57 research outputs found

    mRUBiS: An Exemplar for Model-Based Architectural Self-Healing and Self-Optimization

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    Self-adaptive software systems are often structured into an adaptation engine that manages an adaptable software by operating on a runtime model that represents the architecture of the software (model-based architectural self-adaptation). Despite the popularity of such approaches, existing exemplars provide application programming interfaces but no runtime model to develop adaptation engines. Consequently, there does not exist any exemplar that supports developing, evaluating, and comparing model-based self-adaptation off the shelf. Therefore, we present mRUBiS, an extensible exemplar for model-based architectural self-healing and self-optimization. mRUBiS simulates the adaptable software and therefore provides and maintains an architectural runtime model of the software, which can be directly used by adaptation engines to realize and perform self-adaptation. Particularly, mRUBiS supports injecting issues into the model, which should be handled by self-adaptation, and validating the model to assess the self-adaptation. Finally, mRUBiS allows developers to explore variants of adaptation engines (e.g., event-driven self-adaptation) and to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of the engines

    Components and Aspects Composition Planning for Ubiquitous Adaptive Services

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    International audienceIn ubiquitous environments, resources limitations and fluctuations combined with device mobility requires the dynamic adaptation of mobile applications. This paper reports on an extension of the MUSIC adaptation middleware to support aspect-oriented programming in order to handle cross-cutting adaptations. Basically, this extension specifies an architectural model for defining applications as a composition of aspects and components. The dynamic adaptation of an application in a given context is realised by selecting the appropriate component and aspect implementations using utility functions as a mean of optimising the overall QoS. Our approach and middleware are implemented and tested on top of OSGi framework

    "InstantSocial" – Implementing a Distributed Mobile Multi-user Application with Adaptation Middleware

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    In this position paper we explore how new capabilites of mobile devices could be used to setup distributed multi-user mobile applications with potentially high interest for end users. We describe an example of such an application by transposing Internet social network trends and principles to a mobile ad hoc environment. Then we present a tentative design and implentation sketch of this application in terms of the MUSIC context-aware adaptation middleware we are currently developing

    On the use of software models during software execution

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    Increasingly software systems are required to survive variations in their execution environment without or with only little human intervention. Such systems are called "eternal software systems". In contrast to the traditional view of development and execution as separate cycles, these modern software systems should not present such a separation. Research in MDE has been primarily concerned with the use of models during the first cycle or development (i.e. during the design, implementation, and deployment) and has shown excellent results. In this paper the author argues that an eternal software system must have a first-class representation of itself available to enable change. These runtime representations (or runtime models) will depend on the kind of dynamic changes that we want to make available during execution or on the kind of analysis we want the system to support. Hence, different models can be conceived. Self-representation inevitably implies the use of reflection. In this paper the author briefly summarizes research that supports the use of runtime models, and points out different issues and research questions

    A Demo of Application Lifecycle Management for IoT Collaborative Neighborhood in the Fog

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    International audienceRegarding latency, privacy, resiliency and network scarcity management, only distributed approaches such as proposed by Fog Computing architecture can efficiently address the fantastic growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT applications could be deployed and run hierarchically at different levels in an infrastructure ranging from centralized datacenters to the connected things themselves. Consequently, software entities composing IoT applications could be executed in many different configurations. The heterogeneity of the equipment and devices of the target infrastructure opens opportunities in the placement of the software entities, taking into account their requirements in terms of hardware, cyber-physical interactions and software dependencies. Once the most appropriate place has been found, software entities have to be deployed and run. Container-based virtualization has been considered to overpass the complexity of packaging, deploying and running software entities in a heterogeneous distributed infrastructure at the vicinity of the connected devices. This paper reports a practical experiment presented as a live demo that showcases a " Smart Bell in a Collaborative Neighborhood " IoT application in the Fog. Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) has been put in place based on Docker technologies to deploy and run micro-services in the context of Smart Homes operated by Orange

    Self-Adaptation to Mobile Resources in Service Oriented Architecture

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    Kalimucho: Contextual Deployment for QoS Management

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    International audienceThe increasing use of mobile technologies last years leads to face to new challenges in order to satisfy people using mobile devices. As they use their favorite applications on their personal computer at home, people wants to use it on their PDA or mobile phone and wants applications can be improve according to location, weather or any contextual information. However, addressing such context-aware systems deals with three main characteristics: context changes, mobility and limited resources of devices. In this article we respond to user requirements and changes of the environment with dynamic adaptations of application deployment guided by QoS respect. We are particularly interested in distributed applications QoS management facing with hardware limitations and mobility of devices, user requirements and usage constraints. We propose a service-based reconfiguration platform named Kalimucho, which implements a contextual-deployment heuristic to find a configuration that matches with context and QoS requirements. Kalimucho was tested on the Osagaia/Korrontea component model and the SunSpot platform; results confirm that Kalimucho provides a satisfying execution time to adapt applications

    Kalimucho : Plateforme d'Adaptation des Applications Mobiles

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    International audienceL'utilisation de plus en plus fréquente des technologies mobiles nous amène à faire face à de nouveaux défis afin de satisfaire les utilisateurs. De la même façon qu'ils utilisent leurs applications favorites sur leur ordinateur, les utilisateurs souhaitent pouvoir également les utiliser sur leur Smartphone ou leur tablette et que les applications prennent compte de leur position, du temps ou de toute autre information contextuelle. Cependant, de tels systèmes sensibles au contexte impliquent de prendre en compte trois principales caractéristiques : la variation du contexte, la mobilité et les ressources limitées des appareils. Dans cet article, nous essayons de traiter ces caractéristiques par l'adaptation dynamique des applications guidée par la qualité de service (QdS). Nous proposons une plateforme de reconfiguration basée service appelée Kalimucho. Elle implémente une heuristique de déploiement contextuel permettant de trouver une configuration satisfaisant les conditions de contexte et de QdS. Kalimucho a été testée avec le modéle de composant Osagaia/Korrontea et plusieurs périphériques ; les résultats confirment que Kalimucho fournit des adaptations en un temps d'exécution satisfaisant
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