10 research outputs found

    Modelling Discourse-related terminology in OntoLingAnnot’s ontologies

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    Recently, computational linguists have shown great interest in discourse annotation in an attempt to capture the internal relations in texts. With this aim, we have formalized the linguistic knowledge associated to discourse into different linguistic ontologies. In this paper, we present the most prominent discourse-related terms and concepts included in the ontologies of the OntoLingAnnot annotation model. They show the different units, values, attributes, relations, layers and strata included in the discourse annotation level of the OntoLingAnnot model, within which these ontologies are included, used and evaluated

    Investigalog, conocimiento e investigación más allá de la 2.0

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    El presente artículo analiza algunas de las formas de generación y gestión del conocimiento en la actualidad y las posibilidades futuras desde la irrupción de la web 3.0, en donde una parte del análisis se completa con la exploración sobre la relación entre las tecnologías informáticas de hoy y las nuevas visiones del conocimiento. Las características de esta sociedad global de la información, en un marco general de acceso a la misma para generar conocimiento y gestionarlo de forma efectiva, se traducen fundamentalmente en: acceso para todos, empowerment para todos y cooperación, bajo el esquema de inteligencia colectiva. El artículo muestra un ejemplo concreto de tecnología web que incursiona en este terreno: Investigalog.El presente artículo analiza algunas de las formas de generación y gestión del conocimiento en la actualidad y las posibilidades futuras desde la irrupción de la web 3.0, en donde una parte del análisis se completa con la exploración sobre la relación entre las tecnologías informáticas de hoy y las nuevas visiones del conocimiento. Las características de esta sociedad global de la información, en un marco general de acceso a la misma para generar conocimiento y gestionarlo de forma efectiva, se traducen fundamentalmente en: acceso para todos, empowerment para todos y cooperación, bajo el esquema de inteligencia colectiva. El artículo muestra un ejemplo concreto de tecnología web que incursiona en este terreno: InvestigalogThis article discusses some of the ways of generation and management knowledge today and the possibilities of the web 3.0. Part of the analysis is completed with the exploration of the relationship between computer technologies and these new views of knowledge. The characteristics of the global information society, in a general framework for access to it to generate knowledge and manage it effectively, result mainly in access for all, empowerment and cooperation for all, under the scheme of collective intelligence. This paper shows a concrete example of web technology to understand and development this field: Investigalog

    Централізований підхід до опису Web-онтологій

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    Досліджено існуючі підходи до створення та відображення онтологій. Запропоновано автоматичне створення єдиної бази онтологій на основі використання методів лінгвістичного розпізнавання образів.Исследованы существующие подходы к созданию и отображению онтологий. Предложено автоматическое создание единой базы онтологий на основе использования методов лингвистического распознавания образов.The existing approaches for ontology creation and image are explored. Automatic making the united ontology base with use the methods of linguistical artificial perception is offered

    La Web semántica y las tecnologías del lenguaje humano

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    The implementation of semantic web address the current represents a paradigm shift, as it has to be passed from a web-based and natural language created in a structured and organized web, where content will be semantically labeled the main element. This will represent a new philosophy and way of working, as the development and creation of content for this website require a great deal of effort. This is the point where they can speak human language technologies to provide mechanisms and tools to assist the implementation and expansion of this new paradigm

    Financial news analysis using a semantic web approach

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    In this paper we present StockWatcher, an OWL-based web application that enables the extraction of relevant news items from RSS feeds concerning the NASDAQ-100 listed companies. The application's goal is to present a customized, aggregated view of the news categorized by different topics. We distinguish between four relevant news categories: i) news regarding the company itself, ii) news regarding direct competitors of the company, iii) news regarding important people of the company, and iv) news regarding the industry in which the company is active. At the same time, the system presented in this chapter is able to rate these news items based on their relevance. We identify three possible effects that a news message can have on the company, and thus on the stock price of that company: i) positive, ii) negative, and iii) neutral. Currently, StockWatcher provides support for the NASDAQ-100 companies. The selection of the relevant news items is based on a customizable user portfolio that may consist of one or more of these companies

    Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0

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    Web 2.0 and Big Data tools can be used to develop knowledge management systems based on facilitating the participation and collaboration of people in order to enhance knowledge. The paper presents a methodology that can help organizations with the use of Web 2.0 and Big Data tools to discover, gather, manage and apply their knowledge by making the process of implementing a knowledge management system faster and simpler. First, an initial version of the methodology was developed and it was then applied to an oil and gas company in order to analyze and refine it. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the methodology, since it helped this company to carry out the implementation quickly and effectively, thereby allowing the company to gain the maximum benefits from existing knowledge

    La Web semántica y las tecnologías del lenguaje humano

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    The implementation of semantic web address the current represents a paradigm shift, as it has to be passed from a web-based and natural language created in a structured and organized web, where content will be semantically labeled the main element. This will represent a new philosophy and way of working, as the development and creation of content for this website require a great deal of effort. This is the point where they can speak human language technologies to provide mechanisms and tools to assist the implementation and expansion of this new paradigm

    Will Nano-Butlers Work for Micro-Payments? Innovation in Business Services Model may Reduce Cost of Delivering Global Healthcare Services

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    This paper represents an emerging view of personalized care and patient-centric systems approach. It integrates biomedical informatics and business services. A potentially innovative model may evolve from this convergence and may serve as a global template to reduce cost of service. The future of global healthcare may increasingly rely on “sense and then, respond” systems but excluding the instances of exception management, necessary for accidents and emergencies. Solutions suggested in this paper are neither complete nor a panacea but are elements that deserve inclusion in the delivery of healthcare that may combine a portfolio of approaches to suit the needs of the community. As a potential future direction to improve analytics in healthcare, the concept of molecular semantics is proposed

    1 Using a Natural Language Understanding System to Generate Semantic Web Content

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    We describe our research on automatically generating rich semantic annotations of text and making it available on the Semantic Web. In particular, we discuss the challenges involved in adapting the OntoSem natural language processing system for this purpose. OntoSem, an implementation of the theory of ontological semantics under continuous development for over fifteen years, uses a specially constructed NLP-oriented ontology and an ontological-semantic lexicon to translate English text into a custom ontology-motivated knowledge representation language, the language of text meaning representations (TMRs). OntoSem concentrates on a variety of ambiguity resolution tasks as well as processing unexpected input and reference. To adapt OntoSem’s representation to the Semantic Web, we developed a translation system, OntoSem2OWL, between the TMR language into the Semantic Web language OWL. We next used OntoSem and OntoSem2OWL to support SemNews, an experimental web service that monitors RSS news sources, processes the summaries of the news stories and publishes a structured representation of the meaning of the text in the news story