257 research outputs found

    Using contextual and lexical features to restructure and validate the classification of biomedical concepts

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    Background: Biomedical ontologies are critical for integration of data from diverse sources and for use by knowledge-based biomedical applications, especially natural language processing as well as associated mining and reasoning systems. The effectiveness of these systems is heavily dependent on the quality of the ontological terms and their classifications. To assist in developing and maintaining the ontologies objectively, we propose automatic approaches to classify and/or validate their semantic categories. In previous work, we developed an approach using contextual syntactic features obtained from a large domain corpus to reclassify and validate concepts of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), a comprehensive resource of biomedical terminology. In this paper, we introduce another classification approach based on words of the concept strings and compare it to the contextual syntactic approach. Results: The string-based approach achieved an error rate of 0.143, with a mean reciprocal rank of 0.907. The context-based and string-based approaches were found to be complementary, and the error rate was reduced further by applying a linear combination of the two classifiers. The advantage of combining the two approaches was especially manifested on test data with sufficient contextual features, achieving the lowest error rate of 0.055 and a mean reciprocal rank of 0.969. Conclusion: The lexical features provide another semantic dimension in addition to syntactic contextual features that support the classification of ontological concepts. The classification errors of each dimension can be further reduced through appropriate combination of the complementary classifiers

    Using data-driven sublanguage pattern mining to induce knowledge models: application in medical image reports knowledge representation

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    Background: The use of knowledge models facilitates information retrieval, knowledge base development, and therefore supports new knowledge discovery that ultimately enables decision support applications. Most existing works have employed machine learning techniques to construct a knowledge base. However, they often suffer from low precision in extracting entity and relationships. In this paper, we described a data-driven sublanguage pattern mining method that can be used to create a knowledge model. We combined natural language processing (NLP) and semantic network analysis in our model generation pipeline. Methods: As a use case of our pipeline, we utilized data from an open source imaging case repository, Radiopaedia.org, to generate a knowledge model that represents the contents of medical imaging reports. We extracted entities and relationships using the Stanford part-of-speech parser and the “Subject:Relationship:Object” syntactic data schema. The identified noun phrases were tagged with the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) semantic types. An evaluation was done on a dataset comprised of 83 image notes from four data sources. Results: A semantic type network was built based on the co-occurrence of 135 UMLS semantic types in 23,410 medical image reports. By regrouping the semantic types and generalizing the semantic network, we created a knowledge model that contains 14 semantic categories. Our knowledge model was able to cover 98% of the content in the evaluation corpus and revealed 97% of the relationships. Machine annotation achieved a precision of 87%, recall of 79%, and F-score of 82%. Conclusion: The results indicated that our pipeline was able to produce a comprehensive content-based knowledge model that could represent context from various sources in the same domain

    KD SENSO-MERGER: An architecture for semantic integration of heterogeneous data

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    This paper presents KD SENSO-MERGER, a novel Knowledge Discovery (KD) architecture that is capable of semantically integrating heterogeneous data from various sources of structured and unstructured data (i.e. geolocations, demographic, socio-economic, user reviews, and comments). This goal drives the main design approach of the architecture. It works by building internal representations that adapt and merge knowledge across multiple domains, ensuring that the knowledge base is continuously updated. To deal with the challenge of integrating heterogeneous data, this proposal puts forward the corresponding solutions: (i) knowledge extraction, addressed via a plugin-based architecture of knowledge sensors; (ii) data integrity, tackled by an architecture designed to deal with uncertain or noisy information; (iii) scalability, this is also supported by the plugin-based architecture as only relevant knowledge to the scenario is integrated by switching-off non-relevant sensors. Also, we minimize the expert knowledge required, which may pose a bottleneck when integrating a fast-paced stream of new sources. As proof of concept, we developed a case study that deploys the architecture to integrate population census and economic data, municipal cartography, and Google Reviews to analyze the socio-economic contexts of educational institutions. The knowledge discovered enables us to answer questions that are not possible through individual sources. Thus, companies or public entities can discover patterns of behavior or relationships that would otherwise not be visible and this would allow extracting valuable information for the decision-making process.This research is supported by the University of Alicante, Spain, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the following funding: At the national level, the following projects were granted: TRIVIAL (PID2021-122263OB-C22); and CORTEX (PID2021-123956OB-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by ‘‘ERDF A way of making Europe’’, by the ‘‘European Union’’ or by the ‘‘European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR’’. At regional level, the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria d’Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport), Spain, granted funding for NL4DISMIS (CIPROM/2021/21)

