31 research outputs found

    Using heterogeneous wireless sensor networks in a telemonitoring system for healthcare

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    Abstract—Ambient intelligence has acquired great importance in recent years and requires the development of new innovative solutions. This paper presents a distributed telemonitoring system, aimed at improving healthcare and assistance to dependent people at their homes. The system implements a service-oriented architecture based platform, which allows heterogeneous wireless sensor networks to communicate in a distributed way independent of time and location restrictions. This approach provides the system with a higher ability to recover from errors and a better flexibility to change their behavior at execution time. Preliminary results are presented in this paper. Index Terms—Ambient intelligence (AmI), healthcare, servicesoriented architectures (SOAs), wireless sensors networks (WSNs)

    Using Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks in a Telemonitoring System for Healthcare

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    RESUMEN ANALÍTICOEl presente estudio realiza un análisis de las principales investigacionesque en los últimos años comprenden el uso de las redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSN) para aplicaciones médicas ydecuidado de la salud, con énfasis en lo relacionado con la captura y envío de datos en tiempo real, teniendo en cuenta la concepción de red WSN, sus protocolos y aplicaciones, como también eluso de sensores, sus clases y características;y la forma como se integran para hacer un sistema que apoye a la medicina mediante el uso de la tecnología en lo que generalmente se denominatelemedicina. Adicionalmente se ha tenido en cuenta que la información obtenida de la red de sensores es el insumo que permite el desarrollo de aplicaciones para el cuidado de la salud, la cuales un área de investigación que promete importantes oportunidades de investigación, por ello se ha realizado una revisión inicial del estado del arte en este tema. Por último, el estudio identifica losprincipales problemas y retos que presentan las aplicaciones propuestas en procura del análisis de dichas situaciones que a futuro pueden determinar nuevas investigaciones y desarrollos en el campode estudio.PALABRAS CLAVES: Telemedicina, Sensores, WSN, Minería de datos, Señales Biomédicas. ANALYTICAL SUMMARYThis survey aims to provide a review of the advancements in wireless sensor network (WSN) for health care applications. This includes the capture and real-time delivery of sensor data, the designof the WSN, its protocols, sensors, and its real-time requirements. In general, these kinds of systems are considered Telemedicine applications and have been the subject of extensive research. Theinformation collected by the WSN is the prime matter for the development of healthcare applications, anpromising area of research where we provide an initial review of the state of the art.Finally; thiswork presents a review of the main research problems in the area and outlines possible lines forfurther development.KEYWORDS: Telemedicine, Sensors, WSN, Data Mining, Biomedical Signals.

    Advantages of using RTLS and WSN to enable efficient power consumption

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    The use of Real Time Locating Systems is gradually spreading in different areas of society. Multiple sectors, such as industry, security or healthcare are already taking advantage of the benefits of knowing the exact position of people, animals or objects. Energy consumption can also be improved by the use of RTLS and thanks to these systems we can model the habits of users both at home and in public buildings. This information will create consumption maps based on the use of different electronic devices or the use of different spaces. Thus, the election of the best energy tariff or when the best moment is to use appliances will be an easier process

    Modified GTS Allocation Scheme for IEEE 802.15.4

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    IEEE 802.15.4 standard is widely used in wireless personal area networks (WPANs). The devices transmit data during two periods: contention access period (CAP) by accessing the channel using CSMA/CA and contention free period (CFP), which consists of guaranteed time slots (GTS) allocated to individual devices by the personal area network (PAN). However, the use of GTS slot size may lead to severe bandwidth wastage if  the traffic pattern is not fit or only a small portion of GTS slot is used by allocated device. The proposed scheme devides the GTS slot and then optimizes the GTS slot size by exploiting the value of superframe order (SO) information. The proposed scheme was tested through simulations and the results show that the new GTS allocation scheme perform better than the original IEEE 802.15.4 standard in terms of average transmitted packets, throughput, latency and probability of successful packets

