150 research outputs found

    Leveraging Large Language Models in Conversational Recommender Systems

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    A Conversational Recommender System (CRS) offers increased transparency and control to users by enabling them to engage with the system through a real-time multi-turn dialogue. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited an unprecedented ability to converse naturally and incorporate world knowledge and common-sense reasoning into language understanding, unlocking the potential of this paradigm. However, effectively leveraging LLMs within a CRS introduces new technical challenges, including properly understanding and controlling a complex conversation and retrieving from external sources of information. These issues are exacerbated by a large, evolving item corpus and a lack of conversational data for training. In this paper, we provide a roadmap for building an end-to-end large-scale CRS using LLMs. In particular, we propose new implementations for user preference understanding, flexible dialogue management and explainable recommendations as part of an integrated architecture powered by LLMs. For improved personalization, we describe how an LLM can consume interpretable natural language user profiles and use them to modulate session-level context. To overcome conversational data limitations in the absence of an existing production CRS, we propose techniques for building a controllable LLM-based user simulator to generate synthetic conversations. As a proof of concept we introduce RecLLM, a large-scale CRS for YouTube videos built on LaMDA, and demonstrate its fluency and diverse functionality through some illustrative example conversations

    Report on the 1st Simulation for Information Retrieval Workshop (Sim4IR 2021) at SIGIR 2021

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    Simulation is used as a low-cost and repeatable means of experimentation. As Information Retrieval (IR) researchers, we are no strangers to the idea of using simulation within our own field---such as the traditional means of IR system evaluation as manifested through the Cranfield paradigm. While simulation has been used in other areas of IR research (such as the study of user behaviours), we argue that the potential for using simulation has been recognised by relatively few IR researchers so far. To this end, the Sim4IR workshop was held online on July 15th, 2021 in conjunction with ACM SIGIR 2021. Building on past efforts, the goal of the workshop was to create a forum for researchers and practitioners to promote methodology and development of more widespread use of simulation for IR evaluation. Around 80 participants took part over two sessions. A total of two keynotes, three original paper presentations, and eight 'encore talks' were presented. The main conclusions from the resultant discussion were that simulation has the potential to offer solutions to the limitations of existing evaluation methodologies, but there is more research needed toward developing realistic user simulators; and the development and sharing of simulators, in the form of toolkits and online services, is critical for successful uptake.publishedVersio

    Enhancing explainability and scrutability of recommender systems

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    Our increasing reliance on complex algorithms for recommendations calls for models and methods for explainable, scrutable, and trustworthy AI. While explainability is required for understanding the relationships between model inputs and outputs, a scrutable system allows us to modify its behavior as desired. These properties help bridge the gap between our expectations and the algorithm’s behavior and accordingly boost our trust in AI. Aiming to cope with information overload, recommender systems play a crucial role in filtering content (such as products, news, songs, and movies) and shaping a personalized experience for their users. Consequently, there has been a growing demand from the information consumers to receive proper explanations for their personalized recommendations. These explanations aim at helping users understand why certain items are recommended to them and how their previous inputs to the system relate to the generation of such recommendations. Besides, in the event of receiving undesirable content, explanations could possibly contain valuable information as to how the system’s behavior can be modified accordingly. In this thesis, we present our contributions towards explainability and scrutability of recommender systems: • We introduce a user-centric framework, FAIRY, for discovering and ranking post-hoc explanations for the social feeds generated by black-box platforms. These explanations reveal relationships between users’ profiles and their feed items and are extracted from the local interaction graphs of users. FAIRY employs a learning-to-rank (LTR) method to score candidate explanations based on their relevance and surprisal. • We propose a method, PRINCE, to facilitate provider-side explainability in graph-based recommender systems that use personalized PageRank at their core. PRINCE explanations are comprehensible for users, because they present subsets of the user’s prior actions responsible for the received recommendations. PRINCE operates in a counterfactual setup and builds on a polynomial-time algorithm for finding the smallest counterfactual explanations. • We propose a human-in-the-loop framework, ELIXIR, for enhancing scrutability and subsequently the recommendation models by leveraging user feedback on explanations. ELIXIR enables recommender systems to collect user feedback on pairs of recommendations and explanations. The feedback is incorporated into the model by imposing a soft constraint for learning user-specific item representations. We evaluate all proposed models and methods with real user studies and demonstrate their benefits at achieving explainability and scrutability in recommender systems.Unsere zunehmende Abhängigkeit von komplexen Algorithmen für maschinelle Empfehlungen erfordert Modelle und Methoden für erklärbare, nachvollziehbare und vertrauenswürdige KI. Zum Verstehen der Beziehungen zwischen Modellein- und ausgaben muss KI erklärbar sein. Möchten wir das Verhalten des Systems hingegen nach unseren Vorstellungen ändern, muss dessen Entscheidungsprozess nachvollziehbar sein. Erklärbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von KI helfen uns dabei, die Lücke zwischen dem von uns erwarteten und dem tatsächlichen Verhalten der Algorithmen zu schließen und unser Vertrauen in KI-Systeme entsprechend zu stärken. Um ein Übermaß an Informationen zu verhindern, spielen Empfehlungsdienste eine entscheidende Rolle um Inhalte (z.B. Produkten, Nachrichten, Musik und Filmen) zu filtern und deren Benutzern eine personalisierte Erfahrung zu bieten. Infolgedessen erheben immer mehr In- formationskonsumenten Anspruch auf angemessene Erklärungen für deren personalisierte Empfehlungen. Diese Erklärungen sollen den Benutzern helfen zu verstehen, warum ihnen bestimmte Dinge empfohlen wurden und wie sich ihre früheren Eingaben in das System auf die Generierung solcher Empfehlungen auswirken. Außerdem können Erklärungen für den Fall, dass unerwünschte Inhalte empfohlen werden, wertvolle Informationen darüber enthalten, wie das Verhalten des Systems entsprechend geändert werden kann. In dieser Dissertation stellen wir unsere Beiträge zu Erklärbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von Empfehlungsdiensten vor. • Mit FAIRY stellen wir ein benutzerzentriertes Framework vor, mit dem post-hoc Erklärungen für die von Black-Box-Plattformen generierten sozialen Feeds entdeckt und bewertet werden können. Diese Erklärungen zeigen Beziehungen zwischen Benutzerprofilen und deren Feeds auf und werden aus den lokalen Interaktionsgraphen der Benutzer extrahiert. FAIRY verwendet eine LTR-Methode (Learning-to-Rank), um die Erklärungen anhand ihrer Relevanz und ihres Grads unerwarteter Empfehlungen zu bewerten. • Mit der PRINCE-Methode erleichtern wir das anbieterseitige Generieren von Erklärungen für PageRank-basierte Empfehlungsdienste. PRINCE-Erklärungen sind für Benutzer verständlich, da sie Teilmengen früherer Nutzerinteraktionen darstellen, die für die erhaltenen Empfehlungen verantwortlich sind. PRINCE-Erklärungen sind somit kausaler Natur und werden von einem Algorithmus mit polynomieller Laufzeit erzeugt , um präzise Erklärungen zu finden. • Wir präsentieren ein Human-in-the-Loop-Framework, ELIXIR, um die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Empfehlungsmodelle und die Qualität der Empfehlungen zu verbessern. Mit ELIXIR können Empfehlungsdienste Benutzerfeedback zu Empfehlungen und Erklärungen sammeln. Das Feedback wird in das Modell einbezogen, indem benutzerspezifischer Einbettungen von Objekten gelernt werden. Wir evaluieren alle Modelle und Methoden in Benutzerstudien und demonstrieren ihren Nutzen hinsichtlich Erklärbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von Empfehlungsdiensten

