60 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan E-Learning Menggunakan Dimensi Servqual dan Fuzzy Kano Model untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Mahasiswa

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    Evaluation of e-learning is important to know the level of success of e-learning website. The results of the evaluation can be further improved on. The purpose of this research is to design information systems evaluation of e-learning by using Servqual dimensions and Fuzzy Kano Model. The method used in this research is to identify the criteria that affect the quality of service based on the dimensions of Servqual by using Fuzzy Kano, by providing functional and dysfunctional questions to respondents. Fuzzy method is used to reduce the subjectivity of respondents, which then classified each attribute in Kano categories namely: category must-be, one-dimensional, attractive, and indifferent. Results of the study was the evaluation of information systems that generate e-learning and student satisfaction category of needs mapping attributes in e-learning. A case study conducted on the website kulon.undana.ac.id showed that students were quite satisfied with the service on the dimensions Assurance (0.54), Empathy (0.53), Responsiveness (0.53), and Website Content (0.56 ) with the mapping category is Attractive. Students are not happy with the services that exist in the dimension Reliability (0.48) and the position of the category is Indifferent


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    ABSTRACTPosie Florist merupakan toko bunga yang berdiri sejak 2016 di Jebres, Kota Surakarta. Produk bunga potong di Posie florist berupa hand bouqet flower, flower vast, flower box dan dekorasi upacara pernikahan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara e-service dengan keputusan pembelian di Posie Florist Surakarta. Dalam penelitian ini  penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Untuk pengambilan sampel konsumen, peneliti menggunakan convenience sampling. Responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 50 konsumen Posie Florist. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan wawancara, kuesioner, dan studi pustaka. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi rank spearman. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa e-service quality memiliki hubungan yang kuat dan positif terhadap keputusan pembelian produk bunga potong di Posie Florist. ABSTRACTPosie Florist is a flower shop that was established in 2016 at Jebres, Surakarta. Products sold at Posie Florist are hand bouqet flowers, flower vast, flower boxes, and wedding ceremony decorations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between e-service and purchasing decisions at Posie Florist Surakarta. In this research, the writer uses quantitative descriptive research type. consumer sampling, researchers used convenience sampling. Respondents taken in this study were as many as 50 Posie Florist’s consumers. Data collection was obtained by interview, questionnaire, and literature study. The data analysis technique used is the Spearman rank correlation. The results of this study stated that e-service quality has a strong and positive relationship with purchasing decisions for Posie Florist cut flowers.


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    Achieving superior service quality is the main concern of all service providers, so that service providers are urged to provide high quality customer-oriented services. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of customer service at Dekranasda Rembang, using the Servqual and Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. Servqual is used to see customer perceptions and expectations on the five dimensions of servqual including Physical Evidence (Tangibles), guarantee (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Assurance) and Empathy (Emphaty). While AHP is used to weight each dimension and criteria. The results showed that there were 10 service criteria that had to be improved immediately by Dekranasda, so as to improve customer quality

    An Analytical Framework Considering the Effects of Online Teaching Quality on Student Satisfaction

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    COVID-19 spreads across the world in late 2019 has affected to several aspects of social life. One of the most important sectors, which face difficulties was education, thus most universities have transferred from traditional education to online education through the internet to make their academic year going. This study aims to review the effects of online teaching quality on student satisfaction, a positive attitude resulting from an evaluation of students’ online teaching experience in higher education. Through applying the SERVQUAL model to measure the effects of online teaching quality on students’ satisfaction, it can be expected to get better the online teaching quality of higher education institutions in Vietnam. Keywords: Online teaching, student satisfaction, higher education, COVID-19, educational institution. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-6-08 Publication date:March 31st 202


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    E-learning merupakan sebuah media pembelajaran berbasis perangkat elektronik dengan mengunakan internet sebagai media penghubungnya. E-learning pada saat ini berkembang dengan pesat disetiap negara dengan tingkat pertumbuhan lebih dari 4%. Asia merupakan benua dengan tingkat pertumbuhan e-learning terbesar yaitu 17,3 % dengan pendapatan mencapai angka $11,5B pada tahun 2016. Indonesia berada pada posisi ke 8 dari semua negara yang ada di Asia dengan tingkat pertumbuhan mencapai angka 20 %. Indonesia terdapat berbagai e-learning yang memenuhi pasar e-learning Indonesia. Appskep merupakan e-learning yang bergerak memenuhi permintaan pasar e-learning Indonesia. Appskep pembantu perawat dalam menghadapi Uji Kompetensi. Berdasarkan www.niagahoster.co.id Appskep tidak termasuk kedalam 17 e-learning terbaik di Indonesia dan terdapat beberapa keluhan yang dialami oleh pengguna Appskep sehingga dilakukan analisis terhadap kualitas e-learning Appskep. Faktor-faktor yang menentukan kualitas e-learning berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu dapat dikaitkan dengan kualitas layanan, kualitas informasi dan kualitas sistem. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Appskep pada periode 2 ujian kompetensi keperawatan dengan jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 94 orang. Data yang terkumpul diolah dengan mengunakan metode SEM-PLS dengan software smartPLS 3. Berdasarkan pengolahan data yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil Variabel assurance, responsiveness dan reliability memiliki korelasi yang positif terhadap kualitas e-learning sedangkan empathy tidak memiliki korelasi yang positif terhadapa kualitas e-learning dan variabel konten pembelajaran memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kualitas e-learning sedangkan situs web tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kualitas e-learning. Sehingga diberikan saran berupa penambahan fitur live chat, file management dan diberikan saran perbaikan terhadap desain user interface e-learning Appskep

