13 research outputs found

    Towards context classification and reasoning in IoT

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is the future of ubiquitous and personalized intelligent service delivery. It consists of interconnected, addressable and communicating everyday objects. To realize the full potentials of this new generation of ubiquitous systems, IoT's 'smart' objects should be supported with intelligent platforms for data acquisition, pre-processing, classification, modeling, reasoning and inference including distribution. However, some current IoT systems lack these capabilities: they provide mainly the functionality for raw sensor data acquisition. In this paper, we propose a framework towards deriving high-level context information from streams of raw IoT sensor data, using artificial neural network (ANN) as context recognition model. Before building the model, raw sensor data were pre-processed using weighted average low-pass filtering and a sliding window algorithm. From the resulting windows, statistical features were extracted to train ANN models. Analysis and evaluation of the proposed system show that it achieved between 87.3% and 98.1% accuracies

    Deep Sensing: Inertial and Ambient Sensing for Activity Context Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    With the widespread use of embedded sensing capabilities of mobile devices, there has been unprecedented development of context-aware solutions. This allows the proliferation of various intelligent applications, such as those for remote health and lifestyle monitoring, intelligent personalized services, etc. However, activity context recognition based on multivariate time series signals obtained from mobile devices in unconstrained conditions is naturally prone to imbalance class problems. This means that recognition models tend to predict classes with the majority number of samples whilst ignoring classes with the least number of samples, resulting in poor generalization. To address this problem, we propose augmentation of the time series signals from inertial sensors with signals from ambient sensing to train deep convolutional neural network (DCNNs) models. DCNNs provide the characteristics that capture local dependency and scale invariance of these combined sensor signals. Consequently, we developed a DCNN model using only inertial sensor signals and then developed another model that combined signals from both inertial and ambient sensors aiming to investigate the class imbalance problem by improving the performance of the recognition model. Evaluation and analysis of the proposed system using data with imbalanced classes show that the system achieved better recognition accuracy when data from inertial sensors are combined with those from ambient sensors, such as environmental noise level and illumination, with an overall improvement of 5.3% accuracy

    Deep Sensing: Inertial and Ambient Sensing for Activity Context Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    With the widespread use of embedded sensing capabilities of mobile devices, there has been unprecedented development of context-aware solutions. This allows the proliferation of various intelligent applications, such as those for remote health and lifestyle monitoring, intelligent personalized services, etc. However, activity context recognition based on multivariate time series signals obtained from mobile devices in unconstrained conditions is naturally prone to imbalance class problems. This means that recognition models tend to predict classes with the majority number of samples whilst ignoring classes with the least number of samples, resulting in poor generalization. To address this problem, we propose augmentation of the time series signals from inertial sensors with signals from ambient sensing to train deep convolutional neural network (DCNNs) models. DCNNs provide the characteristics that capture local dependency and scale invariance of these combined sensor signals. Consequently, we developed a DCNN model using only inertial sensor signals and then developed another model that combined signals from both inertial and ambient sensors aiming to investigate the class imbalance problem by improving the performance of the recognition model. Evaluation and analysis of the proposed system using data with imbalanced classes show that the system achieved better recognition accuracy when data from inertial sensors are combined with those from ambient sensors, such as environmental noise level and illumination, with an overall improvement of 5.3% accuracy

    Towards Context Classification and Reasoning in IoT

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is the future of ubiquitous and personalised intelligent service delivery. It consists of interconnected, addressable and communicating objects, which are embedded in our environments. To realize this new and promising generation of ubiquitous systems, the IoT's 'smart' objects should be supported with intelligent platforms for data acquisition, preprocessing, classification, modelling, reasoning and inference including context distribution. However, some current IoT systems lack these capabilities: they provide only the functionality for obtaining raw sensor data. In this paper, we propose a framework towards deriving high-level context information from streams of raw IoT sensor data, using artificial neural networks (ANN) as context recognition model. Before building the model, the data was preprocessed using weighted average low-pass filtering and a sliding window with overlapping algorithm. From the resulting windows, statistical features were extracted as vectors, which were used to train the ANN model. Evaluations of the proposed system show that it has between 87.3% and 98.1% accuracies

    An optimized context-aware mobile computing model to filter inappropriate incoming calls in smartphone

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    Requests for communication via mobile devices can be disruptive to the receiver in certain social situation. For example, unsuitable incoming calls may put the receiver in a dangerous condition, as in the case of receiving calls while driving. Therefore, designers of mobile computing interfaces require plans for minimizing annoying calls. To reduce the frequency of these calls, one promising approach is to provide an intelligent and accurate system, based on context awareness with cues of a callee's context allowing informed decisions of when to answer a call. The processing capabilities and advantages of mobile devices equipped with portable sensors provide the basis for new context-awareness services and applications. However, contextawareness mobile computing systems are needed to manage the difficulty of multiple sources of context that affects the accuracy of the systems, and the challenge of energy hungry GPS sensor that affects the battery consumption of mobile phone. Hence, reducing the cost of GPS sensor and increasing the accuracy of current contextawareness call filtering systems are two main motivations of this study. Therefore, this study proposes a new localization mechanism named Improved Battery Life in Context Awareness System (IBCS) to deal with the energy-hungry GPS sensor and optimize the battery consumption of GPS sensor in smartphone for more than four hours. Finally, this study investigates the context-awareness models in smartphone and develops an alternative intelligent model structure to improve the accuracy rate. Hence, a new optimized context-awareness mobile computing model named Optimized Context Filtering (OCF) is developed to filter unsuitable incoming calls based on context information of call receiver. In this regard, a new extended Naive Bayesian classifier was proposed based on the Naive Bayesian classifier by combining the incremental learning strategy with appropriate weight on the new training data. This new classifier is utilized as an inference engine to the proposed model to increase its accuracy rate. The results indicated that 7% improvement was seen in the accuracy rate of the proposed extended naive Bayesian classifier. On the other hand, the proposed model result showed that the OCF model improved the accuracy rate by 14%. These results indicated that the proposed model is a hopeful approach to provide an intelligent call filtering system based on context information for smartphones

