16 research outputs found

    El impacto de las técnicas de andamiaje basadas en aprendizaje combinado en la autoeficacia y el deseo por comunicarse

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    Motivating learners to engage in effective communication is one of the fundamental concerns of language education. Accordingly, an educational context where L2 learners display a willingness to communicate (WTC) is a requirement for successful learning. A further concept that should be studied regarding WTC is students’ self-efficacy from the socio-cognitive theory. Moreover, to boost the quality of learning, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students should receive effective support, including scaffolding that motivates them to build up their knowledge in Blended Learning (BL) settings. To examine BL-based scaffolding techniques on students’ self-efficacy and WTC, this quasi-experimental design involving 232 participants were assigned to the experimental and the control groups including both intermediate and advanced learners. Subsequently, the self-efficacy questionnaire, and WTC questionnaires were distributed among them as a pretest. The statistical results of Two two-way ANCOVA tests showed that both language proficiency and the treatment type are the significant moderators of the efficacy scores. The experimental group outperformed the control group and the advanced learners outperformed the intermediate ones. In addition, the results indicated that while language proficiency did not moderate the WTC scores, the treatment type was the significant moderator of the WTC scores.Motivar al alumnado para que participen en una comunicación efectiva es una de las tareas fundamentales de educación lingüística. En consecuencia, el deseo por comunicarse (WTC) y la autoeficacia de alumnos de L2 son requisitos para un aprendizaje exitoso. Para mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje, los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera necesitan un apoyo efectivo, incluido andamiaje que los motive a desarrollar sus conocimientos en contextos de aprendizaje combinado (BL). Para examinar las técnicas de andamiaje basadas en BL sobre la autoeficacia y el WTC del alumnado, este diseño cuasi experimental cuenta con 232 participantes que fueron asignados a los grupos experimentales y de control, incluyendo estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado. Posteriormente, se distribuyeron como pre-test los cuestionarios de autoeficacia y los del WTC. Los resultados estadísticos de dos pruebas ANCOVA bidireccionales mostraron que tanto el dominio del idioma como el tipo de tratamiento son los moderadores significativos de las puntuaciones de eficacia. El grupo experimental superó al de control y los alumnos de nivel avanzado superaron a los de nivel intermedio. Los resultados indicaron que mientras que el dominio de lengua no moderó las puntuaciones del WTC, el tipo de tratamiento sí fue un moderador significativo.Bureau of Philosophy and Social Science Planning of Henan Province of Chin

    El impacto de las técnicas de andamiaje basadas en aprendizaje combinado en la autoeficacia y el deseo por comunicarse

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     Motivating learners to engage in effective communication is one of the fundamental concerns of language education. Accordingly, an educational context where L2 learners display a willingness to communicate (WTC) is a requirement for successful learning. A further concept that should be studied regarding WTC is students' self-efficacy from the socio-cognitive theory. Moreover, to boost the quality of learning, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students should receive effective support, including scaffolding that motivates them to build up their knowledge in Blended Learning (BL) settings. To examine BL-based scaffolding techniques on students’ self-efficacy and WTC, this quasi-experimental design involving 232 participants were assigned to the experimental and the control groups including both intermediate and advanced learners. Subsequently, the self-efficacy questionnaire, and WTC questionnaires were distributed among them as a pretest. The statistical results of Two two-way ANCOVA tests showed that both language proficiency and the treatment type are the significant moderators of the efficacy scores. The experimental group outperformed the control group and the advanced learners outperformed the intermediate ones. In addition, the results indicated that while language proficiency did not moderate the WTC scores, the treatment type was the significant moderator of the WTC scores. Motivar al alumnado para que participen en una comunicación efectiva es una de las tareas fundamentales de educación lingüística. En consecuencia, el deseo por comunicarse (WTC) y la autoeficacia de alumnos de L2 son requisitos para un aprendizaje exitoso. Para mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje, los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera necesitan un apoyo efectivo, incluido andamiaje que los motive a desarrollar sus conocimientos en contextos de aprendizaje combinado (BL). Para examinar las técnicas de andamiaje basadas en BL sobre la autoeficacia y el WTC del alumnado, este diseño cuasi experimental cuenta con 232 participantes que fueron asignados a los grupos experimentales y de control, incluyendo estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado. Posteriormente, se distribuyeron como pre-test los cuestionarios de autoeficacia y los del WTC. Los resultados estadísticos de dos pruebas ANCOVA bidireccionales mostraron que tanto el dominio del idioma como el tipo de tratamiento son los moderadores significativos de las puntuaciones de eficacia. El grupo experimental superó al de control y los alumnos de nivel avanzado superaron a los de nivel intermedio. Los resultados indicaron que mientras que el dominio de lengua no moderó las puntuaciones del WTC, el tipo de tratamiento sí fue un moderador significativo. &nbsp


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    Penelitian kebijakan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengembangan bahan ajar dan tugas menggunakan layanan deteksi plagiarisme pada LMS untuk pembelajaran Online calon guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Uji coba materi dilaksanakan untuk  mahasiswa calon guru Pendidikan guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Unipdu Jombang pada tahun akademik 2020/2021 semester 5. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi, dan kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan penelitian adalah: Efektivitas  layanan deteksi plagiarime pada LMS dalam hal penurunan plagiarisme karya calon guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Disimpulkan bahwa implementasi deteksi plagiarisme pada LMS (Learning Management Systems) untuk pembelajaran online tersebut efektif untuk mengurangi plagiarisme karya mahasiswa calon guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

