86 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Forest Fires Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Forest Fire Management Towards an Operational Use of Remote Sensing in Forest Fire Management

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    During the last two decades, interest in forest fire research has grown steadily, as more and more local and global impacts of burning are being identified. The definition of fire regimes as well as the identification of factors explaining spatial and temporal variations in these fire characteristics are recently hot fields of research. Changes in these fire regimes have important social and ecological implications. Whether these changes are mainly caused by land use or climate warming, greater efforts are demanded to manage forest fires at different temporal and spatial scales. The European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL)’s Special Interest Group (SIG) on Forest Fires was created in 1995, following the initiative of several researchers studying Mediterranean fires in Europe. It has promoted five technical meetings and several specialised publications since then, and represents one of the most active groups within the EARSeL. The SIG has tried to foster interaction among scientists and managers who are interested in using remote sensing data and techniques to improve the traditional methods of fire risk estimation and the assessment of fire effect. The aim of the 6th international workshop is to analyze the operational use of remote sensing in forest fire management, bringing together scientists and fire managers to promote the development of methods that may better serve the operational community. This idea clearly links with international programmes of a similar scope, such as the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) and the Global Observation of Forest Cover/Land Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) who, together with the Joint Research Center of the European Union sponsor this event. Finally, I would like to thank the local organisers for the considerable lengths they have gone to in order to put this material together, and take care of all the details that the organization of this event requires.JRC.H.3-Global environement monitorin

    The role of remote sensing in assessing the impact of climate variability on vegetation dynamics in Europe

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    Tese de doutoramento em Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Detecção Remota), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2008The study aims at investigating the relationship between climate variability and vegetation dynamics by combining meteorological and remote-sensed information. The vegetation response to both precipitation and temperature in two contrasting areas (Northeastern Europe and the Iberian Peninsula) of the European continent is analysed and special attention is devoted to the impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the vegetative cycle in the two regions which is assessed taking into account the different land cover types and the respective responses to climate variability. An analysis is performed of the impact of climate variability on wheat yield in Portugal and. the role of NAO and of relevant meteorological variables (net solar radiation, temperature and precipitation) is investigated. Using spring NDVI and NAO in June as predictors, a simple regression model of wheat yield is built up that shows a general good agreement between observed and modelled wheat yield values. The severity of a given drought episode in Portugal is assessed by evaluating the cumulative impact over time of negative anomalies of NDVI. Special attention is devoted to the drought episodes of 1999, 2002 and 2005. While in the case of the drought episode of 1999 the scarcity of water in the soil persisted until spring, the deficit in greenness in 2005 was already apparent at the end of summer. Although the impact of dry periods on vegetation is clearly noticeable in both arable land and forest, the latter vegetation type shows a higher sensitivity to drought conditions. Persistence of negative anomalies of NDVI was also used to develop a procedure aiming to identify burned scars in Portugal and then assess vegetation recovery over areas stricken by large wildfires. The vulnerability of land cover to wildfire is assessed and a marked contrast is found between forest and shrubland vs. arable land and crops. Vegetation recovery reveals to strongly depend on meteorological conditions of the year following the fire event, being especially affected in case of a drought event.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), (SFRH/BD/32829/2006


