9 research outputs found

    From ontology design to user-centred interfaces for music heritage

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    In this article we investigate the bridge between ontology design and UI/UX design methodologies to assist designers in prototyping web applications for information seeking purposes. We briefly review the state of the art in ontology design and UI/UX methodologies, then we illustrate our approach applied to a case study in the music heritage domain.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, part of "XII Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2023 Proceedings


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    This new digitalized era is bringing lots of advantages in the world of business today as many processes are being automated through web applications to ease the fast paced work life of people making things more rapidly and efficiently. However, due to some weaknesses in the configuration and development of web applications, it becomes easy for hackers to identify and exploit loopholes found in web applications. For that reason, it becomes vital to emphasize on the importance of web security. Therefore, a qualitative research methodology is used to investigate on the topic. To elaborate, the aim of this paper is to identify the common causes of data theft that occurred during the last few years, especially regarding the outbreak that happened in South Africa. Finally, few researches and development done in the area of security like SQl injection, Cross site scripting and others were examined

    Introduction to blended learning in financial accounting with SimEmp application

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    Com a necessidade de adotar e combinar diferentes formas de ensino e aprendizagem, foi utilizado o Simulador Empresarial (SimEmp- Avaliação) como ferramenta de apoio à iniciação do blended learning em contabilidade financeira. O SimEmp- Avaliação permite combinar o ensino presencial com o desenvolvimento de outras atividades online. Assim, os docentes definem um conjunto de questões e a respetiva resolução, as quais podem ser utilizadas em uma ou mais avaliações e os alunos, num período definido e fora da sala de aula, respondem a essas questões e/ou elaboram diferentes elementos das demonstrações financeiras. No final do período de cada avaliação, a aplicação apresenta automaticamente a classificação de cada aluno e permite ao docente visualizar as respostas às questões.With the need to adopt and combine different forms of teaching and learning, the Business Simulator (SimEmp- Avaliação) was used as a tool to support the initiation of blended learning in financial accounting. SimEmp- Avaliação allows to combine face-to-face teaching with the development of other online activities. Thus, teachers define a set of questions and the respective resolution, which can be used in one or more evaluations and the students, in a defined time and outside the classroom, answer these questions and / or develop different elements of financial statements. At the end of the evaluation period, the application automatically presents the classification of each student and allows the teacher to view the answers to the questions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Tool for Empathetic User Experience Design

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    abstract: Study in user experience design states that there is a considerable gap between users and designers. Collaborative design and empathetic design methods attempt to make a strong relationship between these two. In participatory design activities, projective `make tools' are required for users to show their thoughts. This research is designed to apply an empathetic way of using `make tools' in user experience design for websites clients, users, and designers. A magnetic wireframe tool has been used as a `make tool', and a sample project has been defined in order to see how the tool can create empathy among stakeholders. In this study fourth year graphic design students at Arizona State University (ASU), USA, are participating as users, faculty members have the role of clients, and Forty, Inc., a design firm in the Phoenix area, is the design team for the study. All of these three groups are cooperating on re-designing the homepage of the Design School in Herberger Institute for Design and Art (HIDA) at ASU. A method for applying the magnetic tool was designed and used for each group. Results of users and clients' activities were shared with the design team, and they designed a final prototype for the wireframe of the sample project. Observation and interviews were done to see how participants work with the tool. Also, follow up questionnaires were used in order to evaluate all groups' experiences with the magnetic wireframe. Lastly, as a part of questionnaires, a sentence completion method has been used in order to collect the participants' exact thoughts about the magnetic tool. Observations and results of data analysis in this research show that the tool was a helpful `make tool' for users and clients. They could talk about their ideas and also designers could learn more about people. The entire series of activities caused an empathetic relationship among stakeholders of the sample project. This method of using `make tools' in user experience design for web sites can be useful for collaborative UX design activities and further research in user experience design with empathy.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Design 201

    Sistema de recomendación de prendas basado en reconocimiento corporal (SISCORP)

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    Durante los últimos años, la tecnología ha evolucionado de manera acelerada, a la par que muchos emprendimientos han surgido y se han consolidado. En especial, los últimos dos años han sido un desafío para las empresas y negocios en todo el mundo debido a la pandemia que ha afectado a la mayoría de los rubros, impulsando aún más la necesidad de adaptación y transformación digital. Bajo ese contexto, los negocios cuyo canal principal de ventas era de manera presencial, se vieron obligadas a digitalizarse lo más pronto posible, si aún no lo habían hecho, para poder subsistir en este mundo tan competitivo de los negocios, incluso, hoy en día es primordial que un emprendimiento o negocio se encuentre presente en diversas plataformas y que ofrezcan diversos canales de ventas. Una de estas opciones es a través de su sitio web, que dispone de diversas funcionalidades, como el de realizar las compras desde la web sin necesidad de acudir presencialmente en una tienda física. Los desafíos más importantes en la venta de ropa se relacionan con una gran barrera que enfrentan los clientes, quienes no pueden probarse las prendas como lo harían en una tienda física y no siempre tienen la confianza necesaria para realizar compras de ropa por internet, debido a los posibles inconvenientes que puedan surgir, especialmente si se equivocan en el tamaño de la prenda o si esta no les queda como esperaban. Estos problemas pueden resultar en una pérdida de tiempo y dinero, debido a las gestiones necesarias para la logística de devolución, que es una de las principales barreras para un desarrollo sostenible del comercio electrónico en este sector. El presente trabajo se ha propuesto el poder integrar un sistema de reconocimiento corporal que, mediante la captura de dos fotos, permita funcionar como un probador de ropa virtual y conocer la talla que debe solicitar según los parámetros establecidos por el comercio, en la cual el sistema se pueda incorporar en cualquier negocio bajo la modalidad de suscripción mensual. Este sistema tendrá un margen de error máximo del 2% con el cuál es suficiente para poder asignarle y visualizar la prenda dentro de los rangos establecidos.During the last few years, technology has evolved rapidly, and many startups have emerged and consolidated. In particular, the last two years have been a challenge for companies and businesses worldwide due to the pandemic that has affected most sectors, further driving the need for digital adaptation and transformation. Under this context, businesses whose main sales channel was in-person were forced to digitize as soon as possible, if they had not already done so, to survive in this highly competitive business world. Nowadays, it is essential for a startup or business to be present on various platforms and offer various sales channels. One of these options is through their website, which has various functionalities, such as making purchases online without the need to physically visit a physical store. The most important challenges in clothing sales are related to a significant barrier faced by customers who cannot try on clothes as they would in a physical store and do not always have the necessary confidence to make clothing purchases online due to possible inconveniences that may arise, especially if they make mistakes in the size of the garment or if it does not fit as expected. These problems can result in a loss of time and money, due to the necessary logistics for return, which is one of the main barriers to sustainable development of e-commerce in this sector. This paper aims to integrate a body recognition system that, through the capture of two photos, allows it to function as a virtual fitting room and determine the size that the customer should request according to the parameters established by the commerce. The system can be incorporated into any business under the monthly subscription modality. This system will have a maximum margin of error of 2%, which is sufficient to assign and visualize the garment within the established ranges

    Aplicación web basada en la metodología Iconix para mejorar la difusión de la información de la radio Qhaphiya de Yunguyo

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general mejorar la difusión de la información de la radio Qhaphiya, empleando una aplicación web basada en la metodología Iconix. Se utilizó el tipo de investigación aplicada y el diseño experimental del grado pre-experimental, usando herramientas de recolección de datos, como fichas de observación y encuestas. Para la elaboración de la aplicación web se utilizaron la metodología Iconix; tecnologías como Php, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax; y como gestor de base de datos a MySQL. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que el nivel de difusión de la información se incrementó un 71.53%; el nivel de visibilidad de la información se incrementó un 43.33%; y la satisfacción de la audiencia se incrementó un 34.17%. La conclusión general fue que la aplicación web mejoró significativamente la difusión de la información de la radio Qhaphiya

    Sistema web para el control de inventario de equipos informáticos en la empresa Codijisa S.A.C.

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    El estudio de esta investigación fue determinar la influencia de un Sistema web para el control de inventario de equipos informáticos en la empresa Comercializadora y Distribuidora Jiménez S.A.C. – CODIJISA en 2021. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, causa – efecto, transversal, con diseño pre experimental. En los resultados se realizaron el pre test y post test de los indicadores EI: Exactitud del Inventario y VI: Vejez del Inventario. Se realizó la prueba de normalidad y la prueba paramétrica con T-Student, dónde se revisa las hipótesis, aceptando la correcta y rechazando la nula. Los resultados mostraron que la Exactitud del inventario mejoró de 61.65% a 73.89% con la implementación del sistema web para el control de inventario y, la Vejez del inventario mejoró de 0.53% a 0.72% con la implementación del sistema web para el control de inventario. Se concluyó que el sistema web para el control de inventario mejora el proceso de ambos indicadores en el post test y por ende mejorará el control de inventario de equipos informáticos en la empresa Comercializadora y Distribuidora Jiménez S.A.C. – CODIJISA en 2021

    Machine Learning Algorithm for the Scansion of Old Saxon Poetry

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    Several scholars designed tools to perform the automatic scansion of poetry in many languages, but none of these tools deal with Old Saxon or Old English. This project aims to be a first attempt to create a tool for these languages. We implemented a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) model to perform the automatic scansion of Old Saxon and Old English poems. Since this model uses supervised learning, we manually annotated the Heliand manuscript, and we used the resulting corpus as labeled dataset to train the model. The evaluation of the performance of the algorithm reached a 97% for the accuracy and a 99% of weighted average for precision, recall and F1 Score. In addition, we tested the model with some verses from the Old Saxon Genesis and some from The Battle of Brunanburh, and we observed that the model predicted almost all Old Saxon metrical patterns correctly misclassified the majority of the Old English input verses

    User experience design in web applications

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    Web applications differ from web sites as they have wide range of interactive features/functionalities and dynamic content. The content delivered via thin client or server driven architecture vary in size, structure and visual design. To accommodate such rich content care should be taken when designing user interface. Various methodologies exist to deliver the content to the users in an efficient manner. Due to the versatility and diversity of the information to be delivered via web applications, the focus shifts on to user satisfaction. Hence a user experience design aimed at user satisfaction becomes the main focus for such applications. This paper looks into few issues of designing web applications and recommends design criteria to create efficient web applications