28 research outputs found

    Design and Assessment of Deep and Active Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education

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    This presentation draws academic significance from a focused literature review and initial data for learning design in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The presenters will discuss strategies of fostering deep, active learning, alignment with assessment, and development of assessment instruments and methods. The presenters will share the design and development of an assessment kit to measure learning outcomes that matter in the 21st century STEM education. Through shared evidence and interactive reflection, the audience will take away up-to-date design strategies for deep and active learning as well as assessment in STEM education. The project is sponsored by National Science Foundation

    Enhanced JavaScript learning using code quality tools and a rule-based system in the FLIP Exploratory Learning Environment

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    The ‘FLIP Learning’ (Flexible, Intelligent and Personalised Learning) is an Exploratory Learning Environment (ELE) for teaching elementary programming to beginners using JavaScript. This paper presents the subsystem that is used to generate individualised real-time support to students depending on their initial misconceptions. The subsystem is intended to be used primarily in the early stages of student engagement in order to help them overcome the constraints of their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) with minimal assistance from teachers

    Experiential Learning Builds Cybersecurity Self-Efficacy in K-12 Students

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    In recent years, there have been increased efforts to recruit talented K-12 students into cybersecurity fields. These efforts led to many K-12 extracurricular programs organized by higher education institutions. In this paper, we first introduce a weeklong K-12 program focusing on critical thinking, problem-solving, and igniting interest in information security through hands-on activities performed in a state-of-the-art virtual computer laboratory. Then, we present an inquiry-based approach to design hands-on activities to achieve these goals. We claim that hands-on activities designed based on this inquiry-based framework improve K-12 students’ self-efficacy in cybersecurity as well as their problem-solving skills. The evaluation of the program showed that the participants made significant progress towards achieving the learning outcomes of the program and developed self-efficacy in cybersecurity

    Metodologías activas para un aprendizaje transmedia de la Lengua y la Literatura. Active methodologies for a transmedia didactics of Language and Literature

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    The present work justifies the use of active methodologies in Didactics of Language and Literature. The main target of this study aims to present a selection of proposed examples based on Project Based Learning (PBL) in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate courses from a series of variables and descriptors of the same that allow us to identify constitutive elements of all of them. The theoretical framework, based on Order ECD / 65/2015, of January 21st, makes it possible to highlight which procedural and jurisdictional aspects are consolidated thanks to the proposals analyzed, based on previous initiatives contributed by Gómez Trigueros and Ruiz Bañuls (2017, 2018 ). Competition and interdisciplinary learning (García-Peñalvo and Ramírez, 2017) favors the horizontal development of new procedures and knowledge that have their maximum exponent in active methodologiesEn el presente trabajo se justifica la utilización de las metodologías activas en la Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. El objetivo principal de este estudio pretende dar a conocer una selección de propuestas basadas en el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) en los cursos de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato a partir de una serie de variables y descriptores de los mismos que nos permiten identificar elementos constitutivos a todos ellos. El marco teórico, fundamentado en la Orden ECD/65/2015, de 21 de enero, nos permite destacar qué aspectos procedimentales y competenciales se consiguen consolidar gracias a las propuestas analizadas, a partir de iniciativas previas proporcionadas por Gómez Trigueros y Ruiz Bañuls (2017, 2018). El aprendizaje competencial e interdisciplinar (García-Peñalvo y Ramírez, 2017) favorece el desarrollo horizontal de nuevos procedimientos y saberes que tienen en las metodologías activas su máximo exponente

    Piloting a Portfolio of Experiential Learning Activities for International Business Students

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    The paper reflects on the practice of implementing a portfolio of experiential learning activities in workshops involving undergraduate students in an international business management module. The aim of the workshops was to bridge the gap between theory and practice and steer students toward an inductive and collaborative learning experience. The paper presents a series of nine activity-based workshops designed to reinforce theoretical concepts taught during lectures. Based on qualitative data from the module evaluation questionnaire, we found that the workshops significantly improved students’ learning experience, as well as enhanced their engagement with the module. This paper provides practitioners with practical materials and insights which can be immediately applied to teaching international business in a classroom environment. Moreover, by implementing a portfolio of experiential learning activities that provides a wide range of opportunities for students to experience first-hand real-world challenges, this approach is expected to aid their learning process at a crucial point of their academic careers

    Using a Virtual Computing Laboratory to Foster Collaborative Learning for Information Security and Information Technology Education