    Effect of Metacognitive Skills Training on Metacognitive Awareness, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of University Students

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    Aims: Metacognition deals with active monitoring and adjusting the results and cognitive processes to gain the purpose. Academic self-efficacy is dependent on students’ perception of learning and is an important factor in the success of students reasoning. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of metacognitive skills training on metacognitive awareness, self-efficacy and academic achievement in university students. Materials & Methods: This semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest controlled approach was conducted in all students of Kashan University of Medical Sciences in 2014. 50 participants were selected by cluster sampling and were randomly divided into 2 intervention and control groups. Metacognitive awareness of reading strategies inventory (MARSI) and General Self-efficacy Scale were used for data gathering. Data were analyzed using ANCOVA test. Findings: There were significant difference between the score of the pretest and posttest of the intervention group in both self-efficacy and metacognition awareness. In addition, there were significant differences between posttest scores of intervention and control groups in self-efficacy (p<0.001; F=42.46) and cognitive awareness (p<0.001; F=190.99), but there was no significant difference (p=0.072; F=3.39) in academic achievement between the intervention and control groups’ posttest scores. Conclusion: Metacognitive training affects metacognitive awareness and self-efficacy but it is not founded for academic achievement

    Online Graduate Students’ Preferences of Discussion Modality: Does Gender Matter?

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    Audio/video discussion has been used increasingly in online courses due to its affordances in enhancing online communication. However, whether learners of different characteristics can benefit from this discussion modality has not been investigated extensively. This study examined whether gender plays a role in learners’ preferences and perceptions of audio/video discussion as compared to text discussion. The survey data of thirty-six participants’ perceptions were collected and studied after they participated in an audio/video discussion activity. The findings show that females preferred audio/video discussion more than males did, and more females reported that audio/video discussion strengthened their connection with peers. The top three benefits of audio/video discussion perceived by females and males are presented in this paper. Overall, using audio/video discussion to augment online communication and to connect learners is likely to be more effective and perceived more positively by female students than male students. The findings in this study could provide implications for sound pedagogical decisions that satisfy student preferences

    The Need for Computerization in Basic Education in Nigeria

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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace in all aspects of life. Across the past twenty years, the use of computers has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavor within business and governance. Education is socially-oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners (pupils and students). The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-centered learning settings. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the need for computers and its peripherals in universal basic education is becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century. In this paper, a literature review regarding the importance of ICTs in basic education was provided, effective use of ICT for Education, along with ICT use in the teaching-learning process; quality and accessibility of education; learning motivation and learning environment. Besides, an overview of the ICT and scholastic performance

    Tecnologias da Comunicação no Ensino Superior: Revisão da Literatura Internacional

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    As Tecnologias da Comunicação estão a ser utilizadas nas Instituições de Ensino Superior, à escala mundial, produzindo mudanças no design das práticas de ensino e aprendizagem, fazendo surgir paradigmas da aprendizagem como o e-learning, b-learning, m-learning. A investigação abraça diferentes perspetivas, ora enfatizando que o uso da Internet e das Tecnologias da Comunicação (TC) não está a potenciar inovação e disrupção de práticas educativas tradicionais, ora argumentando que existe uma disrupção que está a ganhar maior poder, promovendo mudanças nas práticas e papéis de alunos e professores que usam as TC. A presente revisão sugere que as tecnologias da web 2.0 promovem novas formas de comunicação, interação e partilha, em contextos educativos formais, entre utilizadores e conteúdos. A tomada de consciência do quão vasta e dispersa é a literatura relacionada com o uso das TC no Ensino Superior, deu significado a uma das metas principais do projeto “Uso das Tecnologias da Comunicação no Ensino Superior Público Português” que é a caracterização do uso e boas práticas nas suas instituições, disseminando a informação através de uma ferramenta online de visualização da informação. O objetivo principal é contribuir para a disponibilização de informação atualizada e útil para os utilizadores das instituições de Ensino Superior, facilitando e potenciando a investigação nesta área, e possivelmente, o desenvolvimento de novas práticas educativas

    Investigação e inovação em TIC aplicadas à educação nas comunidades educativas de Portugal: O papel das Universidades

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    Válido também para CIDTFF - artigosNo contexto actual, assiste-se a uma utilização crescente das Tecnologias de Comunicação (TC) nos mais diversos contextos educativos. No entanto, em termos de investigação, esta é uma área que, em Portugal, tem vindo a ser trabalhada de forma demasiado dispersa. Consequentemente, foi desenhado um projecto de investigação com o qual se pretende caracterizar as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) portuguesas em relação à adopção e utilização de TC. Consequentemente, pretende-se criar e implementar uma ferramenta digital dinâmica – o Mapping Tool –, a qual permitirá recolher e congregar dados com vista a uma descrição do estado da arte em relação ao uso das TC nas várias IES, assim como a actualização dos próprios dados. No presente estudo, apresenta-se, assim, uma análise de um estudo preliminar desenvolvido por dois elementos do projecto acima referido, em especial no que se refere i) à distribuição geográfica das IES portuguesas, ii) à adopção, a nível institucional, de plataformas de eLearning com fins educativos e iii) à oferta de cursos que conferem grau académico em regime de eLearning e/ou bLearning