    Web Based Smart Volvo Bus Passenger Protection against Accident and Tracking Using Android Application

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    This paper conveys information of providing high range of security for Volvo buses including other heavy vehicles against accidents that may happen due to fire catching and accidents that may happen due to some obstacles. The vehicle will be fitted with the temperature sensor and IR sensor which will be continuously monitoring the temperature and obstacles that may come infront of the bus. In case of any fluctuation, the passengers and the driver are made alert and vehicle will be stopped automatically. The emergency doors and main door will be opened instantly so that the passengers can escape as soon as possible. The location of the vehicle will be tracked and sent to the control room and fire brigade authorities. An added advantage of the paper is the involvement of smart android application which will be updated with these scenarios. In case of any accidents or fire in the bus, the GSM module present in the bus will automatically send a message to the police station, fire station & ambulance for rescue operation along with the location with longitude and latitude values which can be tracked with the help of google map. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15053

    A Generic Architecture for Integrating Health Monitoring and Advanced Care Provisioning

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    This paper presents a novel approach for advanced person- alized care and health services. It consists of four tiers and presents a high level of openness, privacy and manageability compared to existing systems. Moreover, the architecture is driven by realistic underlying business opportunities and is validated through the design of multiple scenarios.status: publishe

    An Electronic-Nose Sensor Node Based on a Polymer-Coated Surface Acoustic Wave Array for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    This study developed an electronic-nose sensor node based on a polymer-coated surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor array. The sensor node comprised an SAW sensor array, a frequency readout circuit, and an Octopus II wireless module. The sensor array was fabricated on a large K2 128° YX LiNbO3 sensing substrate. On the surface of this substrate, an interdigital transducer (IDT) was produced with a Cr/Au film as its metallic structure. A mixed-mode frequency readout application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) was fabricated using a TSMC 0.18 μm process. The ASIC output was connected to a wireless module to transmit sensor data to a base station for data storage and analysis. This sensor node is applicable for wireless sensor network (WSN) applications

    A novel pilot expansion approach for MIMO channel estimation

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    A training-based MIMO channel estimation scheme is presented to operate in severe frequency and time selective fading channels. Besides the new pilot bits designed from the ‘Paley-Hadamard’ matrix to exploit its orthogonal and ‘Toeplitz-like’ structures and minimising its pilot length, a novel pilot expansion technique is proposed to estimate the length of the channel impulse response, by flexibly extending its pilot length as required in order to capture the number of multipath existed within the MIMO channel. The pilot expansion can also help to deduce the initial channel variation and its Doppler rate which can be subsequently applied for MIMO channel tracking using decision feedback Kalman filter during the data payload

    UbiGDSS: a theoretical model to predict decision-makers’ satisfaction

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    The market globalization and the firms’ internationalization hinder the matching of the top managers’ agenda, making it difficult to meet in the same space or time. On the one hand, the appearance of Ubiquitous Group Decision Support Systems (UbiGDSS) enabled individuals to gather and make decisions in different spaces at different times, but on the other hand, originated problems related to the lack of human interaction. To understand how the arguments used can influence each of the decision-makers, what is their satisfaction regarding the decision made, and other affective issues such as emotions and mood, are some examples of that lack. In order to try to overcome this lack, we propose a theoretical model that is specially designed for agents, helping to understand the interactions impact on each agent and their satisfaction with the decision made.This work is supported by “GECAD strategic project”, “EKRUCAMI – EuropeKorea Research on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence” and by National Funds through FCT “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” under the projects: PEST-OE/EEI/UI0760/2014, 318878-FP7-PEOPLE and SFRH/BD/89697/2012 respectively.This work is supported by “GECAD strategic project”, “EKRUCAMI – EuropeKorea Research on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence” and by National Funds through FCT “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” under the projects: PEST-OE/EEI/UI0760/2014, 318878-FP7-PEOPLE and SFRH/BD/89697/2012 respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio