6,843 research outputs found

    Task-based user profiling for query refinement (toque)

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    The information needs of search engine users vary in complexity. Some simple needs can be satisfied by using a single query, while complicated ones require a series of queries spanning a period of time. A search task, consisting of a sequence of search queries serving the same information need, can be treated as an atomic unit for modeling user’s search preferences and has been applied in improving the accuracy of search results. However, existing studies on user search tasks mainly focus on applying user’s interests in re-ranking search results. Only few studies have examined the effects of utilizing search tasks to assist users in obtaining effective queries. Moreover, fewer existing studies have examined the dynamic characteristics of user’s search interests within a search task. Furthermore, even fewer studies have examined approaches to selective personalization for candidate refined queries that are expected to benefit from its application. This study proposes a framework of modeling user’s task-based dynamic search interests to address these issues and makes the following contributions. First, task identification: a cross-session based method is proposed to discover tasks by modeling the best-link structure of queries, based on the commonly shared clicked results. A graph-based representation method is introduced to improve the effectiveness of link prediction in a query sequence. Second, dynamic task-level search interest representation: a four-tuple user profiling model is introduced to represent long- and short-term user interests extracted from search tasks and sessions. It models user’s interests at the task level to re-rank candidate queries through modules of task identification and update. Third, selective personalization: a two-step personalization algorithm is proposed to improve the rankings of candidate queries for query refinement by assessing the task dependency via exploiting a latent task space. Experimental results show that the proposed TOQUE framework contributes to an increased precision of candidate queries and thus shortened search sessions

    An Extensible Timing Infrastructure for Adaptive Large-scale Applications

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    Real-time access to accurate and reliable timing information is necessary to profile scientific applications, and crucial as simulations become increasingly complex, adaptive, and large-scale. The Cactus Framework provides flexible and extensible capabilities for timing information through a well designed infrastructure and timing API. Applications built with Cactus automatically gain access to built-in timers, such as gettimeofday and getrusage, system-specific hardware clocks, and high-level interfaces such as PAPI. We describe the Cactus timer interface, its motivation, and its implementation. We then demonstrate how this timing information can be used by an example scientific application to profile itself, and to dynamically adapt itself to a changing environment at run time

    Using open access literature to guide full-text query formulation

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Much scientific knowledge is contained in the details of the full-text biomedical literature. Most research in automated retrieval presupposes that the target literature can be downloaded and preprocessed prior to query. Unfortunately, this is not a practical or maintainable option for most users due to licensing restrictions, website terms of use, and sheer volume. Scientific article full-text is increasingly queriable through portals such as PubMed Central, Highwire Press, Scirus, and Google Scholar. However, because these portals only support very basic Boolean queries and full text is so expressive, formulating an effective query is a difficult task for users. We propose improving the formulation of full-text queries by using the open access literature as a proxy for the literature to be searched. We evaluated the feasibility of this approach by building a high-precision query for identifying studies that perform gene expression microarray experiments.

*Methodology and Results*
We built decision rules from unigram and bigram features of the open access literature. Minor syntax modifications were needed to translate the decision rules into the query languages of PubMed Central, Highwire Press, and Google Scholar. We mapped all retrieval results to PubMed identifiers and considered our query results as the union of retrieved articles across all portals. Compared to our reference standard, the derived full-text query found 56% (95% confidence interval, 52% to 61%) of intended studies, and 90% (86% to 93%) of studies identified by the full-text search met the reference standard criteria. Due to this relatively high precision, the derived query was better suited to the intended application than alternative baseline MeSH queries.

Using open access literature to develop queries for full-text portals is an open, flexible, and effective method for retrieval of biomedical literature articles based on article full-text. We hope our approach will raise awareness of the constraints and opportunities in mainstream full-text information retrieval and provide a useful tool for today’s researchers.

    Using open access literature to guide full-text query formulation

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Much scientific knowledge is contained in the details of the full-text biomedical literature. Most research in automated retrieval presupposes that the target literature can be downloaded and preprocessed prior to query. Unfortunately, this is not a practical or maintainable option for most users due to licensing restrictions, website terms of use, and sheer volume. Scientific article full-text is increasingly queriable through portals such as PubMed Central, Highwire Press, Scirus, and Google Scholar. However, because these portals only support very basic Boolean queries and full text is so expressive, formulating an effective query is a difficult task for users. We propose improving the formulation of full-text queries by using the open access literature as a proxy for the literature to be searched. We evaluated the feasibility of this approach by building a high-precision query for identifying studies that perform gene expression microarray experiments.
*Methodology and Results* 
We built decision rules from unigram and bigram features of the open access literature. Minor syntax modifications were needed to translate the decision rules into the query languages of PubMed Central, Highwire Press, and Google Scholar. We mapped all retrieval results to PubMed identifiers and considered our query results as the union of retrieved articles across all portals. Compared to our reference standard, the derived full-text query found 56% (95% confidence interval, 52% to 61%) of intended studies, and 90% (86% to 93%) of studies identified by the full-text search met the reference standard criteria. Due to this relatively high precision, the derived query was better suited to the intended application than alternative baseline MeSH queries.
Using open access literature to develop queries for full-text portals is an open, flexible, and effective method for retrieval of biomedical literature articles based on article full-text. We hope our approach will raise awareness of the constraints and opportunities in mainstream full-text information retrieval and provide a useful tool for today’s researchers.

    Automated information retrieval using CLIPS

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    Expert systems have considerable potential to assist computer users in managing the large volume of information available to them. One possible use of an expert system is to model the information retrieval interests of a human user and then make recommendations to the user as to articles of interest. At Cal Poly, a prototype expert system written in the C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) serves as an Automated Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AIRS monitors a user's reading preferences, develops a profile of the user, and then evaluates items returned from the information base. When prompted by the user, AIRS returns a list of items of interest to the user. In order to minimize the impact on system resources, AIRS is designed to run in the background during periods of light system use

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    An Analysis of Using Expert Systems and Intelligent Agents for the Virtual Library Project at the Naval Surface Warfare Center-Carderock Division

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    The Virtual Library Project1 at the Naval Surface Warfare Center/Carderock Division (NSWC/CD) is being developed to facilitate the incorporation and use of library documents via the Internet. These documents typically relate to the design and manufacture of ships for the U.S. Navy Fleet. As such, the libraries will store documents that contain not only text but also images, graphs and design configurations. Because of the dynamic nature of digital documents, particularly those related to design, rapid and effective cataloging of these documents becomes challenging. We conducted a research study to analyze the use of expert systems and intelligent agents to support the function of cataloging digital documents. This chapter provides an overview of past research in the use of expert systems and intelligent agents for cataloging digital documents and discusses our recommendations based on NSWC/CD’s requirements
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