249 research outputs found

    The effect of Kalman weighted filtering and in-situ pre-amplification on the accuracy and efficiency of ABR threshold estimation

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    Auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) are important for acquiring frequency specific information for determination of the degree and type of hearing loss for infants and difficult-to-test populations when behavioral audiometry cannot be carried out. This study investigated the effects of Kalman weighted filtering and in-situ pre-amplification employed by the Vivosonic Integrity V500 ABR system on threshold accuracy and efficiency in an environment of high physiologic noise in comparison to a conventional ABR system which employs a standard artifact rejection paradigm. Auditory brainstem responses were collected using the Vivosonic ABR system and a conventional ABR system both in quiet and in noise using tonal stimuli at 500 and 4000 Hz (eight total conditions). ABRs were administered to twenty adult participants with normal hearing acuity (behavioral thresholds better than 20dB HL). Physiologic noise was created by having the participant chew gum to emulate the movement of an infant sucking on a bottle or pacifier. Results indicated that there was a statistically significant main effect for equipment when examining all data (both quiet and noisy) with the exception of “No Responses” at 4000 Hz indicating that the Vivosonic measured significantly lower, more accurate, ABR thresholds than the conventional system regardless of activity level. There was no significant main effect for equipment noted when examining all data (both quiet and noisy) with the exception of “No Responses” at 500 Hz indicating that each system measured similar thresholds at this frequency. When dividing the data into subsets by frequency, no statistically significant differences were found for threshold accuracy measurements between the Vivosonic and the conventional systems in quiet or in noise at either 500 or 4000 Hz. At 4000 Hz, the Vivosonic equipment was found to be significantly more efficient at acquiring threshold than the conventional ABR system, but again no difference between systems was noted at 500 Hz. Findings suggest that neither system was particularly accurate or efficient at 500 Hz as it appears that physiologic noise is problematic at this frequency with either traditional artifact rejection of with Kalman weighted filtering and in-situ pre-amplification. Further exploration into the effects of Kalman weighted filtering and in-situ pre-amplification are warranted based on the findings of this study. Trends indicated in this study suggest that Kalman weighted filtering and in-situ pre-amplification may lead to more accurate and more efficient ABR acquisition without the need for sedation, at least for higher frequencies

    Real-time detection of auditory : steady-state brainstem potentials evoked by auditory stimuli

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    The auditory steady-state response (ASSR) is advantageous against other hearing techniques because of its capability in providing objective and frequency specific information. The objectives are to reduce the lengthy test duration, and improve the signal detection rate and the robustness of the detection against the background noise and unwanted artefacts.Two prominent state estimation techniques of Luenberger observer and Kalman filter have been used in the development of the autonomous ASSR detection scheme. Both techniques are real-time implementable, while the challenges faced in the application of the observer and Kalman filter techniques are the very poor SNR (could be as low as −30dB) of ASSRs and unknown statistics of the noise. Dual-channel architecture is proposed, one is for the estimate of sinusoid and the other for the estimate of the background noise. Simulation and experimental studies were also conducted to evaluate the performances of the developed ASSR detection scheme, and to compare the new method with other conventional techniques. In general, both the state estimation techniques within the detection scheme produced comparable results as compared to the conventional techniques, but achieved significant measurement time reduction in some cases. A guide is given for the determination of the observer gains, while an adaptive algorithm has been used for adjustment of the gains in the Kalman filters.In order to enhance the robustness of the ASSR detection scheme with adaptive Kalman filters against possible artefacts (outliers), a multisensory data fusion approach is used to combine both standard mean operation and median operation in the ASSR detection algorithm. In addition, a self-tuned statistical-based thresholding using the regression technique is applied in the autonomous ASSR detection scheme. The scheme with adaptive Kalman filters is capable of estimating the variances of system and background noise to improve the ASSR detection rate

    Modified cyclic shift tree denoising technique with fewer number of sweep for wave V detection

