68 research outputs found

    Learning Rational Functions

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    International audienceRational functions are transformations from words to words that can be defined by string transducers. Rational functions are also captured by deterministic string transducers with lookahead. We show for the first time that the class of rational functions can be learned in the limit with polynomial time and data, when represented by string transducers with lookahead in the diagonal-minimal normal form that we introduce

    Experiments using semantics for learning language comprehension and production

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    Several questions in natural language learning may be addressed by studying formal language learning models. In this work we hope to contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of semantics in language acquisition. We propose a simple formal model of meaning and denotation using finite state transducers, and an algorithm that learns a meaning function from examples consisting of a situation and an utterance denoting something in the situation. We describe the results of testing this algorithm in a domain of geometric shapes and their properties and relations in several natural languages: Arabic, English, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. In addition, we explore how a learner who has learned to comprehend utterances might go about learning to produce them, and present experimental results for this task. One concrete goal of our formal model is to be able to give an account of interactions in which an adult provides a meaning-preserving and grammatically correct expansion of a child's incomplete utterance

    Strict Locality and Phonological Maps

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    Benchmarking Compositionality with Formal Languages

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    Recombining known primitive concepts into larger novel combinations is a quintessentially human cognitive capability. Whether large neural models in NLP can acquire this ability while learning from data is an open question. In this paper, we investigate this problem from the perspective of formal languages. We use deterministic finite-state transducers to make an unbounded number of datasets with controllable properties governing compositionality. By randomly sampling over many transducers, we explore which of their properties contribute to learnability of a compositional relation by a neural network. We find that the models either learn the relations completely or not at all. The key is transition coverage, setting a soft learnability limit at 400 examples per transition

    Learning Automata and Transducers: A Categorical Approach

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    In this paper, we present a categorical approach to learning automata over words, in the sense of the L*-algorithm of Angluin. This yields a new generic L*-like algorithm which can be instantiated for learning deterministic automata, automata weighted over fields, as well as subsequential transducers. The generic nature of our algorithm is obtained by adopting an approach in which automata are simply functors from a particular category representing words to a "computation category". We establish that the sufficient properties for yielding the existence of minimal automata (that were disclosed in a previous paper), in combination with some additional hypotheses relative to termination, ensure the correctness of our generic algorithm

    Learning Moore Machines from Input-Output Traces

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    The problem of learning automata from example traces (but no equivalence or membership queries) is fundamental in automata learning theory and practice. In this paper we study this problem for finite state machines with inputs and outputs, and in particular for Moore machines. We develop three algorithms for solving this problem: (1) the PTAP algorithm, which transforms a set of input-output traces into an incomplete Moore machine and then completes the machine with self-loops; (2) the PRPNI algorithm, which uses the well-known RPNI algorithm for automata learning to learn a product of automata encoding a Moore machine; and (3) the MooreMI algorithm, which directly learns a Moore machine using PTAP extended with state merging. We prove that MooreMI has the fundamental identification in the limit property. We also compare the algorithms experimentally in terms of the size of the learned machine and several notions of accuracy, introduced in this paper. Finally, we compare with OSTIA, an algorithm that learns a more general class of transducers, and find that OSTIA generally does not learn a Moore machine, even when fed with a characteristic sample
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