    Pre-train, Prompt and Recommendation: A Comprehensive Survey of Language Modelling Paradigm Adaptations in Recommender Systems

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    The emergence of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) has achieved tremendous success in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) by learning universal representations on large corpora in a self-supervised manner. The pre-trained models and the learned representations can be beneficial to a series of downstream NLP tasks. This training paradigm has recently been adapted to the recommendation domain and is considered a promising approach by both academia and industry. In this paper, we systematically investigate how to extract and transfer knowledge from pre-trained models learned by different PLM-related training paradigms to improve recommendation performance from various perspectives, such as generality, sparsity, efficiency and effectiveness. Specifically, we propose a comprehensive taxonomy to divide existing PLM-based recommender systems w.r.t. their training strategies and objectives. Then, we analyze and summarize the connection between PLM-based training paradigms and different input data types for recommender systems. Finally, we elaborate on open issues and future research directions in this vibrant field.Comment: Accepted for publication at Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL) in September 202

    Large Language Models for Generative Recommendation: A Survey and Visionary Discussions

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    Recent years have witnessed the wide adoption of large language models (LLM) in different fields, especially natural language processing and computer vision. Such a trend can also be observed in recommender systems (RS). However, most of related work treat LLM as a component of the conventional recommendation pipeline (e.g., as a feature extractor) which may not be able to fully leverage the generative power of LLM. Instead of separating the recommendation process into multiple stages such as score computation and re-ranking, this process can be simplified to one stage with LLM: directly generating recommendations from the complete pool of items. This survey reviews the progress, methods and future directions of LLM-based generative recommendation by examining three questions: 1) What generative recommendation is, 2) Why RS should advance to generative recommendation, and 3) How to implement LLM-based generative recommendation for various RS tasks. We hope that the survey can provide the context and guidance needed to explore this interesting and emerging topic

    Factual and Personalized Recommendations using Language Models and Reinforcement Learning

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    Recommender systems (RSs) play a central role in connecting users to content, products, and services, matching candidate items to users based on their preferences. While traditional RSs rely on implicit user feedback signals, conversational RSs interact with users in natural language. In this work, we develop a comPelling, Precise, Personalized, Preference-relevant language model (P4LM) that recommends items to users while putting emphasis on explaining item characteristics and their relevance. P4LM uses the embedding space representation of a user's preferences to generate compelling responses that are factually-grounded and relevant w.r.t. the user's preferences. Moreover, we develop a joint reward function that measures precision, appeal, and personalization, which we use as AI-based feedback in a reinforcement learning-based language model framework. Using the MovieLens 25M dataset, we demonstrate that P4LM delivers compelling, personalized movie narratives to users

    When Diversity Is Needed... But Not Expected!

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    International audienceRecent studies have highlighted the correlation between users' satisfaction and diversity within recommenders, especially the fact that diversity increases users' confidence when choosing an item. Understanding the reasons of this positive impact on recommenders is now becoming crucial. Based on this assumption, we designed a user study that focuses on the utility of this new dimension, as well as its perceived qualities. This study has been conducted on 250 users and it compared 5 recommendation approaches, based on collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and popularity, along with various degrees of diversity. Results show that, when recommendations are made explicit, diversity may reduce users' acceptance rate. However, it helps increasing users' satisfaction. Moreover, this study highlights the need to build users' preference models that are diverse enough, so as to generate good recommendations