    The Reduced Profiteering Quality as a Cause of Sanction in the Airline Companies of Iran (The Case of Zagros Airline Company)

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    AbstractThe main purpose of the current study was to investigate the factors effective in the service quality of airline companies ba sed on the SERVQUAL Scale. Further, the relationships among service quality, satisfaction, trust and loyalty will be also studied. To achieve the purposes of the research, a field study was conducted on 259 passengers of Zagros Airline Company. The convenience-sampling plan was used to collect the data. The descriptive statistics, the confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson's correlation test and the structural equation modeling were used for data analysis. SPSS and AMOS Software were used for data analysis. The findings show that the service quality has a significant effect on the customer's satisfaction. Customer's satisfaction has also a significant effect on customer's trust, word of mouth (WOM) and the retention intention. In addition, WOM has a positive significant effect on the retention intention of the customers. However, no significant relationship was observed between the trust and the retention intention of the customers

    Quality Analysis of E-government Services Using SERVQUAL Method (Case Study of SAMSAT Office in Kolaka Regency)

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    This study discusses the measurement of the quality of motor vehicle tax of information system services at the SAMSAT Kolaka office using the servqual method by emphasizing the five dimensions of servqual namely Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and empathy. This study aims to understand the level of user satisfaction by comparing expectations and expectations and updating the standards provided by SAMSAT Kolaka through the application of the SIZ application. Data collection activities were carried out by distributing 100 questionnaires to all SIZ service users. The results of this study indicate that the use of SIZ is not by customer needs; this can be demonstrated by the high value of the gap between expectations and perceptions. The Assurance dimension obtaining the most top difference is the Tangibles dimension indicating that the limitations of the IT facilities used are still limited. It is evidenced by the continued complaints of customers regarding queue buildup due to a system that suddenly goes down while the service is in progress. It is necessary to improve IT infrastructure that can improve customer satisfaction in the future.This study discusses the measurement of the quality of motor vehicle tax of information system services at the SAMSAT Kolaka office using the servqual method by emphasizing the five dimensions of servqual namely Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and empathy. This study aims to understand the level of user satisfaction by comparing expectations and expectations and updating the standards provided by SAMSAT Kolaka through the application of the SIZ application. Data collection activities were carried out by distributing 100 questionnaires to all SIZ service users. The results of this study indicate that the use of SIZ is not by customer needs; this can be demonstrated by the high value of the gap between expectations and perceptions. The Assurance dimension obtaining the most top difference is the Tangibles dimension indicating that the limitations of the IT facilities used are still limited. It is evidenced by the continued complaints of customers regarding queue buildup due to a system that suddenly goes down while the service is in progress. It is necessary to improve IT infrastructure that can improve customer satisfaction in the future

    Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu [Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute]

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    Kvantitativno analizo kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu smo izvedli s pomočjo merskega instrumenta SERVQUAL, s katerim smo merili udeleženčeva pričakovanja in njihove zaznave kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja, in sicer s pomočjo petih razsežnosti: zunanje podobe, zanesljivosti, odzivnosti, zaupanja in pozornosti. Analiza je pokazala, da se pričakovana kakovost usposabljanja na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu statistično značilno razlikuje od dejanske zaznane kakovosti ter da je dejavnik zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj »zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja« pozitivno povezan z zadovoljstvom udeležencev teh usposabljanj. Rezultati analize bodo lahko v pomoč upravljalcem človeških virov in managementu v izbranem javnem zavodu in v drugih organizacijah, kakor tudi raziskovalcem, saj lahko ti na osnovi ugotovitev te raziskave ter dodatno zbranih podatkov izpeljejo dodatne analize.A quantitative analysis was performed about the quality of professional training in business digitalisation at a selected public institute with the SERVQUAL measurement instrument that measured the expectations of the participants and perception of quality of professional training in business digitalisation by measuring the following five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and attentiveness. The analysis has shown that the expected quality of training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute statistically significantly differs from the actual perceived quality, and that the factor of perceived quality of training ‘the reliability of the provider and the lecturer’ positively corresponded with the satisfaction of the participants in these trainings. The results of the analysis will be of practical assistance for managers of human resources and the management of the selected public institute, other organisations, as well as researchers, who can carry out additional research on the basis of the findings of this research and additional selected data

