18 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Natural Logic in IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021

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    The present book contains five papers accepted and published in the Special Issue, “Fuzzy Natural Logic in IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021”, of the journal Mathematics (MDPI). These papers are extended versions of the contributions presented in the conference “The 19th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the 12th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology jointly with the AGOP, IJCRS, and FQAS conferences”, which took place in Bratislava (Slovakia) from September 19 to September 24, 2021. Fuzzy Natural Logic (FNL) is a system of mathematical fuzzy logic theories that enables us to model natural language terms and rules while accounting for their inherent vagueness and allows us to reason and argue using the tools developed in them. FNL includes, among others, the theory of evaluative linguistic expressions (e.g., small, very large, etc.), the theory of fuzzy and intermediate quantifiers (e.g., most, few, many, etc.), and the theory of fuzzy/linguistic IF–THEN rules and logical inference. The papers in this Special Issue use the various aspects and concepts of FNL mentioned above and apply them to a wide range of problems both theoretically and practically oriented. This book will be of interest for researchers working in the areas of fuzzy logic, applied linguistics, generalized quantifiers, and their applications

    A Study in the Syntax of the Luwian Language

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    he Ancient Anatolian corpora represent the earliest documented examples of the Indo-European languages. In this book, an analysis of the syntactic structure of the Luwian phrases, clauses and sentences is attempted, basing on a phrase-structural approach that entails a mild application of the theoretical framework of generative grammar. While obvious limits exist as regards the use of theory-driven models to the study and description of ancient corpus-languages, this books aims at demonstrating and illustrating the main configurational features of the Luwian syntax

    Annotating cognates in phylogenetic studies of South-East Asian languages

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    Compounding and derivation are frequent in many language families. As a consequence, words in different languages are often only partially cognate, sharing only a few but not all morphemes. While partial cognates do not constitute a problem for the phonological reconstruction of individual morphemes, they are problematic when it comes to phylogenetic reconstruction based on comparative wordlists. Here, we review the current practice of preparing cognate-coded wordlists and develop new approaches that make the process of cognate annotation more transparent. Comparing four methods by which partial cognate judgments can be converted to cognate judgments for whole words on a newly annotated dataset of 19 Chinese dialect varieties, we find that the choice of the conversion method has an impact on the inferred tree topologies that cannot be ignored. We conclude that scholars should take cognate judgments in languages in which compounding and derivation are frequent with great care and recommend to assign cognates always transparently

    L'acquisition du français L2 chez l'enfant (développement typique versus atypique)

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    La comparaison des enfants qui acquièrent une langue seconde (L2) à des enfants avec trouble spécifique du langage (TSL) a montré des similarités entre les performances morphosyntaxiques des deux groupes. Cette étude vise à mieux comprendre l acquisition L2 enfantine typique afin de permettre l identification d un TSL chez les enfants L2. Une étude longitudinale de taux de propositions enchâssées et d erreurs ont été a été faite à partir d échantillons de langage spontané en français de 22 enfants anglophones âgés de 6;9-12;7 et de 19 enfants monolingues francophones avec TSL âgés de 6;5 à 12;11. Les résultats révèlent que les L2 font plus d enchâssées que les enfants avec SLI, mais les deux groupes ont eu des taux d erreurs comparables. La discussion porte sur l implication de ces résultats sur l identification des TSL chez les enfants L2.Research on children acquiring a second language (L2 children) and children with SLI has revealed similarities in their morphosyntactic performance. This study seeks to better understand how children acquire an L2 in order to distinguish typical from atypical L2 acquisition. A longitudinal study of clausal embedding and error rates was made based on spontaneous language samples of 22 English-speaking children (aged 6;9-12;7) acquiring French as an L2 and 19 monolingual French-speaking children with SLI (aged 6;5-12;11). The results revealed that L2 children used clausal embedding more often than the children with SLI, but the SLI and L2 had similar error rates. Analyses of the frequency of embedding and errors revealed correlations that were positive in the L2 group and negative in the SLI. The discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for the identification of SLI in L2 children.TOURS-Bibl.électronique (372610011) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The loss of the vocalic case markers and its consequences on surfacing complexity :postulating phonological and morphological change in the Arabic language

