1,475 research outputs found

    Ranking algorithms for implicit feedback

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    This report presents novel algorithms to use eye movements as an implicit relevance feedback in order to improve the performance of the searches. The algorithms are evaluated on "Transport Rank Five" Dataset which were previously collected in Task 8.3. We demonstrated that simple linear combination or tensor product of eye movement and image features can improve the retrieval accuracy

    Eye Tracking: A Perceptual Interface for Content Based Image Retrieval

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    In this thesis visual search experiments are devised to explore the feasibility of an eye gaze driven search mechanism. The thesis first explores gaze behaviour on images possessing different levels of saliency. Eye behaviour was predominantly attracted by salient locations, but appears to also require frequent reference to non-salient background regions which indicated that information from scan paths might prove useful for image search. The thesis then specifically investigates the benefits of eye tracking as an image retrieval interface in terms of speed relative to selection by mouse, and in terms of the efficiency of eye tracking mechanisms in the task of retrieving target images. Results are analysed using ANOVA and significant findings are discussed. Results show that eye selection was faster than a computer mouse and experience gained during visual tasks carried out using a mouse would benefit users if they were subsequently transferred to an eye tracking system. Results on the image retrieval experiments show that users are able to navigate to a target image within a database confirming the feasibility of an eye gaze driven search mechanism. Additional histogram analysis of the fixations, saccades and pupil diameters in the human eye movement data revealed a new method of extracting intentions from gaze behaviour for image search, of which the user was not aware and promises even quicker search performances. The research has two implications for Content Based Image Retrieval: (i) improvements in query formulation for visual search and (ii) new methods for visual search using attentional weighting. Futhermore it was demonstrated that users are able to find target images at sufficient speeds indicating that pre-attentive activity is playing a role in visual search. A current review of eye tracking technology, current applications, visual perception research, and models of visual attention is discussed. A review of the potential of the technology for commercial exploitation is also presented

    Patients Prefer a Virtual Reality Approach Over a Similarly Performing Screen-Based Approach for Continuous Oculomotor-Based Screening of Glaucomatous and Neuro-Ophthalmological Visual Field Defects

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    Standard automated perimetry (SAP) is the gold standard for evaluating the presence of visual field defects (VFDs). Nevertheless, it has requirements such as prolonged attention, stable fixation, and a need for a motor response that limit application in various patient groups. Therefore, a novel approach using eye movements (EMs) – as a complementary technique to SAP – was developed and tested in clinical settings by our group. However, the original method uses a screen-based eye-tracker which still requires participants to keep their chin and head stable. Virtual reality (VR) has shown much promise in ophthalmic diagnostics – especially in terms of freedom of head movement and precise control over experimental settings, besides being portable. In this study, we set out to see if patients can be screened for VFDs based on their EM in a VR-based framework and if they are comparable to the screen-based eyetracker. Moreover, we wanted to know if this framework can provide an effective and enjoyable user experience (UX) compared to our previous approach and the conventional SAP. Therefore, we first modified our method and implemented it on a VR head-mounted device with built-in eye tracking. Subsequently, 15 controls naïve to SAP, 15 patients with a neuro-ophthalmological disorder, and 15 glaucoma patients performed three tasks in a counterbalanced manner: (1) a visual tracking task on the VR headset while their EM was recorded, (2) the preceding tracking task but on a conventional screen-based eye tracker, and (3) SAP. We then quantified the spatio-temporal properties (STP) of the EM of each group using a cross-correlogram analysis. Finally, we evaluated the human–computer interaction (HCI) aspects of the participants in the three methods using a user-experience questionnaire. We find that: (1) the VR framework can distinguish the participants according to their oculomotor characteristics; (2) the STP of the VR framework are similar to those from the screen-based eye tracker; and (3) participants from all the groups found the VR-screening test to be the most attractive. Thus, we conclude that the EM-based approach implemented in VR can be a user-friendly and portable companion to complement existing perimetric techniques in ophthalmic clinics

    Eyes don\u27t lie: understanding users\u27 first impressions on website design using eye tracking

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    Websites are becoming more prevalent these days. They need to create a favorable first impression on the users during initial exposure. After allocating their attention to stimuli, users form a cognitive representation of the visual information leading to first impression. Hence, first impression is important to evaluate the effectiveness of a website. This research tries to examine the amount of exposure time needed to form first impression; identify the web design factors that influence the formation of users\u27 first impression; study the emotional responses of users on website design; and finally understand the relationship between first impression and eye movement. Eye movements on displays indicate spatial focus of attention. Eye tracking can provide fixation points where users focus their attention on stimuli. In this study eye tracking has been used to study users\u27 first impression on website design. The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, participants were presented with the stimuli of twenty five university websites\u27 screen shots of home pages on the eye tracker with no time restrain and asked to move on to the next stimuli when they feel that they have formed their initial impression of the website. On viewing each homepage, participants were asked to rate the page on their first impressions and emotional response. In the second phase, users were shown their gaze plots from the eye tracker device for the previous stimuli viewed, followed by a short interview. Twenty students from a mid west university were recruited to participate in the experiment. Quantitative analysis was performed on the various fixation data extracted from the eye tracker as well as on the data collected from survey. Open coding was performed on the qualitative data obtained from the interview. The results show that first impressions are formed within 180ms after allocating their attention to stimuli. The qualitative analysis identified various issues with the website design and also revealed a number of ways in which the website design can be improved that affects impression --Abstract, page iii