    Теоретичний підхід до якісті дистанційного навчання

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    Introduction. Over the past decade, as technology coupled with the increasingly frequent use of the internet have become the forefront of business and academia, e-learning has emerged on the global higher education stage as a leading means of gaining an education in Higher Education. Because internet-based learning is currently such a relevant topic, inter alia due to the occurrence of the pandemic, there is a dire need for the creation of a common language to proceed in a collectively positive direction regarding the development of a culture of excellence within e-learning. This paper provides a springboard to discuss the underlying issues and challenges related to quality of internet-based learning, including the need for right measuring, and understanding dimensions of e-learning quality. Aim and tasks. The quality of education needs to be addressed (measured and managed) comprehensively, which means that, in addition to pedagogical aspects, it is also necessary to address the market quality. Therefore, a distinction must be made between quality that meets specifications (standard quality) and quality that meets expectations. Therefore, the main aim of the article is to review the different definitions of quality in e-learning and the dimensions that must be included in measuring the quality of e-learning. Results. Based on an extensive review of the literature on quality in e-learning, we conclude that the quality of e-learning cannot be viewed only from the student's perspective, but from the point of view of all participants in the e-learning process. In addition to pedagogical aspects, organizational, economic, and legal aspects must also be considered. What dimensions are key to measuring quality in e-learning thus remains a question to be answered. Conclusions. The quality of e-learning depends on many factors. Despite many discussions about quality and the search for appropriate dimensions of quality in e-learning, there is still no single evaluative standard. Because of this, effective qualitative metrics for e-learning are urgently required.Вступ. Протягом останнього десятиліття, коли технології в поєднанні із дедалі частішим використанням Інтернету стали головними для бізнесу та наукових кіл, електронне навчання з’явилося у світовій вищій освіті як провідний засіб здобуття освіти у галузі вищої освіти. Оскільки в даний час навчання на основі Інтернету є такою актуальною темою, в тому числі через появу пандемії, існує гостра необхідність у розвитку системи E-learning, яка рухатиметься в сукупному позитивному напрямку щодо розвитку культури та досконалості в межах електронного навчання. Стаття пропонує основу для обговорення основних питань та проблем, пов'язаних з якістю навчання в Інтернеті, включаючи необхідність у правильному вимірюванні та розумінні оцінки якості електронного навчання. Мета і завдання. Якість освіти потребує комплексного вирішення (вимірювання та управління), а це означає, що, крім педагогічних аспектів, необхідно також звернути увагу на якість ринку. Тому слід розрізняти якість, що відповідає специфікаціям (стандартна якість), та якість, яка відповідає очікуванням. Отже, основною метою статті є огляд різних визначень якості електронного навчання та вимірів, які необхідно враховувати при вимірюванні якості електронного навчання. Результати. На основі огляду літератури про якість електронного навчання ми дійшли висновку, що якість електронного навчання не можна розглядати лише з точки зору студента, а з точки зору всіх учасників процесу електронного навчання. Окрім педагогічних аспектів, слід також враховувати організаційні, економічні та правові аспекти. Які виміри є ключовими для вимірювання якості електронного навчання, залишається питанням, на яке слід відповісти. Висновки. Якість електронного навчання залежить від багатьох факторів. Незважаючи на багато дискусій щодо якості та пошук відповідних вимірів якості в електронному навчанні, досі не існує єдиного оціночного стандарту. Через це терміново потрібні ефективні якісні показники для електронного навчання

    Assessing the Quality of Hospitality Services: A Study on Hotels in Chittagong

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    Service quality is considered as an important aspect to the success of hospitality industry, the importance of evaluating service quality provided to guests becomes apparent. Assessing service quality provides with the necessary information needed to manage service delivery operations appropriately. Considering the importance, the study aims to evaluate the service quality of two five star hotels in Chittagong using random sampling. The study applied SERVQUAL model consisting of five dimensions namely tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Based on a questionnaire survey of 68 customers (guests), frequency analysis, gap analysis between perceptions and expectations, reliability tests of items were conducted. The results of the reveal that the overall service quality of sample hotels is rated as -0.24. The perception of service delivery was less than expectations of guests in all the dimensions of SERVQUAL. The sample hotels have not fulfilled the expectations of their guests. The findings of the study imply that the management of selected hotels should understand the guests’ expectation and standardize their relevant services with expectation, set proper standards and support them with necessary resources to minimize the gaps between perception and expectation. Keywords:   quality, hospitality services, customers