4 research outputs found

    Prediction of Gas Concentration Based on the Opposite Degree Algorithm

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    In order to study the dynamic changes in gas concentration, to reduce gas hazards, and to protect and improve mining safety, a new method is proposed to predict gas concentration, based on the opposite degree algorithm. A priori and a posteriori values, opposite degree computation, opposite space, prior matrix, and posterior matrix are 6 basic concepts of the opposite degree algorithm. Several opposite degree numerical formulae to calculate the opposite degrees between gas concentration data and gas concentration data trends can be used to predict empirical results. The opposite degree numerical computation (OD-NC) algorithm has greater accuracy than several common prediction methods, such as RBF (Radial Basis Function) and GRNN (General Regression Neural Network). The prediction mean relative errors of RBF, GRNN and OD-NC are 7.812%, 5.674% and 3.284%, respectively. The simulation experiments show that the OD-NC algorithm is feasible and effective in practice

    Distributed Real-time Anomaly Detection in Networked Industrial Sensing Systems

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    Reliable real-time sensing plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability and safety of industrial cyber-physical systems (CPSs) such as wireless sensor and actuator networks. For many reasons, such as harsh industrial environments, fault-prone sensors, or malicious attacks, sensor readings may be abnormal or faulty. This could lead to serious system performance degradation or even catastrophic failure. Current anomaly detection approaches are either centralized and complicated or restricted due to strict assumptions, which are not suitable for practical large-scale networked industrial sensing systems (NISSs), where sensing devices are connected via digital communications, such as wireless sensor networks or smart grid systems. In this paper, we introduce a fully distributed general anomaly detection (GAD) scheme, which uses graph theory and exploits spatiotemporal correlations of physical processes to carry out real-time anomaly detection for general large-scale NISSs. We formally prove the scalability of our GAD approach and evaluate the performance of GAD for two industrial applications: building structure monitoring and smart grids. Extensive trace-driven simulations validate our theoretical analysis and demonstrate that our approach can significantly outperform state-of-the-art approaches in terms of detection accuracy and efficiency

    Using echo state networks for anomaly detection in underground coal mines

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    We investigate the problem of identifying anomalies in monitoring critical gas concentrations using a sensor network in an underground coal mine. In this domain, one of the main problems is a provision of mine specific anomaly detection, with cyclical (moving) instead of flatline (static) alarm threshold levels. An additional practical difficulty in modelling a specific mine is the lack of fully labelled data of normal and abnormal situations. We present an approach addressing these difficulties based on echo state networks learning mine specific anomalies when only normal data is available. Echo state networks utilize incremental updates driven by new sensor readings, thus enabling a detection of anomalies at any time during the sensor network operation. We evaluate this approach against a benchmark - Bayesian network based anomaly detection, and observe that the quality of the overall predictions is comparable to the benchmark. However, the echo state networks maintain the same level of predictive accuracy for data from multiple sources. Therefore, the ability of echo state networks to model dynamical systems make this approach more suitable for anomaly detection and predictions in sensor networks