11 research outputs found

    Aspect oriented pluggable support for parallel computing

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    In this paper, we present an approach to develop parallel applications based on aspect oriented programming. We propose a collection of aspects to implement group communication mechanisms on parallel applications. In our approach, parallelisation code is developed by composing the collection into the application core functionality. The approach requires fewer changes to sequential applications to parallelise the core functionality than current alternatives and yields more modular code. The paper presents the collection and shows how the aspects can be used to develop efficient parallel applicationsFundaĆ§Ć£o para a CiĆŖncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PPC-VM (Portable Parallel Computing based on Virtual Machines) Project POSI/CHS/47158/2002; SOFTAS (POSI/EIA/60189/2004).Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER)

    Incrementally developing parallel applications with AspectJ

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    This paper presents a methodology to develop more modular parallel applications, based on aspect oriented programming. Traditional object oriented mechanisms implement application core functionality and parallelisation concerns are plugged by aspect oriented mechanisms. Parallelisation concerns are separated into four categories: functional or/and data partition, concurrency, distribution and optimisation. Modularising these categories into separate modules using aspect oriented programming enables (un)pluggability of parallelisation concerns. This approach leads to more incremental application development, easier debugging and increased reuse of core functionality and parallel code, when compared with traditional object oriented approaches. A detailed analysis of a simple parallel application - a prime number sieve - illustrates the methodology and shows how to accomplish these gains.Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) - PPC-VM project POSI/CHS/47158/2002.FundaĆ§Ć£o para a CiĆŖncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PPC-VM project POSI/CHS/47158/2002

    AOmpLib: an aspect library for large-scale multi-core parallel programming

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    This paper introduces an aspect-oriented library aimed to support efficient execution of Java applications on multi-core systems. The library is coded in AspectJ and provides a set of parallel programming abstractions that mimics the OpenMP standard. The library supports the migration of sequential Java codes to multi-core machines with minor changes to the base code, intrinsically supports the sequential semantics of OpenMP and provides improved integration with object-oriented mechanisms. The aspect- oriented nature of library enables the encapsulation of parallelism-related code into well-defined modules. The approach makes the parallelisation and the maintenance of large-scale Java applications more manageable. Furthermore, the library can be used with plain Java annotations and can be easily extended with application- specific mechanisms in order to tune application performance. The library has a competitive performance, in comparison with traditional parallel programming in Java, and enhances programmability, since it allows an independent development of parallelism-related code.This work is funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - FundaĆ§Ć£o para a CiĆŖncia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER- 011413 and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-010152

    Reusable aspect-oriented implementations of concurrency patterns and mechanisms

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    In this paper, we present a collection of well-known high-level concurrency patterns and mechanisms, coded in AspectJ. We discuss benefits of these implementations relative to plain Java implementations of the same concerns. We detect benefits from using AspectJ in all the cases presented, in the form of higher modularity, reuse, understandability and unpluggability. For most of the implementations, two alternatives can be used: one based on traditional pointcut interfaces and one based on annotations.Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER).FundaĆ§Ć£o para a CiĆŖncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PPC-VM Project POSI/CHS/47158/2002; Project SOFTAS (POSI/EIA/60189/2004)

    AOmpLib: An Aspect Library for Large-Scale Multi-Core Parallel Programming

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    Abstract-This paper introduces an aspect-oriented library aimed to support efficient execution of Java applications on multi-core systems. The library is coded in AspectJ and provides a set of parallel programming abstractions that mimics the OpenMP standard. The library supports the migration of sequential Java codes to multi-core machines with minor changes to the base code, intrinsically supports the sequential semantics of OpenMP and provides improved integration with object-oriented mechanisms. The aspectoriented nature of library enables the encapsulation of parallelism-related code into well-defined modules. The approach makes the parallelisation and the maintenance of large-scale Java applications more manageable. Furthermore, the library can be used with plain Java annotations and can be easily extended with applicationspecific mechanisms in order to tune application performance. The library has a competitive performance, in comparison with traditional parallel programming in Java, and enhances programmability, since it allows an independent development of parallelism-related code

    Using AspectJ to separate concerns in parallel scientific Java code

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    Scientific software frequently demands high performance in order to execute complex models in acceptable time. A major means of obtaining high performance is via parallel execution on multi-processor systems. However, traditional methods of programming for parallel execution can lead to substantial code-tangling where the needs of the mathematical model crosscut with the concern of parallel execution. Aspect-Oriented Programming is an attractive technology for solving the problem of code-tangling in high performance parallel scientific software. The underlying mathematical model and the parallelism can be treated as separate concerns and programmed accordingly. Their elements of code can then be woven together to produce the final application. This paper investigates the extent to which AspectJ technolog