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    Wildland fire is a dominant disturbance agent that drives ecosystem change, climate forcing, and carbon cycle in the boreal forest and tundra ecosystems of the High Northern Latitudes (HNL). Tundra fires can exert a considerable influence on the local ecosystem functioning and contribute to climate change through biogeochemical and biogeophysical effects. However, the drivers and mechanisms of tundra fires are still poorly understood. Research on modeling contemporary fire occurrence in the tundra is also lacking. This dissertation addresses the overarching scientific question of “What environmental factors and mechanisms drive wildfire ignition in Alaskan tundra?” Environmental factors from multiple aspects are considered including fuel type and state, fire weather, topography, and ignition source. First, to understand the spatial distribution of fuel types in the tundra, multi- year satellite observations and field data were used to develop the first fractional coverage product of major fuel type components across the entire Alaskan tundra at 30 m resolution. Second, to account for the primary ignition source of fires in the HNL, an empirical-dynamical modeling framework was developed to predict the probability of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning across Alaskan tundra, through the integration of Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model and machine learning algorithm. Finally, environmental factors including fuel type distribution, fuel moisture state, WRF simulated ignition source and fire weather, and topographical features, were combined with empirical modeling methods to understand their roles in driving wildland fire ignitions across Alaskan tundra from 2001 to 2019. This work demonstrates the strong capability for accurate prediction of CG lightning and wildland fire probabilities, by incorporating dynamic weather models, empirical methods, and satellite observations in data-scarce regions like the HNL. The developed models present a novel component of fire danger modeling that can considerably strengthen the current capability to forecast fire occurrence and support operational fire management agencies in the HNL. In addition, the insights gained from this research will allow for more accurate representation of wildfire ignition probabilities in studies focused on assessing the impact of the projected climate change in HNL tundra which has largely absent in previous modeling efforts

    Developing a satellite -based method of landscape drought assessment

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    Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Forest Fire Management: from local to global assessments

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    This report contains the proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) Special Interest Group on Forest Fires, that took place in Stresa, (Italy) on 20-21 October 2011. The main subject of the workshop was the operational use of remote sensing in forest fire management and different spatial scales were addressed, from local to regional and from national to global. Topics of the workshops were also grouped according to the fire management stage considered for the application of remote sensing techniques, addressing pre fire, during fire or post fire conditions.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard


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    Global biodiversity is increasingly threatened by combined pressures from human- and climate-related environmental change. Projected climate change indicates that these trends are likely to continue and may accelerate by the end of this century leading to large scale modification of species habitats. Such modification will be amplified by an increase in catastrophic natural events such as wildland fire - one of the dominant disturbance agents in boreal and temperate forests of the Russian Far East (RFE). In the RFE, large fire events lead to abrupt, extensive, and long-term conversion of forests to open landscapes, thus considerably impacting the habitat of the critically endangered Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica). A remotely sensed data-driven regional fire threat model (FTM) is developed to assess current and projected fire threat to the Amur tiger under scenarios of climate change. The FTM is parameterized to account for regional specifics of fire occurrence in the RFE and fire impacts on the Amur tigers, their main prey, and their habitat. Fire regimes are shown to be strongly influenced by anthropogenic use of fire and the monsoonal climate of the RFE, with large fire seasons observed during uncharacteristically dry years. Even with a large proportion of human ignition sources and periodic extreme events, fire currently poses a limited threat to the Amur tiger meta-population. The observed peaks in high fire threat conditions are localized in space and time and are likely to impact a small number of individual tigers. Under the wide range of the IPCC climate change scenarios, no considerable change in fire danger is expected by the mid-21st century. However, by the end of the 21st century under the A2 (regional self-reliance) scenario of the IPCC Special Report on Emissions, fire danger over the southern part of the RFE is predicted to increase by nearly 15%. An overlap of areas of likely increase in fire danger with areas of highest tiger habitat quality results in a 20% mean yearly increase in fire threat with a mean monthly increase of ~40% in August. The results have implications for conservation strategies aimed at securing long-term habitat availability

