4,352 research outputs found

    The Limited Effect of Graphic Elements in Video and Augmented Reality on Children’s Listening Comprehension

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    There is currently significant interest in the use of instructional strategies in learning environments thanks to the emergence of new multimedia systems that combine text, audio, graphics and video, such as augmented reality (AR). In this light, this study compares the effectiveness of AR and video for listening comprehension tasks. The sample consisted of thirty-two elementary school students with different reading comprehension. Firstly, the experience, instructions and objectives were introduced to all the students. Next, they were divided into two groups to perform activities—one group performed an activity involving watching an Educational Video Story of the Laika dog and her Space Journey available by mobile devices app Blue Planet Tales, while the other performed an activity involving the use of AR, whose contents of the same history were visualized by means of the app Augment Sales. Once the activities were completed participants answered a comprehension test. Results (p = 0.180) indicate there are no meaningful differences between the lesson format and test performance. But there are differences between the participants of the AR group according to their reading comprehension level. With respect to the time taken to perform the comprehension test, there is no significant difference between the two groups but there is a difference between participants with a high and low level of comprehension. To conclude SUS (System Usability Scale) questionnaire was used to establish the measure usability for the AR app on a smartphone. An average score of 77.5 out of 100 was obtained in this questionnaire, which indicates that the app has fairly good user-centered design

    A pervasive augmented reality serious game

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    This paper presents a pervasive augmented reality serious game that can be used to enhance entertainment using a multimodal tracking interface. The main objective of the research is to design and implement generic pervasive interfaces that are user-friendly and can be used by a wide range of users including people with disabilities. A pervasive AR racing game has been designed and implemented. The goal of the game is to start the car and move around the track without colliding with either the wall or the objects that exist in the gaming arena. Users can interact using a pinch glove, a Wiimote, through tangible ways as well as through I/O controls of the UMPC. Initial evaluation results showed that multimodal-based interaction games can be beneficial in serious games

    PainDroid: An android-based virtual reality application for pain assessment

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    Earlier studies in the field of pain research suggest that little efficient intervention currently exists in response to the exponential increase in the prevalence of pain. In this paper, we present an Android application (PainDroid) with multimodal functionality that could be enhanced with Virtual Reality (VR) technology, which has been designed for the purpose of improving the assessment of this notoriously difficult medical concern. Pain- Droid has been evaluated for its usability and acceptability with a pilot group of potential users and clinicians, with initial results suggesting that it can be an effective and usable tool for improving the assessment of pain. Participant experiences indicated that the application was easy to use and the potential of the application was similarly appreciated by the clinicians involved in the evaluation. Our findings may be of considerable interest to healthcare providers, policy makers, and other parties that might be actively involved in the area of pain and VR research

    Multimodal augmented reality tangible gaming

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    This paper presents tangible augmented reality gaming environment that can be used to enhance entertainment using a multimodal tracking interface. Players can interact using different combinations between a pinch glove, a Wiimote, a six-degrees-of-freedom tracker, through tangible ways as well as through I/O controls. Two tabletop augmented reality games have been designed and implemented including a racing game and a pile game. The goal of the augmented reality racing game is to start the car and move around the track without colliding with either the wall or the objects that exist in the gaming arena. Initial evaluation results showed that multimodal-based interaction games can be beneficial in gaming. Based on these results, an augmented reality pile game was implemented with goal of completing a circuit of pipes (from a starting point to an end point on a grid). Initial evaluation showed that tangible interaction is preferred to keyboard interaction and that tangible games are much more enjoyable

    Molecular manipulation in augmented reality: A user experience design applied research on new paradigms of interaction.

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    This thesis presents the further developments of VR CHEM (2017), a molecular manipulation software in Virtual Reality. After evaluating a shift to Augmented Reality, changing consequently the name to AR CHEM, the project focused on this technology as it offers a competitive advantage for future development, especially considering the less invasive user experience and the incoming investments in the market. The project is developed using HoloLens and Unity 3D as a platform, as these tools are considered the state of the art for AR technologies (2018). The thesis presents a first iteration of new paradigms of interactions in AR: the 3D user interfaces and the Platform System. While the first explore the possibility of giving information to the user through 3D models used as UI/UX indications, the second strengthen the user’s visual perception of depth in space, tying all the content to more tangible elements

