3,424 research outputs found


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    In \u27ASK for Information Retrieval: Part P1, we discussed the theory and background to a design study for an information retrieval (IR) system based on the attempt to represent the anomalous states of knowledge (ASKs) underlying information needs. In Part 11, we report the methods and results of the design study, and our conclusions

    Rational Structures in Learning and Memory

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    My dissertation aims to disrupt an increasingly ubiquitous view of epistemology which claim that we can study rationality by considering a single belief at a single time. I target three areas where diachronic (i.e. temporal) factors make a difference in the three sections: 1. memory, a system of tremendous importance in our cognitive lives yet which is often reduced to a one-sided question of whether to trust what one’s memory says, 2. learning, where I argue that we should sometimes believe in a way that’s not warranted or reasonable in light of our current evidence, but which puts us in a better position to acquire evidence in the future, and 3. the connection between memory and learning, as exemplified in the case of remembering anomalous events. This project is important because our whole lives are organized around getting things right at the right time. When we try to act morally, we might try to have a life that is built around moral principles, or to become wiser and kinder over time, as opposed to amassing a collection of acts that all have independent moral value. I think the same thing is true of our endeavors to acquire knowledge the process of inquiry is not made up of individual, independent good inferences that happen to follow one another, but is instead about a trajectory where we learn over time, and take the right steps now to get things right in the future, and overall. So I think that to understand this more complete sense of inquiry, philosophy needs to make a place for memory, the system that sustains and directs inquiry in the background, over long periods of time even as the sciences are learning more and more about how natural memory systems work, philosophers have boxed it out of relevance.My methodology is to study natural and artificial learning and memory systems as a process of discovery, a way of using real-world cases as inspiration and guide to the normative landscape. Conversely, I hope that figuring out new normative possibilities can shed light on empirical facts - though this is not the main focus of my dissertation.PHDPhilosophyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145896/1/skaron_1.pd

    The diary method and analysis of student's mental representations of information spaces as the research approach in information behaviour research

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    Introduction. This paper focuses on a research strategy combining the concept of mental models, diary method, drawings technique and thematic analysis to study individual information spaces. The possibility of implementing such approach was tested on a case study of personal information spaces of undergraduate information management students. Method. Methods of critical literature review and case study were used. Empirical data were gathered by means of the diary technique in its verbal, written and open form and by participant-generated drawings, and analysed with thematic analysis. Analysis. The analysis allowed to: (1) elicit selected components of individual information spaces as represented in their mental models, such as information activities, sources, people, places, affective and socio-cultural factors, and (2) to capture the main features of mental models, i.e. themes (cross-data patterns). Results. The pursuit of positive emotions, comfort, peace and safety is the dominant force shaping information behaviour and personalized information spaces. Conclusions. Triangulation of concepts of mental models, diary method, drawings technique and thematic analysis proved to be a fruitful study approach, not only offering holistic insight into personal information spaces but also opening new research questions

    Towards the use of situational information in information retrieval

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    This paper is an exploratory study of one approach to incorporating situational information into information retrieval systems, drawing on principles and methods of discourse linguistics. A tenet of discourse linguistics is that texts of a specific type possess a structure above the syntactic level, which follows conventions known to the people using such texts to communicate. In some cases, such as literature describing work done, the structure is closely related to situations, and may therefore be a useful representational vehicle for the present purpose. Abstracts of empirical research papers exhibit a well-defined discourse- level structure, which is revealed by lexical clues. Two methods of detecting the structure automatically are presented: (i) a Bayesian probabilistic analysis; and (ii) a neural network model. Both methods show promise in preliminary implementations. A study of users\u27 oral problem statements indicates that they are not amenable to the same kind of processing. However, from in-depth interviews with users and search intermediaries, the following conclusions are drawn: (i) the notion of a generic research script is meaningful to both users and intermediaries as a high-level description of situation; (ii) a researcher\u27s position in the script is a predictor of the relevance of documents; and (iii) currently, intermediaries can make very little use of situational information. The implications of these findings for system design are discussed, and a system structure presented to serve as a framework for future experimental work on the factors identified in this paper. The design calls for a dialogue with the user on his or her position in a research script and incorporates features permitting discourse-level components of abstracts to be specified in search strategies

    Foundations research in information retrieval inspired by quantum theory

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    In the information age information is useless unless it can be found and used, search engines in our time thereby form a crucial component of research. For something so crucial, information retrieval (IR), the formal discipline investigating search, can be a confusing area of study. There is an underlying difficulty, with the very definition of information retrieval, and weaknesses in its operational method, which prevent it being called a 'science'. The work in this thesis aims to create a formal definition for search, scientific methods for evaluation and comparison of different search strategies, and methods for dealing with the uncertainty associated with user interactions; so that one has the necessary formal foundation to be able to perceive IR as "search science". The key problems restricting a science of search pertain to the ambiguity in the current way in which search scenarios and concepts are specified. This especially affects evaluation of search systems since according to the traditional retrieval approach, evaluations are not repeatable, and thus not collectively verifiable. This is mainly due to the dependence on the method of user studies currently dominating evaluation methodology. This evaluation problem is related to the problem of not being able to formally define the users in user studies. The problem of defining users relates in turn to one of the main retrieval-specific motivations of the thesis, which can be understood by noticing that uncertainties associated with the interpretation of user interactions are collectively inscribed in a relevance concept, the representation and use of which defines the overall character of a retrieval model. Current research is limited in its understanding of how to best model relevance, a key factor restricting extensive formalization of the IR discipline as a whole. Thus, the problems of defining search systems and search scenarios are the principle issues preventing formal comparisons of systems and scenarios, in turn limiting the strength of experimental evaluation. Alternative models of search are proposed that remove the need for ambiguous relevance concepts and instead by arguing for use of simulation as a normative evaluation strategy for retrieval, some new concepts are introduced that can be employed in judging effectiveness of search systems. Included are techniques for simulating search, techniques for formal user modelling and techniques for generating measures of effectiveness for search models. The problems of evaluation and of defining users are generalized by proposing that they are related to the need for an unified framework for defining arbitrary search concepts, search systems, user models, and evaluation strategies. It is argued that this framework depends on a re-interpretation of the concept of search accommodating the increasingly embedded and implicit nature of search on modern operating systems, internet and networks. The re-interpretation of the concept of search is approached by considering a generalization of the concept of ostensive retrieval producing definitions of search, information need, user and system that (formally) accommodates the perception of search as an abstract process that can be physical and/or computational. The feasibility of both the mathematical formalism and physical conceptualizations of quantum theory (QT) are investigated for the purpose of modelling the this abstract search process as a physical process. Techniques for representing a search process by the Hilbert space formalism in QT are presented from which techniques are proposed for generating measures for effectiveness that combine static information such as term weights, and dynamically changing information such as probabilities of relevance. These techniques are used for deducing methods for modelling information need change. In mapping the 'macro level search' process to 'micro level physics' some generalizations were made to the use and interpretation of basic QT concepts such the wave function description of state and reversible evolution of states corresponding to the first and second postulates of quantum theory respectively. Several ways of expressing relevance (and other retrieval concepts) within the derived framework are proposed arguing that the increase in modelling power by use of QT provides effective ways to characterize this complex concept. Mapping the mathematical formalism of search to that of quantum theory presented insightful perspectives about the nature of search. However, differences between the operational semantics of quantum theory and search restricted the usefulness of the mapping. In trying to resolve these semantic differences, a semi-formal framework was developed that is mid-way between a programmatic language, a state-based language resembling the way QT models states, and a process description language. By using this framework, this thesis attempts to intimately link the theory and practice of information retrieval and the evaluation of the retrieval process. The result is a novel, and useful way for formally discussing, modelling and evaluating search concepts, search systems and search processes

    Deep learning in remote sensing: a review

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    Standing at the paradigm shift towards data-intensive science, machine learning techniques are becoming increasingly important. In particular, as a major breakthrough in the field, deep learning has proven as an extremely powerful tool in many fields. Shall we embrace deep learning as the key to all? Or, should we resist a 'black-box' solution? There are controversial opinions in the remote sensing community. In this article, we analyze the challenges of using deep learning for remote sensing data analysis, review the recent advances, and provide resources to make deep learning in remote sensing ridiculously simple to start with. More importantly, we advocate remote sensing scientists to bring their expertise into deep learning, and use it as an implicit general model to tackle unprecedented large-scale influential challenges, such as climate change and urbanization.Comment: Accepted for publication IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazin

    What is the influence of genre during the perception of structured text for retrieval and search?

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the high value of structured text (or form) in the context of genre within Information Retrieval. In particular, how are these structured texts perceived and why are they not more heavily used within Information Retrieval & Search communities? The main motivation is to show the features in which people can exploit genre within Information Search & Retrieval, in particular, categorisation and search tasks. To do this, it was vital to record and analyse how and why this was done during typical tasks. The literature review highlighted two previous studies (Toms & Campbell 1999a; Watt 2009) which have reported pilot studies consisting of genre categorisation and information searching. Both studies and other findings within the literature review inspired the work contained within this thesis. Genre is notoriously hard to define, but a very useful framework of Purpose and Form, developed by Yates & Orlikowski (1992), was utilised to design two user studies for the research reported within the thesis. The two studies consisted of, first, a categorisation task (e-mails), and second, a set of six simulated situations in Wikipedia, both of which collected quantitative data from eye tracking experiments as well as qualitative user data. The results of both studies showed the extent to which the participants utilised the form features of the stimuli presented, in particular, how these were used, which ocular behaviours (skimming or scanning) and actual features were used, and which were the most important. The main contributions to research made by this thesis were, first of all, that the task-based user evaluations employing simulated search scenarios revealed how and why users make decisions while interacting with the textual features of structure and layout within a discourse community, and, secondly, an extensive evaluation of the quantitative data revealed the features that were used by the participants in the user studies and the effects of the interpretation of genre in the search and categorisation process as well as the perceptual processes used in the various communities. This will be of benefit for the re-development of information systems. As far as is known, this is the first detailed and systematic investigation into the types of features, value of form, perception of features, and layout of genre using eye tracking in online communities, such as Wikipedia
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