16 research outputs found

    Two new feature selection algorithms with rough sets theory

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    Rough Sets Theory has opened new trends for the development of the Incomplete Information Theory. Inside this one, the notion of reduct is a very significant one, but to obtain a reduct in a decision system is an expensive computing process although very important in data analysis and knowledge discovery. Because of this, it has been necessary the development of different variants to calculate reducts. The present work look into the utility that offers Rough Sets Model and Information Theory in feature selection and a new method is presented with the purpose of calculate a good reduct. This new method consists of a greedy algorithm that uses heuristics to work out a good reduct in acceptable times. In this paper we propose other method to find good reducts, this method combines elements of Genetic Algorithm with Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. The new methods are compared with others which are implemented inside Pattern Recognition and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms and the results of the statistical tests are shown.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Knowledge Acquisition and Data MiningRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Software Cost Estimation through Entity Relationship Model

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    Abstract: Software Cost Estimation is essential for efficient control and management of the whole software development process. Today, Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO 11) is very popular for estimating software cost. In Constructive Cost Model lines of code and function, points are used to calculate the software size. Actually, this work represents the implementation stages but in early stages in software development, it was not easy to estimate software cost. The entity relationship model (ER Model) is very useful in requirement analysis for data concentrated systems. This paper highlights the use of Entity Relationship Model for software cost estimation. Pathway Density is ushered in. By using the Pathway Density and other factors, many regression models are built for estimating the software cost. So in this paper, Entity Relationship Model is based on estimated cost of software

    Attribute Selection Methods in Rough Set Theory

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    Attribute selection for rough sets is an NP-hard problem, in which fast heuristic algorithms are needed to find reducts. In this project, two reduct methods for rough set were implemented: particle swarm optimization and Johnson’s method. Both algorithms were evaluated with five different benchmarks from the KEEL repository. The results obtained from both implementations were compared with results obtained by the ROSETTA software using the same benchmarks. The results show that the implementations achieve better correction rates than ROSETTA

    Two new feature selection algorithms with rough sets theory

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    Rough Sets Theory has opened new trends for the development of the Incomplete Information Theory. Inside this one, the notion of reduct is a very significant one, but to obtain a reduct in a decision system is an expensive computing process although very important in data analysis and knowledge discovery. Because of this, it has been necessary the development of different variants to calculate reducts. The present work look into the utility that offers Rough Sets Model and Information Theory in feature selection and a new method is presented with the purpose of calculate a good reduct. This new method consists of a greedy algorithm that uses heuristics to work out a good reduct in acceptable times. In this paper we propose other method to find good reducts, this method combines elements of Genetic Algorithm with Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. The new methods are compared with others which are implemented inside Pattern Recognition and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms and the results of the statistical tests are shown.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Knowledge Acquisition and Data MiningRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Improving the k-NN method: rough set in edit training set

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    Rough Set Theory (RST) is a technique for data analysis. In this study, we use RST to improve the performance of k-NN method. The RST is used to edit and reduce the training set. We propose two methods to edit training sets, which are based on the lower and upper approximations. Experimental results show a satisfactory performance of k-NN method using these techniques.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Learning and Neural NetsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Improving the Scalability of Reduct Determination in Rough Sets

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    Rough Set Data Analysis (RSDA) is a non-invasive data analysis approach that solely relies on the data to find patterns and decision rules. Despite its noninvasive approach and ability to generate human readable rules, classical RSDA has not been successfully used in commercial data mining and rule generating engines. The reason is its scalability. Classical RSDA slows down a great deal with the larger data sets and takes much longer times to generate the rules. This research is aimed to address the issue of scalability in rough sets by improving the performance of the attribute reduction step of the classical RSDA - which is the root cause of its slow performance. We propose to move the entire attribute reduction process into the database. We defined a new schema to store the initial data set. We then defined SOL queries on this new schema to find the attribute reducts correctly and faster than the traditional RSDA approach. We tested our technique on two typical data sets and compared our results with the traditional RSDA approach for attribute reduction. In the end we also highlighted some of the issues with our proposed approach which could lead to future research