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    Nowadays, in developing countries Newborn Hearing Screening (NHS) has become one of the most important recommendations in modern pediatric audiology due to the important of early detection for newborn as the first six month of age are the critical period for learning communication. Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) is an electrophysiological response in the electroencephalography generated in the brainstem in response to the acoustical stimulus. The conventional method used previously was accurate, but it is time consuming especially with the presence of noise interference. The objective of this research is to reduce screening time by implementing enhanced signal processing method and also to reduce the influence of noise interference. This thesis applies Wavelet Kalman Filter (WKF), Cyclic Shift Tree Denoising (CSTD) and Modified Cyclic Shift Tree Denoising (MCSTD) to overcome these problems. The modified approach MSCTD is a modification from CSTD where it is a combination of the wavelet, KF and CSTD. The modified approach was compared to the averaging, WKF and CSTD to analyze an effective wavelet method for denoising that can give the rapid and accurate extraction of ABRs. Results show that the MCSTD outperform the other methods and giving the highest SNR value and able to detect wave V until reduce sweeps number of 512 and 1024 respectively for chirp and click stimulus

    The clinical utility of the Vivosonic Integrity Auditory Brainstem response system in children with cerebral palsy

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    Determining auditory functioning in difficult-to-test populations such as cerebral palsy (CP) remains a challenge in paediatric audiology. The auditory brainstem response (ABR) is favoured as the procedure to assess auditory functioning in difficult-to-test populations such as CP. The CP population, however, offers unique challenges for the ABR procedure due to the presence of involuntary muscular movements that may compromise the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the ABR. Conventional ABR technology attempts to improve the SNR by the modification of acquisition parameters e.g. adjusting the low cut filter or implementing stricter artifact rejection criteria. However, such modifications may compromise the waveform morphology of the ABR. Furthermore, sedation or general anesthesia can also be used to improve the SNR by reducing excessive muscular movements. The CP population, however, displays a high risk for developing upper airway obstruction when being sedated or anesthetized. Thus, the feasibility and reliability of the conventional ABR may be compromised when being employed in the CP population. In recent years a novel ABR system, the Vivosonic Integrity (VS) ABR has become clinically available. The device incorporates features such as pre-amplification of the ABR signal, Kalman filtering and wireless recording. These features promise to address the limitations of conventional ABR technology to obtain a reliable recording in the midst of excessive myogenic artifact. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the clinical utility of the VS system when assessing a sample of children with CP without the use of sedation. The clinical utility of the VS ABR system was determined by comparing its success rates, the threshold correspondence to behavioural pure tone (PT) thresholds and recording time to a conventional ABR system when using click and 0.5 kHz TB stimuli. A cross-sectional within-subject comparison research design was selected in order to compare thresholds obtained with different procedures. The experimental part of this study was represented by the within-subject control condition where the VS ABR system and the conventional ABR system were simultaneously conducted in each subject. This unique setup was important in the research as equivalent test conditions in terms of EEG and environmental conditions had to be ensured for both ABR systems. 15 CP subjects between the ages of 12 and 18 years were included in the project. A diagnostic audiological test battery including immittance, distortion product otoacoustic emissions and behavioural audiometry was conducted on each subject prior the administration of the ABR procedures. The variability of the audiological test battery results – between the subjects and when compared to previous research – emphasized the heterogeneity of the CP population. Furthermore, more than half of the research sample (53%; n=15) responded inconsistently to behavioural pure tone (PT) stimuli. It was suggested that the severity of physical impairments as well as additional impairments such as mental retardation might have influenced the consistency of the subjects’ responses during behavioural PT audiometry. The ABR results indicated that there were no significant differences with regards to threshold correspondence and recording time between the two ABR systems when using click and 0.5 kHz TB stimuli (p>0.05). With regards to the success rates, the VS system was successful in more cases than the conventional ABR system using click and 0.5 kHz TB stimuli. Although results also showed no statistically significant value for click p=.1121) and 0.5 kHz TB stimuli p=.1648), there was a tendency towards the 95% confidence level in both cases suggesting that the VS ABR system may produce a statistically significant success rate for click as well as for 0.5 kHz TB stimuli, provided a larger sample is tested. The research indicated that, since the VS ABR system was more successful across a wider range of subjects during click-evoked and 0.5 kHz TB recordings, it may increase the clinical usefulness of the ABR especially in terms of hearing screening in the CP population. The research suggested that excessive muscular movements during the recordings influenced not only the VS ABR’s, but also the conventional ABR’s threshold correspondences to PT thresholds as well as the recording time of the measurements. Therefore it may still be necessary to use a light sedative in some CP patients to reduce excessive myogenic interference despite the possible advantages of the VS ABR system.Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Speech-Language Pathology and Audiologyunrestricte

