1,011 research outputs found

    Securing Arm Platform: From Software-Based To Hardware-Based Approaches

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    With the rapid proliferation of the ARM architecture on smart mobile phones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the security of ARM platform becomes an emerging problem. In recent years, the number of malware identified on ARM platforms, especially on Android, shows explosive growth. Evasion techniques are also used in these malware to escape from being detected by existing analysis systems. In our research, we first present a software-based mechanism to increase the accuracy of existing static analysis tools by reassembleable bytecode extraction. Our solution collects bytecode and data at runtime, and then reassemble them offline to help static analysis tools to reveal the hidden behavior in an application. Further, we implement a hardware-based transparent malware analysis framework for general ARM platforms to defend against the traditional evasion techniques. Our framework leverages hardware debugging features and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to achieve transparent tracing and debugging with reasonable overhead. To learn the security of the involved hardware debugging features, we perform a comprehensive study on the ARM debugging features and summarize the security implications. Based on the implications, we design a novel attack scenario that achieves privilege escalation via misusing the debugging features in inter-processor debugging model. The attack has raised our concern on the security of TEEs and Cyber-physical System (CPS). For a better understanding of the security of TEEs, we investigate the security of various TEEs on different architectures and platforms, and state the security challenges. A study of the deploying the TEEs on edge platform is also presented. For the security of the CPS, we conduct an analysis on the real-world traffic signal infrastructure and summarize the security problems

    The Android Platform Security Model

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    Android is the most widely deployed end-user focused operating system. With its growing set of use cases encompassing communication, navigation, media consumption, entertainment, finance, health, and access to sensors, actuators, cameras, or microphones, its underlying security model needs to address a host of practical threats in a wide variety of scenarios while being useful to non-security experts. The model needs to strike a difficult balance between security, privacy, and usability for end users, assurances for app developers, and system performance under tight hardware constraints. While many of the underlying design principles have implicitly informed the overall system architecture, access control mechanisms, and mitigation techniques, the Android security model has previously not been formally published. This paper aims to both document the abstract model and discuss its implications. Based on a definition of the threat model and Android ecosystem context in which it operates, we analyze how the different security measures in past and current Android implementations work together to mitigate these threats. There are some special cases in applying the security model, and we discuss such deliberate deviations from the abstract model

    A survey on the (in)security of trusted execution environments

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    As the number of security and privacy attacks continue to grow around the world, there is an ever increasing need to protect our personal devices. As a matter of fact, more and more manufactures are relying on Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to shield their devices. In particular, ARM TrustZone (TZ) is being widely used in numerous embedded devices, especially smartphones, and this technology is the basis for secure solutions both in industry and academia. However, as shown in this paper, TEE is not bullet-proof and it has been successfully attacked numerous times and in very different ways. To raise awareness among potential stakeholders interested in this technology, this paper provides an extensive analysis and categorization of existing vulnerabilities in TEEs and highlights the design flaws that led to them. The presented vulnerabilities, which are not only extracted from existing literature but also from publicly available exploits and databases, are accompanied by some effective countermeasures to reduce the likelihood of new attacks. The paper ends with some appealing challenges and open issues.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the SecureEDGE project (PID2019-110565RB-I00), and by the by the Andalusian FEDER 2014–2020 Program through the SAVE project (PY18-3724)

    On component-oriented access control in lightweight virtualized server environments

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    2017 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.With the advancements in contemporary multi-core CPU architectures and increase in main memory capacity, it is now possible for a server operating system (OS), such as Linux, to handle a large number of concurrent services on a single server instance. Individual components of such services may run in different isolated runtime environments, such as chrooted jails or related forms of OS-level containers, and may need restricted access to system resources and the ability to share data and coordinate with each other in a regulated and secure manner. In this dissertation we describe our work on the access control framework for policy formulation, management, and enforcement that allows access to OS resources and also permits controlled data sharing and coordination for service components running in disjoint containerized environments within a single Linux OS server instance. The framework consists of two models and the policy formulation is based on the concept of policy classes for ease of administration and enforcement. The policy classes are managed and enforced through a Lightweight Policy Machine for Linux (LPM) that acts as the centralized reference monitor and provides a uniform interface for regulating access to system resources and requesting data and control objects. We present the details of our framework and also discuss the preliminary implementation and evaluation to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach

    A Comprehensive Security Framework for Securing Sensors in Smart Devices and Applications

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    This doctoral dissertation introduces novel security frameworks to detect sensor-based threats on smart devices and applications in smart settings such as smart home, smart office, etc. First, we present a formal taxonomy and in-depth impact analysis of existing sensor-based threats to smart devices and applications based on attack characteristics, targeted components, and capabilities. Then, we design a novel context-aware intrusion detection system, 6thSense, to detect sensor-based threats in standalone smart devices (e.g., smartphone, smart watch, etc.). 6thSense considers user activity-sensor co-dependence in standalone smart devices to learn the ongoing user activity contexts and builds a context-aware model to distinguish malicious sensor activities from benign user behavior. Further, we develop a platform-independent context-aware security framework, Aegis, to detect the behavior of malicious sensors and devices in a connected smart environment (e.g., smart home, offices, etc.). Aegis observes the changing patterns of the states of smart sensors and devices for user activities in a smart environment and builds a contextual model to detect malicious activities considering sensor-device-user interactions and multi-platform correlation. Then, to limit unauthorized and malicious sensor and device access, we present, kratos, a multi-user multi-device-aware access control system for smart environment and devices. kratos introduces a formal policy language to understand diverse user demands in smart environment and implements a novel policy negotiation algorithm to automatically detect and resolve conflicting user demands and limit unauthorized access. For each contribution, this dissertation presents novel security mechanisms and techniques that can be implemented independently or collectively to secure sensors in real-life smart devices, systems, and applications. Moreover, each contribution is supported by several user and usability studies we performed to understand the needs of the users in terms of sensor security and access control in smart devices and improve the user experience in these real-time systems

    It's TEEtime: A New Architecture Bringing Sovereignty to Smartphones

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    Modern smartphones are complex systems in which control over phone resources is exercised by phone manufacturers, OS vendors, and users. These stakeholders have diverse and often competing interests. Barring some exceptions, users entrust their security and privacy to OS vendors (Android and iOS) and need to accept their constraints. Manufacturers protect their firmware and peripherals from the OS by executing in the highest privilege and leveraging dedicated CPUs and TEEs. OS vendors need to trust the highest privileged code deployed by manufacturers. This division of control over the phone is not ideal for OS vendors and is even more disadvantageous for the users. Users are generally limited in what applications they can install on their devices, in the privacy model and trust assumptions of the existing applications, and in the functionalities that applications can have. We propose TEEtime, a new smartphone architecture based on trusted execution allowing to balance the control different stakeholders exert over phones. More leveled control over the phone means that no stakeholder is more privileged than the others. In particular, TEEtime makes users sovereign over their phones: It enables them to install sensitive applications in isolated domains with protected access to selected peripherals alongside an OS. TEEtime achieves this while maintaining compatibility with the existing smartphone ecosystem and without relying on virtualization; it only assumes trust in a phone's firmware. TEEtime is the first TEE architecture that allows isolated execution domains to gain protected and direct access to peripherals. TEEtime is based on Armv8-A and achieves peripheral isolation using a novel mechanism based on memory and interrupt controller protection. We demonstrate the feasibility of our design by implementing a prototype of TEEtime, and by running exemplary sensitive applications
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