1,061 research outputs found

    The visibility of models: using technology as a bridge between mathematics and engineering

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    Engineering mathematics is traditionally conceived as a set of unambiguous mathematical tools applied to solving engineering problems, and it would seem that modern mathematical software is making the toolbox metaphor ever more appropriate. We question the validity of this metaphor, and make the case that engineers do in fact use mathematics as more than a set of passive tools—that mathematical models for phenomena depend critically on the settings in which they are used, and the tools with which they are expressed. The perennial debate over whether mathematics should be taught by mathematicians or by engineers looks increasingly anachronistic in the light of technological change, and we think it is more instructive to examine the potential of technology for changing the relationships between mathematicians and engineers, and for connecting their respective knowledge domains in new ways

    Teaching Mathematics with Mathematical Software

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    The history of contemporary mathematical education is the history of a struggle against computers and IT. As a result specially selected simplified math problems are used while teaching. Just as it was a hundred years ago, contemporary students are forced to memorize a lot of rules and theorems in order to solve math problems. But we know that today they can get the same results using simple computer calculations. Information technologies can (and in this paper we argue that they should) change the traditional methods of solving mathematical problems. Here we share some simple problems that helped engineering students learn the basics of mathematics and computer science and even enjoy the learning process. In particular we point out that the ability to visualize solutions is very important in most contexts, and modern mathematical software packages offer users convenient and simple tools of visualization and even animation. Including them on our pedagogical team, we can significantly increase our students\u27 understanding of the basic concepts and theorems of mathematics

    Realization of the stiffness matrix of statically indeterminate trusses and 20 bar sensitivity penalty method using Mathcad

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    This paper examines the stiffness matrix of two-dimensional statically indeterminate truss structures.  Using Mathcad, a stiffness matrix analysis of a truss problem is completed as a template for other sorts of problems.  This allows learners to understand the stiffness matrix theory and rapidly acquire the basic concepts of analysis theory.  As is shown in the example, the transformation of the matrix is apparent and the overall structure of the stiffness matrix can be easily constructed.  Unknown reactions and member forces caused by unknown displacement were calculated as well.  In addition, the problem of the 20 bar boundary condition sensitivity penalty method explained in the example 2 for structure analysis.  Although this process is difficult to acquire due to complex procedures, it is beneficial for students because they can check for errors using Mathcad. Keywords: truss, stiffness matrix, Mathcad, penalty method, structure analysis  &nbsp

    A Mathcad‐based educational experience to address the design of nonisothermal plug flow reactors

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    Mathcad is a simple-to-use and intuitive mathematical software that helps students to minimize the mathematical difficulties involved in solving engineering problems. The design of nonisothermal plug flow reactors (PFR) is a fundamental issue within the field of chemical reaction engineering; however, its teaching–learning process is hindered by students' mathematical difficulties in solving ordinary differential equations. In this paper, the software Mathcad was conveniently integrated into an educational experience through the resolution of two real case studies. In the first one, a simple liquid-phase reaction is considered in a PFR working at different operating conditions, whereas the second case evaluates a PFR taking place multiple reactions (parallel reactions) with a heat exchanger attached. The assessment of this experience, which was held into two 5-h Mathcad workshops, revealed that Mathcad made the design of non-isothermal PFR more appealing, facilitated the understanding of the design process, and brought another dimension to the way the students perform complex calculations

    Toward New Vision in Teaching Calculus

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    Usually the first course in mathematics is calculus. Its a core course in the curriculum of the Business, Engineering and the Sciences. However many students face difficulties to learn calculus. These difficulties are often caused by the prior fear of mathematics. The students today cant live without using computer technology. The uses of computer for teaching and learning can transform the boring traditional methodology of teach to more active and attractive method. In this paper, we will show how we can use Excel in teaching calculus to improve our students learning and understanding through different types of applications ranging from Business to Engineering. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology was tested on a random sample of 45 students from different majors over a period of two semesters.Comment: IERI Procedia, Elsevier. 201

    The use of virtual reality technology in teaching environmental engineering

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    The Open University (OU) provides a Diploma in Pollution control as part of its undergraduate degree programme. The courses that make up the Diploma are presented in distance learning format using the OU's supported open learning system that has been developed over several decades. Teaching environmental engineering by distance learning presents several challenges in terms of ensuring that students gain an appreciation of the technology in action and receive the motivation and support more-readily available to students taught in a campus setting. The OU has developed a multi-media resources DVD to help meet these challenges for students undertaking an environmental impact assessment project. The DVD contains virtual reality views of the proposed site, maps of the region, supporting technical data, interviews with experts and advice from a virtual tutor. A survey of students using the DVD found that the overwhelming majority found the DVD to be 'very useful' or 'useful'. Understandably, the material that is essential for completing the project received the highest rating, but the background material was still considered to be useful by most students. Similar resources could benefit all students in many areas of engineering and technology

    Selection of Statistical Software for Solving Big Data Problems: A Guide for Businesses, Students, and Universities

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    The need for analysts with expertise in big data software is becoming more apparent in today’s society. Unfortunately, the demand for these analysts far exceeds the number available. A potential way to combat this shortage is to identify the software taught in colleges or universities. This article will examine four data analysis software—Excel add-ins, SPSS, SAS, and R—and we will outline the cost, training, and statistical methods/tests/uses for each of these software. It will further explain implications for universities and future students

    Обчислювальна математика та програмування (Інженерні розрахунки в середовищі Mathcad)

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    The teaching and practical guide is devoted to study how to make the engineering calculations using the Mathcad software. The different examples of engineering tasks with the varied complexity are provided with step-by-step explanation with corresponding illustrations. The obtained results are provided. Each subject includes the explained case studies and the tasks for work in class and individually. The teaching and practical guide is aimed for the students studying in chemical engineering, which want to use Mathcad for engineering calculations.Навчально-методичний посібник присвячений вивченню середовища Mathcad та практичному застосуванню цього програмного забезпечення для інженерних розрахунків. Наведено велику кількість прикладів вирішення розрахункових завдань різної складності. До прикладів надаються пояснення. Усі приклади забезпечені результатами виконання. По кожній темі представлені практичні завдання для виконання лабораторних робіт. Призначено для студентів хімічних спеціальностей, які бажають застосовувати середовище Mathcad для інженерних розрахунків

    Information and Communication Technologies of Teaching Higher Mathematics To Students of Engineering Specialties At Technical Universities

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    Excessive anthropogenic pressure on land resources in Ukraine leads to a deterioration of their quality, and consequently they lose their potential. Human impact on the change of land quality can be direct (by involving land lots in use, carrying out economic activities) and indirect (as a result of such activity, enhancing the natural degradation of soils). The tendency of deterioration of the state of land resources requires the subordination of land relations to the main goal – to ensure comprehensive protection of this major national wealth of Ukraine.Legal support for the protection of agricultural land is considered as a single complex of interdependent elements: legal standards for the protection of land, soil, agricultural landscapes, and the mechanism for their implementation – legally significant measures: economic, organizational, scientific and technical. At the same time, it was concluded that the system of legal regulation of the use of agricultural land is not sufficiently saturated with mechanisms for regulating agricultural activity