973 research outputs found

    Priority-grouping method for parallel multi-scheduling in Grid

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    With the advent in multicore computers, the scheduling of Grid jobs can be made more effective if scaled to fully utilize the underlying hardware, and parallelized to benefit from the exploitation of multicores. The fact that sequential algorithms do not scale with multicore systems nor benefit from parallelism remains a major obstacle to scheduling in the Grid. As multicore systems become ever more pervasive in our computing lives, over reliance on such systems for passive parallelism does not offer the best option in harnessing the benefits of their multiprocessors for Grid scheduling. An explicit means of exploiting parallelism for Grid scheduling is required. The Group-based Parallel Multi-scheduler, introduced in this paper, is aimed at effectively exploiting the benefits of multicore systems for Grid scheduling by splitting jobs and machines into paired groups and independently scheduling jobs in parallel from those groups. We implemented two job grouping methods, Execution Time Balanced (ETB) and Execution Time Sorted then Balanced (ETSB), and two machine grouping methods, Evenly Distributed (EvenDist) and Similar Together (SimTog). For each method, we varied the number of groups between 2, 4 and 8. We then executed the MinMin Grid scheduling algorithm independently within the groups. We demonstrated that by sharing jobs and machines into groups before scheduling, the computation time for the scheduling process drastically improved by magnitudes of 85% over the ordinary MinMin algorithm when implemented on a HPC system. We also found that our balanced group based approach achieved better results than our previous Priority based grouping approach

    Group-based parallel multi-scheduler for grid computing

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    With the advent in multicore computers, the scheduling of Grid jobs can be made more effective if scaled to fully utilize the underlying hardware, and parallelized to benefit from the exploitation of multicores. The fact that sequential algorithms do not scale with multicore systems nor benefit from parallelism remains a major obstacle to scheduling in the Grid. As multicore systems become ever more pervasive in our computing lives, over reliance on such systems for passive parallelism does not offer the best option in harnessing the benefits of their multiprocessors for Grid scheduling. An explicit means of exploiting parallelism for Grid scheduling is required. The Group-based Parallel Multi-scheduler, introduced in this paper, is aimed at effectively exploiting the benefits of multicore systems for Grid scheduling by splitting jobs and machines into paired groups and independently scheduling jobs in parallel from those groups. We implemented two job grouping methods, Execution Time Balanced (ETB) and Execution Time Sorted then Balanced (ETSB), and two machine grouping methods, Evenly Distributed (EvenDist) and Similar Together (SimTog). For each method, we varied the number of groups between 2, 4 and 8. We then executed the MinMin Grid scheduling algorithm independently within the groups. We demonstrated that by sharing jobs and machines into groups before scheduling, the computation time for the scheduling process drastically improved by magnitudes of 85% over the ordinary MinMin algorithm when implemented on a HPC system. We also found that our balanced group based approach achieved better results than our previous Priority based grouping approach

    Automatic Parallelism in Mercury

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    Our project is concerned with the automatic parallelization of Mercury programs. Mercury is a purely-declarative logic programming language, this makes it easy to determine whether a set of computations may be performed in parallel with one-anther. However, the problem of how to determine which computations should be executed in parallel in order to make the program perform optimally is unsolved. Therefore, our work concentrates on building a profiler-feedback automatic parallelization system for Mercury that creates programs with very good parallel performance with as little help from the programmer as possible

    GPU-Accelerated Algorithms for Compressed Signals Recovery with Application to Astronomical Imagery Deblurring

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    Compressive sensing promises to enable bandwidth-efficient on-board compression of astronomical data by lifting the encoding complexity from the source to the receiver. The signal is recovered off-line, exploiting GPUs parallel computation capabilities to speedup the reconstruction process. However, inherent GPU hardware constraints limit the size of the recoverable signal and the speedup practically achievable. In this work, we design parallel algorithms that exploit the properties of circulant matrices for efficient GPU-accelerated sparse signals recovery. Our approach reduces the memory requirements, allowing us to recover very large signals with limited memory. In addition, it achieves a tenfold signal recovery speedup thanks to ad-hoc parallelization of matrix-vector multiplications and matrix inversions. Finally, we practically demonstrate our algorithms in a typical application of circulant matrices: deblurring a sparse astronomical image in the compressed domain


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    In recent years, multicore processors have been so prevalent in many types ofsystems and are now widely used even in commodities for a wide range of applications.Although multicore processors are clearly a popular hardware solution to problems thatwere not possible with traditional single-core processors, taking advantage of them areinevitably met by software challenges. As Amdahl’s law puts it, the performance gain islimited by the percentage of the software that cannot be run in parallel on multiple cores.Even when an application is “embarrassingly” parallelized by a careful design ofalgorithm and implementation, load balancing of tasks across different cores is a veryimportant and critical aspect in utilizing a multicore system as close to its fullest potentialas possible.In this paper, we investigate how a solution to a cardinal payoff variant of thesecretary problem can be applied to a proactive, decentralized, dynamic load balancingtechnique in user-space to assist single program, multiple data (SPMD) applications inmultiprogrammed environment so that all tasks can make roughly equal progressdistributed over all cores. We examine how this method compares with the default Linuxload balancer in terms of scalability and predictability. Our experiments show promisingresults that show our technique outperforms the default Linux scheduler by an average 40%speedup in multiprogrammed environment with less time variance among multipleexecutions

    Garbage collection auto-tuning for Java MapReduce on Multi-Cores

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    MapReduce has been widely accepted as a simple programming pattern that can form the basis for efficient, large-scale, distributed data processing. The success of the MapReduce pattern has led to a variety of implementations for different computational scenarios. In this paper we present MRJ, a MapReduce Java framework for multi-core architectures. We evaluate its scalability on a four-core, hyperthreaded Intel Core i7 processor, using a set of standard MapReduce benchmarks. We investigate the significant impact that Java runtime garbage collection has on the performance and scalability of MRJ. We propose the use of memory management auto-tuning techniques based on machine learning. With our auto-tuning approach, we are able to achieve MRJ performance within 10% of optimal on 75% of our benchmark tests