767 research outputs found

    Understanding and measuring privacy violations in Android apps

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    Increasing data collection and tracking of consumers by today’s online services is becoming a major problem for individuals’ rights. It raises a serious question about whether such data collection can be legally justified under legislation around the globe. Unfortunately, the community lacks insight into such violations in the mobile ecosystem. In this dissertation, we approach these problems by presenting a line of work that provides a comprehensive understanding of privacy violations in Android apps in the wild and automatically measures such violations at scale. First, we build an automated tool that detects unexpected data access based on user perception when interacting with the apps’ user interface. Subsequently, we perform a large-scale study on Android apps to understand how prevalent violations of GDPR’s explicit consent requirement are in the wild. Finally, until now, no study has systematically analyzed the currently implemented consent notices and whether they conform to GDPR in mobile apps. Therefore, we propose a mostly automated and scalable approach to identify the current practices of implemented consent notices. We then develop an automatic tool that detects data sent out to the Internet with different consent conditions. Our result shows the urgent need for more transparent user interface designs to better inform users of data access and call for new tools to support app developers in this endeavor.Die zunehmende Datenerfassung und Verfolgung von Konsumenten durch die heutigen Online-Dienste wird zu einem großen Problem fĂŒr individuelle Rechte. Es wirft eine ernsthafte Frage auf, ob eine solche Datenerfassung nach der weltweiten Gesetzgebung juristisch begrĂŒndet werden kann. Leider hat die Gemeinschaft keinen Einblick in diese VerstĂ¶ĂŸe im mobilen Ökosystem. In dieser Dissertation nĂ€hern wir uns diesen Problemen, indem wir eine Arbeitslinie vorstellen, die ein umfassendes VerstĂ€ndnis von Datenschutzverletzungen in Android- Apps in der Praxis bietet und solche VerstĂ¶ĂŸe automatisch misst. ZunĂ€chst entwickeln wir ein automatisiertes Tool, das unvorhergesehene Datenzugriffe basierend auf der Nutzung der BenutzeroberflĂ€che von Apps erkennt. Danach fĂŒhren wir eine umfangreiche Studie zu Android-Apps durch, um zu verstehen, wie hĂ€ufig VerstĂ¶ĂŸe gegen die ausdrĂŒckliche Zustimmung der GDPR vorkommen. Schließlich hat bis jetzt keine Studie systematisch die gegenwĂ€rtig implementierten Zustimmungen und deren Übereinstimmung mit der GDPR in mobilen Apps analysiert. Daher schlagen wir einen meist automatisierten und skalierbaren Ansatz vor, um die aktuellen Praktiken von Zustimmungen zu identifizieren. Danach entwickeln wir ein Tool, das Daten erkennt, die mit unterschiedlichen Zustimmungsbedingungen ins Internet gesendet werden. Unser Ergebnis zeigt den dringenden Bedarf an einer transparenteren Gestaltung von BenutzeroberflĂ€chen, um die Nutzer besser ĂŒber den Datenzugriff zu informieren, und wir fordern neue Tools, die App-Entwickler bei diesem Unterfangen unterstĂŒtzen. ii

    The Diverse Names Generator: An app for decreasing bias and promoting inclusion

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    It has been well established that example sentences in linguistics use a remarkably non-diverse set of proper names in terms of gender, culture, and ethnicity (e.g., Macaulay & Brice 1997, CĂ©peda et al. 2021, and Kotek et al. 2021). Here, we introduce a new resource, the Diverse Names Generator (DNG), which provides randomly selected proper names with IPA transcriptions from a user-contributed, linguist-curated database of names from a wide range of languages and cultures. Generating names randomly helps users to overcome unconscious bias that may lead them to default to using Anglophone, male-gendered names. The DNG can be accessed both through a website interface and through a downloadable Android app, both with offline capabilities. This novel resource is the first of its kind and can be used both while preparing examples ahead of time and while generating examples live in the classroom