    Ī¼-DSU:A Micro-Language Based Approach to Dynamic Software Updating

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    Today software systems play a critical role in societyā€™s infrastructures and many are required to provide uninterrupted services in their constantly changing environments. As the problem domain and the operational context of such software changes, the software itself must be updated accordingly. In this paper we propose to support dynamic software updating through language semantic adaptation; this is done through use of micro-languages that confine the effect of the introduced change to specific application features. Micro-languages provide a logical layer over a programming language and associate an application feature with the portion of the programming language used to implement it. Thus, they permit to update the application feature by updating the underlying programming constructs without affecting the behaviour of the other application features. Such a linguistic approach provides the benefit of easy addition/removal of application features (with a special focus on non-functional features) to/from a running application by separating the implementation of the new feature from the original application, allowing for the application to remain unaware of any extensions. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated with two studies; its benefits and drawbacks are also analysed

    SPOT: A DSL for Extending Fortran Programs with Metaprogramming

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    An Aspect Pointcut for Parallelizable Loops

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    This study investigated the need for a pointcut for parallelizable loops in an aspect-oriented programming environment. Several prototype solutions exist for loop pointcuts, but the solutions are not very granular. In particular, they are not able to differentiate between loops that are parallelizable and those that are not. Being able to identify parallelizable loops automatically, as part of an aspect-oriented compiler\u27s weaving process, is particularly important because (1) manually identifying parallelizable loops is known to be a difficult problem and (2) aspectizing parallelized loops can lead to a reduction in code tangling and an increase in separation of concerns. This paper describes the concepts behind the loop-pointcut problem. It then describes the approach used in this study for implementing a solution in the form of an aspect-oriented Java compiler with a parallelizable loop pointcut. Identifying parallelizable loops is known to be a difficult problem, and as such, this study\u27s parallelizable loop pointcut implements a heuristic solution. The pointcut identifies many parallelizable loops as being parallelizable, but in erring on the side of conservatism, there are some parallelizable loops that the pointcut is unable to identify as parallelizable. To test the parallelizable-loop pointcut, the pointcut was applied to a benchmark set of parallelizable programs. There were two versions of each benchmark program - (1) an aspect-oriented version, where the aspect-oriented compiler\u27s weaver added the multi-threading functionality, and (2) a non-aspect-oriented version, where the benchmark program\u27s source code directly implemented the multi-threading functionality. For each benchmark program, the output from the aspect-oriented version was compared to the output from the non-aspect-oriented version. The study found that each loop that was deemed parallelizable by the aspect-oriented benchmark program was executed in parallel (with multiple threads) by both versions of the program - the aspect-oriented version and the non-aspect-oriented version. There were some loops in the non-aspect-oriented benchmark programs that were deemed parallelizable and executed in parallel, but those same loops were deemed non-parallelizable by their associated aspect-oriented benchmark program. This discrepancy is explained by the study\u27s conservative approach to identifying loops as parallelizable

    ExploraĆ§Ć£o da linguagem Scala para suporte a aplicaƧƵes paralelas

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    Nos anos mais recentes tem sido feita investigaĆ§Ć£o no uso da ProgramaĆ§Ć£o Orientada a Aspectos no suporte a computaĆ§Ć£o paralela, nomeadamente para conseguir guardar as funcionalidades da mesma em mĆ³dulos, algo que nĆ£o Ć© possĆ­vel quando se utiliza ProgramaĆ§Ć£o Orientada a Objectos. Um resultado desta investigaĆ§Ć£o foi o desenvolvimento de uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o, o ParJECoLi, desenvolvida usando a linguagem Java e recorrendo ao AspectJ para paralelizar a mesma. No entanto, durante essa mesma investigaĆ§Ć£o, chegou-se Ć  conclusĆ£o que o AspectJ apresenta algumas limitaƧƵes na reutilizaĆ§Ć£o de mĆ³dulos. Tendo em conta isso, surgiu a ideia de estudar uma outra linguagem de programaĆ§Ć£o, conceptualmente diferente da usada na investigaĆ§Ć£o. A linguagem Scala Ć© conhecida por ter uma capacidade de composiĆ§Ć£o modular flexĆ­vel. Como tal parece interessante entender atĆ© que ponto Ć© capaz de substituir AspectJ no suporte modular Ć  computaĆ§Ć£o paralela. Este projecto pretende aferir essa capacidade. Neste contexto, pretende-se usar o ParJECoLi como caso de estudo para dirigir comparaƧƵes entre Scala e AspectJ