43 research outputs found

    Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations

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    Data security in European healthcare information systems

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    This thesis considers the current requirements for data security in European healthcare systems and establishments. Information technology is being increasingly used in all areas of healthcare operation, from administration to direct care delivery, with a resulting dependence upon it by healthcare staff. Systems routinely store and communicate a wide variety of potentially sensitive data, much of which may also be critical to patient safety. There is consequently a significant requirement for protection in many cases. The thesis presents an assessment of healthcare security requirements at the European level, with a critical examination of how the issue has been addressed to date in operational systems. It is recognised that many systems were originally implemented without security needs being properly addressed, with a consequence that protection is often weak and inconsistent between establishments. The overall aim of the research has been to determine appropriate means by which security may be added or enhanced in these cases. The realisation of this objective has included the development of a common baseline standard for security in healthcare systems and environments. The underlying guidelines in this approach cover all of the principal protection issues, from physical and environmental measures to logical system access controls. Further to this, the work has encompassed the development of a new protection methodology by which establishments may determine their additional security requirements (by classifying aspects of their systems, environments and data). Both the guidelines and the methodology represent work submitted to the Commission of European Communities SEISMED (Secure Environment for Information Systems in MEDicine) project, with which the research programme was closely linked. The thesis also establishes that healthcare systems can present significant targets for both internal and external abuse, highlighting a requirement for improved logical controls. However, it is also shown that the issues of easy integration and convenience are of paramount importance if security is to be accepted and viable in practice. Unfortunately, many traditional methods do not offer these advantages, necessitating the need for a different approach. To this end, the conceptual design for a new intrusion monitoring system was developed, combining the key aspects of authentication and auditing into an advanced framework for real-time user supervision. A principal feature of the approach is the use of behaviour profiles, against which user activities may be continuously compared to determine potential system intrusions and anomalous events. The effectiveness of real-time monitoring was evaluated in an experimental study of keystroke analysis -a behavioural biometric technique that allows an assessment of user identity from their typing style. This technique was found to have significant potential for discriminating between impostors and legitimate users and was subsequently incorporated into a fully functional security system, which demonstrated further aspects of the conceptual design and showed how transparent supervision could be realised in practice. The thesis also examines how the intrusion monitoring concept may be integrated into a wider security architecture, allowing more comprehensive protection within both the local healthcare establishment and between remote domains.Commission of European Communities SEISMED proje

    ‘Big data’ and policy learning

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    Analyse de sécurité et QoS dans les réseaux à contraintes temporelles

