81 research outputs found

    DiaSim: A Parameterized Simulator for Pervasive Computing Applications

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    International audiencePervasive computing applications involve both software concerns, like any software system, and integration concerns, for the constituent networked devices of the pervasive computing environment. This situation is problematic for testing because it requires acquiring, testing and interfacing a variety of software and hardware entities. This process can rapidly become costly and time-consuming when the target environment involves many entities. In this demonstration, we present DiaSim, a simulator for pervasive computing applications. To cope with widely heterogeneous entities, DiaSim is parameterized with respect to a description of a target pervasive computing environment. This description is used to generate both a programming framework to develop the simulation logic and an emulation layer to execute applications. Furthermore, a simulation renderer is coupled to DiaSim to allow a simulated pervasive system to be visually monitored and debugged

    DiaSim: A Simulator for Pervasive Computing Applications

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    International audiencePervasive computing applications involve both software concerns, like any software system, and integration concerns, for the constituent networked devices of the pervasive computing environment. This situation is problematic for testing because it requires acquiring, testing and interfacing a variety of software and hardware entities. This process can rapidly become costly and time-consuming when the target environment involves many entities. This paper introduces DiaSim, a simulator for pervasive computing applications. To cope with widely heterogeneous entities, DiaSim is parameterized with respect to a description of a target pervasive computing environment. This description is used to generate both a programming framework to develop the simulation logic and an emulation layer to execute applications. Furthermore, a simulation renderer is coupled to DiaSim to allow a simulated pervasive system to be visually monitored and debugged. DiaSim has been implemented and used to simulate various pervasive computing systems in different application areas, demonstrating the generality of our parameterized approach

    DevOps for Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems

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    ENACT is a research project funded by the European Commission under its H2020 program. The project consortium consists of twelve industry and research member organisations spread across the whole EU. The overall goal of the ENACT project was to provide a novel set of solutions to enable DevOps in the realm of trustworthy Smart IoT Systems. Smart IoT Systems (SIS) are complex systems involving not only sensors but also actuators with control loops distributed all across the IoT, Edge and Cloud infrastructure. Since smart IoT systems typically operate in a changing and often unpredictable environment, the ability of these systems to continuously evolve and adapt to their new environment is decisive to ensure and increase their trustworthiness, quality and user experience. DevOps has established itself as a software development life-cycle model that encourages developers to continuously bring new features to the system under operation without sacrificing quality. This book reports on the ENACT work to empower the development and operation as well as the continuous and agile evolution of SIS, which is necessary to adapt the system to changes in its environment, such as newly appearing trustworthiness threats

    DevOps for Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems

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    ENACT is a research project funded by the European Commission under its H2020 program. The project consortium consists of twelve industry and research member organisations spread across the whole EU. The overall goal of the ENACT project was to provide a novel set of solutions to enable DevOps in the realm of trustworthy Smart IoT Systems. Smart IoT Systems (SIS) are complex systems involving not only sensors but also actuators with control loops distributed all across the IoT, Edge and Cloud infrastructure. Since smart IoT systems typically operate in a changing and often unpredictable environment, the ability of these systems to continuously evolve and adapt to their new environment is decisive to ensure and increase their trustworthiness, quality and user experience. DevOps has established itself as a software development life-cycle model that encourages developers to continuously bring new features to the system under operation without sacrificing quality. This book reports on the ENACT work to empower the development and operation as well as the continuous and agile evolution of SIS, which is necessary to adapt the system to changes in its environment, such as newly appearing trustworthiness threats

    A Design Rationale for Pervasive Computing - User Experience, Contextual Change, and Technical Requirements

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    The vision of pervasive computing promises a shift from information technology per se to what can be accomplished by using it, thereby fundamentally changing the relationship between people and information technology. In order to realize this vision, a large number of issues concerning user experience, contextual change, and technical requirements should be addressed. We provide a design rationale for pervasive computing that encompasses these issues, in which we argue that a prominent aspect of user experience is to provide user control, primarily founded in human values. As one of the more significant aspects of the user experience, we provide an extended discussion about privacy. With contextual change, we address the fundamental change in previously established relationships between the practices of individuals, social institutions, and physical environments that pervasive computing entails. Finally, issues of technical requirements refer to technology neutrality and openness--factors that we argue are fundamental for realizing pervasive computing. We describe a number of empirical and technical studies, the results of which have helped to verify aspects of the design rationale as well as shaping new aspects of it. The empirical studies include an ethnographic-inspired study focusing on information technology support for everyday activities, a study based on structured interviews concerning relationships between contexts of use and everyday planning activities, and a focus group study of laypeople’s interpretations of the concept of privacy in relation to information technology. The first technical study concerns the model of personal service environments as a means for addressing a number of challenges concerning user experience, contextual change, and technical requirements. Two other technical studies relate to a model for device-independent service development and the wearable server as a means to address issues of continuous usage experience and technology neutrality respectively

