies in teaching processes, and what are the conditions that require these technologies in online learning. The background of this paper is made by exploring online master programs, given the burgeoning interest of this emerging phenomenon of the future of distance learning. Rigorous analysis and careful measurement of communication required were covered by empirical data. This analysis is to provide an early window into several communications processes and tasks that occur in virtual context of learning, using multimedia technologies.multimedia technologies, virtual organization, online learning, communication, effectiveness of learning

    Multimedia technologies in professional language education of law students

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    The article is the author’s take on up-to-day technologies in forming the foreign language competence of the future lawyers. Educational process of law students in a foreign language cannot be carried out without a proper system of monitoring the development of communication skills and abilities. As a result of using multimedia technologies, both the teacher and the student get the opportunity to pay attention to the existing gaps in communication skills and adjust their speech activity accordingly. The control of using multimedia technologies provides the necessary information for analysis and making appropriate changes in the organization of the educational process. Multimedia has become one of the leading learning tools in the period of distance learning. Multimedia is a technology that combines information (data), sound, animation, and graphics. Using modern appliances have made it possible to qualitatively change the control over students’ activities, while providing flexibility in managing the educational process. Using the information resources of the Internet allows integrating them into the educational process to more effectively solve a number of didactic tasks in a practical lesson. The use of computer presentations in the classroom allows to introduce new material in the most exciting way, the principle of visibility is implemented, which contributes to the solid assimilation of information

    Implementing a distributed lecture-on-demand multimedia presentation system

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    [[abstract]]Lecture-on-demand (LOD) multimedia presentation technologies in networks are most often used in communication services. Examples of those applications include video-on demand, interactive TV and communication tools in a distance learning system, etc. In this paper, we describe how to present different multimedia objects on a Web-based presentation system. The distributed approach is based on an extended timed Petri net model. Using characterization of extended media streaming technologies, we developed a Web-based multimedia presentation system. For a real-world example, suppose a well-known teacher is giving a lecture/presentation to his students. Because of time constraints and other commitments, many students cannot attend the presentation. The main goal of our system is to provide a feasible method to record and represent a lecture/presentation. Using a browser with windows media services allows those students to view live video of the teacher giving his speech, along with synchronized images of his presentation slides and all the annotations/comments. In our experience, this approach is sufficient for distance learning environments.[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20020702~20020705[[conferencelocation]]Vienna, Austri

    Efficiency of Computer Technology in Teaching Foreign Languages

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    This article discusses the benefits of using computer technology in teaching foreign languages, as well as the need to broaden the content of technology for developing students' learning abilities. The use of modern means of computer, multimedia, internet, distance learning, a unique information environment and information and communication technologies has been yielding good results in high-quality educational process

    Efficiency of Computer Technology in Teaching Foreign Languages

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    This article discusses the benefits of using computer technology in teaching foreign languages, as well as the need to broaden the content of technology for developing students' learning abilities. The use of modern means of computer, multimedia, internet, distance learning, a unique information environment and information and communication technologies has been yielding good results in high-quality educational process


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    The article explores the potential of digital technologies in education, for organizing classroom activities and virtual learning in the educational environment. The distinctive features of educational platforms for the retraining of specialists, in-depth study of any disciplines, or vice versa for obtaining initial information and knowledge on the directions of interest in education are determined. The purpose of the study is to analyze the potential of digital and information and communication technologies in the educational process and obtain continuous education. Digital and information and communication technologies allow you to organize active learning and remotely share data from different locations. It is established that educational platforms most effectively support the concept of continuous education, and allow overcoming the space-time boundaries complicating the acquisition of competitive education in leading educational organizations. Using digital and information and communication technologies, students can collect, integrate and present information, creating multimedia projects using programs such as PowerPoint, HyperStudio, Adobe Photoshop, iMovie, Vimperor and iPhoto. With the help of informationcommunication and digital technologies, students are given the freedom to choose an individual trajectory, acquire the ability to work at personal pace, mode, provide individualization of instruction, in which each student works at the level of his abilities. The urgency of the use of digital technologies for the improvement of the distance learning system in the educational organization of higher education based on the means of educational platforms is substantiate