    Introduction to the PETMEI special issue

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    Latest developments in remote and head-mounted eye tracking and automated eye movement analysis point the way toward unobtrusive eye-based human-computer interfaces that will become pervasively usable in everyday life. We call this new paradigm pervasive eye tracking – continuous eye monitoring and analysis 24/7. Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI) is a workshop series that revolves around the theme of pervasive eye-tracking as a trailblazer for pervasive eye-based human-computer interaction and eye-based context-awareness. This special issue is composed from extended versions of the top-scoring papers from the 3rd workshop in the PETMEI series held in 2013

    Recognition, Analysis, and Assessments of Human Skills using Wearable Sensors

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    One of the biggest social issues in mature societies such as Europe and Japan is the aging population and declining birth rate. These societies have a serious problem with the retirement of the expert workers, doctors, and engineers etc. Especially in the sectors that require long time to make experts in fields like medicine and industry; the retirement and injuries of the experts, is a serious problem. The technology to support the training and assessment of skilled workers (like doctors, manufacturing workers) is strongly required for the society. Although there are some solutions for this problem, most of them are video-based which violates the privacy of the subjects. Furthermore, they are not easy to deploy due to the need for large training data. This thesis provides a novel framework to recognize, analyze, and assess human skills with minimum customization cost. The presented framework tackles this problem in two different domains, industrial setup and medical operations of catheter-based cardiovascular interventions (CBCVI). In particular, the contributions of this thesis are four-fold. First, it proposes an easy-to-deploy framework for human activity recognition based on zero-shot learning approach, which is based on learning basic actions and objects. The model recognizes unseen activities by combinations of basic actions learned in a preliminary way and involved objects. Therefore, it is completely configurable by the user and can be used to detect completely new activities. Second, a novel gaze-estimation model for attention driven object detection task is presented. The key features of the model are: (i) usage of the deformable convolutional layers to better incorporate spatial dependencies of different shapes of objects and backgrounds, (ii) formulation of the gaze-estimation problem in two different way, as a classification as well as a regression problem. We combine both formulations using a joint loss that incorporates both the cross-entropy as well as the mean-squared error in order to train our model. This enhanced the accuracy of the model from 6.8 by using only the cross-entropy loss to 6.4 for the joint loss. The third contribution of this thesis targets the area of quantification of quality of i actions using wearable sensor. To address the variety of scenarios, we have targeted two possibilities: a) both expert and novice data is available , b) only expert data is available, a quite common case in safety critical scenarios. Both of the developed methods from these scenarios are deep learning based. In the first one, we use autoencoders with OneClass SVM, and in the second one we use the Siamese Networks. These methods allow us to encode the expert’s expertise and to learn the differences between novice and expert workers. This enables quantification of the performance of the novice in comparison to the expert worker. The fourth contribution, explicitly targets medical practitioners and provides a methodology for novel gaze-based temporal spatial analysis of CBCVI data. The developed methodology allows continuous registration and analysis of gaze data for analysis of the visual X-ray image processing (XRIP) strategies of expert operators in live-cases scenarios and may assist in transferring experts’ reading skills to novices

    Real-time inference of word relevance from electroencephalogram and eye gaze

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    Objective. Brain-computer interfaces can potentially map the subjective relevance of the visual surroundings, based on neural activity and eye movements, in order to infer the interest of a person in real-time. Approach. Readers looked for words belonging to one out of five semantic categories, while a stream of words passed at different locations on the screen. It was estimated in real-time which words and thus which semantic category interested each reader based on the electroencephalogram (EEG) and the eye gaze. Main results. Words that were subjectively relevant could be decoded online from the signals. The estimation resulted in an average rank of 1.62 for the category of interest among the five categories after a hundred words had been read. Significance. It was demonstrated that the interest of a reader can be inferred online from EEG and eye tracking signals, which can potentially be used in novel types of adaptive software, which enrich the interaction by adding implicit information about the interest of the user to the explicit interaction. The study is characterised by the following novelties. Interpretation with respect to the word meaning was necessary in contrast to the usual practice in brain-computer interfacing where stimulus recognition is sufficient. The typical counting task was avoided because it would not be sensible for implicit relevance detection. Several words were displayed at the same time, in contrast to the typical sequences of single stimuli. Neural activity was related with eye tracking to the words, which were scanned without restrictions on the eye movements.EC/FP7/611570/EU/Symbiotic Mind Computer Interaction for Information Seeking/MindSe
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