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    Virtual computer laboratories have been an excellent technological solution to the problem of providing students with hands-on experimentation in information technology fields such as information security in a cost effective and secure manner. A virtual computer laboratory was utilized in this work as a collaborative environment for student learning with the goal of measuring its effect on student learning and attitudes toward laboratory assignments. Experiments were carried out utilizing specially-designed computer-based laboratory activities that included student assessments and surveys upon their completion. The experiments involved both small groups and individual students completing their respective laboratory activities and subsequent assessments/surveys. The analysis of the data collected from both versions of the activity showed that students who performed the collaborative version of the activity benefited more than students who completed it on their own with respect to their learning and attitudes towards the subject areas covered in the laboratory activities

    Laboratório de gestão: Uma análise bibliométrica com o Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist / Management laboratory: Bibliographic analysis with Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist

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    Neste trabalho realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica acerca do tema laboratório de gestão utilizando-se o método do ProKnow-C (Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist). Com a utilização deste método, que se configura em um processo estruturado de análise bibliográfica em três etapas,  foram levantadas mais de quatro mil referências, que posteriormente foram analisadas, culminando em  um portfólio final de trabalhos em um total de 19. A partir do levantamento deste portfólio inicial de trabalhos foi realizada a análise bibliométrica dos mesmos, bem como de suas referências. Com estas análises verificou-se uma grande variedade de autores, sem grande predominância de um autor específico, sendo Faria, A. J, Kolb, D. A., Lainema, T e Sauai, A. C. A. os mais citados em todas as referências do portfólio analisado. Quanto as revistas mais frequentes nas referências analisadas, a Simulation & Gaming e a Computer & Education se destacaram como as principais fontes de referências dos trabalhos selecionados

    Inclusion of Gamification Elements in the Context of Virtual Lab Environments to Increase Educational Value

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    Previous research on gamification and virtual laboratories has suggested that both produce successful educational outcomes, but few studies have looked at both gamification and virtual labs in tandem. Drawing on social cognitive theory, we investigate gamification in the virtual labs’ context to examine whether learners’ educational performance is enhanced. In particular, we employ leaderboards as a motivational gamification mechanism for more engagement and participation that can result in higher learning outcomes. Using a student sample, our results show that using gamification within a virtual lab environment results in higher student performance; specifically, it helps them complete more-complex tasks and increases their self-efficacy. Our findings show promising evidence that gamification in virtual lab learning environments positively influences learning

    Experiential Learning: Perspectives from Undergraduate Peer-Advisors Pursuing Careers in Higher Education

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    abstract: The impact of peer-leadership programs on undergraduate students has been studied since the inception of higher education. Programs such as peer-mentoring, peer-counseling, and peer-advising are regularly used within the college environment as there are proven benefits to both student leaders and mentees. However, there is limited content on students who plan to pursue higher education careers and experiential programs that prepare them for the field. Thus, this action research study is designed to examine the influence of a peer-advising program on participants who have identified their interest in various careers in the college setting. Employing a mixed-method approach to inquiry, the study connects Kolb’s (2005) Experiential Learning theory, and Chickering’s (1964) Vectors of Student Development to a hands-on learning experience designed to improve participants’ competency and clarity in their potential career choice. This study was conducted with the purpose of illustrating the role of experiential learning opportunities in higher education, particularly with a unique focus on undergraduate students desiring careers in the higher education field. Four senior students were positioned as peer-advisors assisting fellow students with academic related matters over one semester as a means of gaining competency and clarity in their pathway toward working in higher education. The results of the study indicate that peer-advising participants attributed program participation to increased career competency and clarity. There were also 64 student-advisee participants who found the program to be beneficial to their overall advising needs, as well as one professional advisor who found the program to be effective in decreasing her advising load during the study. The results of this study align with outcomes of pinnacle research and scholarship on experiential learning, and support the growing acknowledgment of the importance of applied learning experiences in higher education.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 201

    Estudio bibliométrico de laboratorios remotos a través de la base de datos Science Direct en el período del 2007 a 2017