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis examines the loss of case markers in Arabic. It provides a morphophonological investigation assuming there are consequences for losing the vocalic case markers in Arabic. The main consequence is the innovation of the CVCC syllable type in Arabic. The investigation focuses on trilateral nominal that consists underlyingly of فؼًْ CVCC. In its nature, it is a diachronic-synchronic examination that was undertaken upon finding a research gap in literatures. The rationale for conducting this investigation is the evident parallel in the phonological function and the locus between the lost vocalic short markers and the modern epenthetic vowels. In addition to the morpho-syntactical function, case markers in Arabic phonologically prevent final-clusters from surfacing in CVCC underlying sequences. Since modern Arabic dialects lost the vocalic case markers it is expected that they manifest final consonantal clusters on the surface of such nominal underlying CVCC sequences. However, contrary to this expectation, an epenthesis process, which has captured a synchronic interest from phonologists, occurs in the dialects preventing the realization of CVCC syllable type. Notably, no investigation was done to examine the possibility that this epenthesis originated due to the loss of the markers even though phonologists realized that the epenthesis is provoked to prevent the final-clusters from surfacing. This study contributes towards understanding: (i) the loss of the vocalic markers, (ii) the raise of the modern epenthesis and (iii) the innovation the superheavy syllable type CVCC in Arabic. Moreover, a goal in this study is to present an account for the data within a moraic approach in a framework that characteristically captures generalizations through a ranking for constraints in different levels. The account for data in this thesis is through the tools of the Stratal version of Optimality Theory

    The Austronesian languages

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    This is a revised edition of the 2009 The Austronesian languages, which was published as a paperback in the then Pacific Linguistics series (ISBN 9780858836020). This revision includes typographical corrections, an improved index, and various minor content changes. The release of the open access edition serves to meet the strong ongoing demand for this important handbook, of which only 200 copies of the first edition were printed. This is the first single-authored book that attempts to describe the Austronesian language family in its entirety. Topics covered include: the physical and cultural background, official and national languages, largest and smallest languages in all major geographical regions, language contact, sound systems, linguistic palaeontology, morphology, syntax, the history of scholarship on Austronesian languages, and a critical assessment of the reconstruction of Proto Austronesian phonology.Australian National University, College of Asia and the Pacifi

    An exploration of the person-related markers in finite synthetic verbs in C16 Basque

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    From an examination of the emergence of Batua, dialect classification, the relationship of sixteenth century Basque to Batua, two sets of sixteenth century sources, the thesis contends that, over the last half-millennium, Basque has changed to a greater extent than generally acknowledged. Semantic, aspectual, syntactic, phonological and morphological change is illustrated, showing how different sources reflect different stages of key transitions. Investigation of the morphosyntax of sixteenth century person-related markers contrasts patterns of distribution, positioning, pleonasm and omission with those of the modern language. Indexing between pre- and post-root features suggests a history of serial verbs, or possibly root suppletion; in particular the shift from sixteenth century predominantly pre-root (where they exist) to the modern overwhelmingly post-root positioning of dative flags lends weight to the contention that Basque might have transitioned from a language with previously greater pre-inflective typology than the overwhelmingly post-inflective language of today. Sixteenth century intermediate forms permit insights into an earlier history of reanalysis and repurposing and suggest foci for future research

    Discovering history through language: papers in honour of Malcolm Ross

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    Búsqueda eficaz de información en la web

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    En este trabajo se describe someramente lo que es un Sistema de Recuperación de Información, para posteriormente poder profundizar en algunos aspectos específicos. Se presentan las herramientas de búsqueda Web más usadas actualmente, haciendo especial hincapié en los buscadores y en los metabuscadores, con el fin de proporcionar ciertos “trucos” para ayudar a mejorar nuestro acceso y búsqueda en los contenidos de la Web (por ejemplo explicando el uso de algunos operadores de búsqueda, cómo funcionan los algoritmos de ranking, como mejorar la posición de una página Web en los buscadores o cuáles son las peculiaridades de las arquitecturas computacionales de algunos motores de búsqueda). Finalmente, se propone el desarrollo y pruebas de mecanismos más “inteligentes” de acceso, búsqueda, gestión y recuperación de información y conocimiento contenidos en la Web. Para ello se muestra el uso de técnicas avanzadas de Inteligencia Artificial, en particular aquellas más cercanas a la manipulación del lenguaje natural y al comportamiento humano.XV Escuela Internacional de Informática, realizada durante el XVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencia de la Computación (CACIC 2011).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Búsqueda eficaz de información en la web

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    En este trabajo se describe someramente lo que es un Sistema de Recuperación de Información, para posteriormente poder profundizar en algunos aspectos específicos. Se presentan las herramientas de búsqueda Web más usadas actualmente, haciendo especial hincapié en los buscadores y en los metabuscadores, con el fin de proporcionar ciertos “trucos” para ayudar a mejorar nuestro acceso y búsqueda en los contenidos de la Web (por ejemplo explicando el uso de algunos operadores de búsqueda, cómo funcionan los algoritmos de ranking, como mejorar la posición de una página Web en los buscadores o cuáles son las peculiaridades de las arquitecturas computacionales de algunos motores de búsqueda). Finalmente, se propone el desarrollo y pruebas de mecanismos más “inteligentes” de acceso, búsqueda, gestión y recuperación de información y conocimiento contenidos en la Web. Para ello se muestra el uso de técnicas avanzadas de Inteligencia Artificial, en particular aquellas más cercanas a la manipulación del lenguaje natural y al comportamiento humano.XV Escuela Internacional de Informática, realizada durante el XVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencia de la Computación (CACIC 2011).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI