35 research outputs found

    Using Stochastic Causal Trees to Augment Bayesian Networks for Modeling eQTL Datasets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The combination of genotypic and genome-wide expression data arising from segregating populations offers an unprecedented opportunity to model and dissect complex phenotypes. The immense potential offered by these data derives from the fact that genotypic variation is the sole source of perturbation and can therefore be used to reconcile changes in gene expression programs with the parental genotypes. To date, several methodologies have been developed for modeling eQTL data. These methods generally leverage genotypic data to resolve causal relationships among gene pairs implicated as associates in the expression data. In particular, leading studies have augmented Bayesian networks with genotypic data, providing a powerful framework for learning and modeling causal relationships. While these initial efforts have provided promising results, one major drawback associated with these methods is that they are generally limited to resolving causal orderings for transcripts most proximal to the genomic loci. In this manuscript, we present a probabilistic method capable of learning the causal relationships between transcripts at all levels in the network. We use the information provided by our method as a prior for Bayesian network structure learning, resulting in enhanced performance for gene network reconstruction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using established protocols to synthesize eQTL networks and corresponding data, we show that our method achieves improved performance over existing leading methods. For the goal of gene network reconstruction, our method achieves improvements in recall ranging from 20% to 90% across a broad range of precision levels and for datasets of varying sample sizes. Additionally, we show that the learned networks can be utilized for expression quantitative trait loci mapping, resulting in upwards of 10-fold increases in recall over traditional univariate mapping.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Using the information from our method as a prior for Bayesian network structure learning yields large improvements in accuracy for the tasks of gene network reconstruction and expression quantitative trait loci mapping. In particular, our method is effective for establishing causal relationships between transcripts located both proximally and distally from genomic loci.</p

    Reaching the End-Game for GWAS: Machine Learning Approaches for the Prioritization of Complex Disease Loci.

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed thousands of genetic loci that underpin the complex biology of many human traits. However, the strength of GWAS - the ability to detect genetic association by linkage disequilibrium (LD) - is also its limitation. Whilst the ever-increasing study size and improved design have augmented the power of GWAS to detect effects, differentiation of causal variants or genes from other highly correlated genes associated by LD remains the real challenge. This has severely hindered the biological insights and clinical translation of GWAS findings. Although thousands of disease susceptibility loci have been reported, causal genes at these loci remain elusive. Machine learning (ML) techniques offer an opportunity to dissect the heterogeneity of variant and gene signals in the post-GWAS analysis phase. ML models for GWAS prioritization vary greatly in their complexity, ranging from relatively simple logistic regression approaches to more complex ensemble models such as random forests and gradient boosting, as well as deep learning models, i.e., neural networks. Paired with functional validation, these methods show important promise for clinical translation, providing a strong evidence-based approach to direct post-GWAS research. However, as ML approaches continue to evolve to meet the challenge of causal gene identification, a critical assessment of the underlying methodologies and their applicability to the GWAS prioritization problem is needed. This review investigates the landscape of ML applications in three parts: selected models, input features, and output model performance, with a focus on prioritizations of complex disease associated loci. Overall, we explore the contributions ML has made towards reaching the GWAS end-game with consequent wide-ranging translational impact

    Large-scale variational inference for Bayesian joint regression modelling of high-dimensional genetic data

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    Genetic association studies have become increasingly important in understanding the molecular bases of complex human traits. The specific analysis of intermediate molecular traits, via quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies, has recently received much attention, prompted by the advance of high-throughput technologies for quantifying gene, protein and metabolite levels. Of great interest is the detection of weak trans-regulatory effects between a genetic variant and a distal gene product. In particular, hotspot genetic variants, which remotely control the levels of many molecular outcomes, may initiate decisive functional mechanisms underlying disease endpoints. This thesis proposes a Bayesian hierarchical approach for joint analysis of QTL data on a genome-wide scale. We consider a series of parallel sparse regressions combined in a hierarchical manner to flexibly accommodate high-dimensional responses (molecular levels) and predictors (genetic variants), and we present new methods for large-scale inference. Existing approaches have limitations. Conventional marginal screening does not account for local dependencies and association patterns common to multiple outcomes and genetic variants, whereas joint modelling approaches are restricted to relatively small datasets by computational constraints. Our novel framework allows information-sharing across outcomes and variants, thereby enhancing the detection of weak trans and hotspot effects, and implements tailored variational inference procedures that allow simultaneous analysis of data for an entire QTL study, comprising hundreds of thousands of predictors, and thousands of responses and samples. The present work also describes extensions to leverage spatial and functional information on the genetic variants, for example, using predictor-level covariates such as epigenomic marks. Moreover, we augment variational inference with simulated annealing and parallel expectation-maximisation schemes in order to enhance exploration of highly multimodal spaces and allow efficient empirical Bayes estimation. Our methods, publicly available as packages implemented in R and C++, are extensively assessed in realistic simulations. Their advantages are illustrated in several QTL applications, including a large-scale proteomic QTL study on two clinical cohorts that highlights novel candidate biomarkers for metabolic disorders

    Epigenomic insights into common human disease pathology

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    The epigenome—the chemical modifications and chromatin-related packaging of the genome—enables the same genetic template to be activated or repressed in different cellular settings. This multi-layered mechanism facilitates cell-type specific function by setting the local sequence and 3D interactive activity level. Gene transcription is further modulated through the interplay with transcription factors and co-regulators. The human body requires this epigenomic apparatus to be precisely installed throughout development and then adequately maintained during the lifespan. The causal role of the epigenome in human pathology, beyond imprinting disorders and specific tumour suppressor genes, was further brought into the spotlight by large-scale sequencing projects identifying that mutations in epigenomic machinery genes could be critical drivers in both cancer and developmental disorders. Abrogation of this cellular mechanism is providing new molecular insights into pathogenesis. However, deciphering the full breadth and implications of these epigenomic changes remains challenging. Knowledge is accruing regarding disease mechanisms and clinical biomarkers, through pathogenically relevant and surrogate tissue analyses, respectively. Advances include consortia generated cell-type specific reference epigenomes, high-throughput DNA methylome association studies, as well as insights into ageing-related diseases from biological ‘clocks’ constructed by machine learning algorithms. Also, 3rd-generation sequencing is beginning to disentangle the complexity of genetic and DNA modification haplotypes. Cell-free DNA methylation as a cancer biomarker has clear clinical utility and further potential to assess organ damage across many disorders. Finally, molecular understanding of disease aetiology brings with it the opportunity for exact therapeutic alteration of the epigenome through CRISPR-activation or inhibition

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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    Apprentissage de la structure de réseaux bayésiens : application aux données de génétique-génomique

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    Apprendre la structure d'un réseau de régulation de gènes est une tâche complexe due à la fois au nombre élevé de variables le composant (plusieurs milliers) et à la faible quantité d'échantillons disponibles (quelques centaines). Parmi les approches proposées, nous utilisons le formalisme des réseaux bayésiens, ainsi apprendre la structure d'un réseau de régulation consiste à apprendre la structure d'un réseau bayésien où chaque variable représente un gène et chaque arc un phénomène de régulation. Dans la première partie de ce manuscrit nous nous intéressons à l'apprentissage de la structure de réseaux bayésiens génériques au travers de recherches locales. Nous explorons plus efficacement l'espace des réseaux possibles grâce à un nouvel algorithme de recherche stochastique (SGS), un nouvel opérateur local (SWAP), ainsi qu'une extension des opérateurs classiques qui permet d'assouplir temporairement la contrainte d'acyclicité des réseaux bayésiens. La deuxième partie se focalise sur l'apprentissage de réseaux de régulation de gènes. Nous proposons une modélisation du problème dans le cadre des réseaux bayésiens prenant en compte deux types d'information. Le premier, classiquement utilisé, est le niveau d'expression des gènes. Le second, plus original, est la présence de mutations sur la séquence d'ADN pouvant expliquer des variations d'expression. L'utilisation de ces données combinées dites de génétique-génomique, vise à améliorer la reconstruction. Nos différentes propositions se sont montrées performantes sur des données de génétique-génomique simulées et ont permis de reconstruire un réseau de régulation pour des données observées sur le plante Arabidopsis thaliana.Structure learning of gene regulatory networks is a complex process, due to the high number of variables (several thousands) and the small number of available samples (few hundred). Among the proposed approaches to learn these networks, we use the Bayesian network framework. In this way to learn a regulatory network corresponds to learn the structure of a Bayesian network where each variable is a gene and each edge represents a regulation between genes. In the first part of this thesis, we are interested in learning the structure of generic Bayesian networks using local search. We explore more efficiently the search space thanks to a new stochastic search algorithm (SGS), a new local operator (SWAP) and an extension for classical operators to briefly overcome the acyclic constraint imposed by Bayesian networks. The second part focuses on learning gene regulatory networks. We proposed a model in the Bayesian networks framework taking into account two kinds of information. The first one, commonly used, is gene expression levels. The second one, more original, is the mutations on the DNA sequence which can explain gene expression variations. The use of these combined data, called genetical genomics, aims to improve the structural learning quality. Our different proposals appeared to be efficient on simulated genetical genomics data and allowed to learn a regulatory network for observed data from Arabidopsis thaliana

    Machine Learning Approaches for the Prioritisation of Cardiovascular Disease Genes Following Genome- wide Association Study

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed thousands of genetic loci, establishing itself as a valuable method for unravelling the complex biology of many diseases. As GWAS has grown in size and improved in study design to detect effects, identifying real causal signals, disentangling from other highly correlated markers associated by linkage disequilibrium (LD) remains challenging. This has severely limited GWAS findings and brought the method’s value into question. Although thousands of disease susceptibility loci have been reported, causal variants and genes at these loci remain elusive. Post-GWAS analysis aims to dissect the heterogeneity of variant and gene signals. In recent years, machine learning (ML) models have been developed for post-GWAS prioritisation. ML models have ranged from using logistic regression to more complex ensemble models such as random forests and gradient boosting, as well as deep learning models (i.e., neural networks). When combined with functional validation, these methods have shown important translational insights, providing a strong evidence-based approach to direct post-GWAS research. However, ML approaches are in their infancy across biological applications, and as they continue to evolve an evaluation of their robustness for GWAS prioritisation is needed. Here, I investigate the landscape of ML across: selected models, input features, bias risk, and output model performance, with a focus on building a prioritisation framework that is applied to blood pressure GWAS results and tested on re-application to blood lipid traits

    Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2023

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    The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2023 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2023 will be held on January 3-7, 2023 in Kohala Coast, Hawaii. Tutorials and workshops will be offered prior to the start of the conference.PSB 2023 will bring together top researchers from the US, the Asian Pacific nations, and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of computational biology. It is a forum for the presentation of work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling, and other computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology.The PSB has been designed to be responsive to the need for critical mass in sub-disciplines within biocomputing. For that reason, it is the only meeting whose sessions are defined dynamically each year in response to specific proposals. PSB sessions are organized by leaders of research in biocomputing's 'hot topics.' In this way, the meeting provides an early forum for serious examination of emerging methods and approaches in this rapidly changing field