76 research outputs found

    Shiva: A Framework for Graph Based Ontology Matching

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    Since long, corporations are looking for knowledge sources which can provide structured description of data and can focus on meaning and shared understanding. Structures which can facilitate open world assumptions and can be flexible enough to incorporate and recognize more than one name for an entity. A source whose major purpose is to facilitate human communication and interoperability. Clearly, databases fail to provide these features and ontologies have emerged as an alternative choice, but corporations working on same domain tend to make different ontologies. The problem occurs when they want to share their data/knowledge. Thus we need tools to merge ontologies into one. This task is termed as ontology matching. This is an emerging area and still we have to go a long way in having an ideal matcher which can produce good results. In this paper we have shown a framework to matching ontologies using graphs

    Visualization for biomedical ontologies alignment

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional (Bioinformática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016Desde o início do século, a investigação biomédica e a prática clínica levaram a uma acumulação de grandes quantidades de informação, por exemplo, os dados resultantes da sequenciação genómica ou os registos médicos. As ontologias fornecem um modelo estruturado com o intuito de representar o conhecimento e têm sido bem sucedidas no domínio biomédico na melhoria da interoperabilidade e partilha. O desenvolvimento desconectado das ontologias biomédicas levou à criação de modelos que apresentam domínios idênticos ou sobrepostos. As técnicas de emparelhamento de ontologias foram desenvolvidas afim de estabelecer ligações significativas entre as classes das ontologias, por outras palavras, para criar alinhamentos. Para alcançar um alinhamento ótimo é, não só importante melhorar as técnicas de emparelhamentos mas também criar as ferramentas necessárias para que possa existir intervenção humana, particularmente na visualização. Apesar da importância da intervenção de utilizadores e da visualização no emparelhamento de ontologias, poucos sistemas o suportam, sobretudo para grandes e complexas ontologias como as do domínio biomédico, concretamente no contexto da revisão de alinhamentos e interpretação de incoerências lógicas. O objetivo central desta tese consistiu na investigação dos principais paradigmas de visualização de ontologias, no contexto do alinhamento de ontologias biomédicas, e desenvolver abordagens de visualização e interação que vão de encontro a estes desafios. O trabalho desenvolvido levou, então, à criação de um novo módulo de visualização para um sistema de emparelhamento do state of the art que suporta a revisão de alinhamentos, e à construção de uma ferramenta online que visa ajudar o utilizador a compreender os conflitos encontrados nos alinhamentos, ambos baseados numa abordagem de visualização de subgrafos. Ambas as contribuições foram avaliadas em pequena escala, por testes a utilizadores que revelaram a relevância da visualização de subgrafos contra a visualização em árvore, mais comum no domínio biomédico.Since the begin of the century, biomedical research and clinical practice have resulted in the accumulation of very large amounts of information, e.g. data from genomic sequencing or medical records. Ontologies provide a structured model to represent knowledge and have been quite successful in the biomedical domain at improving interoperability and sharing. The disconnected development of biomedical ontologies has led to the creation of models that have overlapping or even equal domains. Ontology matching techniques were developed to establish meaningful connections between classes of the ontologies, in other words to create alignments. In order to achieve an optimal alignment, it is not only important to improve the matching techniques but also to create the necessary tools for human intervention, namely in visualization. Despite the importance of user intervention and visualization in ontology matching, few systems support these, especially for large and complex ontologies such as those in the biomedical domain, specifically in the context of the alignment revision and logical incoherence explanation. The central objective of this thesis was to investigate the main ontology visualization paradigms, in the context of biomedical ontology matching, and to develop visualization and interaction approaches addressing those challenges. The work developed lead to the creation of a new visualization module for a state of the art ontology matching system, that supports the alignment review, and to the construction of an online tool that aims to help the user understand the conflicts found in the alignments both based on a subgraph visualization approach. Both contributions were evaluated, in a small-scale, by user tests that revealed the relevance of subgraph visualization versus the more common tree visualization for the biomedical domain

    The Role of String Similarity Metrics in Ontology Alignment

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    Tim Berners-Lee originally envisioned a much different world wide web than the one we have today - one that computers as well as humans could search for the information they need [3]. There are currently a wide variety of research efforts towards achieving this goal, one of which is ontology alignment

    Ontology matching: state of the art and future challenges

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    shvaiko2013aInternational audienceAfter years of research on ontology matching, it is reasonable to consider several questions: is the field of ontology matching still making progress? Is this progress significant enough to pursue some further research? If so, what are the particularly promising directions? To answer these questions, we review the state of the art of ontology matching and analyze the results of recent ontology matching evaluations. These results show a measurable improvement in the field, the speed of which is albeit slowing down. We conjecture that significant improvements can be obtained only by addressing important challenges for ontology matching. We present such challenges with insights on how to approach them, thereby aiming to direct research into the most promising tracks and to facilitate the progress of the field