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    Dans le domaine des réseaux, deux précieux objectifs doivent être atteints, à savoir la QoS et la sécurité, plus particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit des réseaux à caractère critique et à fortes contraintes temporelles. Malheureusement, un conflit existe : tandis que la QoS œuvre à réduire les temps de traitement, les mécanismes de sécurité quant à eux requièrent d’importants temps de traitement et causent, par conséquent, des délais et dégradent la QoS. Par ailleurs, les systèmes temps réel, la QoS et la sécurité ont très souvent été étudiés séparément, par des communautés différentes. Dans le contexte des réseaux avioniques de données, de nombreux domaines et applications, de criticités différentes, échangent mutuellement des informations, souvent à travers des passerelles. Il apparaît clairement que ces informations présentent différents niveaux de sensibilité en termes de sécurité et de QoS. Tenant compte de cela, le but de cette thèse est d’accroître la robustesse des futures générations de réseaux avioniques de données en contrant les menaces de sécurité et évitant les ruptures de trafic de données. A cet effet, nous avons réalisé un état de l’art des mécanismes de sécurité, de la QoS et des applications à contraintes temporelles. Nous avons, ensuite étudié la nouvelle génération des réseaux avioniques de données. Chose qui nous a permis de déterminer correctement les différentes menaces de sécurité. Sur la base de cette étude, nous avons identifié à la fois les exigences de sécurité et de QoS de cette nouvelle génération de réseaux avioniques. Afin de les satisfaire, nous avons proposé une architecture de passerelle de sécurité tenant compte de la QoS pour protéger ces réseaux avioniques et assurer une haute disponibilité en faveur des données critiques. Pour assurer l’intégration des différentes composantes de la passerelle, nous avons développé une table de session intégrée permettant de stocker toutes les informations nécessaires relatives aux sessions et d’accélérer les traitements appliqués aux paquets (filtrage à états, les traductions d’adresses NAT, la classification QoS et le routage). Cela a donc nécessité, en premier lieu, l'étude de la structure existante de la table de session puis, en second lieu, la proposition d'une toute nouvelle structure répondant à nos objectifs. Aussi, avons-nous présenté un algorithme permettant l’accès et l’exploitation de la nouvelle table de session intégrée. En ce qui concerne le composant VPN IPSec, nous avons détecté que le trafic chiffré par le protocole ESP d’IPSec ne peut pas être classé correctement par les routeurs de bordure. Afin de surmonter ce problème, nous avons développé un protocole, Q-ESP, permettant la classification des trafics chiffrés et offrant les services de sécurité fournis par les protocoles AH et ESP combinés. Plusieurs techniques de gestion de bande passante ont été développées en vue d’optimiser la gestion du trafic réseau. Pour évaluer les performances offertes par ces techniques et identifier laquelle serait la plus appropriée dans notre cas, nous avons effectué une comparaison basée sur le critère du délai, par le biais de tests expérimentaux. En dernière étape, nous avons évalué et comparé les performances de la passerelle de sécurité que nous proposons par rapport à trois produits commerciaux offrant les fonctions de passerelle de sécurité logicielle en vue de déterminer les points forts et faibles de notre implémentation pour la développer ultérieurement. Le manuscrit s’organise en deux parties : la première est rédigée en français et représente un résumé détaillé de la deuxième partie qui est, quant à elle, rédigée en anglais. ABSTRACT : QoS and security are two precious objectives for network systems to attain, especially for critical networks with temporal constraints. Unfortunately, they often conflict; while QoS tries to minimize the processing delay, strong security protection requires more processing time and causes traffic delay and QoS degradation. Moreover, real-time systems, QoS and security have often been studied separately and by different communities. In the context of the avionic data network various domains and heterogeneous applications with different levels of criticality cooperate for the mutual exchange of information, often through gateways. It is clear that this information has different levels of sensitivity in terms of security and QoS constraints. Given this context, the major goal of this thesis is then to increase the robustness of the next generation e-enabled avionic data network with respect to security threats and ruptures in traffic characteristics. From this perspective, we surveyed the literature to establish state of the art network security, QoS and applications with time constraints. Then, we studied the next generation e-enabled avionic data network. This allowed us to draw a map of the field, and to understand security threats. Based on this study we identified both security and QoS requirements of the next generation e-enabled avionic data network. In order to satisfy these requirements we proposed the architecture of QoS capable integrated security gateway to protect the next generation e-enabled avionic data network and ensure the availability of critical traffic. To provide for a true integration between the different gateway components we built an integrated session table to store all the needed session information and to speed up the packet processing (firewall stateful inspection, NAT mapping, QoS classification and routing). This necessitates the study of the existing session table structure and the proposition of a new structure to fulfill our objective. Also, we present the necessary processing algorithms to access the new integrated session table. In IPSec VPN component we identified the problem that IPSec ESP encrypted traffic cannot be classified appropriately by QoS edge routers. To overcome this problem, we developed a Q-ESP protocol which allows the classifications of encrypted traffic and combines the security services provided by IPSec ESP and AH. To manage the network traffic wisely, a variety of bandwidth management techniques have been developed. To assess their performance and identify which bandwidth management technique is the most suitable given our context we performed a delay-based comparison using experimental tests. In the final stage, we benchmarked our implemented security gateway against three commercially available software gateways. The goal of this benchmark test is to evaluate performance and identify problems for future research work. This dissertation is divided into two parts: in French and in English respectively. Both parts follow the same structure where the first is an extended summary of the second

    User Authentication and Supervision in Networked Systems

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    This thesis considers the problem of user authentication and supervision in networked systems. The issue of user authentication is one of on-going concern in modem IT systems with the increased use of computer systems to store and provide access to sensitive information resources. While the traditional username/password login combination can be used to protect access to resources (when used appropriately), users often compromise the security that these methods can provide. While alternative (and often more secure) systems are available, these alternatives usually require expensive hardware to be purchased and integrated into IT systems. Even if alternatives are available (and financially viable), they frequently require users to authenticate in an intrusive manner (e.g. forcing a user to use a biometric technique relying on fingerprint recognition). Assuming an acceptable form of authentication is available, this still does not address the problem of on-going confidence in the users’ identity - i.e. once the user has logged in at the beginning of a session, there is usually no further confirmation of the users' identity until they logout or lock the session in which they are operating. Hence there is a significant requirement to not only improve login authentication but to also introduce the concept of continuous user supervision. Before attempting to implement a solution to the problems outlined above, a range of currently available user authentication methods are identified and evaluated. This is followed by a survey conducted to evaluate user attitudes and opinions relating to login and continuous authentication. The results reinforce perceptions regarding the weaknesses of the traditional username/password combination, and suggest that alternative techniques can be acceptable. This provides justification for the work described in the latter part o f the thesis. A number of small-scale trials are conducted to investigate alternative authentication techniques, using ImagePIN's and associative/cognitive questions. While these techniques are of an intrusive nature, they offer potential improvements as either initial login authentication methods or, as a challenge during a session to confirm the identity of the logged-in user. A potential solution to the problem of continuous user authentication is presented through the design and implementation o f a system to monitor user activity throughout a logged-in session. The effectiveness of this system is evaluated through a series of trials investigating the use of keystroke analysis using digraph, trigraph and keyword-based metrics (with the latter two methods representing novel approaches to the analysis of keystroke data). The initial trials demonstrate the viability of these techniques, whereas later trials are used to demonstrate the potential for a composite approach. The final trial described in this thesis was conducted over a three-month period with 35 trial participants and resulted in over five million samples. Due to the scope, duration, and the volume of data collected, this trial provides a significant contribution to the domain, with the use of a composite analysis method representing entirely new work. The results of these trials show that the technique of keystroke analysis is one that can be effective for the majority of users. Finally, a prototype composite authentication and response system is presented, which demonstrates how transparent, non-intrusive, continuous user authentication can be achieved

    Successful change strategies for a major research and consulting company

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    This case study describes a major change initiative undertaken by a major consulting-contracting agency, 3 Tier Research and Development, Inc., engaged in market branding, research, and development in the United States. Focusing on one client account, Go-Green Auto Corp, the study scrutinizes relevant organizational theories as they apply to real-time organizational leadership and change-management strategy scenarios. Members of the studied organization from one office in Southern California, predisposed by their own mind-sets and training in the organization\u27s mission statement and policies and procedures of operation, voluntarily participated in field research that included questionnaires and interviews by the researcher. The goal of this study, which applies organizational change theory to practice, was defined and applied by specific trend analysis; process mapping in megabusiness processes known in the business world as Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Order Service Group with Customer Services/Customer Subscriptions; Service Level Agreements (SLA) between the 3 Tier contracting-consultant agency and its client account; the ISO 9000 series of standards and management strategies initially customized to the auto industry and commonly used by private companies; and finally, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance tools for change-agent, risk, and governance deliverables for publicly traded companies. The key inquiry is this: What are the successful change strategies employed by a contracting-consulting company engaged in market branding, research, and development in response to a request from its key account? With the recent collapse of GM and Chrysler and their subsequent bail out by the federal government, this topic is timely in its historic relevance and provides a useful real-time model extending from the auto industry to a more general economic recovery with concomitant reduction in the unemployment rate in the United States. Third-party outsourcing is pivotal in this global economy. This research also encompasses the Internet technology (IT) side of the change-management process, services measures, and user environment that necessarily include any of those services for infrastructure disaster recovery, backup, and network infrastructure change-agent provisions

    Mistrust: Ethnographic Approximations

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    Scholars have long seen trust as a foundational social good. We therefore have ample studies on building trust in free markets, on cultivating trust in the state, and on rebuilding trust through civil society. The contributors to this volume, instead, take a step back. They ask: Can mistrust ever be more than the flip side of trust, more than the sign of an absence or failure? By looking ethnographically at what a variety of actors actually do when they express mistrust, this volume offers a richly empirical trove of the social life of mistrust across a range of settings

    Cui Bono?

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    The central idea of this research was to consider how a Freirean approach might be applied in the context of digitised learning environments in a way that encourages educators to adopt a critical approach toward the positioning of technology in contemporary classrooms. It is my assertion that privacy violations constitute a serious risk as adult education institutions become increasingly technologically focused. Digital pedagogy, as an evolving academic discipline must present solutions that enable enhanced technology-mediated teaching and learning while ensuring digital privacy for both educators and learners. The proper implementation of technology is dependent on user confidence. If technology is perceived as some sort of secretive monitoring or surveillance tool, the academic community may never fully accept it. By promoting awareness and developing proficiency in digital privacy skills we can have the best of both worlds