    Climate change and forest management affect forest fire risk in Fennoscandia

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    Forest and wildland fires are a natural part of ecosystems worldwide, but large fires in particular can cause societal, economic and ecological disruption. Fires are an important source of greenhouse gases and black carbon that can further amplify and accelerate climate change. In recent years, large forest fires in Sweden demonstrate that the issue should also be considered in other parts of Fennoscandia. This final report of the project “Forest fires in Fennoscandia under changing climate and forest cover (IBA ForestFires)” funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, synthesises current knowledge of the occurrence, monitoring, modelling and suppression of forest fires in Fennoscandia. The report also focuses on elaborating the role of forest fires as a source of black carbon (BC) emissions over the Arctic and discussing the importance of international collaboration in tackling forest fires. The report explains the factors regulating fire ignition, spread and intensity in Fennoscandian conditions. It highlights that the climate in Fennoscandia is characterised by large inter-annual variability, which is reflected in forest fire risk. Here, the majority of forest fires are caused by human activities such as careless handling of fire and ignitions related to forest harvesting. In addition to weather and climate, fuel characteristics in forests influence fire ignition, intensity and spread. In the report, long-term fire statistics are presented for Finland, Sweden and the Republic of Karelia. The statistics indicate that the amount of annually burnt forest has decreased in Fennoscandia. However, with the exception of recent large fires in Sweden, during the past 25 years the annually burnt area and number of fires have been fairly stable, which is mainly due to effective fire mitigation. Land surface models were used to investigate how climate change and forest management can influence forest fires in the future. The simulations were conducted using different regional climate models and greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Simulations, extending to 2100, indicate that forest fire risk is likely to increase over the coming decades. The report also highlights that globally, forest fires are a significant source of BC in the Arctic, having adverse health effects and further amplifying climate warming. However, simulations made using an atmospheric dispersion model indicate that the impact of forest fires in Fennoscandia on the environment and air quality is relatively minor and highly seasonal. Efficient forest fire mitigation requires the development of forest fire detection tools including satellites and drones, high spatial resolution modelling of fire risk and fire spreading that account for detailed terrain and weather information. Moreover, increasing the general preparedness and operational efficiency of firefighting is highly important. Forest fires are a large challenge requiring multidisciplinary research and close cooperation between the various administrative operators, e.g. rescue services, weather services, forest organisations and forest owners is required at both the national and international level.Metsä- ja maastopalot ovat luonnollinen osa monia ekosysteemejä. Kuitenkin erityisesti suuret palot saattavat aiheuttaa laajaa yhteiskunnallista, taloudellista sekä ekologista tuhoa. Metsäpalot ovat yksi keskeinen kasvihuonekaasujen sekä mustan hiilen lähde, joiden lisääntyvät pitoisuudet ilmakehässä kiihdyttävät ilmastonmuutoksen etenemistä. Ruotsin viimeaikaiset suuret metsäpalot osoittavat, että metsäpaloihin on kiinnitettävä huomiota myös muualla Fennoskandiassa. Tässä hankkeen ”Metsäpalot Fennoskandian alueella ilmaston ja metsien rakenteen muuttuessa” loppuraportissa vedetään yhteen tämänhetkinen tieto metsäpalojen esiintymisestä, havainnoinnista, mallintamisesta sekä hillinnästä Fennoskandiassa. Raportissa käsitellään myös metsäpalojen merkitystä mustan hiilen lähteenä Arktisella alueella, sekä kansainvälisen yhteistyön tärkeyttä metsäpaloihin liittyvissä asioissa. Raportissa esitellään metsäpalojen syttymiseen, leviämiseen ja voimakkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä erityisesti Fennoskandian olosuhteiden näkökulmasta. Raportti korostaa tämän alueen ilmaston luontaisesti suurta vaihtelua, joka heijastuu edelleen metsäpaloriskiin. Suurin osa metsäpaloista on ihmisten aiheuttamia, johtuen esimerkiksi tulen huolimattomasta käsittelystä sekä metsänhakkuista. Sään ja ilmaston lisäksi myös metsän ominaispiirteet vaikuttavat palojen syttymiseen, voimakkuuteen sekä leviämiseen. Raportissa esitetään ajallisesti kattavat palotilastot Suomen, Ruotsin ja Karjalan tasavallan osalta. Tilastot osoittavat, että viimeisten 150 vuoden aikana vuotuiset paloalat ovat vähentyneet selvästi Fennoskandiassa. Pois lukien Ruotsin suuret metsäpalot 2014 ja 2018, viimeisten 25 vuoden aikana paloalat ovat pysyneet alhaisina tehokkaan palontorjunnan ja metsänhoidon ansiosta. Ilmastonmuutoksen ja metsänhoidon vaikutuksia metsäpaloihin tulevaisuudessa tarkasteltiin maanpintamallien avulla. Simulaatioissa hyödynnettiin useita eri alueellisia ilmastomalleja sekä tulevaisuuden ilmastoskenaarioita. Vuosisadan loppuun asti ulottuvat tarkastelut osoittavat, että metsäpaloriski tulee kasvamaan tulevina vuosikymmeninä. Raportti korostaa myös metsäpalojen merkitystä mustan hiilen päästöille maailmanlaajuisesti, sekä mustan hiilen moninaisia terveys- ja ilmastovaikutuksia. Ilmakehän kulkeutumismallien mukaan Fennoskandian metsäpalojen vaikutukset mustan hiilen päästöjen osalta ovat kuitenkin pieniä ja keskittyvät erityisesti kesäkaudelle. Tehokas metsäpalojen hillintä vaatii uudenlaisten havaintotyökalujen, kuten satelliittien sekä miehittämättömien ilma-alusten hyödyntämistä. Lisäksi uudet paloriski- ja leviämisennusteet yhdistettynä tarkkaan maasto- ja säätietoon tulevat olemaan tärkeitä apuvälineitä metsäpaloihin varautumisessa sekä operatiivista sammutustoimintaa suunniteltaessa. Metsäpalot ovat suuri haaste, joka vaatii sekä monitieteistä tutkimusta että eri sektorien, kuten pelastuslaitosten, sääpalvelun, metsäyhtiöiden ja metsänomistajien välistä läheistä yhteistyötä myös kansainvälisellä tasolla