    VOAR: A Visual and Integrated Ontology Alignment Environment

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    International audienceOntology alignment is a key process for enabling interoperability between ontology-based systems in the Linked Open Data age. From two input ontologies, this process generates an alignment (set of correspondences) between them. In this paper we present VOAR, a new web-based environment for ontology alignment visualization and manipulation. Within this graphical environment, users can manually create/edit correspondences and apply a set of operations on alignments (filtering, merge, difference, etc.). VOAR allows invoking external ontology matching systems that implement a specific alignment interface, so that the generated alignments can be manipulated within the environment. Evaluating multiple alignments together against a reference one can also be carried out, using classical evaluation metrics (precision, recall and f-measure). The status of each correspondence with respect to its presence or absence in reference alignment is visually represented. Overall, the main new aspect of VOAR is the visualization and manipulation of alignments at schema level, in an integrated, visual and web-based environment

    Light-Weight Ontology Alignment using Best-Match Clone Detection

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    Abstract-Ontologies are a key component of the Semantic Web, providing a common basis for representing and exchanging domain meaning in web documents and resources. Ontology alignment is the problem of relating the elements of two formal ontologies for a semantic domain, in order to identify common concepts and relationships represented using different terminology or language, and thus allow meaningful communication and exchange of documents and resources represented using different ontologies for the same domain. Many algorithms have been proposed for ontology alignment, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The problem is in many ways similar to nearmiss clone detection: while much of the description of concepts in two ontologies may be similar, there can be differences in structure or vocabulary that make similarity detection challenging. Based on our previous work extending clone detection to modelling languages such as WSDL using contextualization, in this work we apply near-miss clone detection to the problem of ontology alignment, and use the new notion of "best-match" clone detection to achieve results similar to many existing ontology alignment algorithms when applied to standard benchmarks

    Performance assessment of ontology matching systems for FAIR data

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    © The Author(s). 2022 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Background: Ontology matching should contribute to the interoperability aspect of FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Multiple data sources can use different ontologies for annotating their data and, thus, creating the need for dynamic ontology matching services. In this experimental study, we assessed the performance of ontology matching systems in the context of a real-life application from the rare disease domain. Additionally, we present a method for analyzing top-level classes to improve precision. Results: We included three ontologies (NCIt, SNOMED CT, ORDO) and three matching systems (AgreementMakerLight 2.0, FCA-Map, LogMap 2.0). We evaluated the performance of the matching systems against reference alignments from BioPortal and the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus (UMLS). Then, we analyzed the top-level ancestors of matched classes, to detect incorrect mappings without consulting a reference alignment. To detect such incorrect mappings, we manually matched semantically equivalent top-level classes of ontology pairs. AgreementMakerLight 2.0, FCA-Map, and LogMap 2.0 had F1-scores of 0.55, 0.46, 0.55 for BioPortal and 0.66, 0.53, 0.58 for the UMLS respectively. Using vote-based consensus alignments increased performance across the board. Evaluation with manually created top-level hierarchy mappings revealed that on average 90% of the mappings’ classes belonged to top-level classes that matched. Conclusions: Our findings show that the included ontology matching systems automatically produced mappings that were modestly accurate according to our evaluation. The hierarchical analysis of mappings seems promising when no reference alignments are available. All in all, the systems show potential to be implemented as part of an ontology matching service for querying FAIR data. Future research should focus on developing methods for the evaluation of mappings used in such mapping services, leading to their implementation in a FAIR data ecosystem

    Using MathML to Represent Units of Measurement for Improved Ontology Alignment

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    Ontologies provide a formal description of concepts and their relationships in a knowledge domain. The goal of ontology alignment is to identify semantically matching concepts and relationships across independently developed ontologies that purport to describe the same knowledge. In order to handle the widest possible class of ontologies, many alignment algorithms rely on terminological and structural meth- ods, but the often fuzzy nature of concepts complicates the matching process. However, one area that should provide clear matching solutions due to its mathematical nature, is units of measurement. Several on- tologies for units of measurement are available, but there has been no attempt to align them, notwithstanding the obvious importance for tech- nical interoperability. We propose a general strategy to map these (and similar) ontologies by introducing MathML to accurately capture the semantic description of concepts specified therein. We provide mapping results for three ontologies, and show that our approach improves on lexical comparisons.Comment: Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2013), Bath, Englan
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