    StableHand VR: a virtual reality serious game for hand rehabilitation

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Biomedical Engineering Medical InformaticsA third of all injuries at work are sustained to the hand, and hand and wrist injuries are estimated to account between 10% to 30% of all Emergency Department (ED) attendances. In 2017, there were approximately 18 million hand and wrist fractures, 2 million thumb amputations and 4 million non-thumb digit amputations worldwide. Several injuries, disabilities and diseases can affect manual motor control. Hand physiotherapy is indispensable to restore hand functionality. However, this process is often a strenuous and cognitively demanding experience. This work proposes a Virtual Reality (VR) serious game to improve conventional physiotherapy in hand rehabilitation. It focuses on resolving recurring limitations reported in most technological solutions to the problem, namely the limited diversity support of movements and exercises, complicated calibrations, and exclusion of patients with open wounds or other disfigurements of the hand. Concepts such as mixed reality, serious games for health, and hand rehabilitation are addressed in this dissertation to provide the reader with a background for the project. The latest developments of digital games and technologies in the hand rehabilitation field, specifications, requirements, general game characteristics and the most relevant details of the game implementation process are also presented in this dissertation. The system was assessed in two mid-term validations to test its viability and adjust the development. The first validation was performed with eight able-bodied participants and the second with four health professionals working in the rehabilitation field. The validations were performed following ten minutes of guided functional task practices followed by a Semi-Structured Interview for the first validation and an online questionnaire for the second validation. The questions made in the interview and online questionnaire focused on the participants’ familiarity with videogames, opinion about the Oculus Quest and its hand tracking system, and the StableHand VR game. The System Usability Scale (SUS) scores obtained and the participants’ positive feedback showed the potential of both conceptual and technological approaches adopted for this game as a viable complement to conventional hand rehabilitation. The project’s main objectives were achieved, and several relevant topics for further research were identified.Um terço de todos os ferimentos no trabalho afetam a mão e estima-se que 10% a 30% de todos os atendimentos nas Urgências se devem a ferimentos na mão e no pulso. Em 2017, houve aproximadamente 18 milhões de fraturas da mão e do pulso, 2 milhões de amputações do polegar e 4 milhões de amputações de dígitos não polegares em todo o mundo. Vários ferimentos, deficiências e doenças podem afetar o controlo motor manual. A fisioterapia é indispensável para recuperar a funcionalidade da mão. No entanto, este processo é frequentemente uma experiência extenuante e cognitivamente exigente. Este trabalho propõe um jogo sério em Realidade Virtual para melhorar a fisioterapia convencional na reabilitação da mão. O trabalho desenvolvido concentra-se na resolução de recorrentes limitações relatadas na maioria das soluções tecnológicas para o problema, nomeadamente o apoio limitado de diversidade de movimentos e exercícios, calibrações complicadas e exclusão de pacientes com feridas abertas ou outras desfigurações da mão. Esta dissertação aborda conceitos como a realidade mista, jogos sérios para a saúde e reabilitação para fornecer ao leitor contextualização para o projeto. Os últimos desenvolvimentos de jogos digitais e tecnologias no campo da reabilitação da mão são também apresentados nesta dissertação, assim como especificações, requisitos, características gerais do jogo e o processo de implementação do mesmo. O sistema foi avaliado através de dois ensaios realizados durante o processo de desenvolvimento, para testar a viabilidade e proceder a ajustes da solução especificada. A primeira validação foi conduzida com oito participantes saudáveis e a segunda validação com quatro profissionais de saúde que trabalham em reabilitação. As validações foram realizadas após dez minutos de práticas funcionais orientadas, seguidas de uma Entrevista Semiestruturada, no caso da primeira validação, ou de um questionário online, no caso da segunda validação. As perguntas feitas na entrevista e no questionário online centraram-se na familiaridade dos participantes com os videojogos, opinião sobre o Oculus Quest e o seu sistema de localização de mãos e o jogo StableHand VR. As pontuações obtidas no System Usability Scale e o feedback positivo dos participantes demostrou o potencial das abordagens conceptuais e tecnológicas adotadas para que este jogo fosse visto como um complemento viável para a reabilitação convencional das mãos. Os principais objetivos do projeto foram alcançados, tendo também sido identificado um conjunto de tópicos relevantes de investigação futura

    Exploring Interactions with Printed Data Visualizations in Augmented Reality

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