    Improving the estimation of fire danger, fire propagation and fire monitoring : new insights using remote sensing data and statistical methods

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    This thesis covers three major topics related to wildfires, remote sensing and meteorology: (i) quantifying and forecasting fire danger combining numerical weather forecasts and satellite observations of fire intensity; (ii) mapping burned areas from satellite observations with multiple spatial and spectral resolution; and (iii) modelling fire progression taking into account weather conditions and fuel (vegetation) availability. Regarding the first topic, an enhanced Fire Weather Index (FWI) is proposed by using statistical methods to combine the classical FWI with an atmospheric instability index with the aim of better forecasting the fire danger conditions favourable to the development of convective fires. Furthermore, the daily definition of the classical FWI was extended to an hourly timescale, allowing for assessment of the variability of the fire danger conditions throughout the day. For the second topic, a method is proposed to map and date burned areas using sequences of daily satellite data. This method, tested over several regions around the globe, provide burned area maps that outperform other existing methods for the task, particularly regarding the consistency and accuracy of the date of burning. Furthermore, a method is proposed for fast assessment of burned areas using 10-meter resolution satellite data and making use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) as a tool for preprocessing and downloading of data that is then used as input to a deep learning model that combines a coarse burned area map with the medium resolution data to provide a refined burned area map with 10-meter resolution at event level and with low computational requirements. Finally, for the third topic, a method is proposed to estimate the fire progression over a 12-hour period with resource to an ensemble of models trained based on the reconstruction of past events. Overall, I am confident that the results obtained and presented in this thesis provide a significant contribution to the remote sensing and wildfires scientific community while opening interesting paths for future research on the topics described


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    Vegetation plays a crucial role in regulating environmental conditions, including weather and climate. The amount of water and carbon dioxide in the air and the albedo of our planet are all influenced by vegetation, which in turn influences all life on Earth. Soil properties are also strongly influenced by vegetation, through biogeochemical cycles and feedback loops (see Volume 1A—Section 4). Vegetated landscapes on Earth provide habitat and energy for a rich diversity of animal species, including humans. Vegetation is also a major component of the world economy, through the global production of food, fibre, fuel, medicine, and other plantbased resources for human consumptio