    Efficient Acquisition and Denoising of Full-Range Event-Related Potentials Following Transient Stimulation of the Auditory Pathway

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    This body of work relates to recent advances in the field of human auditory event-related potentials (ERP), specifically the fast, deconvolution-based ERP acquisition as well as single-response based preprocessing, denoising and subsequent analysis methods. Its goal is the contribution of a cohesive set of methods facilitating the fast, reliable acquisition of the whole electrophysiological response generated by the auditory pathway from the brainstem to the cortex following transient acoustical stimulation. The present manuscript is divided into three sequential areas of investigation : First, the general feasibility of simultaneously acquiring auditory brainstem, middle-latency and late ERP single responses is demonstrated using recordings from 15 normal hearing subjects. Favourable acquisition parameters (i.e., sampling rate, bandpass filter settings and interstimulus intervals) are established, followed by signal analysis of the resulting ERP in terms of their dominant intrinsic scales to determine the properties of an optimal signal representation with maximally reduced sample count by means of nonlinear resampling on a logarithmic timebase. This way, a compression ratio of 16.59 is achieved. Time-scale analysis of the linear-time and logarithmic-time ERP single responses is employed to demonstrate that no important information is lost during compressive resampling, which is additionally supported by a comparative evaluation of the resulting average waveforms - here, all prominent waves remain visible, with their characteristic latencies and amplitudes remaining essentially unaffected by the resampling process. The linear-time and resampled logarithmic-time signal representations are comparatively investigated regarding their susceptibility to the types of physiological and technical noise frequently contaminating ERP recordings. While in principle there already exists a plethora of well-investigated approaches towards the denoising of ERP single-response representations to improve signal quality and/or reduce necessary aquisition times, the substantially altered noise characteristics of the obtained, resampled logarithmic-time single response representations as opposed to their linear-time equivalent necessitates a reevaluation of the available methods on this type of data. Additionally, two novel, efficient denoising algorithms based on transform coefficient manipulation in the sinogram domain and on an analytic, discrete wavelet filterbank are proposed and subjected to a comparative performance evaluation together with two established denoising methods. To facilitate a thorough comparison, the real-world ERP dataset obtained in the first part of this work is employed alongside synthetic data generated using a phenomenological ERP model evaluated at different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), with individual gains in multiple outcome metrics being used to objectively assess algorithm performances. Results suggest the proposed denoising algorithms to substantially outperform the state-of-the-art methods in terms of the employed outcome metrics as well as their respective processing times. Furthermore, an efficient stimulus sequence optimization method for use with deconvolution-based ERP acquisition methods is introduced, which achieves consistent noise attenuation within a broad designated frequency range. A novel stimulus presentation paradigm for the fast, interleaved acquisition of auditory brainstem, middle-latency and late responses featuring alternating periods of optimized, high-rate deconvolution sequences and subsequent low-rate stimulation is proposed and investigated in 20 normal hearing subjects. Deconvolved sequence responses containing early and middle-latency ERP components are fused with subsequent late responses using a time-frequency resolved weighted averaging method based on cross-trial regularity, yielding a uniform SNR of the full-range auditory ERP across investigated timescales. Obtained average ERP waveforms exhibit morphologies consistent with both literature values and the reference recordings obtained in the first part of this manuscript, with all prominent waves being visible in the grand average waveforms. The novel stimulation approach cuts acquisition time by a factor of 3.4 while at the same time yielding a substantial gain in the SNR of obtained ERP data. Results suggest the proposed interleaved stimulus presentation and associated postprocessing methodology to be suitable for the fast, reliable extraction of full-range neural correlates of auditory processing in future studies.Diese Arbeit steht im Zusammenhang mit aktuellen Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der ereigniskorrelierten Potentiale (EKP) des humanen auditorischen Systems, insbesondere der schnellen, entfaltungsbasierten EKP-Aufzeichnung sowie einzelantwortbasierten Vorverarbeitungs-, Entrauschungs- und nachgelagerten Analysemethoden. Ziel