2,473 research outputs found

    Towards the Application of Association Rules for Defeasible Rules Discovery

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    In this paper we investigate the feasibility of Knowledge Discovery from Database (KDD) in order to facilitate the discovery of defeasible rules that represent the ratio decidendi underpinning legal decision making. Moreover we will argue in favour of Defeasible Logic as the appropriate formal system in which the extracted principles should be encoded

    Prescriptive formalism for constructing domain-specific evolutionary algorithms

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    It has been widely recognised in the computational intelligence and machine learning communities that the key to understanding the behaviour of learning algorithms is to understand what representation is employed to capture and manipulate knowledge acquired during the learning process. However, traditional evolutionary algorithms have tended to employ a fixed representation space (binary strings), in order to allow the use of standardised genetic operators. This approach leads to complications for many problem domains, as it forces a somewhat artificial mapping between the problem variables and the canonical binary representation, especially when there are dependencies between problem variables (e.g. problems naturally defined over permutations). This often obscures the relationship between genetic structure and problem features, making it difficult to understand the actions of the standard genetic operators with reference to problem-specific structures. This thesis instead advocates m..

    Learning from interpreting transitions in explainable deep learning for biometrics

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    Máster Universitario en Métodos Formales en Ingeniería InformáticaWith the rapid development of machine learning algorithms, it has been applied to almost every aspect of tasks, such as natural language processing, marketing prediction. The usage of machine learning algorithms is also growing in human resources departments like the hiring pipeline. However, typical machine learning algorithms learn from the data collected from society, and therefore the model learned may inherently reflect the current and historical biases, and there are relevant machine learning algorithms that have been shown to make decisions largely influenced by gender or ethnicity. How to reason about the bias of decisions made by machine learning algorithms has attracted more and more attention. Neural structures, such as deep learning ones (the most successful machine learning based on statistical learning) lack the ability of explaining their decisions. The domain depicted in this point is just one example in which explanations are needed. Situations like this are in the origin of explainable AI. It is the domain of interest for this project. The nature of explanations is rather declarative instead of numerical. The hypothesis of this project is that declarative approaches to machine learning could be crucial in explainable A

    Thirty years of artificial intelligence and law : the third decade

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    A critical examination and development of Wellman’s theory of conductive argument

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    The paper aims to provide an analysis and critique of Carl Wellman’s account of conduction presented in Challenge and Response and Morals and Ethics. It considers several issues, including: reason-ing vs. argument, the definition vs. the three patterns of conduction, pro and con arguments as dialogues, their assessment, the concept of validity, applications beyond moral arguments, argument type vs. as crite-rion of evaluation

    Genetic neural networks on MIMD computers

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    Methodology of Algorithm Engineering

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    Research on algorithms has drastically increased in recent years. Various sub-disciplines of computer science investigate algorithms according to different objectives and standards. This plurality of the field has led to various methodological advances that have not yet been transferred to neighboring sub-disciplines. The central roadblock for a better knowledge exchange is the lack of a common methodological framework integrating the perspectives of these sub-disciplines. It is the objective of this paper to develop a research framework for algorithm engineering. Our framework builds on three areas discussed in the philosophy of science: ontology, epistemology and methodology. In essence, ontology describes algorithm engineering as being concerned with algorithmic problems, algorithmic tasks, algorithm designs and algorithm implementations. Epistemology describes the body of knowledge of algorithm engineering as a collection of prescriptive and descriptive knowledge, residing in World 3 of Popper's Three Worlds model. Methodology refers to the steps how we can systematically enhance our knowledge of specific algorithms. The framework helps us to identify and discuss various validity concerns relevant to any algorithm engineering contribution. In this way, our framework has important implications for researching algorithms in various areas of computer science

    One Down, 699 to Go: or, synthesising compositional desugarings

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    Data mining approaches for detecting intrusion using UNIX process execution traces

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    Intrusion detection systems help computer systems prepare for and deal with malicious attacks. They collect information from a variety of systems and network sources, then analyze the information for signs of intrusion and misuse. A variety of techniques have been employed to analyze the information from traditional statistical methods to new emerged data mining approaches. In this thesis, we describe several algorithms designed for this task, including neural networks, rule induction with C4.5, and Rough sets methods. We compare the classification accuracy of the various methods in a set of UNIX process execution traces. We used two kinds of evaluation methods. The first evaluation criterion characterizes performances over a set of individual classifications in terms of average testing accuracy rate. The second measures the true and false positive rates of the classification output over certain threshold. Experiments were run on data sets of system calls created by synthetic sendmail programs. There were two types of representation methods used. Different combinations of parameters were tested during the experiment. Results indicate that for a wide range of conditions, Rough sets have higher classification accuracy than that of Neural networks and C4.5. In terms of true and false positive evaluations, Rough sets and Neural networks turned out to be better than C4.5

    Topology Optimization of Nanophotonic Devices

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