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    У статті визначається умови досягнення високого рівня оволодіння іноземною мовою у вищих навчальних закладах. Розглядаються інформаційно-комунікативні технології при викладанні іноземних мов у вищих військовихнавчальних закладах. Зазначаються наукові основи технології навчання з використанням інформаційно-комунікативних технологій. Описується метод застосування відеоматеріалів, що сприяє підвищенню комунікативної компетенції військовослужбовців. Пропонується визначення поняття сучасні технології в освіті. (In the article the conditions of achievement of high levels of foreign language in higher educational institutions are determined. Information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher military educational institutions are considered. Scientific fundamentals of using information and communication technologies are learned. The method of video application that improves the communicative competence of soldiers is offered. The definition of modern technology in education is proposed. Modern technologies in education – a professionally oriented foreign language learning, project work in education, the use of information and communication technologies, work with educational computer programs in foreign languages (multimedia systems) technology in distance learning foreign languages, creating presentations in the program PowerPoint, using Internet resources, learning a foreign language in the computer sector (forums, blogs, e-mail), new test technology. The article describes the peculiarities of work with video and possible activities for the learners. The aim of intensifying training in higher military school – through integrated use of the most effective forms, methods and means of teaching and the organization of close cooperation between them to ensure better satisfying the current requirements to practice training of military specialists.

    A Distributed Multimedia Presentation System with Floor Control Mode Based on Extended Timed Petri Nets

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    [[abstract]]Communication over Internet is growing increasingly and will have profound implications for our economy, culture, society and education. Currently, multimedia presentation technologies among the network are most often use in many communication services. Examples of those applications include video-on demand, interactive TV and the communication tools on a distance learning system and so on. In this paper, we describe how to present different multimedia objects on a web presentation system with floor control mechanism as a result of the distance learning environment indispensably. The distributed approach is based on an extended timed Petri net model. Using characterization of extended time Petri net, we express the temporal behavior of multimedia objects; on the other hand, we introduce the concepts of user interaction. The main goal of our system is to provide a feasible method to represent a schedule and navigation of different multimedia objects with user interaction. In addition, users can dynamically modify and verify different kinds of conditions during the presentation. To verify the structural mechanism, we implement an algorithm using the Petri net diagram, analyzing the model by timeschedule of multimedia objects, and produce a synchronous set of multimedia objects with respect to time duration. Specially, we consider the interactive facilities to support the distance learning requirement. We propose a floor control mechanism, which provides four types of control (free access, equal control, group discussion, and direct contact). These control mechanisms are sufficient to the use of distance learning environment.[[sponsorship]]Ministry of Education,Republic of China; National Science Council,Republic of China; The Computer Society of the Republic of China[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20001206~20001208[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]嘉義縣, 臺

    Features of application of cloud technologies in educational process

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    Розглянуто можливості, переваги та недоліки застосування хмарних технологій в начальному процесі вищих навчальних закладів. Проведено короткий огляд основних постачальників сучасних освітніх платформ на основі використання хмарних технологій. Представлено сучасні програмні рішення та їх можливості, що можуть бути використані в організації навчального процесу.Educational institutions should ensure the full development of the individual, for today it is impossible without using of the latest means of Internet communication. Cloud computing technologies implements of various forms of electronic, distance and mixed learning, and have significant advantages over traditional forms of education. The main purpose of this article is to explore the possibilities, advantages, and disadvantages of using cloud applications in the learning process of hi gher educational institutions. The review of the main suppliers of modern educational platforms based on using of cloud technologies is conducted, namely Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and IBM. Modern software solutions and their possibilities that can be used in the organization of educational processes are presented. Virtual learning environments are easy to use and do not require users to have deep knowledge of multimedia or communications tools or knowledge of programming languages. The opportunities of cloud technologies used in learning organization can have a significant impact on the formation of training tasks, assessment systems, and the final learning experience. Using of cloud technologies in the educational process will, above all, solve the problem of ensuring equal access of students and teachers to quality educational resources, regardless of their financial status, nationality, place of residence and state of health. In addition, using of cloud technologies in educational organizations will enable not only to improve the efficiency of the educational process and the convenience for teachers and students but also reduce economic costs. Cloud computing technologies enable students across the globe to acquire the 21st-century skills and training they need to compete and succeed in the global information society