    On Understanding Permission Usage Contextuality of Android Apps

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    In the runtime permission model, the context in which a permission is requested/used the first time may change later without the user's knowledge. Prior research identifies user dissatisfaction on varying contexts of permission use in the install-time permission model. However, the contextual use of permissions by the apps that are developed/adapted for the runtime permission model has not been studied. Our goal is to understand how permissions are requested and used in different contexts in the runtime permission model, and compare them to identify potential abuse. We present ContextDroid, a static analysis tool to identify the contexts of permission request and use. Using this tool, we analyze 38,838 apps (from a set of 62,340 apps) from the Google Play Store. We devise a mechanism following the best practices and permission policy enforcement by Google to flag apps for using permissions in potentially unexpected contexts. We flag 30.20\% of the 38,838 apps for using permissions in multiple and dissimilar contexts. Comparison with VirusTotal shows that non-contextual use of permissions can be linked to unwanted/malicious behaviour: 34.72\% of the 11,728 flagged apps are also detected by VirusTotal (i.e., 64.70\% of the 6,295 VirusTotal detected apps in our dataset). We find that most apps don't show any rationale if the user previously denied a permission. Furthermore, 13\% (from the 22,567 apps with identified request contexts) apps show behaviour similar to the install-time permission model by requesting all dangerous permissions when the app is first launched. We hope this thesis will bring attention to non-contextual permission usage in the runtime model, and may spur research into finer-grained permission control


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    Mobile operating systems pervade our modern lives. Security and privacy is of particular concern on these systems, as they have access to a wide range of sensitive resources. Apps access these sensitive resources to help users perform tasks. However, apps may use these sensitive resources in a way that the user does not expect. For example, an app may look up reviews of restaurants nearby, but also leak the user’s location to an ad service every hour. I claim that interaction serves as a valuable component of security decisions, because the user’s interaction with the app’s user interface (UI) deeply informs their mental model of how apps access sensitive data. I introduce the notion of interaction-based security, wherein security decisions are driven by this interaction. To help understand and enforce interaction-based security, I present four pieces of work. The first is Redexer, which performs binary instrumentation of off-the-shelf Android binaries. Binary instrumentation is a useful tool for enforcing and studying security properties. I demonstrate one example of how Redexer can be used to study location privacy in apps. Android permissions constrain how data enters apps, but do not constrain how the information is used or where it goes. Information-flow allows us to formally define what it means for data to leak from applications, but it is unclear how to use information-flow policies for Android apps, because apps frequently declassify information. I define interaction-based declassification policies, and show how they can be used to define policies for several example apps. I then implement a symbolic executor which checks Android apps to ensure they respect these policies. Next, I test the hypothesis that the app’s UI influences security decisions. I outline an app study that measures when apps use sensitive resources with respect to their UI. I then conduct a user study to measure how an app’s UI influences their expectation that a sensitive resource will be accessed. I find that interactivity plays a large role in determining user expectation of sensitive resource use, and that apps largely access sensitive resources interactively. I also find that users may not always understand background uses of these sensitive resources and using them expectation requires special care in some circumstances. Last, I present a tool which can help a security auditor quickly understand how apps use resources. My tool uses a novel combination of app logging, symbolic execution, and abstract interpretation to infer a formula that holds on each per- mission use. I evaluate my tool on several moderately-sized apps and show that it infers the same formulas we laboriously found by hand

    Incorporating android conversational agents in m-learning apps

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    Smart Mobile Devices Have Fostered New Learning Scenarios That Demand Sophisticated Interfaces. Multimodal Conversational Agents Have Became A Strong Alternative To Develop Human-Machine Interfaces That Provide A More Engaging And Human-Like Relationship Between Students And The System. The Main Developers Of Operating Systems For Such Devices Have Provided Application Programming Interfaces For Developers To Implement Their Own Applications, Including Different Solutions For Developing Graphical Interfaces, Sensor Control And Voice Interaction. Despite The Usefulness Of Such Resources, There Are No Strategies Defined For Coupling The Multimodal Interface With The Possibilities That These Devices Offer To Enhance Mobile Educative Apps With Intelligent Communicative Capabilities And Adaptation To The User Needs. In This Paper, We Present A Practical M-Learning Application That Integrates Features Of Android Application Programming Interfaces On A Modular Architecture That Emphasizes Interaction Management And Context-Awareness To Foster User-Adaptively, Robustness And Maintainability.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485

    Smart mobile sensing for measuring quality of experience (QoE) in urban public transports

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informåtica e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    JShelter: Give Me My Browser Back

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    The Web is used daily by billions. Even so, users are not protected from many threats by default. This position paper builds on previous web privacy and security research and introduces JShelter, a webextension that fights to return the browser to users. Moreover, we introduce a library helping with common webextension development tasks and fixing loopholes misused by previous research. JShelter focuses on fingerprinting prevention, limitations of rich web APIs, prevention of attacks connected to timing, and learning information about the computer, the browser, the user, and surrounding physical environment and location. We discovered a loophole in the sensor timestamps that lets any page observe the device boot time if sensor APIs are enabled in Chromium-based browsers. JShelter provides a fingerprinting report and other feedback that can be used by future security research and data protection authorities. Thousands of users around the world use the webextension every day