    Integrating Usability Models into Pervasive Application Development

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    This thesis describes novel processes in two important areas of human-computer interaction (HCI) and demonstrates ways to combine these in appropriate ways. First, prototyping plays an essential role in the development of complex applications. This is especially true if a user-centred design process is followed. We describe and compare a set of existing toolkits and frameworks that support the development of prototypes in the area of pervasive computing. Based on these observations, we introduce the EIToolkit that allows the quick generation of mobile and pervasive applications, and approaches many issues found in previous works. Its application and use is demonstrated in several projects that base on the architecture and an implementation of the toolkit. Second, we present novel results and extensions in user modelling, specifically for predicting time to completion of tasks. We extended established concepts such as the Keystroke-Level Model to novel types of interaction with mobile devices, e.g. using optical markers and gestures. The design, creation, as well as a validation of this model are presented in some detail in order to show its use and usefulness for making usability predictions. The third part is concerned with the combination of both concepts, i.e. how to integrate user models into the design process of pervasive applications. We first examine current ways of developing and show generic approaches to this problem. This leads to a concrete implementation of such a solution. An innovative integrated development environment is provided that allows for quickly developing mobile applications, supports the automatic generation of user models, and helps in applying these models early in the design process. This can considerably ease the process of model creation and can replace some types of costly user studies.Diese Dissertation beschreibt neuartige Verfahren in zwei wichtigen Bereichen der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation und erläutert Wege, diese geeignet zu verknüpfen. Zum einen spielt die Entwicklung von Prototypen insbesondere bei der Verwendung von benutzerzentrierten Entwicklungsverfahren eine besondere Rolle. Es werden daher auf der einen Seite eine ganze Reihe vorhandener Arbeiten vorgestellt und verglichen, die die Entwicklung prototypischer Anwendungen speziell im Bereich des Pervasive Computing unterstützen. Ein eigener Satz an Werkzeugen und Komponenten wird präsentiert, der viele der herausgearbeiteten Nachteile und Probleme solcher existierender Projekte aufgreift und entsprechende Lösungen anbietet. Mehrere Beispiele und eigene Arbeiten werden beschrieben, die auf dieser Architektur basieren und entwickelt wurden. Auf der anderen Seite werden neue Forschungsergebnisse präsentiert, die Erweiterungen von Methoden in der Benutzermodellierung speziell im Bereich der Abschätzung von Interaktionszeiten beinhalten. Mit diesen in der Dissertation entwickelten Erweiterungen können etablierte Konzepte wie das Keystroke-Level Model auf aktuelle und neuartige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit mobilen Geräten angewandt werden. Der Entwurf, das Erstellen sowie eine Validierung der Ergebnisse dieser Erweiterungen werden detailliert dargestellt. Ein dritter Teil beschäftigt sich mit Möglichkeiten die beiden beschriebenen Konzepte, zum einen Prototypenentwicklung im Pervasive Computing und zum anderen Benutzermodellierung, geeignet zu kombinieren. Vorhandene Ansätze werden untersucht und generische Integrationsmöglichkeiten beschrieben. Dies führt zu konkreten Implementierungen solcher Lösungen zur Integration in vorhandene Umgebungen, als auch in Form einer eigenen Applikation spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von Programmen für mobile Geräte. Sie erlaubt das schnelle Erstellen von Prototypen, unterstützt das automatische Erstellen spezialisierter Benutzermodelle und ermöglicht den Einsatz dieser Modelle früh im Entwicklungsprozess. Dies erleichtert die Anwendung solcher Modelle und kann Aufwand und Kosten für entsprechende Benutzerstudien einsparen

    Accurate complex systems design: integrating serious games with Petri Nets

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    Difficulty understanding the large number of interactions involved in complex systems makes their successful engineering a problem. Petri Nets are one graphical modelling technique used to describe and check proposed designs of complex systems thoroughly. While automatic analysis capabilities of Petri Nets are useful, their visual form is less so, particularly for communicating the design they represent. In engineering projects, this can lead to a gap in communications between people with different areas of expertise, negatively impacting achieving accurate designs. In contrast, although capable of representing a variety of real and imaginary objects effectively, behaviour of serious games can only be analysed manually through interactive simulation. This paper examines combining the complementary strengths of Petri Nets and serious games. The novel contribution of this work is a serious game prototype of a complex system design that has been checked thoroughly. Underpinned by Petri Net analysis, the serious game can be used as a high-level interface to communicate and refine the design. Improvement of a complex system design is demonstrated by applying the integration to a proof-of-concept case study

    Lab-on-a-Chip Fabrication and Application

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    The necessity of on-site, fast, sensitive, and cheap complex laboratory analysis, associated with the advances in the microfabrication technologies and the microfluidics, made it possible for the creation of the innovative device lab-on-a-chip (LOC), by which we would be able to scale a single or multiple laboratory processes down to a chip format. The present book is dedicated to the LOC devices from two points of view: LOC fabrication and LOC application

    Virtual Reality

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    At present, the virtual reality has impact on information organization and management and even changes design principle of information systems, which will make it adapt to application requirements. The book aims to provide a broader perspective of virtual reality on development and application. First part of the book is named as "virtual reality visualization and vision" and includes new developments in virtual reality visualization of 3D scenarios, virtual reality and vision, high fidelity immersive virtual reality included tracking, rendering and display subsystems. The second part named as "virtual reality in robot technology" brings forth applications of virtual reality in remote rehabilitation robot-based rehabilitation evaluation method and multi-legged robot adaptive walking in unstructured terrains. The third part, named as "industrial and construction applications" is about the product design, space industry, building information modeling, construction and maintenance by virtual reality, and so on. And the last part, which is named as "culture and life of human" describes applications of culture life and multimedia-technology
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