ist die Bereitstellung eines vollstĂ€ndigen Methodensatzes, der eine schnelle, zuverlĂ€ssige Erfassung der gesamten elektrophysiologischen AktivitĂ€t entlang der Hörbahn vom Hirnstamm bis zum Cortex ermöglicht, die als Folge transienter akustischer Stimulation auftritt. Das vorliegende Manuskript gliedert sich in drei aufeinander aufbauende Untersuchungsbereiche : ZunĂ€chst wird die generelle Machbarkeit der gleichzeitigen Aufzeichnung von Einzelantworten der auditorischen Hirnstammpotentiale zusammen mit mittelspĂ€ten und spĂ€ten EKP anhand von Referenzmessungen an 15 normalhörenden Probanden demonstriert. Es werden hierzu geeignete Erfassungsparameter (Abtastrate, Bandpassfiltereinstellungen und Interstimulusintervalle) ermittelt, gefolgt von einer Signalanalyse der resultierenden EKP im Hinblick auf deren dominante intrinsische Skalen, um auf dieser Grundlage die Eigenschaften einer optimalen Signaldarstellung mit maximal reduzierter Anzahl an Abtastpunkten zu bestimmen, die durch nichtlineare Neuabtastung auf eine logarithmische Zeitbasis realisiert wird. Hierbei wird ein KompressionsverhĂ€ltnis von 16.59 erzielt. Zeit-Skalen-Analysen der uniform und logarithmisch abgetasteten EKP-Einzelantworten zeigen, dass bei der kompressiven Neuabtastung keine relevante Information verloren geht, was durch eine vergleichende Auswertung der resultierenden, gemittelten Wellenformen zusĂ€tzlich gestĂŒtzt wird - alle prominenten Wellen bleiben sichtbar und sind hinsichtlich ihrer charakteristischen Latenzen und Amplituden von der Neuabtastung weitgehend unbeeinflusst. Die uniforme und logarithmische SignalreprĂ€sentation werden hinsichtlich ihrer AnfĂ€lligkeit fĂŒr die ĂŒblicherweise bei der EKP-Aufzeichnung auftretenden physiologischen und technischen Störquellen vergleichend untersucht. Obwohl bereits eine FĂŒlle von gut etablierten AnsĂ€tzen fĂŒr die Entrauschung von EKP-Einzelantwortdarstellungen zur Verbesserung der SignalqualitĂ€t und/oder zur Reduktion der benötigten Erfassungszeiten existiert, erfordern die wesentlich verĂ€nderten Störeigenschaften der vorliegenden, logarithmisch abgetasteten Einzelantwortdarstellungen im Gegensatz zu ihrem uniformen Äquivalent eine Neubewertung der verfĂŒgbaren Methoden fĂŒr diese Art von Daten. DarĂŒber hinaus werden zwei neuartige, effiziente Entrauschungsalgorithmen geboten, die auf der Koeffizientenmanipulation einer Sinogramm-ReprĂ€sentation bzw. einer analytischen, diskreten Wavelet-Zerlegung der Einzelantworten basieren und gemeinsam mit zwei etablierten Entrauschungsmethoden einer vergleichenden Leistungsbewertung unterzogen werden. Um einen umfassenden Vergleich zu ermöglichen, werden der im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit erhaltene EKP-Messdatensatz sowie synthetischen Daten eingesetzt, die mithilfe eines phĂ€nomenologischen EKP-Modells bei verschiedenen Signal-Rausch-AbstĂ€nden (SRA) erzeugt wurden, wobei die individuellen Anstiege in mehreren Zielmetriken zur objektiven Bewertung der Performanz herangezogen werden. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die vorgeschlagenen Entrauschungsalgorithmen die etablierten Methoden sowohl in den eingesetzten Zielmetriken als auch mit Blick auf die Laufzeiten deutlich ĂŒbertreffen. Weiterhin wird ein effizientes Reizsequenzoptimierungsverfahren fĂŒr den Einsatz mit entfaltungsbasierten EKP-Aufzeichnungsmethoden vorgestellt, das eine konsistente RauschunterdrĂŒckung innerhalb eines breiten Frequenzbands erreicht. Ein neuartiges Stimulus-PrĂ€sentationsparadigma fĂŒr die schnelle, verschachtelte Erfassung auditorischer Hirnstammpotentiale, mittlelspĂ€ter und spĂ€ter Antworten durch alternierende Darbietung von optimierten, dichter Stimulussequenzen und nachgelagerter, langsamer Einzelstimulation wird eingefĂŒhrt und in 20 normalhörenden Probanden evaluiert. Entfaltete Sequenzantworten, die frĂŒhe und mittlere EKP enthalten, werden mit den nachfolgenden spĂ€ten Antworten fusioniert, wobei eine Zeit-Frequenz-aufgelöste, gewichtete Mittelung unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von RegularitĂ€t ĂŒber Einzelantworten hinweg zum Einsatz kommt. Diese erreicht einheitliche SRA der resultierenden EKP-Signale ĂŒber alle untersuchten Zeitskalen hinweg. Die erhaltenen, gemittelten EKP-Wellenformen weisen Morphologien auf, die sowohl mit einschlĂ€gigen Literaturwerten als auch mit den im ersten Teil dieses Manuskripts erhaltenen Referenzaufnahmen konsistent sind, wobei alle markanten Wellen deutlich in den Gesamtmittelwerten sichtbar sind. Das neuartige Stimulationsparadigma verkĂŒrzt die Erfassungszeit um den Faktor 3.4 und vergrĂ¶ĂŸert gleichzeitig den erreichten SRA erheblich. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die vorgeschlagene verschachtelte StimulusprĂ€sentation und die nachgelagerte EKP-Verarbeitungsmethodik zur schnellen, zuverlĂ€ssigen Extraktion neuronaler Korrelate der gesamten auditorischen Verarbeitung im Rahmen zukĂŒnftiger Studien geeignet sind.Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung | Bimodal Fusion - Eine neurotechnologische Optimierungsarchitektur fĂŒr integrierte bimodale Hörsysteme | 2016-201