    Automatic extraction of robotic surgery actions from text and kinematic data

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    The latest generation of robotic systems is becoming increasingly autonomous due to technological advancements and artificial intelligence. The medical field, particularly surgery, is also interested in these technologies because automation would benefit surgeons and patients. While the research community is active in this direction, commercial surgical robots do not currently operate autonomously due to the risks involved in dealing with human patients: it is still considered safer to rely on human surgeons' intelligence for decision-making issues. This means that robots must possess human-like intelligence, including various reasoning capabilities and extensive knowledge, to become more autonomous and credible. As demonstrated by current research in the field, indeed, one of the most critical aspects in developing autonomous systems is the acquisition and management of knowledge. In particular, a surgical robot must base its actions on solid procedural surgical knowledge to operate autonomously, safely, and expertly. This thesis investigates different possibilities for automatically extracting and managing knowledge from text and kinematic data. In the first part, we investigated the possibility of extracting procedural surgical knowledge from real intervention descriptions available in textbooks and academic papers on the robotic-surgical domains, by exploiting Transformer-based pre-trained language models. In particular, we released SurgicBERTa, a RoBERTa-based pre-trained language model for surgical literature understanding. It has been used to detect procedural sentences in books and extract procedural elements from them. Then, with some use cases, we explored the possibilities of translating written instructions into logical rules usable for robotic planning. Since not all the knowledge required for automatizing a procedure is written in texts, we introduce the concept of surgical commonsense, showing how it relates to different autonomy levels. In the second part of the thesis, we analyzed surgical procedures from a lower granularity level, showing how each surgical gesture is associated with a given combination of kinematic data

    A protocol for constructing a domain-specific ontology for use in biomedical information extraction using lexical-chaining analysis

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    In order to do more semantics-based information extraction, we require specialized domain models. We develop a hybrid approach for constructing such a domain-specific ontology, which integrates key concepts from the protein-protein–interaction domain with the Gene Ontology. In addition, we present a method for using the domain-specific ontology in a discourse-based analysis module for analyzing full-text articles on protein interactions. The analysis module uses a lexical chaining technique to extract strings of semantically related words that represent the topic structure of the text. We show that the domain-specific ontology improved the performance of the lexical-chaining module. As well the topic structure as represented by the lexical chains contains important information on protein-protein interactions appearing in the same textual context

    Text mining and natural language processing for the early stages of space mission design

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    Final thesis submitted December 2021 - degree awarded in 2022A considerable amount of data related to space mission design has been accumulated since artificial satellites started to venture into space in the 1950s. This data has today become an overwhelming volume of information, triggering a significant knowledge reuse bottleneck at the early stages of space mission design. Meanwhile, virtual assistants, text mining and Natural Language Processing techniques have become pervasive to our daily life. The work presented in this thesis is one of the first attempts to bridge the gap between the worlds of space systems engineering and text mining. Several novel models are thus developed and implemented here, targeting the structuring of accumulated data through an ontology, but also tasks commonly performed by systems engineers such as requirement management and heritage analysis. A first collection of documents related to space systems is gathered for the training of these methods. Eventually, this work aims to pave the way towards the development of a Design Engineering Assistant (DEA) for the early stages of space mission design. It is also hoped that this work will actively contribute to the integration of text mining and Natural Language Processing methods in the field of space mission design, enhancing current design processes.A considerable amount of data related to space mission design has been accumulated since artificial satellites started to venture into space in the 1950s. This data has today become an overwhelming volume of information, triggering a significant knowledge reuse bottleneck at the early stages of space mission design. Meanwhile, virtual assistants, text mining and Natural Language Processing techniques have become pervasive to our daily life. The work presented in this thesis is one of the first attempts to bridge the gap between the worlds of space systems engineering and text mining. Several novel models are thus developed and implemented here, targeting the structuring of accumulated data through an ontology, but also tasks commonly performed by systems engineers such as requirement management and heritage analysis. A first collection of documents related to space systems is gathered for the training of these methods. Eventually, this work aims to pave the way towards the development of a Design Engineering Assistant (DEA) for the early stages of space mission design. It is also hoped that this work will actively contribute to the integration of text mining and Natural Language Processing methods in the field of space mission design, enhancing current design processes