6 research outputs found

    Docencia en sistemas de acceso á información: detección de plaxios, emprego de tecnoloxías avanzadas para desenvolvemento software e achegamento da experiencia na industria á aula

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    [Resumo] Este artigo presenta as actividades desenvolvidas polo grupo de innovación educativa en Sistemas de Acceso á Información durante o curso 2017/2018. Este grupo, con docencia na Facultade de Informática da Universidade da Coruña, realizou accións en tres liñas de actuación diferentes. A primeira delas, dirixida á mellora da calidade nos métodos de avaliación, consiste no emprego dun protocolo para a detección de plaxios en prácticas de programación. A segunda actividade pretende mellorar a empregabilidade do alumnado e consiste en utilizar unha metodoloxía de aprendizaxe baseada en proxectos xunto cunha serie de ferramentas avanzadas para desenvolvemento software, permitindo recrear a actividade que deberán levar a cabo cando se incorporen ao mundo laboral. Por último, e de cara a aumentar o coñecemento das alternativas profesionais do alumnado, organizáronse unha serie de seminarios e charlas impartidas por profesionais dunha empresa internacional, unha empresa local multidisciplinar e un investigador da contorna académica. A experiencia obtida das diferentes actividades foi satisfactoria e enriquecedora tanto para o alumnado como para o profesorado, que xa baralla melloras de cara aos vindeiros cursos académicos.[Abstract] This paper presents the activities performed by the educative innovation group in Information Access Systems during the academic year 2017/2018. This group, with teaching at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of A Coruña, carried out actions addressing three different topics. The first action was designed to improve the quality of the evaluation methods, and consisted in following a protocol for detecting plagiarism in programming exercises. The second activity aimed to improve the employability of the students and consisted in using a methodology based on project-based learning along with a series of advanced tools for software development, which recreated the activity that the students will carry out when they obtain their first job. Lastly, heading towards a better knowledge about the available professional alternatives, a series of seminars and talks were organized, which were performed by professionals from an international company, a local interdisciplinary company, and a researcher from an academic institution. The experience obtained from the different activities was satisfactory for both students and teachers, who are already considering improvements for the next academic year

    Observations of a software engineering studio:reflecting with the studio framework

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    Studio-based learning for software engineering is a well-received concept, despite its apparent lack of uptake across institutions worldwide. Studio education affords a variety of highly desirable benefits, and is also popular amongst its students. This paper presents Lancaster University’s software engineering studio, details of its implementation, observations made throughout its first year, evidence of its successes, and reflections against the recently defined studio framework . This paper aims to provide useful information for anyone that is considering utilizing a studio-based approach

    Identificación de factores clave de éxito para evitar las pruebas automatizadas no determinísticas en servicios REST

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    A flaky test is a test which could fail or pass for the same version of a certain software code. In continuous software development environments, flaky tests represent a problem. It is difficult to get an effective and reliable testing pipeline with a set of flaky tests. Also, according to many practitioners, despite the persistence of flaky tests in software development, they have not drawn much attention from the research community. In this paper, we describe how a company faced this issue, and implemented solutions to solve flaky tests for REST web services. The paper concludes proposing a set of key success factors for stopping flaky tests in this type of testing.Una prueba no determinística es una prueba que podría fallar o ser exitosa con la misma versión de un determinado código de software. En entornos de desarrollo de software continuo, las pruebas no determinísticas representan un problema. Es difícil obtener un proceso de pruebas efectivo y confiable con pruebas no determinísticas. Además, de acuerdo con muchos profesionales, a pesar de la persistencia de este tipo de pruebas, las mismas no han llamado mucho la atención de la comunidad científica. En este trabajo, describimos cómo una empresa se ha enfrentado este problema e implementado soluciones para resolver pruebas no determinísticas en servicios REST. Al final, se proponen un conjunto de factores clave de éxito para evitar este problema en pruebas de servicios.Facultad de Informátic

    Using continuous integration of code and content to teach software engineering with limited resources

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    Previous courses addressing the gap between student and professional programming practice have either isolated small groups' development in such a way that larger scale difficulties that motivate many professional practices do not arise, or have required significant additional staffing that would be expensive to provide in a large cohort core undergraduate software engineering course. We describe the first iteration of a course that enabled 73 students to work together to improve a large common legacy code base using professional practices and tools, staffed only by two lecturers and two undergraduate students employed as part-time tutors. The course relies on continuous integration and automated metrics, that coalesce frequently updated information in a manner that is visible to students and can be monitored by a small number of staff. The course is supported by a just-in-time teaching programme of thirty-two technical topics. We describe the constraints that determined the design of the course, and quantitative and qualitative data from the first iteration of the course

    Using Continuous Integration of Code and Content to Teach Software Engineering with Limited Resources

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    Previous courses addressing the gap between student and professional programming practice have either isolated small groups' development in such a way that larger scale difficulties that motivate many professional practices do not arise, or have required significant additional staffing that would be expensive to provide in a large cohort core undergraduate software engineering course. We describe the first iteration of a course that enabled 73 students to work together to improve a large common legacy code base using professional practices and tools, staffed only by two lecturers and two undergraduate students employed as part-time tutors. The course relies on continuous integration and automated metrics, that coalesce frequently updated information in a manner that is visible to students and can be monitored by a small number of staff. The course is supported by a just-in-time teaching programme of thirty-two technical topics. We describe the constraints that determined the design of the course, and quantitative and qualitative data from the first iteration of the course