    Speech Production as State Feedback Control

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    Spoken language exists because of a remarkable neural process. Inside a speaker's brain, an intended message gives rise to neural signals activating the muscles of the vocal tract. The process is remarkable because these muscles are activated in just the right way that the vocal tract produces sounds a listener understands as the intended message. What is the best approach to understanding the neural substrate of this crucial motor control process? One of the key recent modeling developments in neuroscience has been the use of state feedback control (SFC) theory to explain the role of the CNS in motor control. SFC postulates that the CNS controls motor output by (1) estimating the current dynamic state of the thing (e.g., arm) being controlled, and (2) generating controls based on this estimated state. SFC has successfully predicted a great range of non-speech motor phenomena, but as yet has not received attention in the speech motor control community. Here, we review some of the key characteristics of speech motor control and what they say about the role of the CNS in the process. We then discuss prior efforts to model the role of CNS in speech motor control, and argue that these models have inherent limitations – limitations that are overcome by an SFC model of speech motor control which we describe. We conclude by discussing a plausible neural substrate of our model

    Protocol for Auditory Brainstem Response-Based Audiological Assessment (ABRA)

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    This protocol document includes a tabular synopsis of all key protocol elements, followed by expanded sections that may include additional details, rationale, challenges,and solutions for each topic area,plus appendices with selected references and further technical or procedural specifications.There are numerous changes from the 2016 Infant Hearing Program Audiologic Assessment document; the most important areas of change or emphasis are indicated by shading of the topic section number.The following synopsis can stand alone as a summary of the current ABRA protocol including all changes from previous versions.Areas within the 2008 IHP Assessment Protocol that relate to the protocol for Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) and Conditioned Play Audiometry(CPA) are included in the Protocol for Audiometric Assessment for Children Aged 6 to 60 months