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    El objetivo del presente proyecto de grado es analizar el comportamiento y evolución de la producción científica de Laboratorios Remotos en la plataforma ScienceDirect en el período comprendido entre el 2007-2017. Para el desarrollo de este estudio se realizó un proceso de búsqueda sistemático de diferentes documentos, identificando aspectos tales como el análisis investigativo del uso de Laboratorios Remotos en instituciones de educación superior a nivel nacional e internacional y sin distinción de idioma. A través de ecuaciones de búsqueda con operadores lógicos como AND, OR Y NOT y truncadores como signos de comillas, paréntesis y asteriscos se hizo la combinación de la ecuación; con base en estos códigos el motor de búsqueda inicialmente arrojó un resultado de 458 artículos, este se fue reduciendo a 336 artículos debido a los filtros aplicados, ya que una gran parte de la búsqueda arrojaba artículos de temas como robótica u otro tipo de laboratorio que no tenían relación con la temática planteada “LABORATORIO REMOTO”. En Microsoft Excel se creó una base de datos donde en cada una de las columnas se ubicaron las variables año de publicación, país, citas, revistas, idioma, autores e instituciones, las cuales fueron analizadas y correlacionadas entre sí. Se aplican los métodos de análisis de co-ocurrencia de palabras y análisis de co-autoría mediante la extracción de palabras claves y los apellidos de los autores presentes en la base de producción científica. A partir de los 336 artículos analizados en función de una serie de indicadores bibliométricos se concluye que el año de mayor producción científica fue en el año 2016 con 68 artículos, 490 citas y con un promedio de 7.2 citas por artículo, los países más productores de artículos fueron España, Rusia, Estados Unidos y Eslovaquia, así mismo la mayoría de autores publicaron en la revista IFAC, el idioma con mayor cantidad de artículos publicados fue el inglés y el artículo con el mayor número de citaciones fue de 107. A partir de estos hallazgos encontrados se logra establecer que la investigación en el campo de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje, es un tema vigente y ocupa un espacio importante en las áreas de la investigación, lo cual se cree que va a ser desarrollado en un futuro a corto plazo, es decir los laboratorios remotos tienen la posibilidad de modificar o simplificar modelos del mundo real para que los fenómenos sean más visibles para los estudiantes y adaptable a múltiples niveles cognitivos.RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN 1. TÍTULO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN 2. PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 2.1 DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 2.2 FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 3. OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 4. JUSTIFICACIÓN 5. DELIMITACIÓN 6. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 6.1 MARCO TEÓRICO 6.1.1 Cienciometría 6.1.2 Bibliometría 6.1.3 Laboratorios Remotos 6.2 ESTADO DEL ARTE 7. TIPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN 8. DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO 9. FUENTES PARA OBTENCIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN 9.1 FUENTES PRIMARIAS 9.2 FUENTES SECUNDARIAS 10. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 10.1 INDICADOR DE PRODUCTIVIDAD. 10.2 INDICADOR CANTIDAD DE ARTÍCULOS 10.3 INDICADOR CANTIDAD DE ARTÍCULOS POR PAÍS 10.4 INDICADOR NÚMERO DE REVISTAS POR ARTÍCULO 10.5 INDICADOR DE ARTÍCULOS MÁS PUBLICADOS POR INSTITUCIÓN 10.6 INDICADOR CANTIDAD DE ARTÍCULOS PUBLICADOS POR IDIOMA. 10.7 CORRELACIÓN DE LA CANTIDAD DE ARTÍCULOS PUBLICADOS EN EL IDIOMA ESPAÑOL CON LA CANTIDAD DE ARTÍCULOS PUBLICADOS EN ESPAÑA. 10.8 INDICADOR CANTIDAD DE ARTÍCULOS POR AUTOR. 10.9 INDICADOR DE LOS ARTÍCULOS MÁS CITADOS Y SU AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN. 10.10 INDICADOR DE CORRELACIÓN DE LOS ARTÍCULOS MÁS CITADOS CON LA REVISTA DONDE SE PUBLICÓ EL ARTÍCULO. 10.11 INDICADOR DE CORRELACIÓN DE LOS AÑOS MÁS PRODUCTIVOS CON LOS ARTÍCULOS MÁS CITADOS 11. ANÁLISIS DE REDES E INTERPRETACIÓN DE LOS RESULTADOS. 11.1 RED DE PALABRAS CLAVES O DE CO-OCURRENCIA. 11.2 RED DE TÉRMINOS CON RELACIÓN. 11.3 RED DE CO-AUTORÍAS 11.4 RED DE EVOLUCIÓN DE CO-AUTORÍAS 12. DISCUSIÓN 13. CONCLUSIONES 14. RECOMENDACIONES 15. REFERENCIASPregradoIngeniero en IndustrialIngeniería Industria