6,515 research outputs found

    Digital interaction: where are we going?

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    In the framework of the AVI 2018 Conference, the interuniversity center ECONA has organized a thematic workshop on "Digital Interaction: where are we going?". Six contributions from the ECONA members investigate different perspectives around this thematic

    Specification Techniques for Multi-Modal Dialogues in the U-Wish Project

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    In this paper we describe the development of a specification\ud technique for specifying interactive web-based services. We\ud wanted to design a language that can be a means of\ud communication between designers and developers of interactive services, that makes it easier to develop web-based services fitted to the users and that shortens the pathway from design to implementation. The language, still under development, is based on process algebra and can be\ud connected to the results of task analysis. We have been\ud working on the automatic generation of executable prototypes\ud out of the specifications. In this way the specification\ud language can establish a connection between users, design\ud and implementation. A first version of this language is\ud available as well as prototype tools for executing the specifications. Ideas will be given as to how to make the connection between specifications and task analysis

    Web-based haptic applications for blind people to create virtual graphs

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    Haptic technology has great potentials in many applications. This paper introduces our work on delivery haptic information via the Web. A multimodal tool has been developed to allow blind people to create virtual graphs independently. Multimodal interactions in the process of graph creation and exploration are provided by using a low-cost haptic device, the Logitech WingMan Force Feedback Mouse, and Web audio. The Web-based tool also provides blind people with the convenience of receiving information at home. In this paper, we present the development of the tool and evaluation results. Discussions on the issues related to the design of similar Web-based haptic applications are also given

    Mobile phone interaction techniques for rural economy development - a review

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    Rural communities, especially in developing countries, are often neglected in terms of facilities and services that aid their social and economic development. This is evident even in software development processes, in that these groups of users or potential users’ are often not taken into consideration. The resultant effect is that they may not use it or use it sparingly. The objective of this study is to identify the various researches on interaction techniques and user interface design as a first step to the design of suitable mobile interactions and user interfaces for rural users. This research project is also aimed at socio-economic development and adding value to mobile phone users in Dwesa, a rural community in South Africa. This paper presents a literature survey of interaction techniques and user-interfaces. An analysis of the interaction techniques with respect to their suitability, availability of technologies, user capabilities for implementation in a rural context is discussed. Descriptive statistics of users’ current phones interaction facilities in the rural community which briefly illustrates users’ experiences and capabilities in different interaction modes is also presented.KEY WORDS: Interaction Techniques, Mobile phone, User Interface, ICT, Rural Development

    Diverse Contributions to Implicit Human-Computer Interaction

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    Cuando las personas interactĂșan con los ordenadores, hay mucha informaciĂłn que no se proporciona a propĂłsito. Mediante el estudio de estas interacciones implĂ­citas es posible entender quĂ© caracterĂ­sticas de la interfaz de usuario son beneficiosas (o no), derivando asĂ­ en implicaciones para el diseño de futuros sistemas interactivos. La principal ventaja de aprovechar datos implĂ­citos del usuario en aplicaciones informĂĄticas es que cualquier interacciĂłn con el sistema puede contribuir a mejorar su utilidad. AdemĂĄs, dichos datos eliminan el coste de tener que interrumpir al usuario para que envĂ­e informaciĂłn explĂ­citamente sobre un tema que en principio no tiene por quĂ© guardar relaciĂłn con la intenciĂłn de utilizar el sistema. Por el contrario, en ocasiones las interacciones implĂ­citas no proporcionan datos claros y concretos. Por ello, hay que prestar especial atenciĂłn a la manera de gestionar esta fuente de informaciĂłn. El propĂłsito de esta investigaciĂłn es doble: 1) aplicar una nueva visiĂłn tanto al diseño como al desarrollo de aplicaciones que puedan reaccionar consecuentemente a las interacciones implĂ­citas del usuario, y 2) proporcionar una serie de metodologĂ­as para la evaluaciĂłn de dichos sistemas interactivos. Cinco escenarios sirven para ilustrar la viabilidad y la adecuaciĂłn del marco de trabajo de la tesis. Resultados empĂ­ricos con usuarios reales demuestran que aprovechar la interacciĂłn implĂ­cita es un medio tanto adecuado como conveniente para mejorar de mĂșltiples maneras los sistemas interactivos.Leiva Torres, LA. (2012). Diverse Contributions to Implicit Human-Computer Interaction [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17803Palanci

    Human-Computer Interaction

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    In this book the reader will find a collection of 31 papers presenting different facets of Human Computer Interaction, the result of research projects and experiments as well as new approaches to design user interfaces. The book is organized according to the following main topics in a sequential order: new interaction paradigms, multimodality, usability studies on several interaction mechanisms, human factors, universal design and development methodologies and tools