    The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Volume 2 Issue 2

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    Decoding Electrophysiological Correlates of Selective Attention by Means of Circular Data

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    Sustaining our attention to a relevant sensory input in a complex listening environment, is of great importance for a successful auditory communication. To avoid the overload of the auditory system, the importance of the stimuli is estimated in the higher levels of the auditory system. Based on these information, the attention is drifted away from the irrelevant and unimportant stimuli. Long-term habituation, a gradual process independent from sensory adaptation, plays a major role in drifting away our attention from irrelevant stimuli. A better understanding of attention-modulated neural activity is important for shedding light on the encoding process of auditory streams. For instance, these information can have a direct impact on developing smarter hearing aid devices in which more accurate objective measures can be used to re ect the hearing capabilities of patients with hearing pathologies. As an example, an objective measures of long-term habituation with respect to di erent level of sound stimuli can be used more accurately for adjustment of hearing aid devices in comparison to verbal reports. The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the neural decoding signatures of long-term habituation and neural modulations of selective attention by exploiting circular regularities in electrophysiological (EEG) data, in which we can objectively measure the level of attentional-binding to di erent stimuli. We study, in particular, the modulations of the instantaneous phase (IP) in event related potentials (ERPs) over trials for di erent experimental settings. This is in contrast to the common approach where the ERP component of interest is computed through averaging a su ciently large number of ERP trials. It is hypothesized that a high attentional binding to a stimulus is related to a high level of IP cluster. As the attention binding reduces, IP is spread more uniformly on a unit circle. This work is divided into three main parts. In the initial part, we investigate the dynamics of long-term habituation with di erent acoustical stimuli (soft vs. loud) over ERP trials. The underlying temporal dynamics in IP and the level of phase cluster of the ERPs are assessed by tting circular probability functions (pdf) over data segments. To increase the temporal resolution of detecting times at which a signi cant change in IP occurs, an abrupt change point model at di erent pure-tone stimulations is used. In a second study, we improve upon the results and methodology by relaxing some of the constrains in order to integrate the gradual process of long-term habituation into the model. For this means, a Bayesian state-space model is proposed. In all of the aforementioned studies, we successfully classi ed between di erent stimulation levels, using solely the IP of ERPs over trials. In the second part of the thesis, the experimental setting is expanded to contain longer and more complex auditory stimuli as in real-world scenarios. Thereby, we study the neural-correlates of attention in spontaneous modulations of EEG (ongoing activity) which uses the complete temporal resolution of the signal. We show a mapping between the ERP results and the ongoing EEG activity based on IP. A Markov-based model is developed for removing spurious variations that can occur in ongoing signals. We believe the proposed method can be incorporated as an important preprocessing step for a more reliable estimation of objective measures of the level of selective attention. The proposed model is used to pre-process and classify between attending and un-attending states in a seminal dichotic tone detection experiment. In the last part of this thesis, we investigate the possibility of measuring a mapping between the neural activities of the cortical laminae with the auditory evoked potentials (AEP) in vitro. We show a strong correlation between the IP of AEPs and the neural activities at the granular layer, using mutual information.Die Aufmerksamkeit auf ein relevantes auditorisches Signal in einer komplexen H orumgebung zu lenken ist von gro er Bedeutung f ur eine erfolgreiche akustische Kommunikation. Um eine Uberlastung des H orsystems zu