    A Framework for Exploiting Internet of Things for Context-Aware Trust-based Personalized Services

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    In the last years, we have witnessed the introduction of Internet of Things as an integral part of the Internet with billions of interconnected and addressable everyday objects. On the one hand, these objects generate massive volume of data that can be exploited to gain useful insights into our day-to-day needs. On the other hand, context-aware recommender systems (CARSs) are intelligent systems that assist users to make service consumption choices that satisfy their preferences based on their contextual situations. However, one of the major challenges in developing CARSs is the lack of functionality providing dynamic and reliable context information required by the recommendation decision process based on the objects that users interact with in their environments. Thus, contextual information obtained from IoT objects and other sources can be exploited to build CARSs that satisfy users’ preferences, improve quality of experience and recommendation accuracy. This article describes various components of a conceptual IoT based framework for context-aware personalized recommendations. The framework addresses the weakness whereby CARSs rely on static and limited contextual information from user’s mobile phone, by providing additional components for reliable and dynamic contextual information, using IoT context sources. The core of the framework consists of context recognition and reasoning management, dynamic user profile model incorporating trust to improve accuracy of context-aware personalized recommendations. Experimental evaluations show that incorporating context and trust in personalized recommendations can improve its accuracy

    Context-Aware Complex Human Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Deep Learning Model

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    Smart devices, such as smartphones, smartwatches, etc., are examples of promising platforms for automatic recognition of human activities. However, it is difficult to accurately monitor complex human activities on these platforms due to interclass pattern similarities, which occur when different human activities exhibit similar signal patterns or characteristics. Current smartphone-based recognition systems depend on traditional sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, which are built-in in these devices. Therefore, apart from using information from the traditional sensors, these systems lack the contextual information to support automatic activity recognition. In this article, we explore environmental contexts, such as illumination (light conditions) and noise level, to support sensory data obtained from the traditional sensors using a hybrid of Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory (CNN–LSTM) learning models. The models performed sensor fusion by augmenting low-level sensor signals with rich contextual data to improve the models’ recognition accuracy and generalization. Two sets of experiments were performed to validate the proposed solution. The first set of experiments used triaxial inertial sensing signals to train baseline models, while the second set of experiments combined the inertial signals with contextual information from environmental sensors. The obtained results demonstrate that contextual information, such as environmental noise level and light conditions using hybrid deep learning models, achieved better recognition accuracy than the traditional baseline activity recognition models without contextual information

    Enhanced context-aware framework for individual and crowd condition prediction

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    Context-aware framework is basic context-aware that utilizes contexts such as user with their individual activities, location and time, which are hidden information derived from smartphone sensors. These data are used to monitor a situation in a crowd scenario. Its application using embedded sensors has the potential to monitor tasks that are practically complicated to access. Inaccuracies observed in the individual activity recognition (IAR) due to faulty accelerometer data and data classification problem have led to its inefficiency when used for prediction. This study developed a solution to this problem by introducing a method of feature extraction and selection, which provides a higher accuracy by selecting only the relevant features and minimizing false negative rate (FNR) of IAR used for crowd condition prediction. The approach used was the enhanced context-aware framework (EHCAF) for the prediction of human movement activities during an emergency. Three new methods to ensure high accuracy and low FNR were introduced. Firstly, an improved statistical-based time-frequency domain (SBTFD) representing and extracting hidden context information from sensor signals with improved accuracy was introduced. Secondly, a feature selection method (FSM) to achieve improved accuracy with statistical-based time-frequency domain (SBTFD) and low false negative rate was used. Finally, a method for individual behaviour estimation (IBE) and crowd condition prediction in which the threshold and crowd density determination (CDD) was developed and used, achieved a low false negative rate. The approach showed that the individual behaviour estimation used the best selected features, flow velocity estimation and direction to determine the disparity value of individual abnormality behaviour in a crowd. These were used for individual and crowd density determination evaluation in terms of inflow, outflow and crowd turbulence during an emergency. Classifiers were used to confirm features ability to differentiate individual activity recognition data class. Experimenting SBTFD with decision tree (J48) classifier produced a maximum of 99:2% accuracy and 3:3% false negative rate. The individual classes were classified based on 7 best features, which produced a reduction in dimension, increased accuracy to 99:1% and had a low false negative rate (FNR) of 2:8%. In conclusion, the enhanced context-aware framework that was developed in this research proved to be a viable solution for individual and crowd condition prediction in our society