vermeiden, wird die Bedeutung der Reize in den h oheren Ebenen des auditorischen Systems bewertet. Basierend auf diesen Informationen wird die Aufmerksamkeit von den irrelevanten und unwichtigen Reizen abgelenkt. Dabei spielt die sog. Langzeit- Habituation, die einen graduellen Prozess darstellt der unabh angig von der sensorischen Adaptierung ist, eine wichtige Rolle. Ein besseres Verst andnis der aufmerksamkeits-modulierten neuronalen Aktivit at ist wichtig, um den Kodierungsprozess von sog. auditory streams zu beleuchten. Zum Beispiel k onnen diese Informationen einen direkten Ein uss auf die Entwicklung intelligenter H orsysteme haben bei denen genauere, objektive Messungen verwendet werden k onnen, um die H orf ahigkeiten von Patienten mit H orpathologien widerzuspiegeln. So kann beispielsweise ein objektives Ma f ur die Langzeit- Habituation an unterschiedliche Schallreize genutzt werden um - im Vergleich zu subjektiven Selbsteinsch atzungen - eine genauere Anpassung der H orsysteme zu erreichen. Das Hauptziel dieser Dissertation ist die Analyse neuronaler Dekodierungssignaturen der Langzeit- Habituation und neuronaler Modulationen der selektiver Aufmerksamkeit durch Nutzung zirkul arer Regularit aten in elektroenzephalogra schen Daten, in denen wir objektiv den Grad der Aufmerksamkeitsbindung an verschiedene Reize messen k onnen. Wir untersuchen insbesondere die Modulation der Momentanphase (engl. Instantaneous phase, IP) in ereigniskorrelierten Potenzialen (EKPs) in verschiedenen experimentellen Settings. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu dem traditionellen Ansatz, bei dem die interessierenden EKP-Komponenten durch Mittelung einer ausreichend gro en Anzahl von Einzelantworten im Zeitbereich ermittelt werden. Es wird vermutet, dass eine hohe Aufmerksamkeitsbindung an einen Stimulus mit einem hohen Grad an IP-Clustern verbunden ist. Nimmt die Aufmerksamkeitsbindung hingegen ab, so ist die Momentanphase uniform auf dem Einheitskreis verteilt. Diese Arbeit gliedert sich in drei Teile. Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir die Dynamik der Langzeit-Habituation mit verschiedenen akustischen Reizen (leise vs. laut) in EKP-Studien. Die zugrundeliegende zeitliche Dynamik der Momentanphase und die Ebene des Phasenclusters der EKPs werden durch die Anpassung von zirkul aren Wahrscheinlichkeitsfunktionen (engl. probability density function, pdf) uber Datensegmente bewertet. Mithilfe eines sog. abrupt change-point Modells wurde die zeitliche Au osung der Daten erh oht, sodass signi kante Anderungen in der Momentanphase bei verschiedenen Reintonstimulationen detektierbar sind. In einer zweiten Studie verbessern wir die Ergebnisse und die Methodik, indem wir einige der Einschr ankungen lockern, um den gradualen Prozess der Langzeit-Habituation in das abrupt changepoint Modell zu integrieren. Dazu wird ein bayes`sches Zustands-Raum-Modell vorgeschlagen. In den zuvor genannten Studien konnte erfolgreich mithilfe der Momentanphase zwischen verschiedenen Stimulationspegeln unterschieden werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird der experimentelle Rahmen erweitert, um komplexere auditorische Reize wie in realen H orsituationen untersuchen zu k onnen. Dabei analysieren wir die neuronalen Korrelate der Aufmerksamkeit anhand spontaner Modulationen der kontinuierlichen EEG-Aktivit at, die eine zeitliche Au osung erm oglicht. Wir zeigen eine Abbildung zwischen den EKP-Ergebnissen und der kontinuierlichen EEG-Aktivit at auf Basis der Momentanphase. Ein Markov-basiertes Modell wird entwickelt, um st orende Variationen zu entfernen, die in kontinuierlichen EEG-Signalen auftreten k onnen. Wir glauben, dass die vorgeschlagene Methode als wichtiger Vorverarbeitungsschritt zur soliden objektiven Absch atzung des Aufmerksamkeitsgrades mithilfe von EEG-Daten verwendet werden kann. In einem dichotischen Tonerkennungsexperiment wird das vorgeschlagene Modell zur Vorverarbeitung der EEG-Daten und zur Klassi zierung zwischen gerichteten und ungerichteten Aufmerksamkeitszust anden erfolgreich verwendet. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir den Zusammenhang zwischen den neuronalen Aktivit aten der kortikalen Laminae und auditorisch evozierten Potentialen (AEP) in vitro im Tiermodell. Wir zeigen eine starke Korrelation zwischen der Momentanphase der AEPs und den neuronalen Aktivit aten in der Granularschicht unter Verwendung der Transinformation
